MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
California is one of the most racist places in America on so many levels! I have traveled to 28 states and so I know. These are several reason this state can't be the best at anything. Our educational system is bad just about everywhere, our prices are much to hight for junk, manga stores that waste daily dumping so much food and other items, a crisis situation due to the homeless issue that this state won't solve, empty building everywhere but we won't house the poor, health care crisis due to the very poor way our medical physically treat the poor, seniors, children, teens and everyone else due to greed and pushing drugs to everyone. This state hires so many people that are not qualified to do the job that they were hired for! Just about everywhere it has become nasty, over grown, full of trash, garbage, dumped items and dirty. We pay people to do as little as possible and they always want more money. Our elected official's do as little as possible to help those in need and lie about it! Our Churches are bought and sold to the highest bidder. We are full of nonprofits that fill their pockets and don't help those in need! Should I go on?