Call to Action | January 2025
The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
They fought for us, now we fight for them.
Join Our Team!
Our team thrives in a culture that focuses on what we can do together for our veterans in our communities and beyond. View our current openings!
Oral Argument Schedule
Every month, the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims reviews cases that address veterans' benefits, disability claims, and appeals related to service connected issues.
You can watch live online on their YouTube channel, linked?here.
As usual, the docket is also subject to change.
Upcoming Arguments:
Available Pro Bono Cases
We have veterans who NEED YOUR HELP! View our list of available pro bono cases.
Reminder, we only give cases to our trained volunteers.
Trained Veterans Consortium volunteers receive the following:
Interested? Email?[email protected] about upcoming trainings or to schedule a training for your firm.
Veterans Naturalization Clinic
Wednesday, February 5
1:00–4:00 PM EST
This is a virtual clinic and by appointment only.
Find out if your case qualifies for a FREE appointment with an attorney. Fill out the intake form below.
Questions? [email protected]
Join Us at PBI
February 26-28
999 9th Street NW
Washington, D.C., 20001
The Veterans Consortium will be sponsoring and holding an exhibitors booth at PBI.
Planning to attend and want to meet up?
Email [email protected] to schedule.
Case Law Updates
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC)
Ley v. McDonough, 23-1547 | Decided on January 2, 2025
The Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims held that a claimant may receive an effective date for benefits earlier than provided under 38 U.S.C. § 5110 based on constitutional principles under the narrow exception described in Taylor v. McDonough, which it held did not apply to Mr. Ley.
Conyers v. McDonough, 17-4423 | Decided on January 8, 2025
The Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims utilized the criteria and principles set forth in Euzebio v. McDonough (Euzebio II), to determine when VA constructively possesses a document.
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Fed. Cir.)
Winterbottom v. McDonough, 23-2097 | Decided on December 27, 2024
The Federal Circuit dismissed Mr. Winterbottom’s appeal, finding that the decision he challenged is a non-final remand order and does not meet the Williams v. Principi, finality exception criteria.
Rodenhizer v. McDonough, 23-1377 | Decided on December 30, 2024
The Federal Circuit held that when there is a fact question as to benefit eligibility, the Veterans Court should stay action on a motion to substitute in the original claimant’s case and stay the determination of whether the case should be dismissed pending a final determination on the eligibility in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) proceeding.
Honoring & Serving Our Veterans: Successful Outcomes
Congratulate?our volunteers on their big wins!?
Click the links below and give them kudos for their great work.
Tag us?& add #theyfoughtforus so we can?share your shoutout.
Want to see your name down there?
Email [email protected] to become a Veterans Consortium volunteer.
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Krishna Ramaraju
Law Firms
Andrea Augustus
David Comfort
Katherine Helm
Pejmon Pashai
Edward Keating
Terry Weiss
David Bloch
Cassidy Kim
Mike Just
Leah Eubanks
Kim Beckett
Nicholas Phinney
Eric Seitz
David Tobin
Grayson Williams
Porco Law
Christopher Porco
Solo Practitioners
Colin Carriere
Benjamin Dunford
Matthew Golper
Aaron Moshiashwili
Hassan Naderzadeh
Theodore Nastase
Veterans Law Practitioners
Falen LaPonzina
Chrys Attig
Alexandra Curran
Haley Smith
Jonathan Brenner
Kenneth Carpenter
Javier Centonzio
Grace Paul
Terrence Gorman
Paul Jennings
Chesley Michaels
Lorenzo DiSalvo
Julia Gieseking
Chad MacIsaac
Universities and Legal Clinics
Judy Clausen
Lindsay Hanson
Morgan MacIsaac-Bykowski
Stacey-Rae Simcox
Additional Volunteers
Peter Allen
Discharge Upgrade Program
Peiyuan Guo
Thomas Sheehan
Legal Assistance Program's Clinic Volunteers
Eden Anderson
Tim Stafford
?U.S. Federal Government?
Jordan Mynier
Niall O'Donnell
Gonzalo Rodriguez
Solo Practitioner
Mussaret Zuberi
*Successful outcomes for their TVC clients as of January 14, 2025.
?CONTACT US if you or a veteran you know needs legal assistance with:
Please Note:?For?family law, landlord tenant disputes, medical malpractice, etc.?we only provide legal advice through our D.C., Maryland, and Virginia clinics.?
Veterans elsewhere can?visit the Stateside Legal website to access other local legal resources.