Caliphate, the Muslim Secular Model of Public Rulership!
Caliphate is a total, secular model of public rulership function in a social-democratic climate. Before I go further, let's agree on the definition of secularism in political philosophy. Secularism is the principle of conducting public affairs based on impartial, naturalistic considerations. I have found other descriptions of secularity that better suit personal, casual situations. In the characterization I drove for secularism, I find it nearly improbable to determine an authentic secular system of government in today's cluttered world.
The conception of secular public rulership in Islam developed in Medina after the arrival of the Prophet of Islam in 622 CE. Prophet Muhammad found an equilibrium state between individual freedom and collective well-being with the formation of Ummah and the assimilation of the concept of reciprocal commitments. The Charter of Medina articulates the secular facets of Ummah under the emerging rule. It upholds individual and tribal liberty in unilateral affairs, and yet, all tribes are part of Ummah, a society in which Muslims and non-Muslims have shared rights and duties. The Charter is the most expressive document on this topic that survived from the time of the Prophet Muhammad. I think this document is the first in the history of humanity that looked at assorted people from a considerate perspective. In people's candidacy, the Prophet has always selected the most skilful individuals for the role over the most pious. I consider modern-day technocracy more comparable to Islam's choices for public administration. The Prophet has died and left a generation of people who apprehended the purpose of human life and were qualified enough to drive the development of the Ummah forward.
Nothing in the Muslim sacred text would clarify the preferred shape of government; however, the early adherents of Islam have understood from the teachings of the Quran and the practices of the Prophet that group consultation with prudent people is necessary to avoid dissonance and attain political strength. Islam has encouraged the faithful community to pursue methodical group reasoning in all matters of public concern. The connotation of the oath of commitment to the general leadership is possibly the first in history to become an indispensable element of the emergent political system. The impeachment of public leaders has become conceivable in Islamic rulership and has evolved into a right that has never existed. The inaugural address for the first caliphs carried straightforward statements about the daybreak of a new epoch of secular political leadership, the time of Rightly Guided - Rashidun - Successors, 632-661 CE. During that time, the accountability of public officials has become so expected that people have turned heedful to bear the responsibility in public services. At that time, personal beliefs were offstage affairs, but touching the public administration was a secular determination governed by the collective interest and group prosperity. Faith is a solitary, voluntary trip, and the role of the Caliph is to secure the freedom of religious practice to every subject of the nation, the Ummah.
I realize that most people won't agree with what I say because most people are either biased or lack enough facts about the topic. The modern misconceptions about public rulership in Islam originate from the Western quarrel with the influence of the Catholic Church in Europe. Western people see the world from a narrow perspective. The Western population has endured the grip of the priesthood, and they presume the priesthood exists in Islam, too. For those, I'd like to disclose that Islam takes an opposing stand on the priesthood. The law and the accepted code of conduct define relations between people.
The modern Muslim community has also suffered from the exclusiveness of ailed interpretations of Islam, which rendered some Muslims view early Islamic periods negatively.
The Rashidun civil order has ended, and a new age of tyrannical rulership has begun. In the new era, people have witnessed flagrant abuse of religious activities to accomplish political or social suspicious arrangements. However, those with sound knowledge have always shown intense antagonism to the tyrant and corrupt political establishment. I anathematize those who exploit creeds to attain suspicious objectives.
The central text of Islam, the Quran, has instituted well-defined objectives for public leadership. Secular humanism is the cornerstone; it assures individual liberty in evenhanded polity regardless of religious orientation. Islam appreciates the diversity in life and urges us to embrace that approach. A secular country or state is or claims to be officially neutral regarding religion, and the Quran indisputably says, No Compulsion in Religion. Islam inspires the people and leaders alike to work for collective social and economic welfare. Wellness elevates awareness.
Across the globe, the reckless human demeanour and misguided decisions have induced tremendous ill-being. Vandal individuals dominate the decision-making process in every institution on the planet. The distress we see and feel is a natural development of deceptive, apathetic judgment brought by incognizant minds. We see many factors are destabilizing the fabric of society. Many government institutions are corrupt to the core. Many politicians detach from reality and view those who want freedom as enemies. The mainstream media has become a propaganda arm of governments whose primary goal is to augment state power and demonize dissent. The quality of people and the worth of their cooperation are the limiting factors that hold us from reaching comprehensive prosperity. People in leadership roles are in the chaos of an endless conflict of interest with superiors, equivalents, or subordinates. And nothing would decipher such a mess other than realizing the value of oneself and the role a human should play in life.
Faith is the only domain that could hold the remedy for this entangled corruption!
The purpose of this writing is to refute any justification some people would employ for the oppression of others under the name of Islamic rulership.