CALINE - Part 1 (Rewrite)

CALINE - Part 1 (Rewrite)


A cougar and a coyote slowly walked ahead on the dry foliage. Both sniffed the air with ears perked as they trotted silently across stretches of brown and graying golf greens.

I was following closely behind, carrying my treasured possession with some belongings in a stuffed, battered knapsack. The cougar’s name was Ginger, and the coyote’s name was Gray.

Both were my adopted sisters. My mom brought them to our solar powered home from her clinic during one of the many increasing mainstream power grid blackouts when I was 5-years old. They were rescued and came to the clinic separately, alone, as a cub and a pup, parentless.

I smiled, looking fondly at the two ahead. We were strangely bonded and inseparable. They are all the family I’ve have left since I buried my parents. I love them both, thankful how much their companionship not only helped me but helped all the other kids who also lost their parents.

My mind wandered back several years to a day in Placitas. It was a struggle for all of us to get through the first several months after losing our parents and most of the grownups from a fast, fatal virus.

An ominous feeling had begun to creep into all of us coming home after our Placitas Elementary School had shut down. This would be my friends and my last month attending classes inside before we moved onto Bernalillo Middle School. We were outside the school entrance talking about soccer, waiting for the bell to ring. Our teacher had come over to tell us to go home. The power had been knocked out again by the latest triple digit heat wave. I was surprised since it was still cool with our desert sun just rising east of us above the Sandia mountains. Today would be another triple digit oven. We were looking forward to our soccer practice after class behind our school that afternoon even though it was going to be so hot. I guess we had gotten used to playing in the heat with lots of water breaks to hydrate.

The coolness of the early morning had quickly disappeared while we walked up the road where our houses were. "Eeewww! You're soaked Sally." said Jessica following behind." She looked around to all of us, down at herself. "Yuck, so am I. I'm so glad your house still has AC Caline." It was late May, with the early morning chill long burned away by the fast rising of a hot New Mexico spring sun. July and August would keep seeing triple digits of desert heat, both dry, then muggy with the beginning of the Monsoon season the middle of summer into early fall.

We didn't want to wait for our parents and had to walk almost 2 miles from the school up highway 165, our town's main road to my house. We've done so many times before, led there by me as our soccer team's captain. It would be at least an hour long walking uphill towards the Sandias. The early morning at least hadn't been turned into the coming afternoon inferno yet. A rustling had me turn to the right. I glanced and saw a roadrunner we've recognized from previous walks. It must have stopped hearing us while poking around looking for a breakfast lizard, grub, or beetle. watched us from roadside. Usually, I would stop, but we were in a hurry to get to my house before the sun rose too high to start heating up the day. My mom and dad would probably be home with the power outage. They enjoyed hosting, watching, and listening to our community's girl soccer team enthusiastically talk about past and future matches, each other's play, and of course me. They could fill us in on the black out.

There was something noticeably different that day. It seemed darker even though the house lights were still on, powered by solar collected and stored from 310 annual days of New Mexico's desert sun. An urgent newscaster's voice sounded from inside the living room.

Haggard fits of coughing echoed it. Our chatter stopped while walking to the voices.

"STOP!!! cough...cough. Don't come any closer... Go get and put on masks from the bathroom.

Go NOW!!!" my mom weakly called out.

My big, adopted sisters Ginger and Gray, were laying at the living room's opening softly chuffed and whining at my approach. I stood still listening.

"...emergency rooms are overloaded. People are advised to stay inside. Remaining first responders are overwhelmed and short staffed, unable to reach too many calls for help rising in the last 24 hours. Today's power outage has crippled medical facilities understaffed now..." the TV echoed my mom's warning.

Jessica, Sally, and our other teammates Pauline and Cristine looked at me, then each other in fear, began tearing up. "I have to go home." Pauline cried.

"Me too." said Jessica as all of them rushed to the door to head out.

Ginger and Gray got up and walked over, sadly nudged, butted me with their noses.

"Mom, dad, I'll be right back." I called out retreating to mask up hoping they would be ok.

A loud ringtone startled me causing me to nearly drop the mask as I fumbled nervously to put it on. It was Sally. She was sobbing. "My folks are sick too. I tried calling 911.

There's no answer. What should I do?" My phone beeped with another call. "Hold on Sally. Jessica's calling."

"Yes Jessica, I just took and had Sally waiting on another call." Jessica repeated Sally's story with exasperation with her parent's being sick too. "How can all our parents be so sick all at the same time so quickly?" Jessica pleaded. I didn't know and was scared. But I was my friend's soccer team captain. They were calling on me to have answers, to lead them as I've done many times on the pitch.

"I don't know Jessica. Hold on. Let me get back to Sally." I went back to Sally and told her to mask up, make her folks feel comfortable, and that I would call as soon as I figured out what we should and could do. "Jessica, I told Sally to mask up and make her parents feel comfortable. You should do the same. Looks like there's no emergency service to help us. I'm going to look in on my parents, then figure out what we can do. Let's talk later. Ok?"

The phone rang three more times with calls from my other teammates before I could return to see what was wrong with my mom and dad. I told each of my friends who were calling me, a repeat of what I told Sally and Jessica. Mask up, make your parents feel comfortable, we'll talk later.

In a matter of just days, overnight, most adults became fatally sick, coughing, burning up with unstoppable fevers until unconscious, and then were gone. The promised talk with my friends waited and happened afterwards, calling to find comfort in each other with too much death, too quickly.

Sounds of brittle bits of dried, brown covering crunched beneath each step on the thinning barren ground distracted me away from the last days of my parents to later more pleasant memories of escaping the lingering sadness. Many trips were made with my adopted sisters leaving the Placitas neighborhood for off road trails south and east in the Sandia Mountains. Ginger seemed happy to visit what could have been her home as a cub. Gray just enjoyed exploring and sniffing wildlife with her sisters during the subsequent cold and hot seasons.

Today, I ran away with my adopted sisters to escape an unforgivable and unforgettable assault on me last night. I was still dazed, angry, scared, and felt ashamed for running. Our leaving was rushed, unplanned, as I blindly, instinctively gathered and threw together my stuff with Ginger’s and Gray’s things in my parents’ vehicle, a solar powered Aptera. My parents had patiently waited for it to finally be produced, ready to be picked up at the plant in Carlsbad, California, driven back home to Placitas.

My father was able to take a leave from the U.S. Forest Service. School was on Spring break. He let me fly out with him for the return road trip bringing our new Aptera cross country to park outside our house. Mom was busy with the clinic, not able to find anyone to cover for her.

"Brandon, be careful driving back with Caline. Caline, you listen to your dad and have fun traveling in our new car! Your friends are going to be so jealous. I can't wait to see it!" Mom lectured while giving us each a hug seeing us off at the Sunport.

"Yes Rebecca. I wish you could have found someone to cover you at the clinic. But Caline and I will share your excitement after we land in San Diego and get to the Carlsbad plant. I too can't wait to see our Aptera waiting for us to pick up." my dad smiled and hugged my mom back and kissed her. "Take care of Ginger and Gray."

My mom answered, "Of course Brandon. Off you two go." She shooed us away standing and watching us. My dad turned to me, grabbed my hand. "Let's go Caline. We have to get through security to our gate."

The flight from Albuquerque to San Diego, then grabbing a rental car to the Aptera plant in Carlsbad was a blur. A group of people were waiting outside in a lot outside the Carlsbad plant. Dozens of sleek, tear shaped Apteras were parked there as our Lyft pulled in to drop us off from the airport. I wondered which Aptera was ours. They all were so beautiful, gleaming under the bright California sun. So many fun videos watched on the DRIVE THE LIGHTNING YouTube channel couldn't prepare me for how amazing it was to finally see the Aptera vehicle live, in person.

"Dad, they're amazing! I want to drive it." I begged him. "Honey, let's first find out which one is ours. It looks like those folks are from Aptera and taking everyone picking up their Aptera inside the plant to get a tutorial. We need to get and have ours before we pick up the Aptera, get it on the road to Albuquerque for a few hours before stopping for the night."

My chance to sit behind Aptera's yoke came days later while both parents were at work. and I was still on Spring break. My mom's clinic was closer than my school for her to be able to walk to. and back home. The Forest Service provided a company truck for my father. So, I was home inside the living room watching the latest video just posted by Chad and Sarah of my favorite YouTube channel DRIVE THE LIGHTNING with my sisters Ginger and Gray. They had also been in California interviewing, filming folks, giving their usual fun commentary of everyone's and their own excitement picking up their Apteras.

The excitement was contagious as I looked through the window out to our Aptera parked outside soaking up and charging in the New Mexican sun. I replayed Chad & Sarah's video a couple times watching their step-by-step explanation of each feature, starting, and driving Aptera as they sat inside to drive it home to Grand Rapids, Michigan.

"I could do that!" I said to Ginger and Gray. "You guys want to go for a ride? Mom and dad aren't here. They'll never know." My sisters looked up as I gave myself permission to drive the family's new Aptera. "Come on girls. Let's take a short trip." We all stood up. Ginger and Gray followed me to the door, anxious to test what I learned from the video.

I grabbed Aptera's fob as we headed out.

That was the first of many short excursions I took the Aptera on, sneaking into the Sandias driving with my adopted sisters before I lost my parents. My mom and dad took turns driving me to soccer practice and matches with Ginger and Gray riding in our Aptera's large rear cargo space. I loved the oohs and aahs my soccer friends and their families reacted when seeing us drive up in the Aptera. My sisters also loved traveling in the Aptera with me and then being the center of attention with my soccer teammates and their families. My soccer teammates' younger siblings would always rush over laughing to pet and cling onto Ginger and Gary. Even the family dogs that came with their humans started to feel comfortable after a couple games with my sisters approaching them slowly, sniffing while happy, playing children were present.

Apparently, I wasn't that great sneaking the Aptera out for a drive. My folks knew all along and told me so with my mom's last words to use the Aptera before she became unconscious, then were gone. "Caline....we love you...take care of yourself and your sisters...don't cry...we want you to live, enjoy life...keep having fun driving your Aptera...look after your friends..." my mom weakly croaked out lying beside my dad already unconscious. My mom closed her eyes, becoming unconscious beside my dad shortly after her final words. They had been burning up with fever and left me hours later. My life was changed forever.

I left that life in Placitas with most of my stuff, all my childhood friends, and a false veneer of comfort, to escape the pain. Yesterday's nightmare would haunt me later, leaving a place that was no longer a home that could shelter me. I lost too much, forcing me to venture into a world beyond my childhood to strangers, and to what life outside of Placitas had become to survive in it.

The knapsack strapped on my lean, slender, yet strong back was carrying the fondest, past joyful childhood moments of soccer shared with my parents and friends before the big sickness. It also carried days that followed where playing soccer helped me to survive losing so much and grow into becoming the 15-year-old teenager I am today.

The prized procession packed away in my tattered backpack was an old, overused soccer ball. with whatever Jersey I grabbed quickly stuffing everything. in as I rushed away from my lifetime home. The old soccer ball had been kicked and used many times bringing fun and hope into lives of grieving kids, including myself, parentless back in Placitas.

I unconsciously must have been hoping that I could and would return to playing soccer again and hold onto happy memories. getting and wearing the latest jersey kit of New Mexico's professional soccer team my folks loved taking me to watch. It had been a while since the last time my Placitas soccer friends, and I kicked a soccer ball around. We had stopped getting together and playing after our coach, Renee, had died. She finally succumbed to the big sickness after months of organizing, bringing, and holding us together. We lost another adult following our coach's death. The same virus must have been what got her to quickly die. I was scared that the sickness had returned to take us all.

I rushed to escape and leave my lifetime home in Placitas. I wasn't thinking it might help me revive and relive my need to play soccer. Though it might, finding new people to play with again, teach if I had to, guiding them to learn, then love the game as much as me.

Faint, distant voices drew the attention of my feline and canine companions walking ahead.

They suddenly stopped with me nearly stumbling into them deep in my memories. Both turned their heads, looking back questioning me, their human sister

"Yes, I hear it too my dear Ginger and Gray."

"There must be people nearby, down from these thinning trees in the next clearing and valley."

I looked towards the voices, with a pang of longing and regret for past days of play with my teammates, friends I left abandoned today. Sadly, I shared that thought with Ginger and Gray waiting, "It's been years since I last kicked a soccer ball around since our coach Renee died in Placitas."

"You two ready for me to finally find some folks to bring my soccer ball to and play soccer with again?"

I proceeded to lift my foot up, then let it drop to step and walk forward past my furred sisters.

It had been weeks since our last encounter with a rare adult off one of the trails up in the Sandia Mountain on our last hike to escape. Ginger, gray, and I walked from our Aptera parked to enter the Las Huertas Canyon hiking area off 165 at Ocha Springs Road. It was a fast, short, ride we took many times from our house when we felt the need to get away quickly.

This trip turned out shorter after maybe just 15 or so minutes walking on the trail. I was only a few steps behind my sisters when they stopped. Our excursions were always without ever seeing anyone while hiking. Today, a man was on the trail about 100 feet ahead, with his back to us. He must have sensed or heard our presence, turned to look, saw Ginger and Gray, screamed, turned away, back in the opposite direction from us down the trail and dashed off.

We were just as surprised, encountering, seeing another person, especially an adult. I was so glad he didn’t have a rifle as scared as he was to turn on my sisters.

So, I made sure to be in front to lead our party, not to surprise and frighten anyone seeing a full-grown mountain lion and coyote. We continued east towards the voices beyond leaving the Casino hotel and old golf course behind. We kept walking slowly in the direction of the Rio Grande to whatever and whoever laid ahead.

“Come on ladies.”

“I can hear the voices getting louder over there. Sounds like a lot of children and dogs playing”

Ginger and Gray padded cautiously behind me as we inched closer to our next adventure.

Our pace quickened on the slightly, downward slope. The ground leveled out from a carpet of mulching fallen leaves, kicked up scurrying beetles stepping into a sandy, barren, sunbaked field. Small, blue scaled lizards scattered quickly as we stepped into the clearing. A large murder of crows cawed to each other over and from the sides of what looked like a settlement ahead of us. The Rio Grande was off in the distance straight ahead just beyond where the field ended at some bosque growth. Sweet, young laughter, playful barks, and intense yelling bubbled up louder as we left the long dead golf course seeing the bosque growth to the left, a large open field between us and the Rio Grande further east straight ahead.

And there were the voices we heard. There was my childhood past being played out by a bunch of teens kicking a ball back and forth playing soccer surrounded by dozens of kids. The noise of competing teams became clearer at about 1,000 feet in front of us. I was savoring and hoping their joyful sounds could drown out memories of anguished cries still haunting me from years ago of friends losing their parents.

Behind them was a strange village conglomeration of tiny, camper looking houses, RVs, trailers, a dozen or so mostly same sized geodomes grouped together with a couple larger ones arranged in what looked like a resort setting, dozens of solar panels as part of what looked like a solar farm. It was a nice size solar array arrangement of at least a hundred ground panels. I saw two huge trailers with light towers that weren't extended up and out, smaller portable power generators lining the field edge in combination with two weathered looking adobe, makeshift structures hobbled together to the right close to what was the Rio Grande. Some of the trailers were recognizable from memories of my father taking me with him to Blue Water RVs to find a rental to go camping in. Off on the side were 2 Apteras like mine, 2 mini electric Telo Trucks with Aptera Solar panels that had become available for and were on the road just before the Big Sickness, a Rivian pickup truck and SUV. Further on the edge of the field, I could just make out two parked school buses, with a couple of pickup trucks. There was a large central picnic area of about 20 tables behind the children playing soccer right by the trailers, geodomes, and adobe structures in the middle. I saw several large mounds with metal pans atop tables next to them and metal tooth rakes leaning up against the sides.

The children and animals sitting, playing around the soccer game were in plain sight now with dozens of girls, boys, toddlers from 3 to maybe 12 years old. We stopped and stood now only about a couple hundred feet from where they were. I slowed, turning back to my cougar and coyote.

“Wait here Ginger, Gray.”

“I’m going to go ahead and see what we’re getting ourselves into.”

“I’ll call for you both when it’s all clear.”


Ginger grunted and Gray yipped in affirmation, settling down onto the sun burnt growth.

I turned away from them as I began taking anxious, long strides to reach where lots of children were playing and watching older kids play soccer. Dogs and puppies were running between their legs, chasing each other, while several cats nonchalantly groomed themselves laying nearby on the ground.

I didn’t see any adults with the kids as I drew closer.

I had my eyes and attention fully on the children in front of me not looking to see where they were.

I heard whining, high pitch, rapid yips, grow louder, along with a deep, nearing growl back from where I left my adopted sisters. I looked back and saw them running fast from them over to me with a dozen young men and women off to my left that I had missed while focused on the children as I was approaching them.

Another dozen young adults were running from the opposite side of the settlement towards the children, dogs, and cats now all looking at us as we slowed walking.

Oh, there were a lot of young adults here with the children.

Ginger and Gray paced nearer, closed in each of my sides, while gazing up to me with questions in their eyes.

This didn’t escape notice of the children and dogs playing among each other or having fun cheering for their team just minutes before. Play had stopped as heads turned to see what had captured everyone's attention. The younger children didn't hesitate to start running to us.

Several women began screaming at them from two directions. The cats feigned boredom, stayed, and returned to licking themselves acting indifferent.

“STOP!!!” Shouted the young adults running.

We waited motionless for everyone to arrive.

“We saw and started following you over there, where those trailers are by the Bosque brush,” gasped the first person arriving.

The woman stopped 10 feet from us panting hard from his chase. The teens playing soccer were now walking over.

My careful explanation to introduce myself and my two companions was forgotten and useless.

“Children, STAY BACK!” Warned another woman, joining the crowd, looking barely older than 18 or 19.

There was no more laughter, as a crowd of children quietly cease their excited movement. The teens had reached. stopped, and joined the children.

“Who are you? And who are these two creatures with you?” Asked a young woman also looking just as young, now approaching.

I sighed, taking in a good, long breath, and exhaled slowly, rotating my head, seeking out a sympathetic face.

“My name is Caline.”

“This is Ginger,” nodding to the big cougar to my left.

“And, this is Gray,” nodding to Ginger’s smaller 4 footed sister coyote to my right.

“They are my family.”

Everyone had closed in. were now present, circling and surrounding me, Ginger and Gray.

The kids’ eyes were big and curious, hungry in anticipation to meet us. Tails began wagging on eager dogs and puppies nearing Gary sniffing a new playmate. Even the cats stopped their grooming, got up to start walking over to Ginger satisfying their curiosity of a big cousin.

Another young woman asked, “Will they attack our young ones? They’re predators.

They look dangerous!”

Ginger let out a deep, rumbling purr as she began nonchalantly grooming herself with her long, raspy tongue. Kittens had scampered over, seeing Ginger copying the adult cats that they were pestering minutes ago. Now they fearlessly gleefully ran to jump on Ginger, attacking new prey.

Gray immediately plopped her rump on the ground and started scratching the left ear with the left, rear paw. Puppies followed suit of their feline siblings running to and nipping at Gray.

Laughter thankfully followed Ginger's and Gray's antics from the children, teens and even some of the young adults.

I looked down to Ginger, then over to Gray, smiling at their overt display to look harmless.

“No, they both love children and animals. They’ve been with me since I was a baby before I could talk or walk. Both were rescued, orphaned as a cub and pup. My mom adopted and brought them home when her clinic lost power during one of the many blackouts where she was a vet years before the power grid finally crashed for good.”

“They helped my parents raise me until both my mom and dad died from the last, great sickness.”

“I considered them my older sisters. Ginger and Gray helped me, my friends, and all the neighbor kids after all the adults got sick, started dying, then were gone.”

The tension visibly eased as I saw everybody begin to relax, except for the children and all the animals. Their excitement reignited with an urgency to meet and touch new friends.

An acknowledged sadness of so many loved ones long gone, shadowed those standing who overcame the illness and were old enough to remember.

I saw their deep and loving care as they watched the children joyfully crowd around Ginger and Gray reaching to touch them. I remembered the same look in my mom’s and dad’s eye while we were still a family when I played with my adopted sisters.


Startled, I held myself back from jumping, letting a past memory retreat and fade. I turned to who had voiced my name.

She had a kind face, long braided hair streaked in browns and gray, and eyes that glowed and smiled wrinkles. Standing beside her was a petite, slender, slightly younger looking woman with dark, straight, short cut, shoulder length hair, and a half dozen other adult women that had walked over with them.

“Welcome Caline,” the woman spoke warmly as she walked towards me and simply said, “I’m Gracie,” reaching, then gently taking my shoulders to draw me close into a hug. She turns to the woman releasing from her hug, "This is Joy." Joy nodded, smiling at me.

“Come with us,” Gracie commanded as she took hold of my hand and Joy took hold of my other. I looked back to Ginger and Gray. They looked content to stay and be pampered with all the attention from the laughing children & teens.

Gracie and Joy led me to one of the sun dried, sallow colored adobe structures spaced and stretched out. Lines of ristras heavy with drying red peppers were strung and hanging between.

I could hear a faint hint of running water grow louder as we walked closer to its wood framed opening. The doorway was covered by a draping mat of woven, long field grass. Gracie and Joy stopped causing me to pull them both as I turned and continued walking distractedly. My eyes were focused on where the sound of running water was coming from.

“Oops, I’m sorry Gracie, Joy…”

The small settlement shadowed what was once the Santa Ana Pueblo sitting across on the other side of the Rio Grande. It appeared to be a makeshift settlement that looked like it had started with two haphazard looking adobe homes, to the right along a clearing by the Rio Grande, or the grouped modern looking geodomes, north, to the left close to lots of Bosque growth along the river that looked like they were set up like a resort, lots of trailers and campers looked like they were added haphazardly afterwards behind and all around spread out north and south following closely along the Rio Grande's bosque.

Gracie smiled reassuringly, “Honey, that’s ok. The Rio Grande is beautiful.

"Yes Caline, it gives our village life." Joy added.

Gracie extended her arm, waving to the entrance, "Now, let’s go inside.”

Gracie tugged on my hand, turned to take a few steps forward. Joy stepped ahead, paused to pull the doorway’s mat to the side. “Welcome to our home. This is the first of the 2 adobe homes we built after setting up and living in tents we brought back in the space we cleared out here by the Rio Grande while rushing to finish the geodomes the Santa Ana Hotel were building to set up as a future extended stay resort community."

"Three of the teens were interns from the Pueblo working with their parents on the casino and hotel maintenance crew. That would be Michelle, Felipe, and Cristian. Joy can introduce them to you later. You probably saw them playing soccer when you first walked here. They were the ones who wanted to build traditional adobe homes after losing their parents. It took them almost 2 weeks to make, dry, and get enough adobe bricks ready for the first structure. Construction took about another week to finish the first adobe structure you're sitting in. The rest of us worked on getting Geo Domes habitable."

Joy proudly interjected the process that her Pueblo teens went through to find, gather what was needed to make the adobe. I envisioned them walking up and down the Bosque along the Rio Grande, pulling tufts of Ravenna grass, digging up and filling wheel barrels with sandy soil layered from flash floods overflowing the banks of a swelled muddy river. "I knew several of our Pueblo teens were staying with their parents during the really bad heat wave right before the big sickness hit us. There were plenty of empty hotel rooms for the teens who were interning and their parents to stay in with occupancy down. The maintenance staff had to stay on property to respond to and get the AC back online for the guests and be ready in case the heat wave knocked out electricity from the power grid. They had to be there to get emergency generators on and kept running until electricity from the power grid. I only started worrying about Michelle, Felipe, and Cristian after we buried all the people we lost from the sickness on our Pueblo. We could finally grieve and think of our Pueblo people working at the casino and hotel. That's when I began to worry about Felipe, Michelle, Cristian, and their parents."

"Several big explosions shocked me just a day after every grown man and most of the other adults got sick. They were far enough away south of us, what looked like near the Sunport. It must have been the end of incoming flights with crews that had gotten too sick to land the planes. The electricity never came back on after the last heat wave when the sickness struck. Our cell phones went out a week later while we were still gathering and burying our dead. I had managed to call and reach one of my nurse friends at UNM Sandoval Hospital and the other at the Rust Medical Center during my attempts to save whoever I could in our wellness center while my cell phone was still working."

I remember seeing the smoke from those same explosions from Placitas, unable to use my cell phone when it no longer had any signal, even though several of our homes still had electricity and some had backup power from solar generators and roof panels. It was quite an adjustment to be disconnected with my friends and from the world when the Internet went down as well about a week after our parents died. We couldn't understand why almost every adult had gotten sick and died. We were grateful for the women who made it through to stay with us after the sickness.

"Neither Ruth at Sandoval, nor Jacqueline at Rust had much time to talk. They both lost most of their staff along with all the inpatients and emergency patients being brought in. None of us understood what was happening and why all the men, nearly all the women were getting sick so fast and dying. Jacqueline briefly mumbled diseases affecting Y chromosomes of older males before having to hang up. I was so relieved to see our teen hotel/casino maintenance interns when I arrived here with our surviving Pueblo people."

"We were fortunate that lines for water had already been dug, with pipes laid and buried here. There were also two ways to drive all those vehicles and pull the trailers here. The trailers came later after and when Joy and the people she brought from the Pueblos relocated here to join the settlement. It was wonderful to get the more modern, more livable habitats here for people to finally move into at our settlement."

"Our Pueblo had purchased two Sun Titan portable solar generating trailers with the power grid increasingly crashing. The solar farm you saw out there, was also being built before the sickness as part of a Pueblo project to have electricity with increasing heat waves that were constantly overloading and killing the power grid. Unfortunately, the sickness came during a big heat wave that killed both the electricity and the people working on the project. The solar farm was left unfinished. We haven't finished getting the solar farm set up. We hooked up one of the two huge portable solar generating trailers to a horse trailer pulling a pick-up truck and brought it here when relocating many of our Pueblo people here. You also saw that truck parked out there by the two buses. We didn't want to use up the fuel left in them with the power out being unable to refuel them. We have them parked there in case there's another emergency if we have to use them to move everyone quickly."

"Smaller portable solar generators were brought into the settlement to get and have available a bit more electricity throughout the settlement in addition to the two large trailers for solar powered lights. We never used the lights worried that someone with bad intentions would see them from across route 550. I had decided to stay in the adobe structure and was happy to get electricity finally after almost a year living at first alone, then together with Joy when she moved in with me a few months after she moved with most of her people from the Pueblo here. Those mounds you saw are traditional southwest native Horna ovens built by Joy and the people who relocated from then Pueblo. We wouldn't have been able to cook and bake all the food needed to feed our growing community with the smaller GoSun solar ovens we scavenged. You'll see a couple in our home here. Now, Let’s go inside and talk.” Gracie invited me in as Joy stepped to the side with a welcoming smile.

A big orange tabby slinked over and greeted me, rubbing against and between my legs as I tried to walk through. I looked down smiling, then up and around seeing light streaming in from the 2 out of place metal framed windows sealed in opposite adobe walls. It was comfortably cool and cozy inside with colorful rugs covering the floor, padded folding chairs around a 6-foot folding table, a couple more backed against the adobe, and a big solar covered table under lots of light shining on from a big window in the adobe wall behind and above it. The table had all kinds of small appliances on and beneath it.

“Ahhh…that’s Tiger. He was one of the strays back at the hotel that I had regularly fed while working there before the sickness. I brought him with me. other. The dogs are from a pack that found us, when they wandered onto our settlement from wherever they had lived with their humans. They must have found each other, banded together for comfort and to look for food when the sickness took the people who had fed them. More dogs came to the settlement with Joy and everyone she brought with her relocating from the Pueblo. The casino and hotel had plenty of other cats in addition to Tiger on property we had fed knowing they were good for rodent control. The dogs were happy to find humans, quickly endearing themselves to us, especially the children. All the cats followed us when we came to this site to get away from all those who died. We were so blessed with them bringing so much comfort after all of us lost so much”

Gracie continued to tell her story of how everything I saw here came about. “I was a concierge at the Santa Ana Casino Hotel when the cancellations began, people stopped checking in, then the calls from guests getting sick started flooding in, and finally the quiet came with almost everyone dying.”

"We were hoping to be at full occupancy with folks booking rooms to take refuge inside an air-conditioned retreat escaping the non-stop heat wave outside at their homes and jobs. We also were hoping to finish and open our new extended stay resort community addition to the hotel. The Pueblo invited GeoShip into a partnership like it did setting up a retail/service agreement with Tesla. Thankfully, neither the occupancy went up nor was the new extended stay resort community finished, opened, occupied when the big sickness came.”

"That same heat wave hit us with another outage when the power grid overloaded, shutting down our phones and lights. I left my VIP Desk, walked around to the hallway leading to the non-working escalators up to the concourse of a sundries, snacks, and souvenirs shop, a coffee shop and a spa, the restaurants, and entrance to the casino. I took the stairs up one flight, exited the stairway into the third-floor landing, went room to room checking on the guests, calling out, finding surviving kids and teens. They came out of their rooms crying and scared. My presence as an adult calmed and encouraged them to join me in helping to find and gather everyone else who survived. I took and gathered them, leaving the dead behind in the rooms. The grownups had died quickly once they got sick. I had a couple of the teens stay with the children, then had another couple of teens go with me across the lobby, back up the escalator steps, across the concourse, to the stairwell up one more flight, to the rooms to find if there were any more survivors. We returned to the lobby where I pulled us together with the teens' help, outside in the casino parking lot once we found everyone who survived. I walked us away from those who didn’t survive, taking them west towards the Rio Grande, stopping here in the clearing."

"I had two of the older teens stay with the young children with the few supplies we brought with us while the rest of us went back to the hotel to find and bring back more food, water, blankets, whatever we could get while avoiding scattered bodies of those who died. The children were traumatized seeing their parents lying dead back in the hotel rooms. We didn’t want to go back inside. We needed shelter and began making do with what we had."

"I didn't know how far along our future extended stay community resort was to being completed. There was a Big R store with camping supplies, a Tractor Supply store, and a Home Depot nearby up and down 550 to get what we found that was needed. We decided to head across the highway to find tents and whatever else would help us in the interim while seeing to the Geo Domes so they could be used to settle in here. Two teens went back and took the Telo trucks that was on display on the casino floor. You saw two of those trucks out there. They got one of them started and drove it to the Big R store, and another couple of kids after a week or so got & took another Telo Truck of someone lost to the sickness. It was parked outside with several electric vehicles left plugged in at the parking lot's charging stations in front of the hotel. Our teen took both Telo trucks to Home Depot west on 550, found, loaded, and brought those windows, tables, and folding chairs to go with the tents we had set up temporarily."

"We initially scavenged whatever we needed and could find from Big R and Home Depot, then Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and a few other stores after the big sickness took most everybody too quickly. We had set up and stayed in the camping tents brought back from Big R for about 2 weeks while we built these first adobe structures. We found and brought back several water purifications sets to use before we knew that water had been put in and completed for the future resort, all those kitchen appliances, the strange cylinder looking ovens, cooler over there are solar powered from a new SunGo display just added in Big R's camping section just months before our world changed."

"The two teens, George and Gustalvo later went back and took George's father's Aptera that brought him to vacation at the casino hotel. They drove out further beyond the nearby stores looking to see how, if anything, anyone else was surviving after we moved into our Adobes. George and Gustalvo returned hours later with what and who they found."

"Gustalvo saw the Circle K convenience store on their right as George was driving east towards I-25. He tapped George on the shoulder seeing someone in the window. George slowed, pulled over to make a U-turn to investigate. They pulled in, parked, and got out. They saw an old cat nestled against an old dog sleeping right in front of the store's entrance. They started making their way over when a woman with a rifle and 2 teens opened the door walking out over and around the dog and cat partially blocking their exit."

"George and Gustalvo had stopped, raised their arms. They told the woman that they had just left the Santa Ana Casino Hotel grounds to find people who were still around like those who didn't get sick. George said that he nodded with his head behind him in the direction where they drove from. George told us how relieved he was when the woman eased up, lowered her rifle, introduced herself and the 2 young teens. The woman introduced herself and told them her name was Gloria. She saw George and Gustalvo looking at her old dog and cat that you saw driving from Placitas. She said she named the old dog Charlie and the old cat Jethro. They were just two of almost a dozen neighborhood dogs and cats that lost their humans from the sickness. All had found and made Gloria's Circle K a home."

"I have an older sister, Cheryl. We must have had something in our immune system to survive the sickness. She was a deputy with the Sandoval County Sheriff's Department before the sickness. She had managed to call me before we lost use of our cell phones. She and one other woman, Doris, a wiry, fit, 30-something Albuquerque born and raised from a local Korean family, were the only ones left when trying to reach others with her agency. They were contacted by a surviving Commander from the National Guard post in Rio Rancho named Susan, a tall, grizzled, ebony toned with a commanding presence from 20 years of active U.S. Army duty after growing up in a military career minded family. One fire fighter and Three paramedics with the old Bernalillo County and Rio Rancho Fire Departments, all women in their twenties, Rachel, Phyllis, Tricia, and Abby, were also able to reach me before the phone signal dropped. Cheryl told me to be careful with her force having to confront so many young kids with guns on past calls. The three of them stopped by a few weeks after we started getting settled here, and we no longer could use our cell phones. They've been coming by to check on us since."

"They brought and left a solar powered HAM radio set and Cobra RX685 Walkie Talkies Two-Way Radios with a 40-mile Range for us to stay in touch and contact them when necessary. people who stay in our Pueblo and Gloria were given them as well. You'll meet my sister and Doris next time they come around along with Susan, the commander from Rio Rancho's National Guard compound. The three of them recruited at least a half dozen teens to try and provide some order, response, and protection from the chaos after the sickness. They've set up their station inside the health clinic that had been retrofitted with solar panels with all the increasing power outages from increasing and longer heat spells overwhelming and killing the main electric grid. Joy's friends Ruth and Jacqueline relocated into from both their hospitals to the clinic since it had electricity for all the equipment, and it would be within the 10-mile range. The paramedics, Phyllis, Tricia, and Abby joined them to help staff the clinic. Rachel joined my sister Cheryl, Doris, and Susan to help staff the station.

They set up communications by HAM radio and with the longer 40-mile range walkie talkies that were used sparingly, taking too long to recharge with solar chargers. We were given both to contact them in case of emergency. The clinic was staffed with a dozen or so student interns and young volunteers who survived the sickness. They stay throughout the sickness and all the death helping Joy's nurse friends, Ruth and Jacqueline during a long stretch disposing of all the dead and finally exiting the empty facility. They'll be driving in Apteras when you see them visit here."

I drifted away from Gracie talking thinking that I didn't remember us, Renee or Nancy having any kind of radio like what was given to Gracie to know what was going on or communicate with anyone outside of our community in Placitas the past year there before I just left. It wouldn't have mattered, being way up, too far away in Placitas. I wonder if Nancy ever made it down to Gloria's Circle K on 550 in Bernalillo to learn that she had a radio with people she could contact for help. Gracie's voice shook me back to listening to her story.

"Gloria at Circle K apologized to George and Gustalvo, adding that she had a group of bad visitors stop a week after most folks died after getting sick. She told them that she had been managing the store the last year after the sickness came. I remembered Gloria from when I had frequent there to stop a couple of times. She introduced 2 teens to George and Gustalvo. One worked there before everyone got sick nodding to the girl. She turned to the other one, saying they found him when they went scavenging way up at the WalMart on 528 for supplies, nodding to her left."

"Gloria took George and Gustalvo inside the store saying she kept the Circle K had open with off the grid solar power from panels on the store's roof. She stocked the store with what they could find, scavenge, of essentials they brought back for themselves and for the few who they thought and hoped had also survived and would eventually be wondering in. George and Gustalvo arrival were the third visit for Gloria. She turned and pointed to her rifle she placed on the counter behind her warning that a gang of three teens that tried to attack the store. Then she gave some good news saying that the second group of visitors were 5 survivors led by a woman named Joy from the Santa Ana Pueblos from across the 550. pointing to the window north. Gloria gave George and Gustalvo directions to where Joy had set up camp in the Pueblo."

"George and Gustalvo shared their loss of Cindy looking at the rifle on the counter, then at each other. They asked Gloria if the rifle was one of the ones they saw at the Big R store when scavenging there. She said it wasn't, but they should get one from there if they didn't have one back at their settlement to protect themselves against any unwanted trouble. George and Gustalvo solemnly agreed. Refocused and became excited with the news Gloria shared about the Joy and the Pueblo survivors. They thanked Gloria, rushed out after getting directions to jump in the Aptera to drive over and connect with the Santa Ana Pueblo survivors." Gracie paused, looking at Joy. "I'll let Joy tell you how she first met George and Gustalvo.

I watched as Joy's face lit up, then saddened, as she remembered the days before George and Gustalvo drove into her Pueblo where she had gathered and brought together those who survived the sickness.

She softly continued Gracie's story, adding her own "I had been working non-stop in our Pueblo's wellness center doing what I could to comfort anyone able to come in on their own or too sick and were brought in."

"It was frustrating how useless anything I tried couldn't stop everyone getting sicker and sicker so fast, quickly becoming unconscious burning with fever, for me to just watch them finally be gone. I told you I had called my nurse friends. I was devastated losing every single person in my care in just days. I knew my nurse friends were too. But I was even more so seeing the surviving children how much they were traumatized with their sudden loss. The older ones told me they had gathered the younger ones into the Pueblo childcare center just across from all the death that surrounded us. Their words, looking at the tear-stained faces, shook me back to their worlds. I would be able to do something useful. I could now have control over my situation. I knew I had to get the children away from whatever got everyone sick as quickly as possible. I grabbed the hands of 2 of the kids and told them to take me to the children and other women who had survived the sickness like I did."

"My ancestors are Keresan. The Pueblo's name in Keres is Tamaya. Our Santa Ana Pueblo was a small one of no more than 700 people. The sickness took all our elders, most of the grownups except for six other women which I was so grateful for, and sadly, 27 teens - all boys. Only seven of our Pueblo's women, including me, were the surviving adults. We had to say goodbye to and then find a way to bury over 300 of our community."

"George and Gustalvo had followed Gloria's directions after leaving the Circle K store. They drove up in one of the Apteras, finding me and the older teens unloading parents of children brought back from their homes. Both George and Gustalvo were overcome by so many bodies being laid out side by side on the ground. We made dozens of trips bringing the dead to a construction site that had been started near the wellness and childcare center across from a baseball field."

I gasped, remembering burying my parents back in Placitas, not able to imagine hundreds of bodies being collected and buried by their children. I had helped my friends with their parents and then together with whoever of the neighbors we found who had died nearby us. There were still hundreds who had died left untouched spread out in the town beyond where we ventured, went to school, played soccer, had appointments at and shopped with our parents. Days, weeks followed as we tried to search for survivors after sickness swiftly ravaged our community.

Most of the small children, toddlers, babies unable to care for themselves that we finally reached couldn't and didn't survive. The horror of finding over a hundred innocents who starved, suffered, and died slowly alone still haunts me. Months followed where we still found and came across the cat and some dog carcasses inside and just outside houses of human families, they were a part of and pampered by. Most that got outside managed to adapt and survive in the wild by forming into packs creating new families to support each other. I was glad, my furred sisters, Ginger and Gray, would always be with me as our family.

I drifted back from my memories to Joy's story as she relayed how grateful she was seeing and having George and Gustalvo immediately helping her and the teens afterwards for several hours before returning to Gracie setting up the settlement where I was at now by the Rio Grande.

Joy continued her story, explaining why she had asked George and Gustalvo if she could bring any survivors to their settlement, who couldn't stay anymore with the mass grave nearby on the Santa Ana Pueblo. There was too much sadness for the children, many of the teens, and the few women to have to stay and bear. A mass grave would always be a reminder of losing everyone they loved. It was quite an exodus to move over a hundred children, teens, toddlers, and babies, with just one more adult to help me coordinate relocating here. That was Nina. You'll meet her later. The other women who survived the sickness, Dakota, Chenoa, Haseya, Winona, and Yannaha remained back at the Pueblo with children and teens who didn't want to leave. They've continued to work the fields where the Pueblo grew fresh produce, tended to Pueblo horses moved there from the stables that were too far away, and try to maintain Pueblo life from before the sickness. It was a major undertaking finding what was needed to move everyone with whatever supplies, shelters they could scavenge and bring.

"The Pueblo had several gas-powered buses, vans, and pickup trucks. Our Pueblo had also started acquiring electric vehicles with the rapid rise in fuel costs. We used all those vehicles to transport children for school, trash pickup, heavy moving, and deliveries of our fresh produce to local markets. As I said, you saw some of them parked out in the field as you walked here. We had used the buses until they no longer had fuel to shuttle volunteers back and forth from the Pueblo to help those still there to tend the fields, take care of the horses moved from our Tenaya Stables, and bring back food for the settlement here. Our Pueblo was also conveniently located near a Tractor Supply & Feed store, across from the Circle K. Most of the smaller solar generators being used are from the Tractor Supply store. They were brought here after I moved most of our Pueblo survivors here. The RVs and trailers are from the lot across the interstate I-25. Some of our survivors took RVs to the mostly empty Coronado camping grounds you passed going west on 550 before reaching the hotel. It's just a short walking distance from here where Gracie had set up this settlement."

"George and Gustalvo returned with Gracie's blessings to move our surviving Pueblo children to become part of the small settlement she started for just a couple dozen from the hotel. Joining with over a hundred of Santa Ana Pueblo's people would transform the settlement into a village. I directed them to buses in a parking lot across from the construction / burial site. They got the buses running, took them to the childcare center, loaded children in the first group driving to meet Gracie in their new home. All the children were transported with just two trips using the school buses. We had several older teens, and the few women survivors get and travel on the two buses with the kids still shaken from losing their parents."

"We needed to find a way to house lots of people in our new community quickly. That came with having to feed, cook, and keep everyone healthy with water that could be safely drunk and wash in without plumbing. Fortunately, those needed essentials were available all around us close by. We would have returned to maintain, farm, and harvest from the Pueblo fields where we grew our food crops. I was thankful for how hard George and Gustalvo worked so hard to move everyone so quickly. They were exhausted, but we needed to get and set up shelter as fast as we could to house everyone at their new home."

"Several teens, Lily, Mae, Jordan, Malia, Tauri, Lonan, Shilah, Kai, and an adult, Nina, one of the Women survivors, who knew how to drive, helped transport survivors with several trips, then returned to the Pueblo, remaining behind to put together supplies. They later followed us with whatever they could find at the Pueblo. They also volunteered to go to the RV dealership to begin finding and bringing the RVs trailers you saw outside, to house everyone. They had George and Gustalvo follow them to help hook up the big solar trailer to one of the gas-powered pickup trucks now parked outside sitting useless. We're lucky to have both the electric Telo trucks and the two electric Rivians. The Telo trucks are more efficient, had the Aptera Solar panels storing energy while parked, sitting unused. They charge faster, lasting longer, being much smaller and lighter needing less electricity."

"Afterwards, they went back out to Big R, Tractor Supply, Home Depot, and WalMart to grab whatever water purification, cooking, refrigeration, power supplies, appliances, and equipment they could find and scavenge. Big R and WalMart had new displays for GoSun solar camping gear that had been recently set up with added inventory months before the big sickness had struck. The big school bus parked on the edge of the field, was used every couple of days, then weekly to shuttle folks between the settlement and the Pueblo to help those who didn't want to leave their homes in the Pueblo. About fifty survivors stayed behind maintaining and harvesting crops in the fields there, also tending to the horses that were relocated there. They were finally parked and left there out in the field just before running out of fuel. We brought two Telo trucks from the casino on display to use for our commutes to visit the Pueblo, to help with the farming, horses, and bring back fresh produce picked still being grown on the Pueblo."

"Our casino had two GoSun portable solar EV charging kits on display on the floor as prizes. You might have seen covering the two Rivian pickups that are parked outside on the field. They were left parked at the casino from people the sickness took. Tesla built a center to sell and service their cars on our Pueblo near the hotel. They also had GoSun portable EV Charging kits for customers to take home and advantage of lots of free charging with New Mexico's 310 days of sun for their Teslas."

"As I said, our Pueblo had horses. They were at the Tamaya Horse Stables north of the casino. I had teens who had worked with horses from our Pueblo, later driving out to check on them. They returned after finding bales of alfalfa/hay, feeding, and watering the horses left unattended, dehydrated, and hungry. Two 4 horse trailers were sitting next to a parked Chevy Silverado 2500, a Ford F250, and a Dodge Ram 2500. I had them take two people who could hook up the trailers, help load the horses and drive the trucks back to the Pueblo."

"The horses were relocated and secured in their new makeshift home next to the fields where we now grow food for the settlement and to barter with Gloria at her nearby Circle K. We went, scavenged, and brought back farm and livestock supplies from both the nearby Big R and Tractor Supply stores for the horses and the growing fields. That's enough of my story for now. You'll meet George, Gustalvo, Lily, Jordan, Malia, Nina, Michelle, and Kai when we get together to eat soon."

I heard Gracie and Joy each sigh. They must have been remembering their lives before the sickness as they looked through me. Somewhere else into the not-too-distant past had their eyes watering. They returned from their memories, refocusing on me, “I don’t know why Joy, me, a few other women and most of the children survived whatever virus killed off all the men and some of our teenage boys. It hasn't been a focus for my friends at the clinic and I am just trying to survive and make new lives for ourselves. Plus, we no longer have the Internet to research anything.” Gracie looked at the window outside then at me. “So Caline, where did you and your companions come from?”

Tiger decided to jump up into my lap just as Gracie asked me to begin my story. His presence relaxed and comforted me. I breathed, looking back since the sickness, losing, and burying my parents, then thankfully having my adopted sisters to live with the past year.

It was my turn to tell my story. “I was just 14 years old when I buried my parents after they both got sick, then quickly died, about a year ago.“ I started in almost a stutter. This would be the first time I spoke of and shared my story with someone other than my friends back in Placitas.

“Ginger, Gray, and I came from Placitas. That’s where we're from and lived before, after my mom and dad got sick. Ginger and Gray became my adopted sisters when my mom brought them both home after the electricity went out where she worked. This one lasted longer than so many of the other times the power grid had crashed dead from too much usage with the constant extreme heat. My mom’s workplace went dark and became an oven. She was a veterinarian there at the Placitas Animal rescue. The rest of the staff took the dogs and cats to their home while Ginger and Gray came to my house. I immediately fell in love with them.”

“Both Ginger and Gray were orphaned and rescued as a cub and a pup. My father was a Forest Ranger. He had heard a cougar cub's sharp chirping and found Ginger. She was a scared tiny thing hiding in some scrub off a trail he was monitoring for the US Forest Service. He picked up and brought her back from the mountain trail to the Bow Wow Meow Pet Care clinic where my mom worked. One of our Placitas neighbors saw a wobbly cub crying next to her dead mom on the side of the road. The cougar must have been hit and dragged herself to the side where she died. The pup looked miserable, was dehydrated, alone crying and weak. They stopped, gently covering the cub in an old blanket from her car's trunk. She brought the cub, my other adopted sister, Gray, also to my mom where she would join Ginger already being looked at and taken care of.”

Gracie got up and walked over to the kitchen area, pulled out a water bottle from a SunGo cooler, walked back to hand it to me wet and cooled. “Did other folks survive the sickness in Placitas? What did you do when your parents died? How did you keep yourself going afterwards? And why did you decide to travel here?”

I smiled thinking of and missing my soccer friends and teammates. "My fondest memories before the sickness was playing soccer. It was such a beautiful sight seeing soccer being played, watched, and cheered on the field out there when I walked here with Ginger and Gray. Placitas was a small community, yet we still had and were proud to have both our Placitas Elementary School Girls soccer team, the Panthers, and a community girls soccer team. My mom was a big reason for that. She continued to live and breathe the game she loved and played growing up through college. That love of soccer was passed onto me after getting moms she knew with daughters my age to start a pee wee girls club. Imagine a dozen 3- to 5-year-old girls trying to kick a soccer ball to each other. It was worse than herding cats."

I laughed remembering my mom's exasperation with me being the oldest of the girls at 5 years old. "Renee saved my mom from having a total breakdown juggling between taking care of animals working as the Bow Wow Meow Pet Clinic vet and trying to coach little two legged animals on the pitch. Our Placitas Elementary school had hired Renee as a new teacher after her graduating from UNM's College of Education and Human Sciences with an impressive string of majors in athletic training, exercise science, health education, physical education teacher education, sport administration, counselor education, educational psychology, family and child studies, nutrition, and teaching."

"Renee gratefully stepped in, volunteered to take over coaching from my mom and made me the club's eventual first and only team captain. My mom had me always working to strengthen and condition my body, while learning, practicing, and perfect my soccer skills and techniques. Renee saw the results from all that and said my movement on the pitch was like a cougar with agility to move suddenly in short, powerful sprints chasing opponents, strong, muscled legs giving me an ability to jump for cross shots to head balls into the net. She said I was opportunist like a coyote, moving quietly around a lot constantly looking for an easy spot to steal the ball. My teammates saw the same results, respecting all the work I did to be such a good soccer player. They all naturally followed my lead both on and off the field."

"The sickness must have hit my folks and my soccer friends' parents during the night before we left for what would become our last day in school. I think we all felt the premonition of something wrong that morning when all our parents had been coughing, looking run down, as we left for school. None of us mentioned it as we connected with each other walking down the road from our houses, reached our school, talked of soccer practice after class, and waited for the bell to ring. The bell never rang. One of the teachers came outside to send us home with the power going out again due to a power grid overload from triple digit temperatures."

"We had walked to school and decided to walk back home. We didn't want to wait to be picked up. We must had subconsciously known that no one would be well enough to come get us. It became frighteningly clear when I brought everyone back to my house to talk about our next soccer match as team captain. Life as we knew had suddenly turned inside out when we got inside my house, looking for mom, and heard her weakly call out a hoarse STOP!!! from the bedroom. That was the beginning of the sickness ending our world by claiming every living adult we thought it had taken at first except for our soccer coach Renee and Nancy."

I unscrewed the bottle top and took a sip, savoring the clean coolness of the water. “Most of the kids in Placitas survived. Initially, we knew of only two adult women who didn’t get sick and die right away with the nearby neighborhood grownups. We were in shock, crying, and mourning as we helped each other bury our parents. I dug a spot in my backyard, moved and buried my parents by myself. Ginger and Gray helped a bit by pawing out scoops of dirt out the hole I started. It took us a full day and night to finish digging, moving, and burying my mom and dad."

"We heard sickness was everywhere from the few bits of news on the TV, radio in my house after my friends, and I finished burying everyone we found nearby. The electricity never came back on from the power grid for most of the neighborhood. But my house was powered by solar off the grid and still had electricity. There were no crews left to bring the power grid back online. The sickness had taken everyone who could get the power grids back online. "

"All TV and radio abruptly stopped in just days after. There were still Internet posts with some live streams from other survivors around the country. Scattered bits of local black smoke were rising, and growing in the distance under a hot, dry sky. We were worried and hoped they wouldn't spread to Placita with no first responders surviving to fight, contain, and try putting them out. Thankfully, a couple of late summer monsoons had hit us coming from the Gulf of Mexico south of us to put the fires out and cool us off."

Gracie sadly, nodding agreement with her memory of the early days, Gracie’s eyes teared up. We sat there quietly for a minute before I continued answering the rest of her questions. “I walked to my soccer teammates for us to go find and see if our community soccer club coach Renee was okay after we buried our parents. We found her and were so relieved and happy she was still healthy."

"Renee was one of the only two adults who was thought to have been one of only two adults initially surviving. Renee was a blessing, well and active in the following months until we finally lost her. She tapped into all her college education, took charge, immediately organized, and had us drive out in our parent's vehicles to as many Placitas neighborhoods that were spread out between the I-25 Interstate and the base of the Sandia Mountains where my house was. Over a thousand of our community had survived the sickness. "

"All the children, teens, babies, and toddlers were found in their homes, orphaned by adult parents taken by the sickness. A dozen more women had been thankfully discovered in the homes with their children still alive who had survived the sickness. Renee had us pull and bring all the survivors into a central area together to figure out to care for everyone."

"She organized the round up and collection of food from neighborhood homes, village stores, local farms for distribution to all the groups being moved and settled into new centers where everyone could be cared for. Renee paired teams to move together as they searched neighborhood houses worrying about running into any known and unknown jerks and troublemakers that had survived the sickness."

“Four surviving pre-teen and teenage boys from our immediate neighborhood walked off, when we saw, tried to meet, and include them before Renee began organizing and recovery efforts. They refused to help anyone else who had survived. Laughter was their response, as they turned away from Renee to return to their empty house blocks away after telling Renee to go screw herself, “You’re not our mom and you’re definitely not our boss. Go screw yourself.”

“Renee had Nancy, and the dozen women we found when we returned back after being sent out to find survivors. Children, babies, toddlers had to be taken in and cared for by all. There were so many now parentless that needed we could be fostered by any of the older teens who would step forward to help the few remaining adults. There was no one place to bring and care for. The volunteer teens paired up with surviving women and were sent off to set up centers at our Placitas Middle School, a preschool, an event center, fire station, library, and four large estates that still had electricity with off the grid solar power."

Renee had me drive to the Blue Ocean Aloha RV dealership that my father had taken me for camping the year before to what was there that we could use for the new group homes. I returned telling Renee I couldn't find any solar generators there. Renee then remembered seeing Tractor Supply advertisements for solar generators. She had us go back out further west on 550 where I saw, the same ones I saw that you have here while walking into the settlement. I returned with several moms and teens who had just finished moving their groups into their new homes. We loaded a half dozen generators onto the trucks for the places that received their electricity from a power grid that no longer provided power. You must have gone there to get the rest of those generators for here as well”

“I stayed alone with Ginger and Gray in our house, my soccer friends also returned to their houses nearby afterwards, even though we would have been fine with other kids. We just wanted to keep what was left of our past lives to ourselves. I was selfish and didn't want to share my sisters with anyone else at first. Although, Ginger and Gray followed and came with me when I went to play soccer organized by Renee in the months afterward. Both playing soccer, Ginger's and Gray's comforting presence helped me, my soccer friends and dozens of kids who came to watch us heal and move on a bit after losing our parents."

"We returned to play our soccer behind our middle school. It was a great field. The AstroTurf surface was easily and so beautifully maintained before the big sickness. However, the pitch was affected and started to lose some of its color, turning a bit brown by the constant heat and lack of staff now gone. Renee used her UNM education administration and teaching skills to begin classes for a couple hundred kids she had set up in middle school with the help of group moms and teens she trained. Soccer practice and then the games brought so much needed joy to the community helping to restore a sense of normalcy. Ginger and Gray were also the center of attention among all the dogs and cats that joined them frolicking on the sidelines distracting children from losing their past lives. Then we lost Renee, finally to a second wave of the sickness just after a couple of months”

There was a rustling outside as footsteps were heard approaching the Adobe opening. “Gracie, Joy, we’re getting ready for dinner. We’ll be eating in about 30 minutes.”

Gracie looked over to the door, answering before anyone entered, “Thanks, we’ll be there.” Joy stood up, came over and placed her hand on my shoulder, looked at Gracie and turned to go outside. The footsteps could now be heard walking away outside. “Come on Caline. We can finish talking after we eat. You can check up on Ginger and Gray as we walk over to dinner.” Tiger hopped off me to quickly walk over to and between Gracie’s legs almost as if he was telling her not to forget feeding him before she left.

Sure enough, Gracie made a detour to a kitchen set up against the wall across the room, grabbing, opening, emptying a can into a dish. She set the dish down on the floor and motioned me to follow and head out. Tiger immediately and noisily dived into the bowl. He was hungry. I too was famished and was sure Ginger and Gray were hungry too.

This was my first venture taking Ginger and Gray going further west, down from Placitas across I-25. I had taken them many times in the back of our Aptera up to trek on the trails in the nearby Sandia Mountains. South and east of us. Today’s trip was different from all of those. I took them on those treks for us to find solace in memories of hiking with my dad who led us on hikes to where he found Ginger as a cub. This trip was an escape from being off guard, suddenly assaulted and shamed. Ginger and Gray had come to my rescue, viciously mauling, and killing one of my attackers while defending me. I couldn’t face my soccer friends and was worried how the people back in Placitas would react to Ginger and Gray killing someone in the community even though that person was trying to rape me."

I asked Gracie before we got to the door, “Do you have some food for me to feed Ginger and Gray? They haven’t eaten since we left Placitas. I left most of our stuff on the passenger seat of the Aptera we drove here in from Placitas back at the hotel where we parked”

Gracie abruptly stopped walking towards the doorway, turned, and with a worried look on her face, thinking of past trouble at the hotel, “George or Gustalvo will go with you to get and drive your Aptera back here to the settlement after we finish eating. You can tell me the rest of your story when you get back and I'll tell you why I don't want you leaving anything back at the hotel. And yes, we have food for Ginger and Gray. We'll probably pass them while walking to dinner. You'll see where we feed our dogs and cats. The children most likely have taken your sisters there already. We can stop for you to make sure they have enough food to eat before we get to the dining area.”

Gracie turned back to the door for us to continue walking out. I looked back to Tiger happily eating away then looked ahead and followed Gracie out the doorway to go find Ginger and Gray.

Laughter, barks, and even some yips from my Gray grew louder as Gracie led me to the big communal dining area, I saw earlier just beyond the line of all the trailers, geodomes. We walked quickly, getting closer to sounds of happy playing off on the right. It was still light out on this late summer day. Gray was running circles around 2 dogs trying to catch her with their tails wagging. Ginger was also there laying on the ground looking very content and serene smothered by kids with their tiny hands petting and scratching her ears. The rumble of her purring grew louder as we approached what was the animal feeding area.

Gracie and I stopped happily to see that Ginger and Gray had been taken care of. “Hi kids. Looks like you and your dogs made some new friends with Ginger and Gray. I don't want to interrupt all the fun it looks like you and my sisters are having. Thank you, guys, for getting my sisters, Ginger and Gray fed. We haven’t eaten since this morning. And I'm sure they were so hungry. Hmmm, and I bet all of you looked very tasty to them.” The kids giggled. “I'll be back for Ginger and Gray after I get myself something to eat or you'll start looking good enough for me to eat." I added making the children laugh again before they turned their attention back to my adopted sisters.

A little girl stood up from Ginger’s side, walked over to me from all the other kids and took my hand, “I’m Lisa. I love Ginger and will take care of her for you until you come back." She looked at Gray playfully running with several settlement dogs. "Gray is so funny.” The rest of the kids ignored me and kept their focus on continuing playing with the cougar and coyote. Ginger saw me, got up, stretched, and looked over to me with an expression on her face that she was content and for me to start walking.

“Ok, thank you Lisa. Ginger, you can stay and keep playing with Lisa. I'm going to get some food.” Gray’s ears perked up from a dozen feet away with the mention of food and trotted over to Ginger. Ginger nudged Gray as if saying you had enough. Two dogs chased Gray followed right behind to drag her back to play so they could continue their chase.

Gracie and I arrived to see Joy with dozens of people crowded up along long tables with food amidst lively chatter. I looked back to where I left Ginger and Gray and saw Lisa with dozens of kids keeping the settlement's animals engaged and distracted. They were far enough away where their feeding area had been set up. It was a smart move to have the animals there to let meals be eaten without too much interruption.

Was that a porcupine over there off to the side of the tables' far corner? Oh my, there were two more little ones busy eating and talking to their food with happy noisy, high squeals. They were adorable. Gracie saw my expression looking at the porcupines. "That's Porky and her prickle of two new porcupettes, Priscilla and Pennie." Gracie laughed when I gaped at her questioning. "Porky followed her nose from the Bosque to our food when we first set up our community dining here. She's made herself a regular dining guest feasting on whatever falls off the table and/or the children give her. She had and now brings her babies to the table.

We're lucky the settlement's dogs have instinctively kept their distance. It's too much work pulling the quills out." I browsed back to the hungry threesome and shake my head.

My attention snapped back to the tables hearing Joy explained, “I saw Gracie took you to where we feed the dogs way over there away from the tables. We had set that up over there, so we eat and enjoy our food without having hungry begging every time we try to take a bite.” I looked back at Ginger and Gray at the animal feeding area, happy where they were alongside their new canine, little human, and even feline playmates. I was also happy they weren't here with me salivating with other dogs over the food I was eager to eat now at the noisy tables.

“I swear, I heard her say that she left most of her things where she parked.” “Are you sure? You said we were outside Gracie’s and Joy's door when you told her we were getting ready to eat.”

The two talking were nudged from folks around them as Gracie and I walked to the tables from opposite sides. Their voices quieted, then stopped. Gracie and I reached the table at the same time. “George, Gustalvo, you two can go with Caline to get and bring her Aptera back here right after dinner. We can't risk leaving it there overnight. And Caline, I guess our talk can continue here while we eat. Looks like everyone wants to know where you came from, why here, why now, and how.”

“Can I grab some food first? I’m starved.” That was true, but I was also reluctant to share what I left behind back in Placitas. I still felt raw, sad, angry, and worried about people's reactions, but not as scared since meeting and talking with both Gracie and Joy. I hadn’t felt such security and comfort since being with my parents before they got sick.

Gracie and Joy both held their hands comically in unison from across the table as they picked up a plate each as Gracie announces to everyone, “We're going to fix a couple of plates for Caline before everyone starts badgering her with questions." Gracie turns her attention back to me as she and Joy start piling food on my plates. "What a beautiful name. Where did your name come from?”

“My parents gave me that as a nickname a couple of months after Ginger and Gray came into my life when I was only three years old, and they were still a cub and a pup. The three of us immediately attached ourselves to each other, always inseparable rolling around, playing, cuddling, and napping. It was almost impossible for my parents to pull me away for bed or go out of the house somewhere. They started calling me Caline, indistinguishable from being just another cougar feline and a cougar canine. I haven’t used my given name Caroline since.” Gracie and Joy handed me two full plates of food across to me. My mouth watered as I dug in, stuffing my face as fast as I could chew. It was so good!

“Whoa, slow down. There’s plenty of food. You said you left most of your stuff in your Aptera parked back at the hotel so the three of you could walk to and find where the smoke you saw from back in Placitas came from." The table quieted as everyone looked at me waiting for my story of why I left Placitas. I swallowed, took a sip, breathed in, and exhaled a sigh. “Ginger, Gray, and I drove in the Aptera my parents got two years before they were sick, then left me.”

Sounds of running feet, laughter, and barks from children, dogs and a cougar came rushing to the tables briefly interrupting me, catching the attention of people who started listening to my story. Several smiles briefly broke out around the table as dogs were nosing between people, trying to prop their front paws up on the table with tongues salivating. You could almost hear them oohing and aahing at the food. “Get your paws off the table! Get down! You ate!”

The children followed, crowding around the table where I was sitting. “I’m still hungry.” “Me too.” “Me too.” “Can I sit here?” “I want to sit next to Caline.” “No, I want to sit next to her.” Their sudden arrival gave me temporary relief from continuing. "Children!" Admonished Gracie. "The grown-ups are in the middle of talking with our new guest. We'll fix your plates to take over there to eat." Gracie added, pointing to 5 tables over. The hungry children scrambled to get their plates of food, with the dogs scolded, nudged away from our table, following the children to their tables.

Sadly, the pause in telling my story lasted only as long for the children to get their food. They hurried off to eat so they could quickly play with the dogs and their newfound friends Ginger and Gray again.

“It’s nice and a little quieter again…now that the kids are gone,” Gracie laughed with a few others chuckling with her. “So, when did you learn how and start driving your parents' Aptera? You said they got the Aptera two years before the big sickness. That would be about four years ago. You're now, what? Fourteen, fifteen years old? George and Gustalvo parents' both checked in at the hotel with an Aptera right before the big sickness."

"I remember seeing one for the first time back when I worked at the hotel as its concierge., I saw it out in front being unloaded by one of our valets, Carlos, about a year before everything crashed. I miss Carlos. He worked until he got sick with everyone else. He went quickly. He was the last valet. People stopped coming to the hotel beginning with the virus just days before he got sick. Then another triple digit heat wave overloaded and knocked out our power grids again shutting off the hotel's electricity and power. All adults quickly got sick overnight and started dying in just a day or two afterwards. We had no news and heard no sirens. There was just silence except for the children crying.” Gracie ended heavy in sad, sobering words.

All eyes were focused on me again as Gracie continued, “you told me and Joy you're from Placitas next to the Sandia Mountains. Why did you and your cougar and coyote traveling companions leave? Why here? Why now? How, when did you learn to drive?”

My face turned white confronted by so many questions. Gracie must have seen how uncomfortable I was, quickly adding, “Why don’t you and I finish our talk back with just me, Joy, and Tiger after you finish eating. We'll get Ginger, Gray, and bring them with us on the way back. Is that okay with you?”

Color returned to my cheeks, relieved not to have to share what and why I left everything behind back in Placitas. “That would be fine. How do you think Tiger will react to Ginger & Gray? I like to bring them with me and then afterwards to where we can sleep tonight.”

“Tiger loves and gets along with everyone. He’s very easy going if Ginger and Gray are okay with Tiger.” I finished my food with a couple more bites, pushed away from the table and started to stand up. People seemed disappointed not being able to hear my story. They started clearing the table and cleaning up. “It looks like we’re not needed to clean up. Won’t don’t you go get Ginger and Gray from the children over there, bring them to meet me, Joy, and Tiger while we finish talking for tonight. The three of you can stay with us for tonight after we talk.”

I stood up and walked over to the sounds of children playing to collect my sisters for the night. “Sorry kids, it’s been a long day for us. I’m taking Ginger and gay over to Gracie. Gracie and I need to finish talking, and then we’ll be staying with her until tomorrow. We’ll see you guys in the morning. I saw that you were all watching the older kids playing soccer when we arrived here. I played soccer and was my team's captain when I was your age. One of the girls was wearing a Jersey just like my parents got me when I was your age. I can't wait to meet her. I brought one of my old soccer balls with me. Would you like to learn and play soccer like the big kids?" The children all yell almost in unison, "YES!!!" Their enthusiasm filled me with excitement. I hadn't played any soccer for a while. Now, I could begin again by showing and teaching soccer to these eager kids. "Okay, kids, I'll teach you."

Lisa shouted, “When? When will you teach us?” The other kids shouted along with her, “Tell us, tell us?” I laughed, “Maybe tomorrow kids, maybe tomorrow. Come on Ginger, come Gray. Let’s go” They closed in on my sides as I started walking. “You’re going to meet Tiger.” Ginger and Gray turned their eyes up to me to give a questioning look. “You’ll see.”

Gracie got George's attention as he was helping others clean up after dinner. "George, get Gustalvo and take Caline back to the hotel in one of the Telo trucks to bring back her Aptera. Let Gustalvo ride back with Caline in her Aptera. She can park it with the vehicles once she drives it here."

I walked with George and Gustalvo over to one of the Telo Trucks. "I've only seen this on YouTube. It looks so cool!" I climbed into the back seat and asked," Why can't I leave my Aptera at the hotel?"

George looked at Gustalvo sitting next to him in front of me. "Gracie and Joy can and will tell you why after we get you and your Aptera back to the settlement." George quickly changed the subject to soccer. "Gustalvo and I both play and love soccer. I heard you tell Lily you have a United just like the one you saw Michelle wearing. Kai and a bunch of us loved going to the New Mexico United matches at their stadium in the Balloon Fiesta Park. You must have seen her there if you went to the games there."

I felt a warm glow on my face as I smiled in happy, excited memory of being taken to my first game in the stadium by my mom and to meet people I could play soccer with again. "Yes! I remember! We sat next to each other in the Supporters Section. My mom knew and played soccer with her mom in college. Wow, what a small world. This is amazing. I can't wait to catch up with her."

Our conversation suddenly stopped as George drove up to and around the hotel to where he spotted my Aptera. He pulled up beside it, parked, but kept the Telo running. "Gustalvo, keep an eye out and hurry up to get into Caline's Aptera. Caline, I want you to listen and follow whatever Gustalvo may tell you to do. Get in, start your Aptera and follow me quickly back to the settlement. Okay?"

They were scaring me. I had so many questions. The questions could wait. I just wanted to get back to my sisters, Ginger and Gray as quickly as possible. Gracie and Joy would tell me what's going on once I was back. George turned on Telo's lights in front of me as we sped away from the hotel. He was easy to follow all the way back to where we finally stopped and parked by the other vehicles. I got all my stuff out with George's help. Gustalvo took off while George walked me to Gracie's and Joy's place.

They were waiting outside the doorway with Joy holding and petting Tiger. Ginger and Gray were with them. They must have introduced Tiger to my sisters. Joy put him down with them. Gray yipped, Ginger gave a deep rumbling purr. Gracie smiled as Joy put down Tiger. Tiger was immediately rubbing up against Gray, then Ginger, weaving in and out, between their legs, then turned to walk away from through the doorway. Gray and Ginger looked at each other, then followed.

The room was warm and softly lit by several large flickering candles that Gracie had started before coming out to greet me, Ginger and Gray. “Ginger's and Gray's first meeting with Tiger was so nice and easy. They adore each other. Let’s go inside Caline. Did you have enough to eat? Was the drive okay getting your Aptera?” Gracie asked as she held the woven door hanging open for me.

“The food was so good. Thank you. I’m stuffed. And the drive was fine. I don't understand why I couldn't leave my Aptera parked at the hotel.” I answered while walking past her and Joy into the room. Gracie follows me inside and points me to a chair “Good. Have a seat. Joy will get you some water so you can finish telling us why you left Placitas with Ginger and Gray.”

I sat looking at Ginger and Gray relaxed and huddled together with Tiger against the wall, almost laughing watching each grooming themself. Gracie returns, wiping off a bottle of water from the cooler before handing it to me and sitting down herself.

Gracie’s eyes soften with her voice. “Okay, Joy and I will try to answer all your questions. We saw you were uncomfortable back at dinner answering our questions of what happened back in Placitas causing you to leave after a year. It’s just me and Joy here now. And it’s okay if you’re not ready to talk about it yet. But we do want to know why here and why now.”

Tears flooded my eyes and started streaming down my cheeks as I choked out the words, “Two boys tried to rape me last night.” I started trembling, feeling numb, ashamed, angry as I began sobbing in short gasps. Both Gracie and Joy immediately got up, came over to hold and gently rock me in their arms. “Oh, sweet baby, you’re safe here. You’re safe.” I stayed wrapped in Gracie’s and Joy's arms as they held and rocked me until the trembling stopped.

I shared both my horror and the other girls of our community soccer team’s horror of being bullied by a small group of surviving teenage boys after Renee’s death. "Renee's death was followed by two more deaths the first year after I lost my parents. We all lost our parents except for 12 moms who survived the sickness. We were devastated when Renee unexpectedly got sick months after she had organized and kept us together. She was a rock, unreplaceable. Then we lost 2 more surviving adults right after losing Renee. We were petrified, worrying that the sickness had returned to take all the other adults leaving us alone to care for over a hundred surviving children. I was the oldest of the girls at only 13 when we lost Renee."

"My pain was not just from the recent attempted rape now at 15, but also leaving behind the body of one the boys Gray and Ginger mauled and killed defending me. I didn't know and was worried how the community would react to them fatally defending me. I couldn't and would not risk any harm coming to my sisters. I also felt the shame of abandoning and leaving my soccer friends with the creeps who tried to rape me in Placitas."

I explained, “Ginger and Gray were my protection, comfort, and escape of two nasty jerks from our immediate neighborhood who had refused to join Renee and the rest of us when we approached and asked for their help finding survivors after the sickness took everyone. They stayed to themselves, harassed, bullied, and stole food, anything else they needed or wanted after the sickness."

"I was able to and managed to escape from their torment as often as I could driving out of the neighborhood with Ginger and Gray to hike in the nearby Sandia mountains. Ginger's and Gray's presence always comforted me, as well as the other girls. Dogs that had lost their humans from the sickness, now abandoned, without food or companions sought and found others, forming packs scrounging, hunting for food. House cats had wandered out from homes left emptied by their dying humans doing the same. Ginger and Gray were a welcomed deterrent to any straying near us. They were both happy with and being pampered by the girls a couple blocks away, when I left them to walk back to our house to grab and bring back some food. The boys that were always harassing us saw me leave my friends and followed me back to the house. My cougar and coyote sisters must have seen them following from my friend's yard and quietly followed them.”

I finished telling Gracie how I was overpowered, as the boys attempted to rape me. "Ginger and Gray rushed in hearing me screaming and trying to fight them off. They were a blur, leaping on and slashing the boys bloodied with their claws and teeth. I was in shock and in a fog as Ginger bit into the neck of the boy she just pulled off me. The boy never made a sound with his blood quickly gushing out in a stream all over me. The other boys managed to crawl away, get up and scurry away before Ginger and Gray turned their attention to him. I don't remember cleaning up myself, packing what I packed, and falling asleep."

"My friends must have thought I was tired and just stayed home to go to sleep when I didn't return, especially since both Ginger and Gray left them to follow me right after I took off to get and bring back some food. It was still dark outside when I woke up with my body sore, Ginger and Gray nuzzled against me. I got up needing to pee, almost tripping over the bloodied body on my way to the bathroom. That jolted me back to remembering my attack and my sisters' gruesome fatal defense of me. I saw a bunch of stuff, packed, thrown together, quickly, looking at Ginger and Gray. We couldn't stay there with the body."

"I got to the bathroom, peed, stripped off my clothes, showered, came out, dressed, checked the stuff thrown together making sure I included my sisters' things. Ginger and Gray watched inquisitively while I grabbed whatever I could of their stuff, some of my clothes, and the backpack I had already, unconsciously packed after I was attacked. They followed right behind as I prompted them to leave inside to go with me to the Aptera parked outside. "Come on girls. Let's go." We loaded up, left our home in Placitas, driving west to and then onto 550. I stopped at a Circle K on the way and met Gloria who told me about the Settlement here. She came out of the store holding a rifle. She lowered it as soon as she saw me getting of my Aptera. I saw she had stepped over and around a big old dog and old looking cat snuggled together sleeping in front of the store's entrance. Gloria looked inside the Aptera, saw my sisters, a cougar, and a coyote, then looked back to her old dog and cat asleep at the store's entrance, smiled telling me of the settlement. She took another look inside the Aptera and sent me on my way."

“I miss my parents. I'm so happy they were the first to order Aptera before it was in production. My father took me with him on the plane to San Diego when it was ready to be picked up from the Carlsbad plant in California. We drove it back to Placitas just after my mom brought Ginger and Gray into our family 11 years ago. I was so excited It being America’s first solar powered vehicle watching so many fun videos with my mom and dad. We loved learning about Aptera from and laughing with fun videos posted by the hosts of the positively charged YouTube Channel, DRIVE THE LIGHTNING."

"I would watch the videos over and over. They made and posted videos of all kinds of EV's. Telo Trucks were one. There were also videos of your GoSun solar gear and for the Geo Domes outside. That's the first time I saw one. It was sad remembering that I hadn't gone to see if anything new was posted long before everyone got sick when I finally started looking months after I lost my parents thinking of them and the fun times we had spent together."

"My mom would load Ginger and Gray in the back, strap and buckle me in the passenger seat up front with her as she took us to my girls’ soccer games. The Aptera stayed parked outside during the day under the sun charging when it wasn’t being used. They moved it into the garage at night.”

Gracie and Joy were back sitting in their chairs after comforting me. Ginger, Gray, and Tiger were laying, bundled together in a deep sleep across the room. "My dad had let me behind the yoke in the driver's seat at rest stops on our first Aptera trip driving it home from Carlsbad after constantly pleading with him. He later showed me how and let me drive it a couple of times. The Aptera was left many days unused parked by the house."

"My dad used a Forest Service truck to get to work the trails in Sandia Mountain. My mom was able to and loved walking to her work job at the nearby Bow Wow Meow Pet Clinics clinic as their vet. Ginger and Gray rode with me the first time I snuck a drive in the Aptera at 11 years old. They were loaded into the Aptera with what I thought was sneaking a drive many more times after my parents left for work. They knew."

I stopped talking, relaxed, took in, inhaled, exhaled a deep breath, and sat quietly with Gracie and Joy for a minute in silence. They did make me feel comfortable and safe. But I was wondering why they, so many children, and everyone else were living here the past year and not back in the casino hotel or houses across highway 550 that still had running water. Gloria said nothing to explain that back at the Circle K I stopped on my way here.

So, I asked Gracie, “Why are you living here by the Rio Grande? There’s an empty hotel and dozens of empty houses with beds, running water close by so everyone here could be staying in comfortably. Did something happen there to make me move my Aptera?” Her eyes glazed over with a blank, distant look of fear and sadness before she slowly responded. “Some of the houses across highway 550 were not empty. We found that out later."

"HELP!!! STOP!!! Oh god...." George froze as Gustalvo came running from a nearby aisle where he was looking for more water purification kits. Gustalvo grab George,

"Come on. let's go! That's Cindy.

"She just cut me! Bitch! Hold her down!" George looked at Gustalvo, nodded with both rushing towards the sickening ugly laughter of what sounded like 3 boys, frightened by, and enraged with Cindy's fading whimpering.

George and Gustalvo couldn't hear Cindy anymore. They rounded a corner and heard,

"Damn, what a mess. Someone's coming. Let's get out of here." George and Gustalvo arrived at the garden section where the screams were coming from. They heard faint laughter drifting away from 3 runners briefly seen quickly disappearing in the distant. Then their eyes turned back inside to a darkened corner where a once, beautiful, innocent girl laid like torn rags, bloodied from being brutally stabbed and cut dozens of times.”

Gracie's eyes had a deep haunted sadness in them as she gathered herself explaining why the settlement hadn't returned to the hotel. “We were in the 3rd week of creating our new home here by the Rio Grande. George and Gustalvo had made regular trips to the Big R across 550 bringing back what they could. I sent them to the bigger Home Depot for more supplies. Cindy volunteered, wanting to help. She was so eager and full of energy.”

“The casino had the two Telo Trucks displayed as prizes in the main hall. They were fully charged. We pulled them from the floor, loaded them both with what we could from the hotel and brought them here. George, Gustalvo, Cindy, and Alex left early in the two Telo trucks driving up to 528 the first time after the big sickness over to Home Depot. We hadn't met and heard Gloria from Circle K yet with her warning of gangs she gave to George and Gustalvo."

"I was taking a break from mixing more adobe, out in the clearing playing with the children when I saw them returning slowly with both vehicles. There was something bundled in the back of the first one as they pulled in and parked. Dread chilled me as I walked to see why there were only 3 in the cabs as they stopped in the clearing.”

Gracie shook herself, “She was so young. You remind me of her. I barely got to know her. The scavenging party were dead silent, standing next to the truck as I approached them looking towards the rear. They moved closer, walking with me to the back. There she was, like a broken, bloody doll on the truck's bed. I stood there unable to move or look away. 'How? What happened?'"

“After a few moments, George answered. He was the one who overheard you that you had parked your Aptera before walking over here. He’s the oldest of the group at 18. He said that they had split up inside Home Depot to gather what they needed more quickly. They hadn't thought to be worried or vigilant of anyone. Cindy was vacationing with her parents like George and Gustalvo in the hotel when they lost their parents. Alex's father worked as a front desk agent for the hotel. HIs father got sick like all the other men. We put him in one of the now many empty rooms. He lasted just one night before leaving Alex."

"Cindy went to the gardening section to find tomato plants we could grow for food here that we wouldn't need a couple weeks later when Joy and her people moved here from the Pueblo. by herself. George said they heard awful screams that sounded like Cindy about 10 minutes later, that lasted, then stopped after less than a minute. Both Gustalvo and Alex ran to George. George called out for Cindy as they started running towards the screams. The three converged, turning into an aisle where they heard Cindy screams coming from. They were too late. The attackers had fled the battered, broken body they had viciously beaten. George, Gustalvo, and Alex were shocked, too numb to try and chase after Cindy's murderers."

"The three boys who attacked Cindy must have seen the two Telo Trucks when they pulled into the Home Depot lot and parked and waited outside after killing Cindy to follow our trucks and see where they came from. Alex was looking through the rear window and saw a vehicle pull out onto the road far behind them as they drove down 550 a short distance returning to the hotel. He turned, facing forward, looked at, tapped, and told George they were being followed just as they approached the hotel. George slowed down driving into the entrance and stopped curbside. Gustalvo pulled in off the road, got out, and walked to George and Alex. George and Alex simply raised their arms and pointed. The driver of the distant vehicle that had been following them must have seen them stopped. They watch it make a U-turn and drive away on 550."

Gracie stopped, haunted by the memory of seeing a bloody, shredded, tortured, corpse of a young teenage girl being driven into the settlement in the back of one of the Telo trucks. “There were only 23 of us who survived that found each other back then. Mostly everyone got sick and died, including lots of children. You probably know that not all young people were immune from those who died back in Placitas.” Gracie’s eyes watered, a tear leaked out a corner, slowly trailed down.

"My heart broke having surviving children help me find, retrieve, move, then bury their parents. i couldn't do it myself. We got and rolled baggage carts to room after room wrapping family in sheets, gathering, and loading each on the carts. We pushed and rolled each down the hallway one by one to outside the hotel where we had dug a large hole. We brought Cindy back there to bury her with the loved ones she lost."

“We couldn’t, wouldn’t go back to live in the hotel just like Joy couldn't stay in the Pueblo with the mass grave of hundreds haunting her and the surviving children. We also didn't want to risk having those who killed Cindy find us there. So, that’s why we stayed here, and haven't left our settlement by the Rio Grande to return to live in the hotel. We've gone back to scavenge more of what we needed and could find at the hotel. "

"George and Gustalvo later learn of more trouble waiting beyond those trees on the outside in the surviving world after meeting Gloria at Circle K. From then on, we always had everyone buddy up and go in groups when going to get more supplies. We had to worry running into both young thugs and the same dog packs you had in Placitas. The Big R and WalMart stores were both stocked with rifles and ammo that we took to arm and defend ourselves from any future attack that hopefully would never happen, but also from any dog packs that might wander into the settlement. The settlement here is far enough away from the hotel and road so it can't be seen by anyone from 550. You’re the first person to come and find us here. since Joy brought everyone from her Pueblo. We do get visits from my sister and her colleagues from time to time checking up on us.”

It was my turn to get up, go to Gracie, and hug her, shaken by what Gracie had shared. “I’m so glad we found each other. You created a place of love out of all the loss and pain. I need that now myself. Thank you for being here.” Gracie hugged me back. We both looked over to one big ball of fur with Tiger comfortably squeezed in sleeping between a snoring Ginger and Gray.

“You must be so tired, Caline. I have extra sheets and blankets over there. Grab what you want to take over to the air bed we put out for you. There's a communal trailer with a toilet that was brought and set up here for our original adobes after Joy relocated people from the Pueblo to the settlement. We got, drove the RVs, and hooked up and brought most of the trailers to the trucks from our horse stable. Joy and I had several of our teens go and bring back those trailers you see out there, go back and forth the Blue Water Aloha RV lot while the trucks still had fuel to the settlement. We lucked out with three beautiful, self-charging solar powered Lightship trailers that looked like they were recently added to the lot. All three have full kitchens and bathrooms able to sleep up to 5 or 6 people "

We purified and used water from the Rio Grande before we had water in the settlement and Joy with the Pueblo survivors relocated here. They drove over a construction water tanker that was parked at the Pueblo construction site to refill the trailers before we got water running in the lines dug and put in for the hotel's extended stay resort community. Some of the Pueblo survivors relocated nearby on the Coronado Camping grounds with RVs. The water was and is still running there with two restrooms and showers. Oh my, why am I babbling on. We pull together a group that started, still does, and has been doing group settlement laundry twice a week since we moved here. That's enough for me. You need some rest. Some of the trailers may still have enough water for showers if it hasn't been all used up and needs to be replenished."

I yawned, “The hotel will have plenty of water like we had back in Placitas. Can someone go with me back to the hotel tomorrow? I don't want to chance there not being enough water left in any of the trailers so I can take a nice, long shower. I also don't want to disturb any folks in the Geo Domes. I'm going to need one after I saw how much all the young kids were loving the older kids playing soccer. and telling them I would play soccer with them. I told them I played soccer and asked them if they wanted to learn and play. Their faces lit up with all of them wanting to. I want to show them my old soccer ball in my backpack and share some of my love of the game before I go back to the hotel.” I got up, went over to pick up my backpack under the table where the blankets were. I left it there when Gracie first brought me inside. I unzipped it, reached in, and pulled out my old soccer ball.

“I haven’t kicked this around for years since back in Placitas. This helped me and my surviving community soccer teammates get through the first couple of months after our coach Renee died. I’ve kept and carried it with me ever since. I'm going to talk and demonstrate some soccer plays for the children tomorrow. That’s going to get me nice and sweaty and why I want to take that shower back in the hotel.”

Gracie looked at the soccer ball I was holding, then me. “I think the children will love learning and playing soccer. Our teens and young adults certainly do. Many of them played or at least went to soccer games before the big sickness. I can't wait to see the children's faces tomorrow when they learn you'll teach them to play. Get some rest. I’ll blow out what’s left of the candles over here. You can blow out those over there by Ginger, Gray, and Tiger when you set your blankets down near them. It’s time for you and for me to have some sweet dreams. Good night Caline.”

Joy added after listening to Gracie, "Our children loved soccer back in our Pueblo. They went and had so much fun going to the stadium that was built for both New Mexico United and its new sister team at the Balloon Fiesta Park. The older ones played soccer. I think I heard you mention seeing Michelle playing soccer in her United jersey as you first walked into the settlement with Ginger and Gray. We can talk more tomorrow. I'm starting to ramble just like Gracie. We must both be as tired as you are." Joy reached out and kissed me on my forehead,

“Goodnight, Gracie, Joy. Thank you. both” I shook out and laid down a couple blankets on top of an air bed next to my sisters and Tiger. Blew out the candles sitting on the table before squatting down exhausted to shuck off my sneakers. I was thinking of taking out and kicking my long-held treasure. I was torn between the excitement of bringing, teaching, soccer to the children and playing soccer with the older teens and young adults here with the deep shame and dread of leaving my past soccer teammates behind in Placitas to the boy who tried to rape me and the other who tried with him but was left dead. Those thoughts were quickly fading as I crashed down flat onto the blankets still in my clothes to fall fast into a deep sleep.

"I forgot the brownies I made. I'll run back to my house to get them." It's dark out here. Whoa...there's my door. That was fast. "Gotcha!" Bam!!! "Get her inside Cliff. You think you're so hot. We'll see how hot you are." I'm struggling, twisting, kicking against being pulled into darkness. The weight feels so heavy. I hear running, sudden hissing, loud growling, howl, I'm shoved down. "Clifffffff!" The weight was off me. I smell blood. I'm screaming. It's dark. I can't see anything. Is that Gray licking me...Ginger presses against, comforting me.

Consciousness was slowly pushing away traces of my nightmare, making me forget whatever world I left behind in it. Distant outside voices were disorientating. Where was I? I opened my eyes, jolted by unfamiliarity as I propped myself up on my elbows. “Meow,” What? “Meow!”

Yowling, an orange tabby cat was pressing against me. Ahhh, I remembered, that was Tiger. But where was Ginger and Gray? This was Gracie's and Joy's place. I was alone with Tiger in their home.

Tiger saw I was now awake, licking me with his raspy tongue. “Good morning, Tiger. You wouldn’t be able to tell me where Ginger and Gray are? Could you?” Tiger looked up at me, “Meow,” then looked away and proceeded to groom himself. I pushed myself up.” Indignant

Tiger scooted off, glared, and loudly sounded his displeasure at being cast away, “MEOW!” “Sorry Tiger,” I reached down to grab my sneakers, leaned against the table while I pulled up each foot to put them on. Gracie left a small basin of water and a towel with a note for me on the table saying that she took Ginger and Gray outside to do their business. I had to do mine too and said so to Tiger. “I have to pee. Maybe I'll find my sisters when I go outside to the trailer.”

I pooled some water in my hands from the bowl to splash on my face, wiping it dry with the towel, and then headed out to the trailer. I was looking forward to going to the hotel to take a full shower after breakfast and spending time showing and teaching some soccer to the younger children.

There was still a comfortable coolness in the air as I walked outside. The sun hadn’t risen yet behind me above the Sandia Mountains as I walked quickly to the same trailer I went to the night before. I went in, relieved myself, and rinsed my hands in the trailer's bathroom, then rushed back to Gracie’s place to find. The trailer's water must have needed to be refilled. It was very slow coming out of the tap. I swung my hands as I walked back to help them dry. My sisters Ginger and Gray were inside with Gracie and Joy when I stepped inside.

Gracie greeted me, “I see you got my note. The community will be getting together to have breakfast with you. We don't get many guests. Breakfast should be ready soon. Do you like watermelon, grapes? We have some freshly picked from our gardens back at the Pueblo. We had a group going every other day in one of the school buses after Joy brought and relocated her people from the Pueblo here. That last for about a month until we parked the bus when the fuel gauge was reading almost empty. Our group went to check on and work the fields with most people who stayed living and working in the Pueblo. They initially helped to harvest, pick, and bring back fresh food. The horses also had needed and still need to be fed, watered, and walked. Gloria lets us refuel our gas vehicles at her Circle in exchange for fresh produce and eggs from the Pueblo until her supply was depleted.”

Ginger and Gray walked over and nudged me good morning. I kneeled and reached down to hug and kiss Ginger on top of her head, then did the same to Gray. “That sounds wonderful. I’m hungry and I’m sure Ginger and Gray are too. They’re always hungry.” I held Gray’s head, looking into her eyes, “Aren’t you Gray?” Gray yips an assenting short high bark. Ginger echoes Gray’s response with a deep rumble.

Gracie and Joy both laughed, “I guess we better get out there. I can’t wait to see the children’s reaction after breakfast when you bring out your soccer ball to begin your show and tell with the younger children. They love to run, playing chase with each other, in between watching and cheering the older folks playing soccer.” I picked up my knapsack, motioned to Ginger and Gary, and then we followed Gracie out back to where we had dinner. Several children, including Lisa, saw us on our way and came running over.

Lisa stepped forward and offered. “We’ll take Ginger and Gray to go eat. Is that okay?” I smiled back at her and all of them.

“Of course. I told Gracie and Joy that they’re always hungry. They’re going to start following you all the time for food if you’re not careful.” They laughed as they smothered Ginger and Gray, petting, and scratching their backs before leading them away for breakfast. We continued our walk to the communal dining area. Breakfast started without us. “Looks like everyone is here." People were hungry, wolfing down their food. We grabbed some plates to join everyone, piling on slices of watermelon, grapes, sat, and started enjoying the fresh fruit, as watermelon juice ran down our chins. I was excited to see so many people, yet also missing who I left behind in Placitas. I asked Gracie to continue telling me what happened at the hotel while we were eating. I wanted to know why they hadn't returned. So, I asked Gracie between bites. "Why did you stay here and not go back to the hotel?"

Gracie stopped chewing, looked at Joy and sighed. "We couldn't go back for the same reason Joy left the Pueblo and the hotel is too close and too visible by anyone looking in from 550. I told you that the surviving bigger children had to help me wrap up their parents and some of their siblings who had died, then pick up, carry, sometimes drag their bodies if we dropped them. It took two days to go to each of their rooms, then to the other occupied rooms with luggage carts that could be loaded and pushed with just one person. We had to stop after a couple of hours on the first day after the children lost everyone so quickly. I tried to comfort everyone so they could get some sleep after the first day. We finally moved all the bodies out of the hotel and laid them on the unpaved ground in front of the main entrance. We were fortunate I knew where the maintenance shed to find shovels.

"I was thankful that our occupancy at the hotel was way down. Most of the younger children were in shock and couldn't help with digging a large grave for those who died from the sickness. That was okay since we only found 5 shovels. It wasn't easy digging. The ground was dry, hard, and the hole had to be big enough to cover 32 mostly large bodies. We spent a half a day digging, another half a day with the children and teens carefully dragging their loved ones into the hole, pausing to catch our breath, crying, then covering them. Another day was needed afterwards to finish going through the hotel, and casino with those of us who could face all the death to go through the rooms I knew had occupancies, then the casino."

Gracie looked over to Joy seeing her face turn wet with tears. Joy nodded, agreeing with memories of going through the Pueblo houses as she wiped away the sadness. “Then we finally gathered in the hotel lobby, collapsing from exhaustion, despair, resting, falling asleep. That was until I woke knowing our survival depended on organizing and directing the kids and teens to go to places where and collect anything that could be used for us to get away from all the death and move to the hotel's future unfinished new extended stay resort community that was anticipated to open soon before the sickness came."

"George, Gustalvo, Michelle, and Alex, were all anxious to get going. George volunteered to get his father's Aptera. Michelle offered to go into the hotel valet backroom, grab fobs, to find one that would beep for her to start another Telo Truck left parked outside the hotel. Gustalvo eagerly agreed to help and join her to retrieve the vehicle. Alex went and got the other Aptera you saw outside. They left to bring the 4 vehicles outside the hotel's lobby where I had everyone else put the supplies that they found that we would be loading and taking with us."

"Aptera and Telo had joined Tesla as additional new automotive companies signing with the Pueblo for local drivers to buy directly from them on our land. The Pueblo was proud to have a growing transportation retail center of innovative, efficient, and environmentally sustainable vehicles. My sister Cheryl had driven there with Doris, and Susan from the National Guard compound when they saw they wouldn't be able to refill with fuel to keep driving. The Apteras were perfect, ready to drive, just sitting on the lot, fully charged by the bright New Mexican sun. They took and drove away with three from the lot."

George and Michelle heard their names mentioned by Gracie from the end of the table where they had just sat back down after clearing their breakfast plate. "I loved our Aptera. and the way all my soccer friends were so amazed, jealous, when my dad took me to practice and games in it. He let me get behind the yoke a couple of times in the Balloon Fiesta parking lot when we visited to check on the United stadium being built. I could barely reach the pedals then. .I couldn't wait to get our Aptera when Gracie was figuring out how to get all the stuff from the hotel to here."

Michelle smiled, jumping in. "Our Pueblo governor got a chance to drive both the Aptera and a Telo truck when he signed the partnership deals with both companies to have them build their centers on our land. I remember walking over with Gustalvo after one of our shifts to the automotive center being built around the Tesla center. Rides were being offered before they opened the center to the public. The technicians had set aside a couple of days to preview the vehicles for residents of the Pueblo to ride in and drive.

Both Gustalvo and I got to ride in and even were allowed to drive them."

I saw George looking at me while Michelle was talking. I took notice and then asked Michelle, "Haven't we met before? I saw you playing soccer in a United jersey when I walked into the settlement with Ginger and Gray and thought, I know that girl from someplace. Were you on the team that played the Placitas Panthers on the Bernalillo High School field 4 years ago? My parents loved soccer. My mom played soccer all the way through college. They took me to the United matches after their new stadium was built in the Balloon Fiesta Park. Did you go to any of the matches there?"

"I remember you. You fouled me hard twice when your team played us." Michelle laughed, "You were pissed when the ref gave you a yellow card on that second foul. Then I was pissed when you scored on us as soon as we came back on the field after halftime. Michelle gave me a look over. "You've grown and filled out since then. You're still not as tall as me. Not bad." Michelle added, nudging George, and smiling. "And yes, I did and loved going with a group from our Pueblo to many of the United games and then when I got the new women's team and they started playing their late summer, fall, winter season in the new stadium."

"Ouch, now I remembered you. You've grown too. I haven't played soccer for a while. Let me get my legs back under me so I can get a rematch with you on the pitch." I laughed. I was curious about the building I slept in on my first night in the settlement. "Gracie and Joy said you, Felipe, and Cristian built where they're living now. Can you tell me why and how the three of you built the Adobe home Gracie and Joy live in?"

Michelle sighed, took a breath, holding back tears, remembering back when the sickness came and took both her parents. "My mom got me my internship working with her on the hotel and casino maintenance crew. She did two tours with the Army on an Engineer unit supporting combat forces with teams, squads building roads, bridges, field fortifications, obstacles, and water points, etc. She excelled in her unit gaining command in using a variety of hand and power tools, and a command of organizing, directing crews to get their work done quickly and efficiently. Those skills and another Pueblo person who served with her already back working at the hotel got her the head maintenance position and me my internship before the sickness."

"My dad loved studying traditional native history that wasn't taught in the public schools. He wanted me to love who I was, our people, culture, and roots. I remember the pride he had sharing how the Taos Pueblo up north is one of the oldest continually inhabited communities in North America. We, true natives of this country, have been here since the 1200s. Felipe, Cristian, and I were numb after losing our parents and the world that we knew. There was an opportunity to begin again with those who had survived. I was the one who suggested we build an adobe structure as a legacy honoring our parents and our people's connection to this land."

The tables had been cleared while I was focused on Michelle talking and George's good looks. I was shaken back to being aware of everything around me when I heard children laughing, dogs barking getting louder. Michelle had just finished a sentence with over a dozen children running to our table trying to catch up to all the animals that had been fed and were now racing to find scraps at the central dining area. "Michelle, I think I can wait to hear how you, Felipe, and Cristian made the adobe building," nodding to the dogs and children closing in on us.

Ginger and Gray were trailing slowly together, last at the end of the group running, as everyone crashed breathlessly into the table, surrounding me, “Caline, Caline! We’re here! We want to play soccer! Show us! Show us!” Dogs immediately propped their paws on the table nosing for food. Ginger and Gray walked up as close as they could to Caline and sat nearby. Soon, the table was crowded with everyone from the settlement.

“Let me grab my knapsack. I’ll show you over there in the clearing.” I reached down for my knapsack, stood up, walked over about a hundred feet to where I saw where the older kids were playing soccer when Ginger, Gray, and I first met everyone. I stopped, dropped my knapsack, bent down to unzip it, and pulled out my old soccer ball, straightened up holding the ball, and turned to face waiting eyes.

“We'll begin with me telling you a little about what is called the beautiful game. This is an old soccer ball of mine that I played with back in Placitas with my friends. I’m going to teach you, then we’re going to play some soccer. I’ve been carrying this without playing for way too long. Are you ready to learn and play some soccer with me?” I looked at the eager faces nodding, questioning, and anticipating what I would be doing next.

“Okay, all of you have watched the older kids play soccer. How many of you have been able to kick a soccer ball?" Several hands of the older kids, teens, and young adults went up. ”How many of you have played any soccer?” A few hands went down. I pointed to the hands still raised. “Good, you guys can help me teach those of you who haven’t played.”

Gracie and Joy had followed us, stood off to the side, and smiled as they listened to me telling the children what we would be doing. “I only have one ball for now, so I can’t split you into two groups to begin with the basics. We’ll start first by warming up with some stretching, running in place, followed by kicking the ball in a circle for movement, ball sense, and coordination of movement, then breaking the circle to finally move with the Ball, and then begin to learn how to dribble.

We worked on the basics for a little over an hour before I stopped everyone. “Okay, that’s enough for today. We’ll do this again tomorrow for a little bit longer. I’m going to ask Gracie and Joy for people to go with me to take a trip to find and bring back more soccer balls, nets and soccer shoes for all of you.”

Gracie was listening and looked at Joy. “Caline, we want to make sure anyone going across highway 550 is safe! We'll have George, Gustalvo go with you along with Michelle, Alex, and Cristian in three vehicles. We needed to get some more supplies soon as well.” I looked back to Gracie, and Joy remembering what she shared with me last night and gratefully nodded in agreement. I remembered looking how nice George looked while he was talking about me at the table before he saw me. "George can ride with me in my Aptera."

“I am going to the hotel to find a shower to get cleaned up and a bathroom to use instead of one of the trailers or RVs." Gracie and Joy didn't like me going to the hotel, especially alone. Gracie and Joy seemed resigned and okay with me going if I brought at least 2 people with me. I pushed a bit more asking if George could go, “Can George be one of the people going with me?" I could see sadness and resistance clouding Gracie’s eyes. “Caline, we avoided going back inside since we took everyone out and buried those who died. That included George's parents, and parents, some siblings of the survivors I brought here. I’m not sure if anyone wants to go back inside. We've gone back to the casino a few times to scavenge supplies. I'll ask. It might be different going to take you.”

I looked around, continued to push, “I know how you feel. It was hard for us in Placitas to stay in the house where our family died. But we stayed and worked through it. I guess it was different because they were our homes still filled with memories of life within them.”

The younger children didn’t seem as bothered with the idea of me going back to the hotel. They just were eager to go wherever Ginger, Gray, and I would go. Their memories of being traumatized, who they lost were either blocked or simply fading. A group had followed Gracie and Joy from breakfast to watch the young kids learn about soccer from me. There were about two dozen older children, teens and young adults who were teens themselves during the big sickness. They looked at each other, then at Gracie. George spoke up. So, I simply asked, “Well, I feel sweaty and want to go over now.” And then I asked, “Who wants to go with me?” George steps forward and says, “I’m ready to go back and look inside. I'll ride with you there in your Aptera!”

Gracie looked resigned, “I’m not ready yet. But it’s okay if you are. Gustalvo, are you okay taking one of the vehicles to follow and go with George and Caline? Michelle, can you go with Gustalvo? Alex, Cristian take one of the Telos. You can all drive and head out later to highway 550 together up to 528 and get everything at WalMart. Is that good for you Caline?” I sighed with relief, “Absolutely!” A quick flush of heat ran through me having a tall, lean, body, dark, wavy hair George as company. Doubly reassured with a slightly shorter, but more powerful, bigger, suave brawn of Gustalvo also with me.

Ginger and Gray were watching me as the children’s attention drifted from soccer and me to the dogs chasing each other. They laughed still filled with energy, starting to play with the dogs joining their chase. My sisters both got up and shook themselves to trot over to me as I looked over to where they had been sitting with the children after soccer practice. “Ginger, Gray, you stay here with the kids. I’m going to be gone for a couple of hours. Okay?” A whine and a low growl came from them as they responded to me. They were reluctant to be separated from me, but turned back to the kids resigned, maybe eager to get some treats from the children.

“Well George, Gustalvo, Michelle, Alex, Cristian, let’s get ready to go." I took a full look at George, smiling, "George, let me grab some clean clothes and stuff back at Gracie's and Joy's place. I'll meet you at my Aptera parked over there. I can't wait for us to get in it to drive and get my shower at the hotel. Will you be okay going inside once we get there?" George smiled. He must have seen the heat turning my face red while looking at him being so yummy. I couldn't believe how lucky and fast I was that he and I would be together. I was both nervous, anxious to be alone with him in my Aptera.

"That's fine Caline." George smiled again while turning to Gustalvo, Michelle, Alex, and Cristian. "Gustalvo, Alex, go get and bring the Telo's over behind Caline's Aptera. You guys follow Caline and me as we head over to the hotel. Let's park behind the hotel inside the loading dock area to keep our vehicles from being seen from 550. Two of you can stay with the vehicles while the rest of us go inside the hotel with Caline so she can take - her shower. We'll take a couple of rifles just in case we run into anyone bringing trouble with them."

I saw his trepidation. He was both wary returning to where he buried his father and worried about running into the cruelty and violence of Cindy's killers. “You don’t have to go inside with me. I can go into the hotel by myself and find any room to take a shower with. I’ll find a housekeeping cart for whatever I need. Shampoo, soap, towels, and whatever else I need.”

I added. “You can stay outside and keep watch while I wash up and change, It shouldn't take me more than a half hour to finish and come back out for us to get everyone together to walk to our vehicles and drive to WalMart. Are there any supplies still left here we can grab and take with us before we leave and head to 550?"

Everyone left George and me to get into the other vehicles. They were waiting for them parked near my Aptera. George's face had turned somber, then determined while listening to me. He moved closer, put his hands on my shoulders, and looked me intensely into my eyes. "Gracie said you reminded her of Cindy. I can see that too. We're not leaving you alone anywhere at any time. I'm not going let us lose anyone else. Michelle will go with you inside whatever room you choose to take your shower in. Gustalvo and I will be and stay outside in the hallway until you're done. Does that sound okay?”

I saw, felt warm with his concern, and quietly answered, "Yes." I stepped back from him, turned to walk, and get my stuff from Gracie's and Joy's place. I could feel George behind watching me as I left him. I heard him start to head over to my Aptera after taking a few steps to pick out clean clothes from inside the adobe home where my things were left.

Tiger greeted me upon my arrival. He must prefer not hanging out with the settlement's other cats and dogs. He had stayed inside. I went to where I had slept. All the stuff I quickly packed from Placitas was there. I poked around and pulled out clothes to change into after my shower. One of the items was a small Panthers team soccer jersey from my much younger days. A pang of guilt jolted me to think about the friends I left behind in Placitas. I could go back, bring them and dozens more here to be safer with Gracie, Joy and all the people in the community they had put together. The hotel could house most of them. Excitement, hope began growing inside me as I became determined to talk with Gracie and Joy to make it so.

A weight of guilt had been lifted prompting me to practically bounce out of Gracie's and Joy's place with my stuff to meet up with George and the other folks waiting at the vehicles to leave for the hotel. "Wow, I have never seen anyone so happy going to take a shower." Michelle laughed as she saw me approaching. Everyone except George was waiting, leaning on the two Telo trucks parked behind my Aptera. George was standing at the Aptera waiting for me to knock on and open the doors.

Our mini caravan took off with George directing me back on the same path he first had me drive here on from the hotel. Gustalvo and Alex followed my Aptera across the field to the golf course with Michelle and Cristian riding shotgun. We drove through the unused course using both the cart trails and the old, dried out greens until reaching pavement. George had us drive and park in what looked like a small secondary delivery area behind the hotel.

We all got out to gather ourselves before George, Michelle, and Gustalvo would accompany me inside the hotel. Gustalvo retrieved two rifles from the back seat of the truck he was driving, handing one to Alex. Alex and Cristian were going to walk us around to under a huge multi-lane canopy where vehicles arrived with guests, valets waited to move cars away and park, bellboys waited to load baggage onto carts to follow guests entering the hotel's front entrance. We finally reached the canopy on the opposite side from where we were parked. Cristian and Alex would head back to the vehicles and wait for us to return after I was finished taking my shower in the hotel. We started walking around the building south towards 550, then west to go all the way around to the front entrance of the hotel on the building's west side.

We continued walking west past the main delivery and loading dock stalls where several vans had been parked unused since before the big sickness. George, Gustalvo, and Michelle were asking me soccer back before the sickness, playing in Placitas and going to United games. We heard some laughing. It sounded like it was coming from just 2 people. George and Gustalvo froze, stopping to look at me horrified. They put fingers to their mouths motioning me to keep quiet whispering, “We recognize those laughs. Those are laughs of the creeps we saw running away when we found our Cindy murdered 1 year ago.”

My heart started beating fast remembering fighting off the two creeps who tried to rape me back in Placitas, leaving one, mauled, bloodied, and dead from Ginger and Gray protecting me. I listened somewhat comforted having George, Gustalvo, Michelle, Alex, and Cristian walking with me. I asked George, “Where did they come from?” George put his finger up to his mouth to shush me then whispered to Gustalvo and Alex to take the lead with rifles ready. Michelle hung back to walk beside me and George. George turned back to me whispering, “We’re going to just chase them back to and across 550. I want to pay them back so badly for what they did to Cindy. That will have to wait for next time we run into them.”

We walked quietly and slowly past the hotel towards the casino entrance where the laughter was getting louder. George inched up to Gustalvo quietly directing him and pointing to where the sounds were coming from. He softly said, "The sounds are coming from over there. We’ll go there as quietly and closely as we can, so they won’t hear or see us, stop, aim your rifles, we'll scare the hell out of them yelling our arrival." Gustalvo and Alex nodded yes.

The two guys were trying unsuccessfully to open the doors at the main entrance. “Let’s find something to smash the glass in,” one of the punks said to the other. That was our chance to sneak up closer and catch them. off guard. The laughter was loud and mixed with lots of foul curses. They must have been drunk. When we got close and stopped. They must have heard us, turned, looked, and saw that we were pointing a rifle from only about 10 feet away.

George shouted, “Assholes!” “You punks!” “We're going to beat the crap out of you, then shoot you both dead!” We started moving closer waving our arms clenched in fists. The two jumped back a step, all the color drained out of their faces. turned to look at each other, then a gap we left to the parking lot. They saw the gap and an opportunity, taking off running like the cowards they were through some cars still parked there long unused. We chased them for a bit, then stopped to watch them scrambling through the lot into a vehicle parked haphazardly in the middle of the lot entrance from the highway 550, hotel turn off.

All of us laughed, watching them race off to 550. We caught our breath. “That was easy.” Gustalvo gasped between breaths. “Yeah, it was pretty satisfying too after what they did. I just wished I could have bashed their heads in.” George angrily added. I saw the hatred fired with a haunting sadness in his eyes. I went over to put my arm around his shoulder. Gustalvo, Michelle, Alex, and Cristian joined the hug, putting their arms around George as well.

I breathed a sigh of relief, then giggled. “Are you guys ready for me to go inside the hotel and take my shower?" I was looking forward to getting out of my sweaty clothes I've been wearing since yesterday morning. I was also looking to get more soccer gear for the kids I would be finally showing and teaching the game again that I loved. "We’re still going to WalMart afterwards, right?"

George and Gustalvo looked at each other, then at Michelle, Alex, and Cristian. All turned looking at me and saying almost in unison, “Hell yeah! We want to see you teach and play soccer." George grabbed Gustalvo, Michelle and laughed out loud. "Let’s go get Caline her shower!” He turned to Alex and Cristian. "You guys can go ahead of us back to the vehicles. We'll meet you there soon."

We walked back towards the hotel entrance. Alex and Cristian continued walking around to the other side where we left our vehicles parked. George paused, remembering his dad as we walked into the hotel lobby. He shook himself then shared a happy memory with him checking into the hotel before he got sick and was gone. "My dad took time off from his realty sales team. He said sales were slow anyway with another heat wave that was hitting us at then. I was a student at St Pius X. It was just me and my dad with mom taken by cancer. We were buddies."

George continued. We listened and waited for him to feel comfortable to move on. "That's how I wound up here. It was an out of the blue unscheduled vacation to just hang, spend time and have fun together. You saw the Aptera back at the settlement my dad drove us in." George turned and pointed to the outside the hotel lobby. "Our Aptera attracted both eyes of the hotel’s valet. He told my dad it looked so cool. He was almost dancing when my dad handed him the FOB to pull it off to the side for the Bellboy to unload. "George looked a bit longer outside, then turned to look at where the rooms were. "The hallway to the rooms is over there. Let's go."

We walked past what looked like a receptionist counter and a VIP desk. This could be where Gracie had worked. There were two non-working escalators to the left. A short hallway around the VIP Desk had three elevators to hotel rooms. Two on one side, the third on the other side of the short hallway. George pointed to the escalators. He stated the obvious. "There's no power for the elevators. We'll have to walk up to the rooms on the 3rd floor. We can get to the stairway at the end of the second-floor concourse shops up at the top of that escalator." We followed George onto the escalator up to the second floor. Some light was filtering in from windows that looked outside to a perimeter patio. We went ahead and turned on our flashlights to see better reaching the top of the escalator searching for an exit door to stairs. George pointed for us to take a right to a door he saw past the casino floor on the left and a large dining area to the right. Something small and fast darted into the dining area in front of us. We heard a hiss, and several mewls as we walked by to see if a stairwell was waiting for us behind the door George was leading us to. "Looks like we've intruded and disturbed someone's home back there." George turned briefly to me before looking back to the door we were walking to. " I wonder how that family will react to your sisters and them to the family?"

I was wondering too how my sisters' first encounter would go with the dining area's occupants when we finally reached the door as George opened it. Thankfully, there was a staircase inside. We climbed the steps to my future home. I exited out into the hallway behind George and saw a housekeeping cart at the end of the hall. I made a beeline for the cart to find and grab whatever toiletries were left on the cart for my shower. I heard doors opening and closing behind me as my companions checked out some of the guest rooms lined up along the hallway. Thankfully, the cart was fully loaded with complimentary shampoo, conditioner bottles, soaps, linen. I pulled a bunch and went to the room that Michelle had already opened. She smiled, held, and waved me to the door of the closest room to us.

The power grid had long died leaving the hotel without electricity. Light was nicely filtering in from outside with the window blinds pulled up and curtains tied off to the sides. Michelle sat on the bed and looked jealousy to the bathroom where I would be taking my shower. I would keep the door open for the window light to help me see inside a bit while I stripped off my dirty clothes.

I saw Michelle watch me walk to my shower with an envied look. "Michelle, there's no reason why you can't take advantage of the showers too. I want to keep using the showers here, maybe even move here. Especially since I want to go back to Placitas and bring back my soccer friends. I'm going to talk with Gracie and Joy when we get back from WalMart."

I held my hand out to test if the water was still running. It would be a cold shower with no power to heat the water. I let the water run for a bit to rinse down a long unused bathtub, shower stall and was pleasantly surprised to find some tepid warmth with the water from our constant heat waves outside. I carefully stepped in to let the shower head spray water into my hair, then streamed down all over me. “Ohhh, that feels so good.” I cheerfully said out loud.

However, there was no time to enjoy a slow, lingering, soothing shower. I quickly lathered, shampooed, rinsed, ran conditioner in my hair, rinsed, soaped up, scrubbed the rest of my body quickly and rinsed. Toweled my hair and myself dry before grabbing and putting the clean clothes, leaving the dirty clothes on the floor for me to come back to with my next shower, and washing them on my return. I looked gratefully at the toilet needing to go. No more RV or trailer toilets for me. I was going to work on getting Gracie and Joy for me to go back to Placitas to bring my soccer friends to join their settlement by relocating and making a new home here in the hotel with its running water and working plumbing.

George and Gustalvo were waiting for me and Michelle to finish up and joined them at the end of the hall. “We're here. Are you guys ready? Let’s meet up, grab Alex and Cristian and go shopping.” I said while Michelle and I joined them, returning to walk down the stairs to the second floor exit onto the shops, restaurants, and casino concourse, then down the non-working escalator into the hotel lobby. Michelle and I walked past them passing through the lobby towards the hotel exit. Gustalvo immediately nudged George as we walked by. “You look great, Caline. You feel better?” He nudged George again for him to chime in.

I smiled and replied. ”Oh yeah! It was so good. I left my dirty clothes in the room. I’m coming back here tomorrow to take another shower after finishing the next soccer session I started for the kids." I paused thinking about our brief encountered hearing a cat and kittens upstairs on our way up. There was no sound on the way back down. "I wonder how many other animals found a home inside the building since it was left empty. Come on, we need to hurry out of here to get what I need for tomorrow. You guys can pick up whatever is needed to replace supplies. Let’s go!”

George reminded everyone to stick together when we reached Alex and Cristian at the vehicles before getting in. "Okay everyone. Be extra watchful, and careful after confronting, chasing off Cindy's killers. No straying off on your own anyone. We don’t know those goons we chased off will be looking out for us along 528 and follow us to the Walmart store. Pull in, park, and grab a shopping cart on our way in. We'll go as one group from one department to another.

We need to get pet food, dried, canned & jarred goods, batteries, and whatever else anyone can think of. We can pick up some new clothes for the younger kids who have grown since we were last here. Caline can get some clothes too. We'll all go with Caline first to get soccer equipment. We might want to see if there are any soccer sneakers in the sporting or shoe sections as well.”

Alex and Cristine relaxed as they saw us walking from around the corner still edgy from our encounter with the punks we chased away. No one said anything as we hurried inside the parked vehicles. Gustalvo and Michelle pulled out ahead and led the way onto 550, then 528 to the Wal-Mart Superstore. I glanced over at George to him nodding to me as I pulled in behind to follow. Cristian and Alex covered our group, tailing us from the rear in the last vehicle.

Lingering thoughts of my friends back in Placitas floated back weighing heavy while absently driving behind Gustalvo and Michelle as I was remembering her words our team playing soccer against her team at Bernalillo High School and watching her with her Pueblo soccer club turn being the flag runners at one of the United games my dad took me to at the balloon fiesta stadium. George roused me back to the present, "It's a short drive. Wal-Mart is just ahead on the left. Park next to Gustalvo when we get into the lot." I nodded okay. Then I sneaked, taking in and savoring a second glance, smiling at how jealous my friends back in Placitas would be seeing me sharing the front seat with this hunk. A pang of guilt abandoning them, wanted me to say something about my friends back in Placitas to George.

Words flooded out of me, "George, I have to go back and get my friends in Placitas." He looked at me wide eyed, then softened, almost as if he was reading my mind, understanding. A warmth filled and comforted me with his look. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blurt that out. Gustalvo's pulling into the lot." I turned back to face the vehicle in front and got ready to park beside it when it stopped."

With all three vehicles parked, George had us grouped together by my Aptera before going into the store. He surprised me by repeating my need to return and retrieve my soccer friends from Placitas. "Caline is concerned about her friends she left behind in Placitas. She wants to go back and get them. Let's get what we need here. Caline will get what she needs for the young kids’ soccer. We'll get back to the settlement and bring this up with Gracie and Joy. How does that sound to everyone?"

I was so grateful to George for putting that out. Then Gustalvo chimed in, "We'll need transportation to get there with room for whoever we bring back to the settlement." Michelle looked at Cristian with both thinking and saying the same thing together, "We have plenty." They stopped and laughed. Cristian let Michelle continue. "We have dozens of Apteras already charged with their own solar cells, Telo trucks that have been parked for weeks charging with Aptera Solar panels. Unused new Teslas next door to the hotel that can be charged slowly if we had time with GoSun portable charging panels. Even all the electric vehicles left parked outside in the lots and back in the garage. We buried guests and staffs who left behind their parked Rivian, Kia, Hyundai vehicle EVs. They all can also be charged with the GoSun charging kits. The casino had several as jackpot prizes and Tesla had kits at their dealership next door for their customers."


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