Techmaster Electronics?can perform ISO 17025?(Accredited Calibrations) on most of your Keysight?E-Cal modules.?
E-Cal modules are state-of-the-art, solid-state devices with programmable and highly repeatable impedance states.
> >We can calibrate the E-cal modules using our Vector Network Analyzers and in-house automated software
It will give you all the data required to perform fast, easy and accurate calibrations on your Network Analyzers.
E-Cal modules replace traditional calibration kits, which require making numerous connections to all the ports for the calibrations. In contrast, an e-cal module requires only a single connection and will reduce errors.
The modules can be used on PNA, ENA, PXI VNA, Field Fox and USB VNA’s. By reducing connections required for calibration you will be able to calibrate your Network Analyzer faster to save time and reduce the chance of user error, ensuring excellent repeatability in measurements and minimizing wear and damage on your connectors.
The accuracy of E-Cal is limited only by the measurement accuracy of the original calibration and the test setup used to measure the impedance standards inside the E-Cal module.
>>?The modules are characterized by Techmaster using our calibration technique, ensuring minimal errors in all your measurements.
Techmaster can perform an Accredited Calibration on the following E-Cal modules: