CalGIS 2023 Wrap-up
The California GIS Conference (CalGIS Conference) 2023, hosted in Monterey, CA was an overwhelming success!
The CalGIS 2023 planning committee decided to try something new and different as a conference... The aim was to discuss California's progress in supporting the National Spatial Data Infrastructure. We combined several data themes into panel discussions.
We were able to solicit the leading experts together to talk about projects, programs, data initiatives, etc., within California. These discussions highlighted opportunities as well as the actions that locals and private entities can work together so that California can achieve the most robust Spatial Data Infrastructure in the nation.
CalGIS was hosted by California URISA California Geographic Information Association , with administrative support from Geospatial Professional Network (formerly URISA) staff.
Day 1 - Monday of the Conference - Workshop day
Day 2 - Tuesday of the Conference - Panel Day
Keynote: Joy Bonaguro provided a riveting presentation entitled: "Accelerating Data Excellence Across the State" with the identified goals of:
Honestly, the volunteer writing this newsletter is too exhausted to summarize these panel discussions individually. (Many apologies, but please be on the look-out late next week for an update to this newsletter.)
Address & Transportation panel
Lidar derivatives & Elevation panel
Authoritative Data & Administrative Boundaries panel
Imagery Data panel
Day 3 - Wednesday of the Conference - Session Day
There were several dozen individual sessions—many project explanations and examples of California's Spatial Data Themes implementations, such as an in-depth look at Lidar & Derivative Products or Societal Implications of Geospatial Technologies. Many of these wonderful presentations can and should be reused to expand California's knowledge base and facilitate knowledge transfer to other states and jurisdictions. Geospatial Professional Network (formerly URISA) has such an opportunity to submit these presentations at the URISA's GIS-Pro conference in Ohio in October. To find more information, please visit: DUE BY APRIL 3rd! #gispro2023 #GISpro
Supporting Partners for CalGIS 2023
Gold Sponsor:
Esri - Esri
Silver Sponsor:
EagleView - EagleView
NV5 Geospatial - NV5 Geospatial
Cyclomedia Technology, Inc. - Cyclomedia
Parcelquest - ParcelQuest
Eos Positioning Systems, Inc. - Eos Positioning Systems, Inc.? (Eos)?
Sanborn Map Company, Inc & App Geo - Sanborn & Applied Geographics, Inc. (AppGeo)?
VeriDaaS Corporation - VeriDaaS Corporation?
Vexcel Data Program - Vexcel Imaging?
Fugro USA Land, Inc. - Fugro
Dewberry - Dewberry
Data-Axle - Data Axle USA
Education Sponsor
Monday Evening Networking Sponsor
Woolpert - Woolpert
CalGIS 2024
CalGIS 2024, planning will start next month by soliciting a conference venue, the dates, and location will be announced at the Geospatial Professional Network (formerly URISA) and California URISA Social at the ESRI User Conference on Monday night after the map gallery!
With this year's conference filled with cutting-edge presentations, hands-on workshops, interactive exhibits, and ample networking opportunities, next year's conference will be the most exciting yet!
If you are interested in supporting and directing the conference program, attendance, etc., please get in touch with the California Chapter of URISA, which will take over the planning duties. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting in the field, CalGIS 2024 is the place to be for all things geospatial.
Thank you again?Joy Bonaguro?and all the panelists, who provided their perspectives on data collaborations in California. Thank you all of our sponsors and partners. Thank you to the Conference planning committee. Thank you to all the day-of support staff. And thank you for attending and you interest in attending future California Chapter of URISA Events!
#calgis?#calgis2023?#urisa?#calurisa?#esri?#sdi?#gischat #NSDI #gis #gisstudents #gisjobs #gispro #gispro2023
URISA_International?URISA Vanguard Cabinet?GIS Certification Institute (GISCI)?URISA's GISCorps?Esri?DATAMARK GIS?EagleView?ParcelQuest?Cyclomedia?Vexcel Imaging?VeriDaaS Corporation?Dewberry?Eos Positioning Systems, Inc.? (Eos)?Data Axle USA?NV5 Geospatial?Sanborn?Applied Geographics, Inc. (AppGeo)?Fugro
Jochen Albrecht Stephanie Baker Justice B. Philip Breitenbucher Ed.D., M.S.W. Kevin Brown Christina Brunsvold, MS, GISP Jason Caldwell Sean Christian, P.E. Anthony Corso Thomas Crimmel, GISP Drew Decker Matt Dondanville, GISP Mark Epstein Nazih Fino Eric Fintel Daniel Da Silva Franco Karen Gaffney Kass Green Mark Greninger @Bond Harper Annaliese C. Heinicke @Gina Herbst Mischa Hey Andrew Hill Mary Cook-Hurley Andrew Isner Claudine Jaenichen Srinivasa Rao Jalaparti (JSR) Bruce Joffe @Christine Lam Jason Latoski, GISP Catalina L. Samantha Lustado Michelle Maldonado Jacob Mark Rachel R. Marquez - GISP, PMP Greg Mattis, GISP Adam McClure, GISP Nick Mesler, PE, TE Jaisipa Mingthaisong @Donna Miranda-Begay Jamshed Mistry Erin T. Mutch Tim Nolan @Jonathan Ocón Carol Ostergren Joel Osuna-Williams Seth Paine Sid P. Wendy Peloquin, GISP, LAVM Warren Roberts MLA Scouser Nathaniel Roth Jane Schafer-Kramer Gerry Schumacher Scollon Dan Christopher Soulard Dr. Sheila Lakshmi Steinberg Steven Steinberg, Ph.D., MPA, GISP, GeoEdC Dr. Timothy J. Stoebner Matt Stull Jacob T. @James Thorne Matthew Twietmeyer @Neal Ubriani Samuel Valdez Paul Veisze Kevin Volz, GISP Jacqueline (Jackie) W. Bo Yang Megan L. Young Ahoura Zandiatashbar, Ph.D. *Please let us know if we missed a speaker or miss-tagged anyone. Thank you for your insight during the CalGIS 2023 Conference!
Technical Lead - California Stewardship of the National Hydrography Dataset at California Department of Water Resources
1 年It was a terrific event!