CALINE rewrite in progress - Part 2
Bob Nuchow's first solar powered Y.A. adventure novel

CALINE rewrite in progress - Part 2

"Okay, we'll add that information when we get back to the settlement and speak to Gracie and Joy about going to Placitas. Now let's focus on what we need from WalMart. We should pick up a couple of portable car battery chargers and jump starter kits when we try to start vehicles from the Aptera and Telo truck lots. They won't start after sitting there for a year. We already have a few kits from the Tractor Store and Home Depot just in case the 12-volt battery in the Telo trucks we already have from the casino died sitting unused too long. Wal-Mart will have some in their auto department next to sporting goods." Everyone became quiet as George reminded us of the two men we just recently chased away trying to get into the casino. He reminded us they were the same who had killed Cindy. “We have to let Gracie know when we get back before we talk about going to Placitas. We have to be really careful and on guard in case they saw and followed us or were already here when we chased them away a couple of hours ago.” George added, “We’ll have to stick together as one big group in case they're hanging inside the store. Alex, Gustalvo, get the rifles." George retrieved a handgun to carry in with him.

We stayed alert as we walked to the main entrance not seeing or hearing anyone. We each grabbed and started pushing a cart once inside. “The sporting section is in the back of the store way over there in the corner. We can work our way to the other sections after we’re done there.” George pointed.

I added, “Some of you played soccer before the big sickness. Grab anything you think I missed for teaching those who haven’t played, and for all of us to play together once we’re ready.” Two carts were quickly filled up with soccer balls, hand pumps, orange cones, and a couple of boxed goal nets we would put together once back at the settlement. Another cart was filled with various sizes of soccer shoes we found hanging on the back wall.

I jumped as Michelle shouted, “Look out!!!” The two guys we had chased across 550 must have seen and followed us, sneaking behind us into the store. They had baseball bats and were in my aisle closing in on me entering my aisle. They didn’t see George, Gustalvo, Alex with weapons raised running quietly up behind them. George stepped off to the side as the two guys heard their footsteps and turned to face them. Gustalvo and Alex ran straight at them, grabbing the barrels of their rifles, hitting each head with a fast, hard swing of the butt.

Smash! “This is for Cindy assholes!”

The two punks didn’t have a chance being angrily battered, bloodied and unconscious down to the floor. George huffs to Gustalvo. “Go get some of those long plastic zip ties from hardware Gustalvo.”? Gustalvo wipes the blood off his rifle and takes off running to hardware. Cristian walks over to stand over both guys bashed unconscious ready with a bat he picked up just in case they come to. Michelle and I stood back still shaken by the brief confrontation.

Gustalvo returns with a package of long zip ties from hardware, tore open the plastic of long zip ties with his teeth, scooted down on his knees next to the unconscious guys and tied their wrists together, then their ankles, then zip tied their wrists to their ankles. George rolls them back-to-back for Gustalvo to zip tie them together at the wrist and ankle. “They won’t be following us again for a while. We'll contact Gracie's sister Cheryl to get and take care of them if they're available and able to” He adds, “I don't think they can get out of those zip ties by the time Cheryl, or her deputies arrive. And if Cheryl and her people can’t get here for whatever reason, then whatever happens to them is deserved. We won't have to worry about them next time we need supplies from here or anywhere else.”

I shook myself out of being shaken and back to what we came here for. “I think we have everything I need for soccer. Let’s go get the rest of our stuff and get the hell out of here and back to Gracie. I want to see how my sisters Ginger and Gray are doing without me.” Our procession of carts departed for the next section, filling up, then the next, then the next until all had something to load into our vehicle to drive back on 528, across 550, to Gracie, the kids, everyone else, Ginger, Gray, Tiger, and the settlement’s dogs.

Dusk was just beginning to dim the early evening light as we drove into the settlement and parked. We left everything we brought back in the vehicles as we walked over to the common dining area and tables where Gracie, Joy, and everyone else were still eating. Gracie and Joy saw our group walking over and stood up to greet us. “Oh, my goodness. You kids looked bushed. Did you bring the whole store back with you?” Smiling with our return. then looked at our faces seeing something wrong. “What happened?” She asked George.

George pushed himself slowly to an empty space at the table, motioning others to also find a place to sit near him. Everyone squeezed in at empty spots to take a seat at the long picnic table where Gracie and Joy were sitting. Several people who were eating at the table had moved to other tables with their food to make room.? George takes a deep breath, gently and slowly begins. “We saw two of Cindy’s murderers today at the casino. We chased them away to and across highway 550. They followed us into WalMart where we went for Caline's soccer gear and picked up what supplies we needed and could for the settlement. They thought they had snuck in behind Caline and Michelle. Gustalvo, Alex, and I saw, confronted, and stopped them. Contact Cheryl and let her know to send someone there if she can or someone can pick them up. We left them unconscious and zipped up.”

Gracie gives out a first, short sob as she lowers her head to rest on her arms folded on the table. She begins to shudder out a few more sobs, releasing a long-held sadness as George gets up to stand behind Gracie and wraps his arms around her while she cries for Cindy. He stood there in silence for about a minute before Gracie raised her head and gently pushed George to wipe her eyes. “Thank you for telling me what happened George. You fill me in on the rest later.” She turned to me and asked. “Caline, did you find what you needed to teach and play your soccer with our young children here?”

I looked at George to make sure it was okay to move on from everyone's loss and Gracie tears.? He nodded and went ahead letting me answer yes and adding how good it felt to take a shower back in the hotel. “I got everything, plus more. Everyone helped. We even brought back soccer shoes to try on and wear while we learn, practice, and finally play. I like to take Ginger and Gray with me tomorrow to spend the night there sleeping in a bed, move all our stuff to stay there, keep taking showers after soccer practice, and have my own bathroom. I don’t want to use or share someone else's bathroom in one of the geodomes, RVs, or trailers if I don’t have to. I also told George, Michelle, Gustalvo, Alex, and Cristian that I needed to go back to Placitas to get and bring my soccer friends here.?

George, Michelle, Gustalvo, Alex, and Cristian looked at each other, then me and Gracie. Joy watched Gracie's face as George finally turned to Gracie. “I saw the regret in Caline's face as she briefly shared her need to go get her friends. I also saw how great she felt, and she looked coming out of the hotel room after she took her shower and changed into clean clothes. I started thinking how nice it would be to feel that same way and going back to one of the hotel rooms to take a shower. So, if we're going, we'll need more vehicles to help Caline to go back to Placitas and bring her friends here."

Gustalvo pointed to Michelle and Cristian. "Michelle and Cristian said that's no problem with all the vehicles on the Aptera and Telo truck lots next to the Tesla auto center. Alex, Michelle, Cristian, George, Caline, and I can walk over from the hotel to check charging on a half dozen trucks to see if we can start and move them over to the settlement to fully charge them up with more GoSun kits from the WalMart auto center. A week out under the sun should be enough charge to drive the trucks to and back from Placitas with plenty of room for almost two dozen people with space in the cargo bed for all their stuff."

"We should get Cheryl to have at least one of her posse, escort us in case we run into any trouble on either way to or in Placitas." George added. We'll stop by the health clinic where Cheryl has her station when we head back to WalMart for the extra GoSun kits to charge the trucks."

Alex jumped into the conversation. “I remembered that the casino also had GoSun charging kits as jackpot prizes in addition to the Telo Trucks that were on floor displays. I don't know how many kits the casino had and was going to give out. But we can get and use whatever kits are there when we go back to the hotel for Caline, I guess George now, and me too now, probably everyone else who goes along to take showers." Alex laughs.

Michelle's face lit up with a broad grin. "I would love a nice long shower!"? Cristian and Gustalvo both laugh simultaneously, reaching for and squeezing their noses. Gracie and Joy look at each other as tension drops away with them now smiling, then joining in the laughter.

Joy's laughs suddenly ended as her face became serious in thought. "I think there may be some folks who stayed back on the Pueblo and those who relocated on the Coronado Camping Grounds who may like to move into a nice room at the hotel with Caline and her friends from Placitas." Joy faced Gracie. "You might have a list of all the Jackpot prize information at your old VIP Desk at the hotel for the guests you helped while working there. That would help us find and retrieve the rest of the GoSun charging kits from the casino to charge up the trucks.?

Gracie looked a bit taken back, swallowed, looked slowly at each of us and then seemed to come to a decision on something very hard for her. “I’ll go with you tomorrow back to the hotel when you return with Caline for her to shower and move in." She turned to me. “Caline, you can stay in the hotel tomorrow night with Ginger and Gray only if you have at least two people move in and stay with you at the hotel.” She turns to George. “Do you think Michelle would be willing to share and stay in the room with Caline? And would you, Gustalvo, Cristian, Alex or maybe all of you stay in rooms next to Caline’s?”

Our group looked excitedly, smiling at each other and one by one began saying, "I'm in," George answered first, followed by Michelle turning to me, "I'm in soccer sister." Gustalvo, Cristian, and Alex joined with their, "I'm in." George asked. “Where will your adopted sisters Ginger and Gray stay?”

I answered. “In the room with me of course. They’ll be fine if Michelle’s sharing the room with us. But you’ll have to ask Michelle first if she even wants to spend the night away from here. And if she’s okay sharing and staying in a hotel room with me, Ginger, and Gray. And my sisters will have some company already living in the hotel when we move in. We heard a cat and kittens on the second floor.” Gracie raises an eyebrow, Then, quickly dismisses my added discovery returning to Joy's mention of other folks who might want to move into the hotel with me.

Gracie quickly offers. “Joy and I will talk about her people still back on the Pueblo and the camping grounds. We’ll walk over and go to the vehicles and let you eat. I can’t wait to see what you brought back. Caline, you can talk with everyone who's moving in with you tomorrow while you eat before turning in tonight. There's no electricity in the hotel. George, Gustalvo, Michelle, Cristian, Alex, you guys pack up whatever flashlights and batteries you have and we can give you with your stuff to load in the morning for your move after tomorrow’s breakfast and the young children's soccer practice with Caline."

I was hungry after our long, eventful day. So was everyone else in our group. George, Gustalvo, and I grabbed their plates, got up to where the food was set out. We all piled lots of food on, hurried back to our seats at the table, hungrily devouring whatever was loaded on our plates. Ginger and Gray were there waiting for me as I returned to the table to begin eating, immediately rubbing up against my legs, happy to see me. The settlement’s dogs had also come to the table putting their paws up on the table, tails vigorously wagging, tongues hanging out, drooling, doing their hopeful begging for food.

Joy and Gracie returned to the tables from looking at what we brought back from WalMart still inside the parked vehicles. “You guys did good with lots of stuff we needed." Gracie said as she stopped behind me. "Caline, looks like you got the whole sporting department for the kids. They're going to love learning and playing soccer with you! You had a long day. I’m sure you’re all very tired. It’ll be a busy day for you again tomorrow. We’ll clean up here after you're all done eating. Just go on to pack and rest when you're finished. Caline, Ginger and Gray look eager and ready to go with you. The children have already gone off to get ready for bed.”

I finished eating and was indeed very tired. I reached down to hug both Ginger and Gray sitting next to me waiting patiently. “I missed you two so much today.” I said as I scratched behind their ears. I pushed away from the table to stand up seeing Gracie and Joy at another table cleaning up with several other folks from the settlement I hadn't seen before. Ginger and Gray walked beside me as I started back to Gracie’s and Joy's place.

Tiger was waiting outside to greet us. He slinked in, out, between both Ginger’s and Gray’s legs, then rubbed up against mine. “Hi Tiger. It’s good to see you too.” I told him as we walked to our sleeping spot.? I kicked off my sneakers and crashed in my clothes on the floor and air bed cuddling with my furred sisters. Tiger padded, wiggled his way, and plopped down between Ginger and Gray. We all drifted off to sleep as soon as I laid down.

It was still dark outside when I woke up needing to pee. I was torn. I didn’t want to go outside and use the communal trailer and I couldn’t wait and hold my need to pee until we were ready to go back to the hotel, my room, and the bathroom I took my shower in. Ginger and Gray were snoring away and looked way too comfortable to wake up. I gritted my teeth, sat up, slipped my sneakers on to make a last trip to the trailer outside. I stood up and walked quietly.

“Ughh!” That’s the last time, I told myself. The bathroom stunk. The collected gray water needed to be emptied and refilled with new non smelling water. I kicked off my sneakers to lay back down to sleep with the huddle bunched up together almost snoring in unison.

“What?” Gracie was leaning over me and rocking my shoulders to wake me. I didn’t remember falling asleep. “I’m up, I’m up.” Mumbling to Gracie trying to get her to stop so I could fall back to sleep. She didn’t and I finally sat up. “Okay, I’m really up. What’s so urgent?” I noticed it was light out.

Gracie straightened up and stood looking down to me. “Joy and I let you sleep in while we took Ginger and Gray out. Breakfast is ready. Everyone who's going and moving in with you at the hotel are packed and waiting at the dining area. Come on. Get yourself up. We have, you have a busy day ahead. The kids and everyone else are anxious and ready for another soccer session, especially seeing all the soccer stuff you brought back including the shoes. Everyone was trying several on to find a pair that fits them. So, get your sneakers on and let’s go!”

Children were waiting outside to grab, take Ginger and Gray to get fed. Gracie and I continued to the tables where food was laid out for breakfast. I was still hungry from all the events we experienced yesterday and scarfed down whatever I could reach and stuff into my face. Faint excited voices of kids, teens, and young adults all grew louder approaching the table from three different directions. I chewed and swallowed my last bite just before turning to see myself surrounded?

Lisa and the other children bombarded me showing off their new footwear. “Caline, look at my new soccer shoes.” “Caline, look at mine!” “Caline, mine are so cool!”

“Yes Lisa, yes to all of you. They look so good on you. Now, are you ready to play some soccer with them?” A big scream of yes was answered by everyone. “Okay, let’s go set up. We’ll go back to where we were yesterday.” I looked over to George, Gustalvo, Michelle, Alex, and the rest of our group from yesterday. “Guys, can you help me before we go to the hotel?" They shrugged knowing they wouldn't leave without me since I was the one who wanted to move into the hotel and convinced them to stay with me. "Grab the cones and the extra soccer balls we got yesterday. Bring them over to where you watched us starting yesterday. You can help me break the kids into a couple of groups to continue teaching them the basics once we get set up.”

We walked over to the space. I kept my soccer ball tucked away now that we brought it back and had a half dozen new ones to learn, practice, and eventually play with. “Leave the nets in their boxes. We won’t use them until everyone feels comfortable with the ball, the basics of moving, catching, stopping, passing the ball to each other. We’ll split into three groups. George, Gustalvo, Michelle, Alex, you pair up to work with the children in two groups while I take the rest of the kids in my group today.”

George, Gustalvo, Alex, and Michelle did their best to evenly distribute and balance all the excited young kids into their two groups. I separated and moved those who were bigger and looked like they played a little soccer into my group.? Gracie and a few others had followed us after finishing cleaning up the tables.? They seemed to be enjoying themselves watching the younger children having fun learning to play soccer like those older who they always stood by and cheered for. I also thought Gracie was steeling herself to make her first trip back to the hotel since removing the guests and staff who got sick and quickly died there a year ago.

Our second session was going well, having enough soccer balls for three groups to do drills with. The group leaders had their groups warm up, stretch, run in place like I had everyone do the day before.? They followed that by having their groups begin slowly kicking the ball to each other inward within a circle for ball sense, and coordination of movement. Orange cones were spaced out to break away from the circles to continue learning how to move and dribble with the Ball.

My group was doing well enough for me to float from one group to the next, occasionally stepping in to kick back a stray ball, saying good work, or making a small suggestion. After several rounds of drills, I called everyone together. “You’re learning fast and doing great. Tomorrow we’ll start learning about passing to each other. There’s a lot more we need to learn after that before we even set up the nets. We’ll set those up in a couple of days when we start practicing, try to score a goal into the net and defend against anything from going into the net. That’s when we see who our goalies, strikers and defenders are. Okay, that’s it for today. We’ll get back to this tomorrow, alright?” The kids eagerly answered back. “Yes!"?

George, Gustalvo, Michelle, and Alex gave me tired looks as they wiped away and smeared sweat mixed with dusty grit kicked up from the sunbaked sandy ground. They just wordlessly nodded, each picked up what they could of all the soccer gear the kids had left on the ground, turned, and walked carrying what they had grabbed back towards the tables. I laughed knowing that lots of water would be used in the next hour or so after we moved our stuff into the hotel.

Michelle stopped, turned, and came back over to me smiling dragging the soccer gear she had grabbed. “Gracie looked both happy and sad standing and watching us this morning. I think she's anxious about us moving into the hotel today. But she and Joy are glad that I'm moving in with you. I told her I was too, of course. I put all my stuff together so fast last night after dinner to take with us when we go.” She then almost bounced, turned, and walked away to put away the soccer gear and get her things. George, Gustalvo, and Alex had already reached and put down all the soccer stuff they were carrying when I got to the dining area. They had to go and get what they packed and left in the soon to be former settlement homes. “I’ll go get my stuff and meet you at the tables in a few minutes.” George said and took off. “Me too.” Gustalvo echoed. Alex had a chagrined look on his face as he shrugged and quietly followed. Cristian had been waiting at the table ready to go with belongings.

I picked up my knapsack I had packed and along with the other things I took out of my Aptera to put in Gracie’s and Joy's place when I first arrived. I started walking to put them all back into the Aptera to drive over to the hotel. Ginger and Gray playing with the settlement’s dogs and kids who had just finished learning more soccer today. I was looking forward to taking another shower, washing out my clothes, hanging them up to dry, so I could keep wearing clean clothes. I was also looking forward to sleeping in a bed tonight. I wanted to go back to Gracie’s place and say goodbye to Tiger. I could visualize him in his usual spot waiting just outside the doorway. I would stop by to visit when I returned tonight for dinner, looking forward to reaching down, picking up, petting, and carrying him.? I’m going to miss Tiger and his deep, rumbling, contented purr. ?It amazed how attached I had become with Tiger even though we'd only spent two nights with each other. I imagined returning and telling Tiger, "I think I'm going to have to convince Gracie to bring Tiger to live with me, Ginger, and Gray in the hotel. Would you like that?” I imagined Tiger seemingly answering by purring louder in response.

Children’s laughter roused me from unknowingly having just deposited everything I owned into the Aptera, standing beside it empty handed. It got louder as I turned to see a crowd getting nearer and larger. It was a crowd of happy children that had ran up to me still excited about their second soccer session, asking about their next one. “Caline, what are we going to do tomorrow?” “I love kicking the soccer ball.” “I can’t wait to learn more.” “I want to score!!!”

I smiled. “You are all doing great. But now, I must take Ginger and Gray with me to move into the hotel. Ginger and Gray will be staying with me there from now on.? George, Michelle, Gustalvo, Alex, and Cristian will also be moving in with us today. Maybe, you can visit sometime. Everyone going to move into the hotel is meeting me here so we can drive over together.? Gracie and Joy should be here soon too. They're going to help us find some things we need to get my friends from Placitas. They'll come back here afterwards for dinner. So will all of us move after we get settled into our rooms.”

The kids got quiet. “Can Ginger and Gray come back to the settlement to visit and play with us after our soccer practice?”

I looked at the sad faces and laughed. “Hey, Ginger and Gray will be back here bright and early in the morning. They’ll be hungry for you to get them fed will all these dogs. I’ll be hungry too and will be eating breakfast before we begin our soccer drills tomorrow. Who wants to wait with me, Ginger and Gray for everyone moving to the hotel and give us hugs before we leave?”

Everyone yelled almost in unison, “I do!”

There was a caravan parked behind my Aptera waiting to be loaded up with all of George's, Gustalvo's, Michelle's, and Alex's stuff. Cristian had already loaded his into one of the Telo trucks. George was first back struggling pushing a WalMart cart over an uneven dried ground with all his belongings. He looked at me sheepishly. “We had a few carts that we never returned. I don't think the store will complain. Can I put my stuff in your Aptera and ride with you to the hotel?"

I looked at George, smiled, then turned to look at Ginger and Gray being pampered by the kids, nodding to them. "I don't mind, if you don't mind Ginger and Gray going laying on and maybe going through your stuff." George looked beyond me to my sisters, then back at me, smiled, opened the hatch, pulled his stuff out of the cart, and threw it all in the back behind the passenger seat. "I'll take my chances," he laughed and winked at me.

We waited for Gracie and Joy to join us with Michelle, Alex, and Gustalvo who had arrived, stowed their gear in the vehicles they were driving to the hotel in.? Gracie finally walked briskly over with Joy tailing behind. She looked somberly at everyone packed and ready to move, then softened, smiling, and looking at the children who followed me, Ginger, and Gray to send us off. “I was able to reach and briefly talk with Cheryl on the walkie talkie sparingly since it takes so long to recharge them. I was able to get a hold of her while everyone was getting ready to move off the settlement to the hotel. I told her about what happened on property at the casino, then at WalMart with the two you chased away then were confronted again later there in the store. She'll have some of her deputies go over to pick them up as soon as possible. She said to be careful and on alert. They sounded like some of the same kids who tried to rob Gloria at the Circle K five months ago. Gloria didn't hesitate to grab and shoot her rifle when she saw them race in from 550 to the store's door. I told her all of you were moving into the hotel. She highly advised being armed with the hotel so close to and visible from 550."

She looks intensely at George already sitting inside my Aptera, then at Gustalvo waiting beside the Telo he'll be driving. "Did you bring your rifles and handguns? You'll need to get them if you haven't. I spoke with Joy and want to have Lily, Jordan, Malia, Tauri, Nina, Lonan, Shilah, Mai, and Kai go and move in with all of you. Nina worked at the hotel in security for a while before the sickness and returning to the Pueblo. She can help answer questions about the hotel once you're all settled in. Cheryl said we need to be on alert all the time for anyone wondering onto the property. I'll take one of our two walkie talkies with us in case Joy sees any strangers wandering into our settlement. We have to be extra careful since the casino had the visitors you chased away and met again trying to attack you at Walmart."

Gracie continued, "I'm sorry, that means we'll need to have enough people moving back and living in the hotel to set up a 24-hour watch. I don't want anyone to be alone while doing that. Joy told me that they also all know how to drive. So, they'll be going to drive whatever vehicles we can get from the Aptera and Telo lots next to the hotel to help Caline bring her friends from Placitas here. Joy and I went, asked and had them pack their things after they all eagerly said yes." Joy tapped Gracie on the shoulder to draw her attention to several walking over with bags, boxes, pushing carts. Gracie turns. "Here they come."

The group was now complete. It was going to be a crowded caravan of three Apteras and two Telo trucks. All the vehicles will be filled with the extra bodies squeezed inside on seats and behind the Telo cabs on the truck beds. Gracie looks at Joy, takes a deep breath, "Well, I guess it’s time to see what I left a year ago. You stay here and mind the settlement while I'm gone. Thanks, dear."? Gracie faces the Children again, "I’ll be back before dinner. I think Caline, George, Gustalvo, Michelle, Alex, and Cristian Ginger and Gray will be coming back with me too. They’ll be hungry after getting settled into their new home. Now give them all a hug even though you’ll see them later.”

Gracie looked at me. “Okay Caline, everyone, let’s go.” I turned to try to start turning to get into my Aptera with 3 kids still hugging me. Gray yipped happily being smothered with pets and hugs from a couple of kids. Ginger was laying on the ground nonchalantly grooming herself. “Ginger, Gray, let’s go. Kids, we’ll see you later. Okay?” George was already sitting in the passenger seat in my Aptera. Ginger and Gray followed me around the Aptera, waiting for me to tap open the rear hatch so they could hop in. Gustalvo and Michelle were getting into the last vehicle of our caravan, with Joy opening the door for Gracie and Nina to sit in the Telo truck's back seats that Christian was driving. Alex was getting in and driving the Telo truck parked behind me. The rest of the group scrambled to find space they could sit down in for the short ride.

I had over a dozen people moving their lives for the past year to begin new ones at the hotel with me. I led the way with my Aptera, George sitting in the passenger seat beside me, Ginger and Gray in the back sniffing George's belongings while enjoying the ride.? Our caravan slowly followed the well-traveled driven path to the hotel. We slowly drove away from the settlement, towards widely spaced trees, alongside the long unused, overgrown, dried golf course where I stopped briefly.

I turned to George and pointed. “George, look. Wouldn't the old greens at the old course be better to play soccer at than the dry, hard, sunbaked field back in the settlement?? The open area back at the settlement is way too rough and dusty. We could bring all the soccer equipment we got from Walmart to the hotel to set up and use on the golf course when we get a chance. I think the kids would love to shift the practices over here with us living in the hotel."

George didn't look like he agreed with the look on his face when responding. "We play soccer back in the settlement for the same reason Gracie is sending more people to move into the hotel, made sure we brought protection, and had us set up a 24-hour watch duty. It's too close to the hotel, and the casino that punks like the ones who attacked us, could see from the highway or wander on property endangering the kids. The settlement's field is out of sight of 550 with plenty of wide-open space to see anyone walking in like we did you. However, we might and could try making a day trip to the nearby Bernalillo soccer complex just west of the Tesla Center or even go across the Rio Grande to Bernalillo High where you and Michelle played against each other years ago before the sickness."

Our caravan made its way around to the hotel’s main entrance. We stopped and parked the vehicles outside. George got out on his side. I got out, walked to the back to let Ginger and Gray out. We waited to let Gracie have a few moments to steel and ready herself after a year's absence. She shook off the memories, took a deep breath, looked back to us, and spoke. “I’m ready. Let’s go in.”

We went into the lobby, paused in the middle, as Gracie walked to and ran her hand over the layer of dust on the VIP desk she worked at as the hotel's Concierge. She turned back to us waiting behind, then slapped and brushed the dust off her hands. “We need to keep people outside with the vehicle watching and ready for anyone seeing and coming on property from the highway while we get valet carts to move everyone's things into the hotel. We'll have to move the vehicles around the building out of view from 550 afterwards."

George, Alex, Gustalvo looked at each other, turned, and looked at each other. Alex and Cristian left the lobby to go back outside to the vehicles, retrieve two rifles and a pistol. They returned shortly afterwards briefly before walking back outside telling us. "We'll stay and watch." Gracie nodded to them and said to me. "Lead the way to your room, Caline. You may want to find and move into a larger suite since you and Michelle will be staying together. George and Gustalvo, you two follow Caline and get your rooms next to theirs.”

I shivered briefly, reminded how vicious punks could be, then shook it off ready to return to my room. Ginger and Gray noticed my discomfort, moved closer to me as we stood in the lobby. Gracie was watching me with a brief bit of concern that passed when I bubbled brightly up. “I lucked out, there was a housekeeping cart at the end of the hallway next to the room I went into yesterday. George and Gustalvo can take the rooms across or next to mine.”

Gracie, Joy, and the rest of our party followed me from the lobby to the non-working escalator to second floor shops, restaurants, and casino concourse. My sisters stopped at the dining area where we heard the hiss and mewling. They took a moment to sniff, then Ginger sneezed a chuff, Gray responded with a short yip as if answering her. Both seemingly satisfied, continued? ?with us past the dining area down to the door for stairs. I looked back and swore I saw something race low and small across the floor from the casino to the dining area. I turned to my sisters in front as we enter the stairwell to climb the steps up to the third floor and the rooms. We exited out into the hallway where our rooms were. Gracie stopped with the group outside my room, now also Michelle's room with Ginger and Gray. She stated what we had already knew able with me able to get into a room to take a shower. “I don't think any of you will need room keys with the electricity long out from a year ago when the power grid crashed with the last heat wave that came during the big sickness. The Pueblo did have solar panels installed up on the casino roof the same time they were building the solar farm out on the settlement as a backup for the increasing power outage. They were never turned on just like the solar farm was never finished when the sickness took everyone. Maybe someone can get up on the roof to check and get them working to give you guys some electricity after everybody's moved in. I'll find room keys and code them then for each of your rooms if the doors start locking once there's electricity again.” Gracie sent the group off to find and claim their rooms and turned to me. “Caline, Michelle, I came inside with you two to look at your room and use the bathroom. I have to pee after that long walk to the hotel.”

Gracie shooed a couple of the group away from the rooms opposite and next to my room with Michelle. "That room and that room are reserved for George and Gustalvo after we get the vehicles unloaded and moved so they can come inside." Gracie turned to me and Michelle and winked. We both smiled, looked at each other, then giggled as the three of us went into our room. She asked. "What were your sisters sniffing when they stopped downstairs on the concourse when we were walking to the stairs?" We looked at Ginger and Gray quietly sitting and patiently waiting outside their new room. They had sniffed their way to the hotel lobby while accompanying our group from the vehicles as soon as the rear hatch of our Aptera was opened. They stayed by my side outside and through the hotel entrance when Gracie braced herself before returning to the lobby a year being away since burying all the dead from the sickness. They followed me up the escalator onto the concourse second floor until stopping where I heard a cat's hiss and kittens.

I answered Gracie. "I heard a hiss and mewling where Ginger and Gray stopped on my first visit here to take a shower. It must have been a cat and kittens. Their scent must have been what caused my sisters to stop and sniff. I wondered how many more cats have made a home and are roaming inside? I guess we'll find out soon enough." I turned to look at Ginger and Gray sitting outside and waiting their new room. Their curiosity and interest were piqued now, with me opening the room's door. They pushed to rush in, scurrying behind me and Michelle, trotted across the floor passed the bathroom, saw the two beds, looked at each other, then both jumped up and made themselves comfortable on the far bed closes to the window.

Gracie nodded agreement, stopping inside the room just past its one bathroom to stand with me and Michelle looking at my sisters crowded on one bed, turned to us shaking her head smiling, then turned to walk to the bathroom quickly dismissing herself. "Excuse me ladies. It's wonderful to have a nice full bathroom to return to.” Gracie gushed as she went straight to the bathroom with my dirty clothes still laying on the floor. “Oh, this is so good. I forgot how good it is to use a hotel bathroom. It looks like you and Michelle will enjoy living in this room if Ginger and Gray let you sleep on either of the beds. You both better go back to the lobby and grab one of the baggage carts to unload and bring all your stuff from the vehicles to carry up the escalator. You have a long way to carry it across the concourse floor, then the stairs here to your room. I'll help when I'm done and get out of the bathroom."

The sound of water running a bit indicated that Gracie was washing her hands. The sound stopped as she dried off and walked out from the bathroom. "I'll do a quick check on what and where we have in the way of casino jackpot prizes a my old VIP desk once we get back downstairs in the lobby. I want to see how many GoSun portable charging kits are on hand to charge more Telo trucks from the lot next door. I'll come outside to help the two of you right afterwards. I think the truck is better than Tesla to move your friends from Placitas for them to put all their belongings in the truck's rear bed. It'll take us about a week to get all the vehicles we need. We find what charging kits we can and if needed, go get more kits from nearby stores, to charge all of them for at least a couple of days."

Ginger and Gray stayed, stretched out on their claimed bed as Michelle and I left to go back to the hotel lobby to grab a cart and get things out, and Gracie went back to her VIP Desk she hasn't seen in for over a year.? Michelle looked back to them, then me and laughed, "Am I going to have to fight them to sleep on my bed tonight?"? Then she added. "Your sisters were great with Tiger back on the settlement. I think they'll be fine with whatever is living within these walls." I looked back at my sisters agreeing with Michelle. I had to shake my head like Gracie did seeing them hop up on the bed when they claimed their spots, smiled at Michelle turning as we both walked into the hallway. Gracie followed us out of the room to take the stairs back down to the second-floor escalator, and then down to the lobby.

Gracie stopped at her old VIP Desk when we arrived at the lobby. "I remember where we kept all the lists for housekeeping, music & comedy shows, weekly contests & jackpot prizes for our guests. That should include where to send the guests to get any prizes they won. Otherwise, I'll have to go to the casino and look in the players club booth where the prizes were kept for the jackpot winners”

Michelle and I left Gracie at her desk looking and walked with me to the Bellboys station to grab a luggage cart. I let her push it out as we rushed out to the vehicles where George, Gustalvo, and Alex were standing alert and watching 550. They heard the cart being pushed, slowly turning to see us coming to get our stuff. I felt nice and warm when George looked straight at me and smiled. "It's about time, Caline. Did you take a bubble bath back there?"

Michelle had pushed the cart to the back of my Aptera and stepped out from behind smiling at Gustalvo and laughing. "Oh, come on guys. We weren't gone that long. Geeze, what wimps." She goes up to Gustalvo, "Come on big guy. Let's go get our stuff." Grabs and drags him to their vehicle parked a few feet behind Caline's Aptera.?

Alex had gone into the hotel once I came out with Michelle and now just returned with Lily, Jordan, Malia, Tauri, Nina, Lonan, Shilah, and Kai from the hotel lobby pushing more carts after the rest of the group found their rooms making their way back out. Gracie followed them, then had everyone stop. "George, Gustalvo, Alex, we reserved your rooms next to Caline's and Michelle's. Get your stuff and go in with them when they get back. Hurry back once you get everything inside the room to move the vehicles around the building away from the view of anyone on 550."

"Jordan, Lonan, and Kai, you three take the rifles and handguns.? Stay here and watch until all the vehicles are unloaded and ready to be moved out of sight. Have someone take what you brought to the rooms you're moving into. I found where the solar kits are being stored. Everyone, come back to the lobby so we can figure out who's going next door to see the condition of and jump start any of the Telo trucks that have been parked on the lot since the sickness. They may need to be charged until they're ready to drive back to the settlement. I'm glad you picked up a couple of extra portable battery jump starter kits when you went to Wal-Mart. The Teslas can stay, but we could use another Aptera or two."

Gracie finished and walked back inside the lobby ahead of everyone pushing carts loaded up for their rooms. I rushed through the lobby smiling, eyeing, and following George and Gustalvo almost through the lobby pushing their cart to the bottom of the escalator. Michelle noticed me almost bouncing back to our room pushing our cart loading with everything we owned trying to keep up with George and Gustalvo down the hall pushing theirs. "Whoa, slow down there, sister. They'll be right next to our room. You'll have plenty of time to cozy up to George after we're all moved in. I having fun seeing the way you two are google eyes over each other. You only met just days ago." She bumps me with her shoulder, holding and pushing our cart beside me, "Talk about a fast connection. Did you have and leave a boyfriend behind back in Placitas??

Michelle saw my face immediately change with its color draining, noticed my bounce gone as my legs suddenly felt like lead slowing us down, jolted remembering why I wasn't in Placitas. Oh, how nice it was to have been lost in the moment forgetting what had happened just a few nights ago. "I'm sorry Michelle. No, I didn't have or leave behind a boyfriend back in Placitas. I'll share with you what happened back there once we're all settled in." I added as we parked our carts at the escalator.

There was a bottleneck of carts at the base around the bottom steps of the escalator. George and Gustalvo had reached the escalator first. They began grabbing their stuff off the carts to carry up the escalator steps. We followed picking up and carrying some of our things off the carts we brought in. We went up one flight of escalator steps, reached the 2nd-floor concourse and heard some rustling off to the right near where I first heard current feline residents. I saw a couple of shadows dark and low dart across the path behind George and Gustalvo as we followed them to the stairway door. We heard them wedged the door open for us to go back, returning to bring the rest of our stuff still on the carts in the lobby on the ground floor. We exited the stairs out into the hall where our rooms were.

They were already down at the end of the hallway opposite our room.? “Whoa, look at this. I hit gold. Gustalvo, do you want to room with me?” Gustalvo smiled, “No, I kind of like the idea of having my own room, my own bed, bathroom, and shower. I can’t wait to take my time in a nice big hotel bathroom. I think that’s the room Gracie reserved for me over there. I have to take a leak really bad." Gustalvo saw us arrive with arms carrying the first batch of belongings we grabbed off the carts to our room. "Oops, sorry ladies." Gustalvo turns back to George.? ”I'll be right back to go downstairs to get more of my stuff." Gustalvo hurries off to use the bathroom in his room next to mine and Michelle's.

Michelle and I open the door into the room. Ginger and Gray just kept laying on the bed ignoring us as we quickly unloaded everything onto a nearby table. "You can stay and start putting your stuff away after we bring everything up from the lobby. I want to go out to move my Aptera around the building. Just shove my clothes on the bathroom floor to the side if Gracie didn't already do that when she used the bathroom. I’ll wash and hang them to dry after we get settled in." I paused thinking of the low-laying shadows I thought seeing scurrying across the casino floor below us. There must be a bunch of feral cats that made a home here the past year since Gracie moved everyone out. I asked Michelle if she saw anything moving on the concourse. "Did you see or hear anything downstairs when we were walking from the escalator to the staircase up to our rooms?" Michelle looked up and shook her no.

Ginger and Gray both seemed content to stay on the two beds they each claimed.? Especially Gray when Michelle walked over after answering me with a nod to scratch her as I walked out. George had just entered the hall from his room. He looked pleased to see me. I returned a pleased look feeling a flush of warmth go through me, thankful to be removed from memories Michelle had reminded me of asking if I left anyone behind. George started walking alongside me as we left our rooms. "You ready? Gustalvo and I are going along to bring whatever vehicles we can back to the settlement for our trip to Placitas. Alex is going to stay here and help Gracie retrieve any charging kits the casino had stored away to give out as prizes."

We heard Gustalvo leave his room behind us while walking down the hall to take the stairs to the second-floor concourse and escalator to the ground floor and lobby. He hurried to catch up with us. "We'll have to be alert and keep an eye out while we jump start the vehicles we're taking. They've been sitting on the lot unused for over a year.? I'm glad we picked up a couple extra charging kits to add to the ones we already had so we can try to jump start four vehicles at a time to get ready for driving back to the settlement. I don't want us to hang around those lots too long. We're too close, visible, and vulnerable to anyone passing by on 550. At least Gracie's sister will be checking on and picking up the assholes we left zipped tied at Walmart. Who knows if they had friends? I'm glad Gracie had Joy ask everyone in our group to join us in moving here. We won't need any of the flashlights we brought until later, after we come back from driving the vehicles over to and finishing eating dinner at the settlement. It'll still be light enough for us to see where we're going until we get back to our rooms."

Nina was talking with Lily, Malia, Tauri, and Shilah from our group already in the lobby waiting to walk next door with Jordan, Lonan, and Kai who were still outside keeping watch at the vehicles we drove over in. They would all walk over to pick out, try to jump start, and hopefully drive their vehicle off the lot. I could see and feel their excitement anticipating getting behind the steering wheel of another Telo truck or behind the yoke of an old, dusty new Aptera that's been sitting around with its bigger battery hopefully still fully charged in the sun for over a year.

I looked around for Gracie and Alex wanting to find out if I was needed to help get the solar charging kits or go with the gang to the vehicle lots. "Where's Gracie and Alex?" I asked.

Nina answered, "Gracie, Alex grabbed a baggage cart, went off to load all the charging kits they could find stored away for prizes at the casino." George gave me an inviting look. I knew he would be going with folks to keep an eye out for any unwanted visitors. Gustalvo and Alex would be staying with Gracie back here in the hotel until the group had working vehicles to take to the settlement. Michelle was comfortable staying with Ginger and Gray.

That settled it for me and answered George's inviting look. "I'm walking and tagging along with you guys next door if one of you will give me a ride back here for my sisters Ginger, Gray, and I guess now, Michelle too. George can continue back to the settlement with me, Ginger, and Gray in my Aptera." I turned to Gustalvo, smiled, and winked. "Michelle could have ridden back with you if she hadn't driven here in the other Aptera you guys already had in the settlement." Gustalvo turned red, but smiled back at me, then at George and shrugged. Nina didn't react, but the rest of the group sitting around the lobby, snickered knowingly. I was still curious if anyone else had noticed something on the concourse floor with Michelle not hearing or seeing what I did. "Hey, did any of you noticed anything on moving the concourse floor in the casino? My sisters did. That's why they stopped to sniff. And I did. I think we have a bunch of cats down there."

Gracie and Alex returned pushing a loaded cart with 2 large boxes before anyone could answer. She looked shaken. "Cheryl just radioed both me and Joy on the Walkie Talkies. She and two of her deputies drove over to the Wal-Mart, went inside to where you said you left the two who killed Cindy zipped tied and unconscious. They found cut zip ties, traces of blood, probably theirs from when you bashed them with your rifle butts. But they weren't there. She said someone had got them before they did. Which means, once they recover, they and whoever helped them out of Wal-Mart know there's people back at the hotel. They'll most likely want to return armed to take revenge."

Oh shit! That certainly put a downer on our moving here. It didn't stop me from wanting to and wanting to get and bring my childhood soccer friends from Placitas to live with me here. I was angry from those who tried to rape me back in Placitas and really pissed there were so many other assholes like them. I was even more determined to make the hotel a new home for me, Ginger, Gray, and everyone else who were going to stay and live with me. "Gracie, can George, Gustalvo teach me how to fire a gun?"

Everyone turned to me with shocked faces hearing what I said, then quickly looked as pissed and determined as I felt, especially Gracie, Nina, George and Gustalvo. Gracie nodded to Nina, George, and Gustalvo, "Absolutely Caline!" George and Gustalvo both walked over, and each grabbed one of my hands. "Better yet, I'll speak to my sister Cheryl on getting Susan to train you and anyone else ready to learn how to use firearms safely. George and Gustalvo can help Susan teach anyone who is ready to learn." Gracie wanted us to move quickly, retrieve the vehicles, and get back to the settlement as soon as possible. "George, Gustalvo, Alex, escort our party next door to get the vehicles. Keep your rifles and handgun out, up, and ready walking over and while there getting a vehicle for whoever is driving back. Ride shotgun back here when you're done for us all to head back. The rest of you can decide who will carry the portable battery jump starting kits for next door."

I was about to go out with George, Gustalvo and Alex to move our vehicles around the building out of sight from the front of the hotel entrance and the highway. Gracie was shooing us off when she told Nina to stay in the lobby while she would go with another baggage cart to and leave by the stairs up to the hotel rooms, climb two flights and see if Michelle was still back in our room. I heard Gracie as I left the lobby with George. "Nina, please stay here in the lobby to keep an eye out until they walk back from moving the vehicles to head over with everyone else here next door. I'm going upstairs to see if Michelle's done so she can go with me back inside the casino and help me pick up and load the other two big boxes with charging kits onto this cart to put on the trucks from the lot. They're too heavy, big, and awkward for me to lift by myself. We'll then be able to charge 6 Telo trucks when we get all the vehicles back to the settlement when parked out on the field in the sun."

George walked beside me to my Aptera, got in to ride in the passenger seat as we drove with all the other vehicles away from the front entrance. It was nice, assuring, and was making me feel a bit warm to have George by my side. I hope I wasn't blushing, turning red in the face, as I pulled out to follow one of the Telo trucks being driven by Gustalvo. I glanced over and saw him watching me. "What?" I asked, wondering what was on his mind.

He startled me with a soft intensity, never looking away his eyes when answering quietly and slowly. "Stay close to me walking next door. I'll be watching the highway to make sure no one's there and if I see anyone to make sure they don't get anywhere near us, especially you. I don't want anything to happen to you. I think there's something very special about you and I want to get to know that special part of you. Gustalvo and I will help Susan teach and train you how to fire any weapons we have so you'll be able to protect yourself if and whenever you need to." He paused, seeming to look inward in thought before continuing.? We'll need more firearms. I'll mention that to Gracie so she can ask her sister Cheryl to check with Susan about getting weapons from the base of her old National Guard unit. There must be an armory on base." He took a breath, then confirmed what I heard and saw back on the concourse. "And Caline, I heard and saw your shadows back on the casino floor. Looks like we are moving in with a few cats. Let's talk with Nina on what to do with them when we get back."

His confirmation was welcomed and a relief that I wasn't going crazy. And his admission of seeing me as special now made me nervous. I never had any boy say that to me. And to hear those words from someone with looks that had made me swooned when we first met, made me even more nervous. Where was this going? I was only 15. He was over 18. I didn't care. It made me feel nervous in an exciting way. George became quiet and we slowed down to park and leave the Aptera with all the other vehicles. We got out, joining everyone else walking back to the lobby to pick up the rest of our group and walk to get more vehicles for our excursion to and from Placitas.

Gustalvo stepped up next to George, "I'll pick up my rifle that Nina's holding back in the lobby after we get the rest of our group together. They'll have the charging kits to walk over next door to jump start vehicles we can drive off the lot." ?Gustalvo looks at George holding a pistol. "I see you're already carrying your handgun. Let's hope no one's on 550 to see us while looking at, testing, and driving away with the vehicles we're taking." He then turns to me and adds. "Oh Caline, I saw something on the casino floor. Yeah. We must have a bunch of cats living in the building. Looks like we'll have extra mouths to feed once they get used to us."

Michelle was pushing a baggage cart into the lobby with Gracie when we arrived. Gracie must have found Michelle in the room to hurry down and help get the rest of the solar kits. I went over to Michelle where she and Gracie were leaving it with the other cart loaded with the GoSun portable solar charging kits. They both turned when I asked Michelle. "How's Ginger and Gray doing back in our room? Are you staying here with Nina and Gracie until we return with the vehicles from next door? Can you do me a favor when we leave to walk over to get them?" I realized I had just peppered Michelle with one question after another without giving her a chance to breathe. Fortunately, she hadn't noticed that if she did, didn't mind. Gracie saw my questions were for Michelle, tipped her head to signal her departure as she walked off.

"Ginger and Gray are doing fine. They're enjoying themselves and have just been lounging on your bed and on my bed, they jumped up on since first going into our room. Yes, I'll be staying here with Gracie and Nina. And what would you like me to do as a favor for you?" She rattled off just as quickly in response to my rapid-fire questions, then laughed.

George was standing by the lobby entrance waiting for Gustalvo to get his rifle. Alex had already gotten a hold of his and was also by the lobby entrance next to George. Both were smiling watching Gustalvo as he sneaked a look at Michelle. I took that all in thinking I would have to ask George what that was about. Was there something going on between Gustalvo and Michelle?

Focus Caline...Geeze. "Sorry Michelle. Could you take Ginger and Gray outside the hotel? They have been inside for a long time and probably would love to stretch their legs, and pee." I don't want them to have an accident inside our room. Be careful going out. Take them away from outside the entrance around the building outside from the highway. Maybe, go with Nina and Gracie to keep an eye out. You don't have to worry about them wandering off. Ginger and Gray are good at following instructions and staying close."

Nina and Gracie overheard and nodded to me and Michelle. Everyone was now back from moving our vehicles out of sight, with the charging kits picked up, ready to be carried and walked over next door. Our group was now all together to get more vehicles for the trip to Placitas and later to use as needed back at the settlement. Gustalvo had joined George and Alex as our group gathered around to follow them out the lobby doors. George waved at me to join him in front of the group. It looked like Gustalvo would be staying towards the back of the group covering the rear as we walked over. Alex was positioning himself at the middle.

Cristian had been asked by Gracie to stay behind to go with and keep an eye out when Michelle went outside to walk Ginger and Gray. Gracie wasn't taking any chances being caught off guard after her sister radioed that Cindy's killers weren't at Wal-Mart. Twelve of us, including, Lily, Mai, Jordan, Malia, Tauri, Lonan, Shilah, Kai, Joy's post sickness drivers from the Pueblo, Cristian, Gustalvo, George and me began our trek as we left the hotel entrance to the right walking on the sidewalk along the wall, avoiding the large patch of dirt covering the mass grave from the sickness. George, Alex, and Gustalvo walked on the outside of our group keeping eyes on and alert for anyone, any movement on highway 550 behind and to the left of us.

We stepped into the parking lot with rows of several solar panel covered spaces, and charging stations making our way onto Jemez Canyon Dam Rd. That route would put the old US Eagle Credit Union and Gaming Commission building between us and 550, keeping us from being visible as we continued walking to the vehicle lots. Our pace was steady, not rushed, even though we were anxious to finish our quest. No one was talking exiting the parking lot to turn right on Jemez Canyon Dam Rd until seeing what looked like the glass shot out several windows of the US Eagle building back side while walking around it. Several of us turned hearing some rustling by some nearby trees. We stopped to look. It was only two squirrels chasing each other up, down, and around a dry looking trunk. Our attention went back to the building.

George motioned everyone to stay quiet, gestured to Alex up to the front, silently having him keep our group walking as he ran over to check out the back wall of the building where several windows had been shot out. I watched him concerned, not wanting anything to happen, almost tripping, not looking where I was walking ahead as we kept moving. He was back quickly, not taking long to look at the wall and ground around the one of bullet ridden and shattered windows. He spoke quietly, reassuring everyone, "No one's around here. Just some playful squirrels. It doesn't look like those windows were damaged recently. It had to have been done a long time along with the broken glass on the ground grown over and covered." There was a collective sigh while all of us seemed to move faster, still wary, and not wanting to be so exposed, near to the highway on the other side of the building.

Now I was worried about driving on 550 to and from Placitas. I didn't think about anything or anyone outside of Placitas for the last year. I had only ventured down to I 25 to the RV lot right after the sickness never thought about being attacked. The attack in my Placitas home was different. That was personal from people I knew, It wasn't just a random attack by roving punks.

"George, are we going to be okay driving to Placitas and back to get my friends?"

He turned to see a frightened face on me, looked ahead to the left as we approached the Telo and Aptera lots, he softly put his hand on my shoulder. "We'll be fine. I said I was going to have Gracie talk with her sister for us to have an escort. We're going to be prepared for anything that might or might not happen along the way." He slowed us down. "Folks, we're here. Let's see if the vehicles have their keys left inside them. Otherwise, we'll go inside the building, find and match up keys with vehicles to try and get them running while we jump start them, then drive them off the lot."

There were several Telo trucks parked on display with the GoSun portable solar chargers that had been left on them still stretched out from the front over the cab across to their rear beds. The panels looked dusty and weathered beaten being exposed in the desert sun and windy storms for the last year. They most likely wouldn't be of use anymore. A large sales building and service garage was one large structure in the middle of the vehicle loaded lot. It had signage for both the Telo trucks and the Aptera. The building was centered with their vehicles parked in lines, its walls, main entrance, and garage doors on 4 sides. We passed the dusty and monsoon rain smeared Telo trucks first walking off Jemez Canyon Dam Rd onto the lot. The Apteras didn't look much better parked on the other side of the building that faced the Tesla lot closer to 550.

The Pueblo drivers that had helped Joy back after the big sickness hit were spreading out checking the vehicles for keys and opening the hoods to get access to jump start their 12-volt batteries.? Jordan, Tauri, Lonan, Shilah, and Kai stopped at the end of a parked row, then fanned out to a line of Telo trucks. Jordan was standing beside the first one in the row. "They don't look too bad parked out here unused for a year." He unplugged the cable from the charging panel draped on top of the truck's roof before grabbing hold and pulling the kit off. He let it fall in a cloud of dust on the pavement waving the dust away, slapping his hands on his pants. "Phew!!" Then he tried and successfully opened the door looking for the truck's keys. Pulled down the windshield sun visor above the driver's seat. Keys fell. Yes!"? He reached under the dash to release the catch on the hood. He went around to the front with the jump-starting kit, raised the small hood, found, and hooked the kits cables to the battery. "George, could you try to start the truck before you go check on the Apteras with the girls?"

Gustalvo and Alex had rushed ahead to the end of the lot facing 550 to stand watch while everyone was checking out vehicles that would start for them to be able to drive in and away with. George stayed behind with Jordan.? I continued walking, following the rest of the drivers Lily, Mai, and Malia, who had kept walking to the front of the lot around the sales, service building heading towards the Apteras.

I heard Lily sound her disgust as she reached one of the Apteras.? "Eeewww! What a mess!" Lily looked to Mai and Malia with pleading eyes and then incredulously asked, "Could you ladies find something to wipe that dirt off?" Mai and Malia returned Lily's pleading look with mocked shock on their faces before all three started laughing as Lily started wiping a spot with her shirt sleeve on the driver side to knock twice to see if the door would still swing up.?

I smiled, enjoying Lily's comic act of a spoiled teen, waiting to see if Lily would find Aptera's FOB inside as Jordan had found the keys for his Telo truck. The two other girls had gone off to try their luck on other Apteras parked along the line. Unfortunately, Lily couldn’t echo Jordan's yes when the door stayed shut after her two knocks. She was able to open the door manually. Then I heard her groan once she was inside the Aptera after a couple of minutes unable to find its FOB. She got out and walked over to me. George was walking to join me after helping Jordan. I turned to him. "Crap. We'll have to go inside the sales building to see if we can find the FOB for this Aptera. Mai and Malia will probably have to find one for each of the Apteras they claim. We'll have to wait anyway for the jump-starter kits being used on the Telo truck. Lily's Aptera didn't have any charge for the door to open."

Sure enough, Mai and Malia were walking back towards Lily where she was now standing next to me and George. I turned to them, "No luck for you guys either? Alright, let's go find FOBs for your Aptera. We won't be able to start any without jump starting them with the kits that are being used on the Telo trucks now. Follow me and George." George raises his eyebrows, takes a quick look at Gustalvo and Alex keeping watch, then bows to me to lead the way. I take our group to the center of the lot, walking up to the building's one large glass door entrance to a sales floor. We stopped at the door and saw different versions of the Telo with accessories displayed next to them including the GoSun portable charging kits, three artistically wrapped Apteras being displayed with accessories displayed next to them as well. I pulled at the door's handles. It was unlocked. We walked into a half dozen desks split to three desks against each side wall, with several counters in front of the back wall. There was a hallway on the right end of the lined-up counters with a sign overhead reading Restrooms. There were probably back offices with several doors behind the counters in the back wall.

The air was stale with an unsettling underlying odor mixed in with one year of accumulated dust. George and I walked past the displayed models on the sales floor towards the back counters to find FOBs for Lily, Mai and Malia. Everyone turned to the entrance as Jordan walked in with Tauri, Lonan, Shilah, and Kai all holding keys for their Telo trucks. Jordan waved his hand in front of his face after catching a whiff of the room's stale air. "Wow, what died in here?" Then looked happily at me and George at the counters. "We found keys in the trucks, opened up the hoods, jumped started and got them all started unbelievably after a year sitting outside on the lot!"

Lily, Mai, and Malia stared jealousy shaking their heads at them, "Figures!" Malia moans, then turns with Lily and Mai to George and me, pointing to us behind the counters. "Please find our key FOBs back with the jump starter kits there for our Apteras, to get them running too." I looked at George. He looks at me and starts opening drawers while I'm doing the same. We both struck out not seeing any FOBs stashed away in any of the drawers, or anything saying where the FOBs were after just a couple of minutes. The sales floor odor was pretty bad behind the counter. It had to be coming from behind the two doors in the back wall where we had just checked out the counter drawers.

George and I were frustrated not locating the Aptera FOBs for our drivers. We glanced at each other exasperated, then both of us turned to look at the two doors and nodded to each other. George came over to follow me to the nearest door. I reached, grabbed, and twisted the knob. Thank goodness, it wasn't locked. It was dark inside when I pushed the dark open. Light seeped in from the sales floor as I began to walk in. George held the door open. We both got hit with a full noxious blast of the underlying odor when first entering the building.

"Wait Caline, let me find something to prop and keep the door open." We were waving our hands in front of our noses trying to get rid of the rotting smell. "Damn! I didn't think of bringing a flashlight with us. So stupid of me! Here Caline, hold the door open while I get something from the counter to keep the door open." I Stepped back out of the gray shaft of dimness in the dark room and leaned against the door.

Someone else may have remembered to bring a flashlight even if George had forgotten to bring one. "Did anyone bring a flashlight with them?" I asked loudly while George was looking for something heavy enough or a door stopper to wedge at the bottom. George abruptly stopped to face me, smiling and slapped the side of his head silently with a shrug miming, "Why didn't I think of that..."

Kai walks up to George and pulls a flashlight out of the back pocket of her jeans. "Here. Will this help?" Hands George his flashlight. George thanks Kai as she gratefully and vigorously shakes her head yes swiveling and giving me the flashlight. Kai turns to Lily, Mai, and Malia, teases, and laughs. "See, the girls saved the day again." The guys groan disgustedly, shaking their heads now in a no.

I flicked the flashlight on cutting through the room's darkness as I entered further in. Pausing, I thought the keys should be somewhere easy for a salesperson to get quickly, like right on the other side of the door between the sales floors and this back room. I turned around to shine the flashlight beam back at the door. Sure enough, there they were on a board with vehicle and parking lot space numbers hanging on pegs. "George! I found them!" He had seen the keys the same time I did when I hit the board with light. He walked over, reached out to give me a one arm hug. That felt so good.

"Great job Caline." He calls out to Lily, Mai, and Malia. "Girls, what are the parking lot numbers for your Apteras?" The girls realized that they didn't bother looking for one, telling George they would go and be right back with the numbers. I was wondering what was causing that awful smell and let curiosity get the better of me and good judgement. I turned from George to face where the odor was stronger. George saw me turning, asking. "What are you doing, Caline?"

George knew but didn't want me doing what I was about to do. "I want to find out what and where that smell is coming from." He was waiting for the girls to return with numbers so we could grab the key FOBs matching those numbers to see if the Apteras would start for the girls to drive away in. I figure I could find the source before the girls got back from the lot with the numbers. "It'll only take me a minute or so." And, slowly, I started walking towards a work desk in the middle of the room. A fat rat scurried away from the other side of the desk startling and making me jump. I continued, rounding the desk corner and screamed.

I stood there with my hand held over both my nose for the smell and mouth in shock as George came running from the room's door to the sales showroom. There on the floor was a rat’s nest, squirming with baby rats teething milk from another big, fat rat. But that didn't make me scream. Its nest had been constructed out of bits of clothing in the middle of breast bones from a long dead, ruined, gnawed corpse. The stink came from both the dried rot of what was left of the man on the floor, and the feces adding to the permeating fog of the decayed remains.

The person of that body must have been employed alone when the sickness coincided with the heat wave killing the electricity. Whoever it was, had evidentially, unfortunately become victim to the sickness, stranded, laid down and perished at the desk he worked at with no one to find him until now. George was now there at my side with both his arms around me. He slowly pulled on me to move away. "Come on Caline. Let's go. There's nothing we can do for this poor man." I let him take me out of the room through the door to the sales floor.

George shared with me later, after seeing the body, being reminded of horrific early weeks after Joy had her group from the Pueblo relocate in the settlement. There were no longer any emergency response agencies decimated from thousands of sickness deaths. There was no one to find, gather, and dispose of all those who died from the sickness or were too young, not able to fend for themselves. George and a few others from the settlement helped Cheryl's station staff and clinic staff pick up bags of lime to spread on bodies at outdoor homeless encampments they encountered searching for survivors.?

The worst nightmares were inside the dozens houses and apartment complexes that they saw surviving children and teens outside of. First, it was heartbreaking to see how listless and malnourished they all were, barely alive. They were brought to the clinic once found, nurse back healthy enough to become part of the settlement. Returning to the houses were the real horrors inside baby's cribs, toddler bodies at parents' beds, disabled still in wheelchairs, senior couples still embracing each other, house pets stretched out on beds with their humans, next to their food bowls, still alive with gnawed corpses of their owners, and so on. I was later surprised when George said that he hadn't shown any emotion with my discovery.

The group inside the saleroom had all moved to wait at the counter, anxious and questioning what had happened after hearing my scream. I saw their faces. "We found key FOBs for your Apteras." I told Lily, Mai, and Malia. "We also found the last person who worked here. He wasn't in the greatest condition. On the plus side. He became a nice home for a mom and lots of her babies." They took that at face value as George moved up beside me when Jordan motioned us from down the counter where he had placed two large boxes on top.

"We found two more charging kits still packed in their boxes with the display by that last Telo over there." Jordan pointed to. "We'll be able to charge up each Telo when we get them back with the pair, which we already have been using the last year." I smiled with George at Jordan proudly showing off his find waving a hand over with a dramatic flourish. "Tauri, Shilah, Kai, help me carry and put these in the back of one of our trucks." I walk over to Kai to hand her back her flashlight. She stuffs it in her back jean's pocket before helping Shilah pick up one of the two boxes to carry outside.?

"Can you guys help jump start the Apteras first before you go back to your trucks? And Kai, can George and I ride with you in your Telo? George and I will move these boxes outside in front away from this smell and wait for you." I got George's attention after I handed Kai her flashlight back and waited for him to help me pick one of the boxes to carry outside the showroom. George walked over and joined me to lift one box. "Umph! George, come on, help me with this box!" George smiled and seemed happy taking his share of the box's weight. I bowed to and was happy for him to help me walk out of and away from my encounter with the nursery in the building's back room.

I noticed several empty spots in the two rows of Aptera vehicles Lily, Mai, and Malia were walking to right exiting the building as George and I were carrying out the first GoSun box. We went back inside to retrieve the second and last box. The back lot where the Telo trucks on display in their two rows were full. I didn't see any gaps in their rows. I wonder if the empty Aptera spots were the ones that Gracie's sister got after the sickness cut off fuel for her vehicles. They must have been the only ones that had key FOBS still inside them when they looked inside vehicles that they could start and drive off the lot. I'm sure if Cheryl had to go inside and find keys for the Aptera, she wouldn't have found what I saw, since it was probably right after the sickness hit before rats had time to settle in. She would have told Gracie if she did, and Gracie would have told us.

The guys were back from helping the girls jump starting the Apteras. "They all started up right away with a jump start. We're ready to go. I'll help you with one of those boxes George will take to the truck I'm taking back." Kai told George. Jordan and Shilah grabbed the other box and started walking it over to load onto another truck on the back of the lot. The girls were grouped together by Lily's Aptera, waiting happily and excited to get moving as I left the sales building following the guys. I almost bumped into George as he and Kai stopped briefly by the girls.

"I'll be right back to get everyone in line and moving as soon as I help Kai load this onto her truck. It'll just be a few minutes. Then you can drive your new, well undriven, Apteras ladies. Just wait until I'm back in a sec., Okay?" George instructed, then continued walking with Kai leaving girls eager to get their Apteras moving. I left with George and Kai and followed them to the truck.

George and Kai lifted the box with the charging kit onto the back of the truck we finally reached. George told Kai and the other guys to wait while he went back across the lot to have Alex and Gustalvo go with two of them to ride shotgun on the way back to the hotel to pick everyone up before returning to the settlement. "Kai, wait here." He turns. "Jordan, Shilah, Tauri, Lonan, you guys wait here too while I get Gustalvo and Alex to ride shotgun with two of the Apteras following us to the hotel." George faces Kai and me again. "Kai, you'll lead our group back to the hotel to get everyone and the vehicle we drove with from the settlement. Caline, I'll ride with you, Ginger and Gray again."

I was happy to hear George saying that. It felt good and was nice that George liked me around. His company became more and more. I liked it. Rooming with Michelle was also going to be good for me, Ginger, and Gray. The three of us would love having another sister to talk, share with, and for Ginger and Gray, be pampered and walked by. Michelle will have to tell me more about George, and if she had eyes for Gustalvo, he for her when we got back to our new room after returning from eating dinner back at the settlement. Maybe, I can also get her, Cristian, and Felipe tell me more of why and how they built Gracie's and Joy's Adobe home one of the next times we get together to eat.

George was walking back with three Apteras slowly following him to the rows of Telo trucks. He turned to motion for them to stop, then started walking towards us. "Kai, go ahead and pull out on Jemez Canyon Dam Rd with enough room for all the vehicles to line up behind. I'll walk over and get in when we're all off the lot to head back to the hotel." I watched George step back as I sat in the passenger seat next to Kai, turned to look through my window. George was directing vehicles to line up behind Kai and me. He pointed his arm and waved for Kai to pull out. Kai eased on the accelerator carefully maneuvering out and around the parked row of Telo trucks, leaving, and got off the lot onto Jemez Canyon Dam Rd. She would be leading our caravan on a short trip next door to the hotel. The last vehicle had left the lot, now ready to follow us to the hotel. We waited for George to meet us where Kai pulled the truck over to get in.

Ginger and Gray would have been taken for their walk by Michelle and Cristian. I'm sure they would be happy to get outside to relieve themselves and stretch their legs even if they had both seemed so comfortable lounging on my bed. It'll be like old times cuddling together when we were younger, inseparable, and "our" parents were still around pampering us. A sudden pang went through me thinking of and missing my mom and dad. I was missing my sisters now and wanted to get back to Ginger and Gray fast.

George shook me of my thoughts opening and getting in the back door of the truck behind me. He reached over and tapped Kai on her shoulder across from where he sat down. "Let's go Kai. Don't stop at the hotel entrance. Keep driving around the building so we can get and bring all the vehicles we parked there back to the hotel entrance for everyone to return to the vehicles they drove and rode in from the settlement. Of course, you and the rest and those now driving the Telo trucks and Apteras we took off the lot from next door will continue to the settlement once we're all ready to go back."

I turned to look and face George asking, "Will you go upstairs to get Michelle, Ginger, and Gray from our room if they're not already waiting in the lobby? I'll just stay and wait inside my Aptera after we pull around back to the hotel entrance."? George smiled not looking at me but nodded yes acknowledging my request while keeping an eye out his window towards 550 with his handgun out and ready for any unwanted guests during our brief return trip to the hotel from the lot. I turned back looking ahead as Kai left Jemez Canyon Dam RD turning into the hotel and casino entry to the parking lots we had walked through. "Wow, we're here already. I'm hungry. Ginger and Gray must be hungry too. They're going to be happy getting back to the settlement to eat and be pampered by all the kids."

Kai drove past the hotel front entrance around the building to where we parked my Aptera with the rest of the vehicles from the settlement to be out of sight from highway 550. I got out to walk over and get into my Aptera. Gustalvo walked over to one of the other two Apteras and Michelle drove from the settlement. He would pick up Michelle to return and get the Aptera she drove. Alex got in the Telo truck he drove, and George got in the other Telo truck to bring back the one that Cristian drove from the settlement.

Michelle, Ginger, Gray, and Cristian were outside the hotel walking back to the front entrance looking content after taking care of business and stretching their legs. I pulled ahead of the entrance where they were walking to, stopped, parked, and got out. Ginger and Gray came running over when they saw me standing by our Aptera they enjoyed riding in. They almost knocked me down excited to be reunited as sisters. "Oooof! Easy girls. I missed you ladies too!!! Oooh, it's so good to see you."? We hugged each other as I felt Ginger's tongue scrape across my face. Grays nipping me on my arm. George and Gustalvo had just pulled their vehicles behind mine, parked, and were coming over to join me, Ginger, Gray, with Michelle, and Cristian who just caught up with my sisters.

George handed the keys for the truck he just moved to Cristian. "Here you go Cristian, I'll be riding back with Michelle, Ginger, and Gray." He looked at me, Ginger, and Gray smiled and winked. I loved it. "Michelle, Gustalvo is ready to drive you back around to get the Aptera you drove here with." Gustalvo holds out his arm as if he's asking Michelle out on the floor to dance. Michelle graciously accepts, hooking her arm with Gustalvo, turns smiling at me and George as she walks off with him. "Ta, ta kids. Have fun." George quips before swiveling back to me and my sisters.

We both saw two Apteras driving onto the property from 550. George and I looked at each other questioning the new arrival. George apparently recognized the Apteras as vehicles Gracie's sister and her deputies drove. He turned to the hotel entrance to see Gracie and Nina walk out. I was curious and asked George who they were. "You know them? Who are they? Why are they here?" George's face turned tense and serious, gently pulling me to follow him with Ginger and Gray to find out.

"That's Gracie's sister Cheryl and one of her deputies. They usually don't come by unannounced unless something serious is up or they're possibly worried about it.? That's only happened once in the last year when they drove onto the settlement last year after seeing a bunch of teenagers riding bikes with a few of them with rifles slung over their shoulders. The group saw Cheryl's and her deputy's vehicles and quickly separated, dispersing in different directions off the road into narrow alleys of a neighborhood with dense housing crowded next to each other. Cheryl came to the settlement to warn us and be alert. Fortunately, they never came."

Ginger, Gray, and I were walking quickly to keep up with George as he rushed to where Gracie and Ruth were talking with Cheryl to find out what was happening. The rest of our group had already congregated around the three of them talking to listen. Cheryl was explaining to Gracie and Nina why they radioed ahead and showed up. "Doris and Susan caught sight of a group riding bikes west on Enchanted Hills while outside our station. They came inside saying they recognized some of the bikes from chasing them off 550 last year. We rushed out to our Apteras parked in the lot to catch up with them. Unfortunately, they dispersed like they did a year ago into a crowded housing tract along Enchanted Hills."

Doris standing with Cheryl, grimly added. "There's not much we can do without the staff. We already stopped by the Coronado Campgrounds, Gloria, the Pueblo, and the old KOA RV Park to warn them. Gracie was going to have us stop at the settlement on the way back to the station, especially after not finding the two you left at WalMart that Gracie told us to pick up. We think those two are part of the group that was biking past our station, or at least the two knew the biking group.?

Cheryl saw me, Ginger and Gray arrive with George, Gustalvo, Michelle, and Cristian listening. She recognized me, Ginger, and Gary from Gracie's description of new additions from Placitas to the settlement. "Caline, Gracie had asked us to escort you and the rest of you returning to Placitas to bring your soccer friends back here to the hotel. She shared with me what happened to you back there. We're going with you to make sure nothing happens to our new residents from those who attacked folks here and from those who attacked you back in Placitas. She also said that George was going to teach you how to use firearms. My colleague Susan is back at the station. She's military and had access to her National Guard Armory. We transfer lots of those arms to our current station. Susan will help George train and arm you and the rest of your group going to Placitas."

Hearing how many communities were being watched over by Cheryl and her posse made me curious if they made any contact with Nancy and the friends I left back in Placitas. "Have you been up to Placitas or heard anything from someone there? What about Gloria at the Circle K? Has she mentioned seeing anyone driving down from Placitas to her store and talking with her? I wonder if Nancy or if she sent a person to find out what happened to me when I left just three days ago." Has it just been three days? So much has happened in such a short time. I looked at George and smiled. Then I turned my attention to Michelle and all the people now an important part of my new life. Wow, not bad.

"Sorry Caline. There are too few of us with too many communities to keep an eye on this side of I-25 to drive up to Placitas. And no, Gloria hasn't mentioned anything about anyone asking about you. I also haven't asked her. I'll ask her next time we radio each other of stop to check in at the old Circle K." Cheryl then asks Gracie and Nina. "Is your group ready to head back to the settlement? We need to get back to the station after escorting you from the hotel and away from 550."

Gracie came over to put her arms around me after seeing how my face reacted to hearing no one had tried to find what happened or where I went. George, Cristian, even Ginger and Gray, all closed in, making their comforting presence felt to reassure me that I was not alone. They were all my family here. "We're ready to return to the settlement. Everyone, get to your vehicles. Caline, George, you'll lead our group back with Doris in front to keep out ahead with Cheryl at the rear as we leave." Gracie looks at her sister and Doris. "Is that okay?" Both Cheryl and Doris nod a yes, walking to get in, move, and position their Apteras.

Cristian took off to the Telo truck he drove. Gustalvo and Michelle were returning to the Apteras they drove here. Gustalvo had left with Michelle to get the other Aptera as soon as we joined the others listening to Cheryl and Doris. Gracie went with Cristian, grabbing Nino as they passed her, and got back to the truck they rode in from the settlement. George replaced Gracie's arm with his. "You okay Caline?" I nodded yes feeling warm and a little giddy with George pressed next to me. "Good, Let's go." Ginger rumbles a low ascent with Gray eagerly rubbing her snout against me in agreement ready to go. They both must be pretty hungry, not eating anything since morning breakfast back at the settlement. Hell, I was famished too. We hurried back to where I had parked and left my Aptera.

Watching Ginger and Gray race around to the back of the Aptera as we got close and to put their paws up on the rear hatch with both staring at me to open it had me smiling again. I shooed them off, knocked twice on for the hatch to open. They immediately jumped in once the back was open. George had already opened the front passenger side door and was sitting waiting for me to get into the Aptera, behind the yoke. He must be hungry too, anxious to return to the settlement for dinner and eat as soon as we get back. "Alright, alright guys, I'm going." George started rubbing his stomach with one hand while pointing to his mouth with the other pantomiming his hunger. Ginger and Gray added their contribution by hanging their heads from the rear over the back of George's seat on either side of his shoulders with their own pathetic, clownish, begging faces. "Oh my god guys!" I laughed. "Stop! I'm driving already. I'm hungry too, you know!" I spat out laughing feeling good as I pulled the Aptera out and around behind Doris in the lead vehicle.

Doris eased forward as soon as I Was behind her, driving her Aptera to the road running north to the golf course east of and around the hotel. We would turn off on the old golf path through long unused lanes that kept us out of sight from the highway. This was the same route George had taken me back to the hotel to pick up my Aptera to bring back to the settlement. It was also the same trail our party returned to the hotel on. My first walk was on the outskirts south and east of and around the course through a couple of the sparse outlying trees, unattended bits of dried, brittle, bits of debris and fallen leaves from one year of cold, hot seasons, and late summer, brief, heavy monsoon rains.

Thankfully, the trip back was uneventful. Children had seen our caravan driving onto the settlement field as it exited the old golf course trails. They were gathered waiting for us where we had left and would be pulling in with our vehicles. I saw Joy there as I slowed down behind Doris, stopped, and parked. "We're here." I said opening my side door to walk around to the rear and let Ginger and Gray out. Lisa was already there amongst a crowd of children and settlement dogs waiting to welcome Ginger and Gray back. "Oh my, look Ginger, Gray. All your new friends are here." I told my sisters as they leaped out of the back immediately surrounded and smothered with pets and hugs as several dogs were trying to squeeze in between the children. A few cats had wandered over as well.

George had walked around to the back, struggling to weave his way over to where I was standing, through the kids, dogs, surrounding Ginger and Gray. "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starved, but I'm also tired after our trek to and back getting the vehicles we need to bring your friends here from Placitas. The kids will take care of Ginger and Gray and get them both fed. I was wondering if your friends will want to leave Placitas while we were driving back here to the settlement for dinner. They have no idea what happened after you disappeared from Placitas without talking with anyone or where you wound up." Gracie and Joy caught up with us and heard George while walking to the dining area.

"I was thinking the same thing and mentioned that to Joy." Gracie interjected, agreeing with George's musings. Gracie knew I left behind one of my attackers lying dead in my house, bloodied, mutilated, mauled by Ginger and Gray defending me. The other is still alive back in Placitas, fleeing, escaping, surviving my sisters' anger, teeth, and claws. "What kind of reaction do you think they'll have; how will the community react to seeing you days after you disappeared not knowing that you were attacked and seeing someone dead in your house?" She asked with concern for me seeing my response when Cheryl had said no one was seen or heard looking for me back at the hotel.

We were almost at the dining area, and I was hungry. "Can I get something to eat before I try to even fathom how my friends and folks back in Placitas will respond to seeing me, let alone if my friends will decide to leave Placitas to return and live with me in the hotel. I haven't thought it all the way through. I just don't want them to be subjected to any attacks from the one who escaped attacking me and still lived in their community. They know how much of an asshole that person has been since the sickness. I'll tell them what happened and hope hearing my story and seeing me will help them decide to be with their friend and come back to live here."

I saw Michelle, Gustalvo, Alex, and Cristian sitting at one of the tables with another boy I hadn't met yet. There were still a couple of spaces left for me and George to join them. I turned to George and to Gracie and Joy walking with us. "George, let's go sit with Michelle and Gustalvo over there. Gracie, Joy, thank you both. We'll talk later. I'm hungry and want to eat. Maybe there'll be time for me, Ginger, and Gray to stop over to say hi to Tiger before we drive back to the hotel. If not, we'll make sure to see Tiger tomorrow morning after breakfast and when I finish soccer practice with the kids before returning to my room at the hotel to shower."

Gracie and Joy both smiled, nodded, arms around each other, talking and walked off to get their own food and dined together. Cheryl and Doris didn't stick around to eat. They had both driven off in their Apteras returning to the station. They would speak with Susan on checking their arsenal for weapons to train and arm those of us who wanted to learn how to shoot. The vehicles we brought back from sitting a year unused had to be fully charged. There were no usable charging stations to do that with no more power grid to draw electricity from. Thankfully, we had the portable GoSun charging panels. But they charged slowly. It would take at least ten days to two weeks to make sure there was enough charge to drive to and back from Placitas. That would hopefully be plenty of time for me to learn how to shoot both a rifle and a handgun. Where will Susan have us learning how to shoot? Won't our practice shooting be heard? I'll let Susan worry about that.

Michelle saw me and George approaching their table. "We saw you two leaving Ginger and Gray with the kids back at your Aptera and saved you two seats. Go get some food and hurry back, you two cuties!" She winked and laughed. Our eyes are going to break with all this winking at each other. Can't wait to fill in all those winks with something to back them up and find out what's going on between Michelle and Gustalvo. George took his cue from Michelle and headed over to where food was waiting for him and me to load on our plates. I didn't have time to respond to Michelle's wink trying to follow and keep up with George's stomach racing to be filled. My stomach was growling and determined to win the race to the food and be fed. Ginger and Gray would already be chowing down by now with their stomach’s way ahead of the race to be fed.

George and I returned with plates full of food. Michelle patted an empty spot next to her for me to sit down on. Alex waved George over to a space next to him on the table's opposite side where a new face was sitting, I didn't know. I turned to Michelle after taking a seat and before taking a bite of my food. "Who's the guy sitting by Alex, where George is sitting? I haven't met or seen him since arriving here. Is that Felipe? Gracie was telling me he worked with you and Cristian building the adobe home that she and Joy are living in."

Michelle answered as I started digging in to scoop food up from the plate to stuff in my mouth. "Yes, that's Felipe. He hadn't been feeling well and was staying inside one of the trailers he's made a home in resting until he felt better. You'll get a chance to meet and get to know him. He wants to move to the hotel to join and live with us. I think he said that he was already packed after talking with Joy while we were getting the vehicles. He's going to come back with us tonight. I'll tell you how we built the Adobe later at the hotel with Felipe once he's settled into his room and with Christian if they're not too tired. And you can tell me your story with George." Michelle smiled and nudged me.

I leaned into her ear and quietly responded softly with Gustalvo sitting on her other side. "Only if you tell me your story with Gustalvo." Returning quickly to stuffing my face with the food still left on my plate. I almost choked giggling afterwards. George turned towards me with a mouthful and a questioning look on his face hearing me giggle from across the table. I just kept looking down at my plate, chewing away. I glanced over to Michelle and saw her watching us with I swear, a twinkle in her eyes. My face felt red, so I finished eating as fast as I could to slip away and see if I had time to nab my sisters Ginger and Gray to visit Tiger before heading back to the hotel.

"George, are you almost done eating?" I turned to Michelle. "Michelle, do you think I'll have time to grab Ginger and Gray for a quick visit to Gracie and Joy to see Tiger?" I took a moment to quickly scan our hotel group, sadly seeing most everyone done and already clearing out their spots and empty plates. "Never mind Michelle. I see my hotel neighbors are mostly done and ready to head back. I'll go get Ginger and Gray from the kids from the settlement feeding area for the dogs and cats."

Gracie and Joy came to our table just as I was about to get up. "Cheryl radioed and spoke with Susan back at the station on her way driving back. She just radioed me that Susan's on board to train you and anyone else who wants to learn how to shoot with George. Cheryl reminded me how short staffed they were and would love to recruit people eager to help them out. Susan said the training would take at least two weeks. Cheryl added that would be plenty of time to also find out a way to reach out to Placitas and let them know what happened to you, that you're okay. That means even if it means taking a trip up there to talk to them in person. That might prepare and help make it easier for your friends to want to return with you to the hotel when you present that option to them. It can't hurt. She is also going to have Susan bring two walkie talkies for you guys in the hotel to stay in touch in case of any emergency. She's going to do the same with the folks in Placitas when driving up there to finally connect with them." Gracie saw and returned a warm smile to the grateful, relieved look I gave her hearing what Cheryl shared with her.

Joy realized I wouldn't have time to stop by their home and visit Tiger with my sisters. "Tiger will be happy to see you, Ginger, and Gray tomorrow morning after you come back for breakfast and finish with the kids' soccer practice. The casino has plenty of places to set up to fix and have meals back at the hotel.? You'll eventually get that up and running. We'll have to make sure to bring Tiger over one of these days to visit you, Ginger and Gray over there." She laughed, giving me a hug. Gracie standing next to both of us, joined her, smothering me in four arms with both their hugs. They unleashed me and took a step back when Nina walked over motioning everyone back to where we parked and left all the vehicles.

Michelle had drifted over to walk with me to retrieve, pull Ginger, Gary free from the kids and dogs while George was still back at the table with the guys. "So, you and George seem to hit it off pretty quickly. It's been less than a week, just days and the two of you have become inseparable. Riding, walking, eating together. Either of you make any moves yet than just being next to each other?" I turned red again just thinking of me and George. I was also wondering why George hadn't made any of his moves yet. Then again, we've only met just days ago and hardly know each other. And I am only 15. Ginger and Gray were thankfully now close enough for Michelle and I to slow down so I could wrangle them away from the kids to take and load them in the Aptera for our trip back to the hotel.

Ignoring Michelle, I wormed my way in between all the kids, crouched down to Ginger and Gray, scratching behind their ears. "There you girls are. I love my sisters. Did you get enough to eat? Are you ready to go back to your new room?" George had finally followed, reaching me and Michelle. His arrival saved me from responding to Michelle's and my own questions of what was happening between us. The conversation and answers would have to wait for another time. I said as much to Michelle as I gathered Ginger and Gray to walk with us to the vehicles so we could get back to the hotel. "Michelle, let's get to our room with Ginger and Gray and talk back there later. I still want to hear about Gracie's and Joy's adobe home."

George looked anxious to get back as well, walking out in front of the four of us leading our group to the waiting vehicles. He looked back trying to get us to move faster. "Come on guys, I'm bushed. I want to get back and crash as soon as I'm in my room and shut the door. It's going to start getting dark barely after the time we get back.? Remember, I had to borrow Kai's flashlight. I don't have one. I left mine in the room." He even coaxed Ginger and Gray to pick up their pace looking straight at them. "Hey girls. Come on you two. I know you want to get back on that nice bed in your new room." He claps his hands, making encouraging clicking sounds, trying to get my sisters to respond. I couldn't believe what I saw. Ginger and Gray glanced at each other, almost shrugging, and slinked up to George up front.

Michelle saw the incredulous face I made to my sisters as they both passed me to walk aside George and laughed. "Traitors! You better not take over my bed when we get to our room." Ginger and Gray looked back at me like they were laughing, turned ahead, and kept walking with George towards the Aptera. "Wow, no loyalty among sisters. I'm going to kick you guys off my bed. You can sleep with Michelle tonight." They had the nerve to turn again to look back at me like they were laughing again. Michelle couldn't stop laughing now as she took off to the Aptera she was driving.?

Felipe had walked over with his stuff to Michelle, ready to move with us to the hotel. He asked Michelle for a ride with her to his new home. Gustalvo was inside in the Telo Truck he drove ready to roll. I'm sure he would find a way to either pass off what he drove to someone else to ride with Michelle, or Michelle would pass off the Aptera to ride with Gustalvo in the truck. I couldn't wait to grill Michelle back in our room about her and Gustalvo. She could also fill me on who George was and why he hasn't made a move on me yet. My friends will love her. I hope Cheryl gets in touch with Placitas soon to let them know I'm okay, didn't abandoned, forget about, want them to be safe, and leave Placitas to return with me to begin a new life.

George stepped around the Aptera to get in on the passenger side as I knocked on my driver side door to watch it swing up. I had George's full attention lowering myself behind the steering yoke and buckling in. "What?" I asked, wondering what he was thinking about as I started up my Aptera and pulled out. "Why are you staring at me?" Not that I minded his eyes on me one bit. Although, his eyes seem to be focused elsewhere. He did say he was bushed. "George, did you hear me? Are you asleep?" Damn, his eyes were all on me.

George shook his head from his thoughts and from wherever he was. "Sorry Caline. I was wondering where Susan was going to set up practice and target shooting once she starts training us using firearms. I was worrying about how easy it'll be to hear our weapons firing from anyone passing by on highway 550." Those were the exact thoughts I had. "Then I remember my dad and I having fun bowling inside the casino's Starlight Bowling Center with its 36 lanes. That would be perfect for an indoor shooting range. The casino exterior walls would mute a lot of sounds from any weapons we fired while training and us taking target practice. We would need to find some way to rig the lighting inside."

George paused, then his eyes lit up. "Michelle interned as a maintenance tech with her mom before the sickness.? When you both get back to your room, can you ask her if she did any electrical work while interning? Maybe she could go up on the roof to check on, get the solar panels generating some electricity. Gustalvo, Alex, Cristian, Felipe, Lily, or I could go up with her to help and keep watch. We should at least get enough electricity going to have the emergency lights on in the hallways, so we don't have to carry flashlights around at night."

That made sense, But I was disappointed that was what he was focused on and not me. I might have to make the first move to get us going. I'll wait until Michelle, and I have some girl talk. She can fill me in a bit more on who George is, what he likes, doesn't like, and so on. I want to hear what's going on with her and Gustalvo. Yup, roomie. We had lots to talk about once we settled in our room. Ugh! I remembered that I'll have to wrestle with my adopted sisters Ginger and Gray for space on "our" bed. Too bad it's not just my bed after they claimed it first. That's okay. We've always felt comfortable cuddled together while sleeping from when we were cubs, pups, and toddlers.?

"Sounds good. I'll ask Michelle when we get back to our rooms. There's still plenty of daylight left, so we won't have to find our way back to our rooms in total darkness." George yawns, hilariously followed by two more yawns from behind me. I turned briefly to Ginger and Gray in the rear. "Why are you two so tired? You both were just lounging on MY bed while George and I were running around" My sisters just ignored me keeping their snouts on their paws.

All of us went to the spot behind the hotel to park and leave our vehicles out of sight from 550. I got my sisters out from the rear of the Aptera to join everyone as we walked together around the building to the hotel's front entrance. Michelle, then of course, Gustalvo joined me, Ginger, Gray, and a sleepy George making our way back. I figured I would go ahead and ask Michelle now if she knew how to do electrical work. "George was worried about not having his flashlight if we got back after it was dark. He was thinking about what Gracie had mentioned about the roof solar panels and wondering if you did any electrical work with your mom while you were interning before the sickness. Did you, and if you did, do you think you could see whether the panels would still work and provide us with some electricity for at least emergency lights in the hallway?"

Michelle didn't answer right away. Her face betrayed a sadness remembering her mom. Then she answered painfully, quietly, and slowly. "Yes, my mom was a great teacher. She had me shadowing, learning, then doing a bit of everything whenever something needed fixing in the casino and hotel. She even had me up on the casino's roof watching the solar folks install the panels and cables up there." She pointed towards the casino roof as we walked around. "They were going to install much more efficient REA Fusion 2 Bifacial triple layered solar panels that were just being tried out in pilot projects, along with each panel having their own Enphase Micro-Inverter to lessen the amount of energy needed to convert the accumulated DC voltage into usable AC that the then current single large inverter took." Michelle stopped, excitedly answered, ending softer and sadly remembering something. "Yes! I can go up and see what condition they're in and if we're still able to use and get some electricity out of them, maybe a lot of electricity with the new technology and efficiency of the panels they used. We may need to get panels that haven't been exposed to a year of weather to get full usage for better and maximum solar charged power." And that was that. I let us finish getting to the hotel entrance in silence. Ginger and Gray sensed sadness in Michelle, moving closer and rubbing their comfort against her legs. Maybe they would snuggle with Michelle tonight and give me a whole bed to sleep in. That's selfish of me. Hell, I'm tired.

Nina was first in the lobby, greeting everyone, assigning the first overnight watch to hopefully just one poor soul. Selfishly again. I'm glad it won't be me. It'll be either Alex or Cristian. Unfortunately, both know how to handle a firearm. Nina must have seen how dead George was speeding ahead of and leaving me, Michelle, Ginger, and Gray, so he could fall into his room and bed as soon as his door opened. Would Nina have someone stay at the hotel on watch during our return to the settlement for breakfast and the kids' soccer practice? I don't think we packed and brought over any food yet if, and for whoever, needs to stay back here to watch in the morning when we leave.

Michelle must have read my thoughts after she saw Nina talking with Cristian and Alex. "I wouldn't want to have to stay up all night by myself. I never fired a gun and don't want to. My mom knew how and did as part of her military training and service before returning to the Pueblo. She tried to offer to teach me how to handle a firearm. Didn't push it, happy I wanted, was eager, and able to learn everything else she passed on to me." We took out and clicked on flashlights reaching the of the escalator steps onto the concourse level before turning to walk past the casino slot machines where I had saw shadows of what must have been cats taking residence in the building. Michelle stopped almost where my sisters had previously to sniff the floor. "There!" She points to another spot to the right. "There!" Gives me an apologetic acknowledging face. "You were right Caline. We have cats here." Ginger and Gray continued ahead of us after pausing to sniff at the same spot they had on their first trip passing by to the stairway door and one flight up to our floor. Ginger and Gray rushed ahead up the stairs as soon as I caught up to open the door. I saw them waiting on the landing for us to catch up and open the door to the hallway. Michelle and I were glad we had our flashlights with the hall growing dim, not much lighter stepping out from the stairwell getting closer to our room. Michelle shines her flashlight up to the hallway's dark emergency light. "That includes electrical work." Michelle added as we reached our room's door.?

Ginger and Gray pretty much shoved us both aside pushing themselves to the door. "You spoiled brats. You can't open that door. You have to wait for one of us to open it before you run in and try to take over the bed." Gary yips and Ginger gives me a low, guttural growl sassing me. "What do you think Michelle? Should we let our sisters inside or let them sleep out here in the hallway?" Oh my. Gray and Ginger quieted down and backed away from the door. "No, I can't believe that. Now you two are being nice and polite? What an act!" I was happy to see Michelle laugh from our roommates’ antics. I opened the door. So much for civility. Ginger and Gray immediately ran in and jumped up on my bed. I was hoping Gray would have done the same jumping onto Michelle's bed instead leaving me at least a little space to crash in. Michelle and I helplessly watched, turned to each other, and laughed. "Yup, you played us." I said, shaking my head walking into our room with Michelle.

Michelle went to one of her bags to pull out and light several candles. Our room was not a suite. It did have two queen size beds. One for me and one for Michelle. It was just a luxury double queen bed with one bathroom for us to share. Michelle lit four candles on each of our end tables and two in the bathroom. Ginger and Gray were stretched out and hogging all the space of my bed by the room's window. "Caline, I'll use the bathroom first. Is that okay?" I just nodded yes as I tried to squeeze myself between Ginger and Gray. This wouldn’t work. There wasn't enough space for two big four-legged critters and me. We would have to find and move into something bigger if the four of us were going to remain roommates. I'm not going to get much rest with these two. I wonder if I could convince one of them to move over and sleep with Michelle. Would she mind? Hmm.

"Michelle, are you a cat person or a dog person?" I asked loudly so she could hear me from the bathroom. She responded with a "why are you asking" kind of what, either not hearing and fully listening to my question. So, I asked again, only slower, and more loudly a second time. "I asked if you were a cat person or are you a dog person." I waited for her response. She walked out of the bathroom and saw me struggling with only a sliver of space left on the bed by Ginger and Gray.

She laughed. "You're not going to be able to get any sleep on that bed with those two. I'm fine with whichever of your sisters you can pry off that bed, separate from the other to move over her to my bed. Good luck Caline! I'm done with the bathroom. Your clothes are still against the wall where Gracie pushed them over this morning." Michelle came over to me, Ginger, and Gray. She reached first to Gray to scratch behind her ears, then her rump. Gray's tail starts wagging. "Oh, you like that Gray. Don't you? Gray tails wagged harder and quicker as she continued. I took advantage of Gray being distracted to get my stuff for the bathroom so I could be ready for bed and much needed sleep. Michelle was working her charm on Gray. "Would you like to sleep with me Gray. You know you would. Don't you Gray. Come on over with me on my bed and I'll keep scratching you. Come on girl." I heard Gray yip, jump off my bed, then jump right on Michelle's. Oh, thank you Michelle!

I returned to my bed with just Ginger snoring away. "Thank you so much Michelle! I'm so tired and I need a good night's sleep. Gray or Ginger, or both may wake us up wanting and needing to go out. I hope you're okay with that. I don't want to walk through the hallway alone to take one or both outside. I don't know where Nina has our night person keeping watch once outside." I picked up a pair of old slippers and a robe. "I keep these wherever I'm sleeping so I can slip into them half-awake whenever my sisters nose me to take them out to do their business."

Michelle gets up to go to one of her bags, rummages through and pulls out something like my slippers and robes. Hold them up to show me in the soft, flickering light of our room's two candles. "Here." She puts her things down by the side of her bed. "I'm ready. We'll zombie walk together through the hallway when called to duty by either one or both prima donnas." Gray lifts her head, wags her tail in anticipation of more scratches from Michelle returning to the bed. Ginger is still snoring away.

I must have fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I sneezed from one year of dust residue that I couldn’t pound off the dressed bed's old linen we hadn't stripped off to wash moving into our room. We had so much to do making the hotel our new home. Both room’s candles were long out. There was no light for me to see anything clearly except shapes. It was still dark. I sensed that Ginger's eyes were open, and she wanted to go out. Gray sounded still asleep. Gracie told the settlement folks moving with me to bring flashlights since the hotel's electricity went out when the power grid crashed. I forgot where I put the flashlight I was using after falling asleep. I must have been exhausted.

I carefully reached down to the slippers and robe, inched my way along the bed's edge to the end, stood and slowly walked with my arms out towards where I remember Michelle had pulled candles out of a bag. I was slowly swinging my arms left and right down where the desk was against the wall to find and touch Michelle's bag. My hand brushed up against something. Yes. There was another one. I reached inside, thankfully felt the hard cylinder of a flashlight, pulled it out, pointed away from Michelle's bed to mine and Ginger and slid its switch on. A beam of light cut through the darkness startling Ginger. I quickly followed the light to her, quietly cooing and giving her a comforting scratch, whispering, "Let's go out for a walk." Ginger gracefully rose on the bed to ease herself onto the floor.

She followed close behind me as I turned, keeping the flashlight facing away from where Michelle and Gray were still asleep until we reached and opened the room's door into the hall. Ginger was now fully out of the room. I closed the door carefully and quietly behind us. The flashlight was nice and bright, giving us plenty of light in the hallway. I was still a bit groggy as Ginger turned her head back looking at me as if saying, 'come on, let's walk already. I have to go.' Then she started walking fast forcing me to keep up down the hall, to the stairs. I hurried down the steps after her where she was waiting for me to open the door at the bottom. She raced ahead across the floor to the escalator, down its steps to an empty lobby. Neither of us were awake or cared enough to notice any sound or sight of cats on the concourse. I caught up to her, finally reaching the hotel's front entrance doors that were closed.? I had to open them for her to continue outside. I wonder who was keeping watch and where from.

The outside had very slight star illumination with a hint of gray lightening the dark sky to the east. Dawn must be approaching. "Who's there?" Suddenly it sounded to our left with another flashlight beam drawing closer to ours when we were just about ten feet from the hotel's entrance. Ginger was leading us to walk over to one of the dirt patches. Steps got closer to whoever was on overnight watch. "Oh, it's you, Caline, and Ginger." Nina had Alex doing the first overnight watch for our new home here at the hotel. He slings his rifle over his shoulder and twists it with the strap in front and rifle across the back walking over to lean down and pet Ginger. "You couldn't wait for another hour until the sun came up. Could you. When you have to go, you have to go. Yup, I know, girl." Ginger took her que. She walked out from under Alex's hand, left him bent over, then stood up next to and with me. She continued her walk to the large unpaved spot, sniffing and finding a spot to pee.

We stood watching Ginger sniff a few times, squatting for a few minutes, standing, turning, sniffing again before scratching dirt over her spot. She began sniffing again for another spot. I looked at Alex. "I guess you'll be sleeping in when we go back to the settlement for breakfast. Is Cristian going to stay and keep watch while you're sleeping and the rest of us are gone from the hotel? What anything brought over to the hotel for Cristian to eat while he's on watch? Gracie had all those Pueblo drivers move in with us. I hope some of them will be able to do and share watch duty with you and Cristian. Who else knows how to use a firearm?" Ginger had finished and was starting to walk back to us.

My sister was back rubbing against Alex's leg for him to pet her again. "Okay, okay." He bends down again to comply. "Just a couple more pets. I can't watch the road while I'm leaning down to pet you. Can I Ginger? No, I can't." He stands, turns to 550 and takes a minute looking left to right while listening for anything disturbing the early darkness., then answers my questions. "Yes, Cristian will be taking over for me as soon as I go inside to wake him up. It's quiet and likely too early for anyone to be roaming around nearby. Nina told me and Cristian she packed and brought something from the settlement for either one of us to eat in the morning when she scheduled our shifts last night. Lily, Shilah, and Kai know how to use firearms. They'll be pulling watch shifts so me and Cristian can have a day off. There'll be more people to help out once Susan from the station finished training a bunch of people to shoot." We both could see without the flashlight and shut them off. "The sun should be up over the Sandias soon. I'll walk back in with you and Ginger to wake up Cristian to take over. Let's head inside."

Michelle called out with Gray running to us as they walked out through the hotel entrance. "There you ladies are. Hi Alex." Gray ran straight ahead to the dirt area where Ginger had been. Michelle walked over to me and Alex. " You got stuck with the first night watch, huh Alex? Ouch. Sorry, I'm glad I never wanted to learn how to shoot a gun. My mom tried to teach me, but I didn't want to have anything to do with them. It looks like your shift is over with the sun finally coming up." Michelle turns to me. "Gray and I were lucky it was starting to get light out when she woke me. You must have dropped your flashlight when you fell asleep. I saw it had rolled under your bed. I see you found and took another flashlight from my bag." Michelle must have been more awake than me and Ginger mentioning seeing cats upstairs. "Oh, I saw more shadows and even heard some of your cats walking with Gray for her to go outside.?

Michelle and I saw Alex was ready to go inside and sleep. "You girls will be fine here together without me until Cristian is up and outside to take over. I'm heading in now. I'll see you guys tomorrow. And I think I'm too tire to see any cats sleep walking to my bed. ?I'll say hi if I do." He hears a grumbling in his stomach. Looks embarrassed. "Umm, strike not seeing you guys until tomorrow, I'm tired, but also feeling a bit hungry. I'll probably see you guys tonight after I get up and you're back from the settlement with some food hopefully." He turns to see Gary repeating Ginger's actions of sniffing, peeing, and whatever else she needs to do. "Bye ladies." Alex turns and walks away back inside the hotel leaving me and Ginger standing with Ginger as Gray is still walking around, looking for another spot. I was ready to return for more sleep in my bed before going to get breakfast and lead another practice session with the kids. It didn't look like I would do that with it getting light. It was going to be a long day.

"Looks like Gray's done. Here she comes. I guess we should go inside and get ready for breakfast and my soccer practice with the kids back at the settlement. We're going to need to start having and eating meals here at the hotel. And those bed linens we slept in last night, smelled stale and bad. They need to be washed. You worked here. Where can we wash them and all our clothes?" I asked Michelle, realizing how much needed to be done to make living in the hotel work as we were walking back to our room. "That's okay. You don't have to answer that. We can talk later with Gracie and Nina to figure everything out. It's going to be another long day."

Cristian must have been tired, hard to wake up, and took his time. We didn't pass him when we were back inside the hotel walking through the lobby, up the escalator, on the concourse, no shadows this time, in the stairwell, up the steps, nor on the landing to our room. Ginger and Gray were running ahead of us to be first, waiting at the door again. "Ladies, girls, sisters, we're not going back to bed. We're getting washed up and dressed for breakfast. You'll be visiting Tiger today." I said as I opened the door. Ginger ran and jumped on my bed. Gray ran right beside Ginger but jumped on Michelle's bed. I shook my head. Michelle just laughed going straight into the bathroom.

Michelle and I washed up and got dressed quickly. We had to drag both Ginger and Gray off our respective beds. They begrudged being pulled off, but finally submitted probably hungry and knowing that breakfast wouldn't be served in bed to them. "I'm glad Gray's not as heavy and big as Ginger. I was afraid I would have to pick up and carry her out of our room and down the hall and stairs, then down the escalator to the lobby. Geeze Gray!" Michelle shook out her arms in a mock limbering up. "We don't need all the vehicles to get to and from here. I'll speak with Nina and Gracie about leaving several back at the settlement, especially the recent Telo Trucks we took from the lot yesterday. They need to stay out in sun with the GoSun charging kits to accumulate a good charge. The settlement needs at least two of the trucks to pick up fresh food from the Pueblo at least every couple of days."

"What about doing laundry here. Gracie said the settlement had people doing group laundry twice a week. Where did housekeeping do laundry for all the linen? We can't use the machines. But there should be big sinks to wash everything and a way to rig lines to hang dry the wash." Michelle just nodded yes as Ginger and Gray stopped and sniffed at the same spot from the first time on the concourse floor. Michelle and I paused, then continued walking. My sisters finished their inspection quickly. The four of us walked down the escalator and entered the lobby. George, Gustalvo, and the new face, Felipe, were there waiting with Nina and the rest of our hotel community. Nina motioned everyone to gather around her. George and Gustalvo moved closer to me, Michelle and my two sisters. They both lean down to pet them now laying on the floor at our feet. It was good seeing them both. "We didn't see or hear any cats on our way down."

"We're going to start carpooling after this morning." There it was. Exactly what Michelle had said. "The Telo trucks we took from next door will stay back at the settlement after we drive there for breakfast. We need those trucks to pick up fresh produce that people who stay behind living and other food they're growing and raising there.? Felipe, you'll drive the Telo truck that Cristian was driving yesterday. He's outside right now doing a shift of keeping watch. Make sure the extra GoSun charging kits are loaded to take over and use. We're going to start bringing some of that food here to begin having and eating some of our meals at the hotel."

"Those of you who worked here as interns before the sickness know where the casino restaurants are. We'll check them out and see how we can use them without electricity. Michelle worked as a maintenance intern with and learning from the best, her mom. That included working and resolving calls on electrical issues. Michelle's mom was head of our hotel and casino maintenance crew. Gracie mentioned the solar panels that were installed up on the roof with the solar farm back at the settlement just before the sickness. Neither installation was completed, tested, switched on to generate electricity. That wasn't much of an issue back on the settlement with all the solar generators we found and brought to the field. Dark hotel rooms, hallways, interior kitchen, and dining areas change that. I'm hoping Michelle will be able to use her experience up on the roof."

Everyone was listening closely, letting Nina's words sink in. The hotel community was becoming more tangible, more real, more doable as Nina was bringing up and answering many questions all of us were pondering. I realized that I had caused all this. I had left my home in Placitas to walk into the lives and home of a people who had survived together unchanged for a year. I didn't want to be haunted by my attack in Placitas, by George's story of Cindy's murder that Gracie had shared with me upon first arriving here, the encounters with Cindy's murderers here at the hotel, then at Wal-Mart.

No, I wanted to defend my new home and I wanted to defend myself. "When will Susan start training us how to use firearms?" I remember and mention George's idea of using the bowling alley inside the casino to muffle the sounds of target practice. "George and I were concerned our target practice could and would be heard by anyone on 550 passing by. He had a suggestion to use the Starlight's 36 bowling lanes inside the casino. The building's exterior walls would help mute the gunshots. I want to learn as soon as possible to help keep us safe, me, my sisters safe, my friends I'm bringing here from Placitas in our new home." The room became silent with Nina, George, Michelle, Gustalvo, Alex, Felipe, Lily, everyone looking at me.

Then everyone directed their attention back to Nina. Heads quickly turned to Lily when she spoke up. "I like to work with Susan and George helping to train Caline how to shoot. I've watched how much she cares about the kids back at the settlement teaching them soccer so they can play and not just watch the older folks on the field. I see her watching over and the love she has for her sisters, and I've seen how she moved us to motivate and reclaim our home after a year. avoiding returning to the hotel here. Sign me up"

Nina let Lily finish, responding. "That's exactly what I'm about to do for tonight, Lily. You're already schooled in firearms. You'll be pulling tonight's overnight watch." The group laughs. Lily groans. "And I've already mentioned you to Gracie as another one to work with Susan, along with George to help train anyone learning how to shoot. So, rest up once you get back from breakfast. George, you'll take the watch from Lily tomorrow morning. It's quiet so far with no sightings of the gang pedaling bikes or anyone else. I'll speak with a couple of you who have handled weapons to put you on future watches and to double up the watches if we see or hear of anything to warrant that."

Nina was finally ready to send us off. " Go get some breakfast. Find someone you want to carpool back here with. Susan will be coming over later after we're back from a big breakfast to hold us over before we head back to the settlement for an early dinner. We're going to start looking at the roof, the Mesa Grille restaurant inside the casino, and the Starlight Bowling Center when we get back for a few hours."

Ginger and Gray were up from the floor rubbing against me and Michelle getting restless, maybe just hungry. George noticed my sisters seeming more awake than last night. He silently nodded with a tilt of his head for us to go. Michelle and Gustalvo both witnessed George's tilt, took his que and both left the four of them standing waiting to follow them to exit the hotel lobby. I looked down to my sisters. "Okay, okay. we're going. Come on." I stepped off to follow Michelle, Gustalvo almost outside, and George for our walk around the building to my Aptera.

Once again, and thankfully, our short commute from the hotel to the settlement for breakfast and soccer practice afterwards, was uneventful. I parked my Aptera where it was parked yesterday. The four Telo Trucks from the lot had been parked in the open field, spaced out. Four boxes of the GoSun portable solar charging kits had been unloaded from the trucks and were being opened. It looked like Felipe, Lonan, Jordan, Shilah, and Kai wanted to set them up over the trucks before eating breakfast. Felipe had walked over to help after leaving the settlement's Telo truck parked over by my Aptera, and the five other Aptera's parked there by Michelle, Gustalvo, Lily, Mai, and Malia. Two of those Aptera would remain behind with the four trucks when we returned to the hotel later.

Nina had rode with Lily from the hotel and was walking with her to the dining area. Michelle and Gustalvo were reconnected, walking with each other after parking each of the Apteras they drove. They would be sharing one vehicle on the way back. Mai and Malia were the last ones to park. They were now following me and George to the dining area. Lisa and a bunch of the young kids had been waiting for Ginger and Gray where we'd been parking and leaving our vehicles. They surrounded us when I parked, joyously reunited with my sisters, smothering them both with hugs before taking them to have breakfast. The settlement dogs were running around and happy that Ginger and Gray were back to play with.

I was watching Nina and Lily ahead of us on our way to eat. Gracie and Joy greeted them when they reached the tables. "Nina touched on pretty much everything we were wandering about and had talked about yesterday. She was no nonsense and commanding this morning at her lobby briefing. What's her background? She seems like she was in the military. I know either Gracie or Joy mentioned that she worked briefly as security for the hotel before returning to live back in the Pueblo." We went straight to where the food was to fix our plates before finding an empty spot at one of the tables.

"Yes, Nina has a military background. She and Michelle's mom served together in the Army." Nina was military police at the base where Michelle's mom unit was stationed." Nina not pushing Michelle to learn how to shoot made sense now. She knew Michelle through working with her mom. I wonder if Michelle could or would talk about her mom and Nina. I didn't even know her mom's name. We're roommates now and will have plenty of time to talk for me to learn more about her. George reminded me how hungry I was with a full day waiting. I had unconsciously filled my plate with food. "There are two empty spots over at that table. Let's go grab them before someone else does. Then I can get Alex and Michelle to help me set up the soccer equipment for practice."

Gracie and Joy were at the table where George saw empty spots for us to sit. Mai and Malia had gone to the table first to claim two empty spots next to Gracie and Joy before getting their food. I hadn't met the others sitting around the table when George and I put our food down to take our spots there. Gracie and Joy both looked over to me and George and smiled. "I saw the kids so happy to see and take Ginger and Gray over to get them fed. They love your sisters. Our settlement animals also seem to love them. Tiger's will love seeing them and you, Caline." Gracie said, greeting us as we sat.?

Joy asked how everything was going at and how everyone was settling into their new hotel settings. "How do my drivers like their new hotel rooms? Are you settling in okay over there? I haven't been to the hotel for about three months before the big sickness. Nina was still working security over there with Michelle's mom, Aiyani. Aiyani had returned to the Pueblo after finishing her tour of duty about six months after Nina finished her's. They caught up with each other when Aiyani's unit returned stateside the last 6 months of her duty to the same base where Nina was serving as a M.P. in Oklahoma at Fort Sill. Nina had been hired immediately for security. She then recommended Aiyani when came back for the hotel and casino's maintenance supervisor position."

So, Michelle's mom's name was Aiyani. Thank you, Joy. I told myself that now I don't have to ask Michelle. Joy paused to take and finished another mouthful of food, washing it down with a sip of her coffee. "The Pueblo of course hired Aiyani with her outstanding credentials leading her crew overseas and had no problem letting her take on Michelle as an intern to work with and learn from her. I knew Aiyani from the Pueblo in high school, Michelle when she was just a little girl and had met Nina in the clinic. The three of them invited me for lunch to celebrate Michelle's new position." I looked over at the next table where Nina, Lily, Michelle, and Gustalvo were sitting, talking, and eating together.

"Thanks Joy, I saw how commanding Nina was back at the hotel this morning when she called all of us together in the lobby before we came here for breakfast. I can see why Gracie had her come live with us there. I feel a lot better and safer now knowing more about her, especially after our encounters with Cindy's killers at the hotel in Wal-Mart, hearing yesterday about the roaming gang." Gracie nodded her agreement while taking a few bites. I let her finish chewing and swallowing before thanking both again for taking me again. "Thanks Gracie, thank you both for accepting and taking me and my sisters into your home, becoming part of the community here, and letting me create a new home for myself, Ginger, Gray and people from the settlement at the hotel."

Gracie responded with a loving smile. "Joy and I saw the love in you when you first walked into our lives with Ginger and Gray. Neither of us were blessed with children. We both quickly fell in love with you and your sisters from that first moment seeing how much you cared for them and how tender they were with our settlement's children fawning all over them in the middle of the field out there. That love only grew stronger hearing your story, sharing our story, feeling your pain, and sharing ours. You're a survivor and a leader. That's why I had no problem with you wanting to live in the hotel and having people go live with you to start a new life."

My face felt wet. I had started crying. Then I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and being pulled into a hug. George was sitting by my side drawing me closer to him. Gracie and Joy watched the tenderness. Joy was sitting on my other side, reached over and wiped away some of my tears. "I'm happy you came into my life, Caline. I haven't been the same since I first met you. I feel much more than what I was before with you entering our lives, my life in such a short time we've known each other. I hope you feel the same way. I think you do at least the way you're always letting me hang around with you." Oh my god, that only made me cry more, then nervously laugh. I felt embarrassed hearing all this in public, out in the open. But it also felt so good and comforting. I felt loved.

Mai and Malia were enjoying our conversation from across the table. "I think we have a new couple." Mai laughed to Malia. "Yup, they’re cute together, too!"? Malia answered Mai, making me turn red. Even George's face turned a bit red. I didn't think I would see him blush. Malia turned behind her to the table where Lily and Michelle were sitting, loudly exclaiming. "Hey Lily, Michelle, guess what? We have a cute, new couple sitting over here with us." Oh lord, stop! Okay, well looks like that's that. George and I have now been officially announced as a couple. I think I can live with that. I sneaked a peak at George watching him eyeing with his arm still around me. Hmmm. I think he can live with that too.

George saved us from changing the direction of the conversation that Mai and Malia were having to soccer by volunteering them to help with my practice session with the young children. "We could use your help setting up and having Caline soccer practice with our settlement's young children after finishing eating. Michelle, Alex, and Cristian helped us yesterday. We're missing Cristian. He got stuck back at the hotel with watch duty.? So, how about it?" Mai and Malia looked at each other, then back at George replying in unison. "We're in!". George smiled, unwrapped his arm around me to finish eating. I did the same scooping up my food to finish eating so I could play some soccer as fast as I could.

I quickly ate my breakfast eager to continue teaching soccer to the kids. I would love for them to be ready in time to play some real soccer with the older ones already playing soccer here and with my friends from younger soccer days after we bring my former teammates from Placitas here. I wanted to live my dream of getting back on the field with my teammates. It has been too long since we stopped playing back in Placitas after our coach Renee passed.

Gracie and Joy saw me eating fast to rush off. “Go have some fun, Caline. I’ll radio my sister about Susan's visit to the hotel later today to remind them to bring extra walkie talkies to the hotel. Maybe you can take the kids after soccer practice on a short field trip to the hotel once everyone is all set up over to have meals there instead rushing back here to eat. Maybe some of the settlement dogs could come live with people who moved into the hotel. I'm sure they would love being and playing with Ginger and Gray there. They could also add more security for the hotel. More dogs? I wondered how they and the casino cats would get along. Then I realized they were getting along fine the cats here in the settlement. Those cats had also lived ?in the casino as strays before the sickness.

George pointed to Mai and Malia. “Girls, come help me get all the soccer stuff for practice while Caline gathers all the kids together.” We all stood and got up from the tables.

“Thanks George.” I said and then shouted ahead to the kids. “Hey guys. It’s time to learn some more soccer. Are you ready?”

Lisa was at the practice site waiting with Ginger, Gray, other kids and dogs. “I'm here!” Another little girl and two boys shouted. "I'm here too." I haven't learned all their names yet.

The soccer equipment arrived with George, Mai, Malia, Michelle, Gustalvo, and Alex just as the kids began sounding off for me again. A shy boy, with beautiful copper toned arms and face, about six years old, spoke first. “My name is Calvin.” Next was a girl about the same size and age as 6-year-old Lisa. “I’m Abigale. You can call me Abby.” “Tricia.” Came from a skinny, tall looking girl, maybe 10 or 11. “Calvin’s my younger brother. I’m Sharon.” Said a cute 9-year-old girl with an equally beautiful complexion. A 12-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl, also a brother and sister, were the last of the children to speak their names. “I’m Jesus and this is my little sister Maria.” I would get the names of the other kids later. I wanted to get our practice in so I could visit with Tiger before having to return to the hotel.

I formed us into three groups again with Michelle and Gustalvo leading one. George and I the other. Alex, Mai, and Malia the third group. We set up cones again for today’s session drills. The soccer practice was looking better with our third session. Yesterday, I thought we could put up the nets for our next session. We will do that tomorrow.

“Okay everyone. You did great today. Gracie suggested taking all the young folks on a short field trip sometime soon. Hmmm, can anyone guess where I’ll be taking you?” Every young person’s hand went up with big smiles.? “Lisa, Jesus, Sharon, Maria. You guys, would you want the dogs to go on that field trip?? Would you like to see the cats on that field trip? Do you think the dogs would like to visit my sisters Ginger and Gray and some new cats?" They all shouted. "YES!" I laughed. "You know what? Give us another couple of weeks then all of you kids can bring the dogs along to visit us at the hotel." I saw that all the soccer equipment had been picked up and put away until tomorrow's practice. I was anxious to visit Tiger at Gracie's and Joy's place with Ginger and Gray. I'm sure they would also love to visit Tiger too.? The kids saw and heard my urgency, running off to play. "Shoo, shoo, go play now. My sisters and I are going to visit Tiger before we return to the hotel. Bye. I'll see everyone back here tomorrow for practice."

George returned to me, Ginger, and Gray from moving and putting away the soccer gear for tomorrow. He put his arm around me as we started walking over to the adobe home of Gracie, Joy, and Tiger. It felt so natural like we've been together forever without even sharing one kiss yet. I tilted my head to take all of him in, letting his presence fill me and push out the pain from the attack back in Placitas. I was happy and looking forward to our first kiss and much more.? George glanced at me and caught me eyeing him and smiled. Oh, that was nice.? Ginger and Gray moved on either side of us completing our closeness. We walked together the rest of the way in contented silence to our visit.

Tiger was on the ground with Gracie and Joy waiting for us outside at the entrance to their adobe home. He saw us getting close and started walking slowly to meet and greet us. Ginger and Gray left our sides seeing Tiger, matching his pace until; all three were happily reunited together rubbing against each other. Joy, George and I were having fun watching their reunion as Gracie remarked. "I see your sisters haven't forgotten about their little cousin Tiger and Tiger hasn't forgotten about them. Look at those guys!" Gracie looks up to me and George. "Well now. And look at you two. Aren't you a lovely pair? Let's go inside to catch up a bit before the four of you have to go back to the hotel."

George had taken my hand in his and gently squeezed, confirming Gracie's observations. He smiled at me as we followed Gracie and Joy in. Tiger disengaged himself from welcoming Ginger and Gray back to lead them to their home after leaving Placitas. The three all padded quickly inside following me now connected to George tugging on my arm. It was good to be back to the beginning of my new life. I took stock of its fullness that had come to surround, fill, and start to replace an emptiness of loss and hurt within days. A tear, fortunately only a single tear, that no one noticed as it leaked down onto my cheek and dried. Just one tear of joy, not sadness, acknowledging a hopeful future. "I can't thank the two of you." I saw Tiger at my feet slinking in and out between my legs. "Excuse me, the three of you enough, for helping me to feel whole again. And George here beside me. Well, what can I say except, yum!" George made a comical, mocking, incredulous face, placed a free hand to his chest mouthing - m?i. Gracie and Joy smiled and laughed.

"Sit. I know we only have a few minutes before you have to go. We'll come and visit the two." Gracie hears and sees Ginger and Gray with Tiger in their old sleeping spot grooming each other. "And excuse me, the four of you at your new home in the hotel. We'll see how Tiger puts up with being taken outside for a trip and being away from his place of refuge. We'll bring Tiger along too. I talked with Cheryl again this morning. She told me to expect more people to move in and join you at the hotel. Nina told me she was going to have Michelle go up on the roof to look at and try to finally use the solar panel installation. I hope she does. We have a whole solar farm that was installed the same time out here on the settlement field that never was finished and used. It would be great to have more electricity we could use than just what we can get from the solar generators we found right after the sickness."

I realized how used to I had gotten from my home's solar power back in Placitas. How much I missed having electricity with none for simply lights in the hotel. "Yes, it would be nice to have electricity for lights back in the hotel instead of needing to find and light candles in my room, or a flashlight to see where I'm going in the hallway in the middle of the night whenever I need to take Ginger or Gray outside. I didn't pack and take a flashlight rushing out of my house in Placitas. I probably wouldn't have even thought of taking one with my house being solar powered before the sickness and the last outage killed the power grid. Michelle gave me one I dropped when I fell asleep last night. I couldn't remember what I did with it, waking up in the middle of the night to walk Ginger. Luckily, Michelle had an extra flashlight packed away in one of her bags that I found and used. Can I get another flashlight to use just in case that happens again until and if Michelle can get us some electricity?" I saw the lanterns in the room that Gracie and Joy use to light their home. "Are there any extra lanterns I could take back to our room?"

Joy got up, walked over to and picked up one of the lanterns. She brought it over to where George and I were sitting. "Here Caline, take this one. We'll get another one the settlement has stashed away. I'll also get you one of our flashlights we have before we leave to drive back to the hotel" Joy looks around the room, sees one of their flashlights over by the kitchen area, walks over, picks it up, returning to hand that over to me as well. "There you go. Now, you won't have to stumble in the dark if your flashlight gets lost or stops working. We'll get you a supply of batteries from storage. We always stock up on those whenever we send folks off to make a scavenging shopping run."

Gracie checks the windup clock ticking away. "You guys better go. Joy and I will walk you out over to your Aptera. Susan will be stopping by at the hotel by lunchtime for a few hours before dinner back here. Nina will have a lot to do for you guys back there in the next week to get your new home able to stock up food, have meals there, wash your clothes, while keeping everyone safe. Cheryl also said she's going to have more people from the Pueblo joining her training using firearms. They'll be moving in to live with you at the hotel. There might be folks from communities she and her posse watch over." Gracie sees an old windup Timex watch on my wrist. "We'll find some more clocks and get them to the hotel that we scavenged after settling here. Nina may have already done that if I knew her. We can also get plenty of battery powered clocks and batteries still in the stores."

She pushes herself up from sitting. Joy joins her getting up from her's. "It's been too short of a visit. But there's a lot that needs to be done in your new home. We'll walk you guys out. Come on. Let's go." She looks at Tiger. "Hmmm, let's see how Tiger reacts when I pick him up to walk with us to your Aptera." Tiger was already following Ginger and Gray up, walking over to me and George now standing anticipating our departure. Gracie bends down to pick up Tiger now at our feet. Tiger becomes limp like a wet rag in Gracie's arms. "Well, look at that. He just molded himself in my arms. Oof! He's heavy. Let's see what happens when we walk outside."

Ginger and Gray are first out of the adobe home. I'm next pulling George by the hand. And no, I'm not going to let go of him, chuckling inside to myself. Gracie's next holding Tiger with Joy bringing up the rear of our group. Tiger was putting up with being carried away from his home across the settlement's field. The hotel group had long finished their own various visits after we had our breakfast and soccer practice was over. I saw that one of the original settlement's Telo trucks was gone and mentioned that to Gracie and Joy as we were walking over. There would be less vehicles for us returning to the hotel. My group waited by the vehicles and imagined them squeezing into truck back seats and crowding into the rear truck beds with less vehicles returning to the hotel. We would have to go next door again to get more.? Joy answered. We replaced one of the recent truck additions from the hotel's lot next door for that one. it had more charge to go pick up produce and other food from the Pueblo to restock the settlement's supply for the next couple days of meals."

We headed left, past the dining area. Further right on the other side and west towards the golf was the unused solar farm that had never been activated. "We should go get more vehicles. There are still plenty more just sitting on the lot next to the hotel not being used. Maybe after everything at the hotel is set up. A couple of folks at another house had installed off the grid solar power to save money on utilities back in Placitas. They had EV's and charged them from solar power. That solar farm could probably be used to charge the trucks faster than those GoSun covers if Michelle can figure out how to get them working, and as she said, if the panels were still good after being out in weather and sun unused over a year since they were installed before the sickness hit."?

Michelle walked over from the Aptera they were heading back in. Michelle greeted me with a smirk. "It's about time girl." She looked me up and down, then George nodded to Gracie and Joy. Ginger and Gray were inpatient and made a beeline to the back of my Aptera. "I swear, if Gracie and Joy hadn't walked with you here, I would bet you and George were getting to know each other better." Michelle laughed, and once again had easily made me turn red. George simply put on an innocent face, making Michelle laugh even more. Gracie and Joy thankfully cleared their throats to interrupt, saving me from getting redder by saying goodbye. Joy watched as she gave me a hug. Gracie patted George on his shoulder, mischievously winked back at Michelle, grabbed Joy's arm, turned Joy around, then she turned to walk back. Tiger was getting heavier and heavier with every minute more laying limp in her arms.

Practically everyone had found a spot in a vehicle and were ready to roll. George and I were the last to load up. Ginger and Gray were still at the rear hatch, both staring at me, like - come on all ready. I knocked the rear hatch open for them. They jumped in right away, George was shutting his passenger side door up front of the Aptera. I was the last one to buckle up. Vehicles were already driving off. Aptera wouldn't leave me behind long with its instant accelerations. The motor's torque kicked up some sun-dried dirt as the tires spun a fast catch up to the vehicle ahead and gone.

"Whoa there Nellie..." George cautioned me. "There's no need for that. You know that the hotel is just a minute or so away. Plus, there's a whole lot of things that's going to keep us busy when we get there. What's the rush, except for me to try and get some sleep before I have to pull overnight watch tonight." I just kept driving, listening, then looked and stuck my tongue out at him when he added. "I can't wait for you to learn how to hold a gun and shoot so you can pull my watch duty for me next time, and I can sleep." I gave George a dirty look after I stuck my tongue out at him, tried to hold it, couldn't and laughed. He tried not to laugh at himself unsuccessfully, finally joining me. Finally, I said. "I'm sorry you have to stay up all night. Good news is you'll probably see me in the middle of all that walking Ginger or Gray or both when nature calls for them. And when I do learn and become better than you at handling something lethal, there might be a need for double duty, and we could share one of those overnight shifts together." I finished, raising one eyebrow suggestively. That only made him laugh harder

Ginger and Gray were happy to be back, raring to head back to their respective beds in the hotel room. They couldn't wait for me and George to start walking from our out of view parking spot away from 550 around the east side of the building. George and I were walking fast to keep up with them after I popped open the Aptera rear hatch. Nina was waiting in the hotel lobby as usual when Ginger and Gray raced in ahead of us through the entrance. Nina had just finished talking with Michelle when she stopped me before I reached the middle of the lobby floor.? I was reminded that Susan would be stopping by to introduce herself and begin surveying a potential site for training us and target practice. Nina wanted me back in the lobby in an hour to meet her. She also wanted me to tag along as she took Susan to see the Starlight Bowling Center that I had mentioned earlier in the morning. "I'll see you later. I think the bowling alley is a perfect place for Susan to set up to train you and all the other people learning how to shoot. I hope cats haven't made a home there." Nina then sent me off to my room. Ginger and Gray had followed Michelle continuing out of the lobby to walk up the escalator to the second floor concourse level when Nina stopped me.??

I was tired after walking alone upstairs and out onto the hallway to our room.? The hallway was empty with everyone else already in their rooms. I figured Nina had spoken to Michelle about checking out the solar panels up on the roof. Michelle will let me know once I'm in our room. George is probably asleep by now. Alex should be sound asleep now too after pulling the overnight shift, then going with us for breakfast. I'm surprised he hadn't fallen into his food after helping to put the GoSun panel on the trucks we took off the lot next door to bring to the settlement. I didn't see Cristian outside after parking my Aptera and walking around the building to the hotel entrance. Then again, my thoughts were focused elsewhere returning from breakfast. We met now as a couple with the person beside us heading back to our rooms.

Looking forward to reading it



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