Call to Action – Important Deadlines Looming
U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Poultry & Eggs (US-RSPE)
A multi-stakeholder initiative to advance, support and communicate continuous improvement in the poultry value chain.
As we step into the last six months of 2024, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the important meetings and announcements that lie ahead. Principally, the IPWA/US-RSPE Sustainability and Welfare Summit and the upcoming US-RSPE Framework reporting deadline, which will yield our first US-RSPE Sustainability Report. Please read and consider this call to action below.?
IPWA/US-RSPE Sustainability and Welfare Summit?
This is the last day for early bird registration!!
After today the registration cost will slightly increase, but we have made keeping the cost of our conference down a priority due to the importance of meeting together.
We have a registration page for the Summit, and we have a separate link for the hotel. It is VERY important to us that you use and book your room using our hotel link because we are on the hook for room attrition rates for the room block that we have reserved.??
Summit Agenda:
Summit Registration Link:
Summit Hotel Link:
US-RSPE Framework Reporting Deadline?
We have extended the reporting deadline for the US-RSPE Framework Reporting period for 2023 to July 31st. This is a very pivotal year for reporting because we plan to release our first ever US-RSPE Sustainability Report.
I would encourage you to consider reporting even if you feel like you aren’t where you want to be in terms of the number of things you are measuring. It’s important to the organization to have a high level of participation and show more data coming in over time.
Remember – we didn’t design the Framework to have everyone answer every single question when they report into the Framework. We designed it as a starting place to build on over time. You are able to select “decline to answer” on any question without any judgement whatsoever. Only you can see your data. Nobody else can see your data and we as US-RSPE only have access to the aggregate data.??
Are you attending or presenting at any of these events? Let us help you share IPWA or US-RSPE. Email [email protected]?for more information
July 15-18 PSA Annual Meeting Executive Director Ryan Bennet will be presenting ?The Research and Innovation committee will be holding a Free Range Icebreaker Event. Sign up for the event here.
July 23-26? National Restaurant Association Event: The Table Ryan Bennett will attend. ?
July 24-25? ELBA- Latin American Meeting Santiago, Chile Ken Opengart will be presenting ?
July 29-31, 2024 Chicken Marketing Summit Sustainability 2035: What will it mean and how will we measure it?- Ethan Carter, director of sustainability, Darling Ingredients ?
August 19-21 US Poultry Seminar: National Safety Conference for the Poultry Industry ?
August 22-23 US Poultry Seminar: Women's Leadership Conference
Register NOW September 3-6th Poultry Sustainability & Welfare Summit
We want to share your content!? Please like, follow, and share our content on social media. A repost to your network goes a long way!? As members share news and information about sustainability and welfare, we repost to highlight your membership and achievement.? ?
Have a podcast? We want to work with you on an episode! Message us for more information at [email protected]
Ryan on the Discover Ag Podcast?for US-RSPE ?
Meat+Poultry Welfare Training Modules Launched
Poultry World Exclusive Interview with IPWA Chair Richard Griffiths.?
Ryan Bennett speaks on the Global Food Partners Podcast?for IPWA
Dr. Katy Tarrant with the IPWA Education and Training Committee on The National Provisioner Podcast
Feedstuffs Key Welfare Indicator Training Modules Announced in Partnership with COOP WATT Poultry Top Story US-RSPE Supports Poultry Sustainability??
The Key Welfare Indicator Guide Modules were officially launched at IPPE! You can check out the complimentary intro course here, or use the online link to enroll.