Calibrating Your Internal Compass

Calibrating Your Internal Compass

Sometimes people get lost in their own lives. They struggle to read their map, to navigate their life path, not knowing how to follow their own internal compass. 

When people are off their course or moving in a direction away from the direction that the flow of their creative life energy is carrying them, they feel an intense longing for something that is missing, they feel tired, restricted, unhappy whatever if may feel for you there is constant internal struggle and questioning and you feel disengaged. When we are on course we feel a fullness, within our being and a contentment with life, energy flows and we are in alignment with what we came to experience, moving towards your life purpose and a feeling of the fullness within.

You are your own advocate, cheerleader - your own Director. Let your feelings guide you to your True North.

Feelings and sensations are a clear message from you to you. And only you. Some people get goose bumps, others get a charge in their gut, irritable throats and coughing, or you may even get headaches whatever it is, recognise what you are feeling and sensing. If you’re not sure you can begin by stopping what you are doing, listen to what you hear, be aware of what you see, and become aware of what you feel. Then in that state of feeling, see if what is felt causes you to expand the fullness of your being and the feeling of life or whether it collapses and causes you to shrink and move away from life.

Do you know: 

WHERE and WHO do your thoughts drift to as you go about your day or as you unwind and relax before bedtime?

What puts a smile on your face and who skips a beat in your heart when you think of them?

What activities make you feel completely in the moment, and puts you in the zone? Sometimes referred to as that natural state of mind and in "flow", being blissfully happy, creative and energised? 

What naturally motivates you towards wanting to DO something and get you into action?

Your heart, your Soul, your will, your determination, your drive, your strength, your discoveries, your curiosity, your being, your sense of wonder, your magic, your love is what guides you. 

It is being true to yourself and no longer being afraid to let go of what’s not meant to be, what doesn’t feed your Soul, what doesn’t make you happy, what inhibits you from being your true self and what doesn’t nourish your body, your being, or your lifestyle. If you don’t like something you have the power to change your course. Whether that’s within yourself or around you, commit to yourself, and how you want to live your life.

I only look back at my life to learn and the only times that I really got in trouble and made some less than beneficial decisions, was when I chose to fly in the face of what my internal compass was telling me, when I let my head rule and ignored the feelings in my heart. 

With a little focus on your inner world you can transform your outer world. Your Soul connection is there, longing to support your life’s purpose, be with your true love and fully able to help you achieve whatever your heart desires. Give it space to speak to you. Yours is speaking to you now as you read these words. You can’t control what others may say, but you can control what you hear, see and what you feel. 

Insight and awareness are your Soul’s wealth. Trust what you know is true and your inner compass will inevitably guide you in the right direction towards being in your "flow of energy", where your intentions manifest and co create your reality. It may take you out of your comfort zone and I see that as an opportunity to grow, to achieve more, to experience more and if you fail that’s ok, you will fail forward and learn from your actions to create a better path on your journey, as you change direction and continue to navigate your map of your life, the one you are in charge of.

The most important single action you can take to create what you desire, and/or to find satisfaction in life, is to calibrate your internal compass, to know what thoughts, words, feelings, actions and memories serve and don’t serve your needs. 

Your internal compass will lead you to the treasure chest of your life, to claim your magic and for you arrive at your destination.

"At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your Spirit or further away from it"

~ Thich Nhat Hahn

Trust Yourself You Know the Way



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