Call to Action
A "Go Fund Me" account has started for the Fallen Heroes Memorial. We need your support to raise $20K to cover the cost to relocate the memorial. Would you agree a donation as little as $1 will help say to our families of fallen Soldiers that we care? The problem is that this memorial was built with donated funds from the private sector (like yourself) hence trying to get appropriated government funds is bureaucratic and takes longer than the few months remaining. We have until April 1, 2016, to complete this patriotic endeavor. The solution is your support and contribution to fund this project. When you contribute, you honor our fallen Soldiers. You also honor members of our Armed Forces by showing them you care, even when the fog of war has cleared. Your contribution is tax deductible. Most of all, you earned the honor of giving to a cause that is priceless during this historic moment of 3rd Brigade's closure. You agree that supporting this endeavor is a worthy cause, right? You agree that this is a way of honoring our fallen Soldiers? You agree that people of America take care of their own. Now is the time to show you care. Go to this website and donate. We appreciate any help you can provide.
Below are the organizations that have already given their pledged support. We thank them for their generous contributions:
- Columbus Bank and Trust
- Friends of Sledgehammer Brigade
- The Rental Group, LLC
- People of the Columbus Community
- National Infantry Museum
Please join us and help make this project a success! Make a pledge. Take a stand. Donate!