Calibrated into the new year
Wilfred van der Velde ?
International Distributor Manager at Transonic Systems Inc.
I took some time off between Christmas and New Year, as usual. I use this time to step away from the daily hustle and consider the year as a whole. Spending time with my family is good without the multi-directional tugs of daily life. On a more somber note, it is also the time of year that my mother passed away. It’s been 13 years, but each Christmas brings it close again. So for me, this is a time to recalibrate and to "zero" the reality scales.?
The year did not open lazily. Our distributors were already running full throttle in the first week of January. I’m the person who (try’s to) coordinates everything for our partners, so I too jumped in headfirst, because our distributors and their customers are always my first priority. It is challenging to be the "middleman" between Transonic and customers from cultures all over the world. I constantly remind myself to relax and remember that everything will work out. ?
I’m particularly excited about our new French distributor, which exists because of a recent surgical trial request from a French hospital. Cédric Mounard , who represents our new distributor, KM Innovations, traveled with me to attend the #CABG procedures.
During the procedure, identifying information is kept confidential. However, some information is visible on the monitors, such as the patient’s age of 54. I turn away from the monitors just as the surgeon nods to me with satisfaction and says, "Good flow!" I nod affirmatively even though I’m paying more attention to the #FlowXL. From where I’m standing, I can see the "Zero Flow selection" button on the screen. That button reduces offset to minimal to improve the precision when measuring very low flows, such as in tubing or with microvascular measurements. In other words, it works much like zeroing my reality counter between Christmas and the new year. It’s incredible the way things line up in life. For example, I too turned 54 this past September. I smiled behind my mask and nodded with satisfaction to the surgeon. It was a job well done for everyone—the surgeon, the patient, and our new distributor!
Life is good. Just Keep it Real!?