Call 5 of the Interreg 2 Seas Programme is open
Call4 Europe
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On the 1st of August, a new Call for Proposals was published by the Management Authority of the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) Programme Interreg 2 Seas. The programme is implemented in the 2014-2020 period, in coastal areas of UK, France, Holland, Belgium (Flanders) (for eligible regions look at this link).
Projects will be approved after 2 steps: evaluation of concept notes; evaluation of the full proposals. ERDF cofunding cannot exceed 60% of the total project cost. Eligible applicants may be both public and private entities. Projects shall be coherent with specific objectives of the Interreg 2 Seas Programme, specifically the promotion in the target areas, of: Framework conditions for innovation; Technological innovation; Social Innovation; Low-Carbon Technologies; Adaptation to Climate Change; Efficient Use of Resources and Materials; Circular Economy.