On calculating carpark charging loads
Riccardo Pagliarella, PhD
Technology. Strategy. DER, V2G, OCPP and other relevant things.
A classic problem demanding increasing attention concerns the amount of electrical reticulation and distribution capacity needed to support EV charging. AS/NZS 3000 is pretty clear on what it wants in your home (e.g., if it's permanently wired, demand calculation require 100% of device capacity to be considered) - in a workplace or apartment setting that might have tens, hundreds (or in future, more) charging stations that's simply not practical: energy management, long present in charging infrastructure management frameworks, specifically exists for capacity provisioning to be reasonable.
But what is actually reasonable, and how to calculate as much? You'll have heard it all - from lojacking complete fleets with aftermarket telematics solutions to digital twins and more, however in the spirit of not letting perfection/resolution be the enemy of good enough/accuracy I'm a fan of 80/20 (or greater) approaches that provide contextual understanding informing better decisions. And hey, if your application has this knowledge intrinsically there are applications that can compute directly (e.g., if you're computing EV load for public transport fleets and then some, ChargeSim is criminally underrated).
Some time ago I wrote some elementary code with a good student of mine to these ends which I've since cleaned up / debugged / added some more stuff to. What's presented here is a robust if elementary but scaleable version of things; Added Realism Caveats are made where appropriate. At Greenergenic we retain some much-evolved versions of this basic theme; if you want Jedi-level answers we're available to consult.
Let's dig in.
Defining when cars arrive and depart
Key to this problem is understanding when EVs turn up to the carpark and when they leave. With a wee bit of contextual understanding we can put together probability distributions (PD's) of arrivals and departures, e.g.,:
How many ways things need to be carved up to capture adequate realism is up to what captures salience in your given situation. I've split this one six ways and across hour time intervals, and allowed for the possibility that sometimes cars will not leave or return on a given day ('NP = Not Present').
So imaginatively on weekdays:
People in this parking location are most likely to depart between 5AM and 9AM, and no one's departing after 4PM. They're coming back in two distinct waves, either just after a morning or afternoon rush. Some of them (<3%) don't come back that day at all.
On weekends:
They're departing in the morning and coming back in the afternoon (the theoretical people here are responsible nightowls and take PT to get around at night). Whilst not shown here, I've assumed that on public holidays they'll tear off in the morning and come back from it but with a material proportion of trips coming back quite late or not at all that day. (Realistically one could be a bit more astute about how this breaks down and could derive the PDs from various sources for greater accuracy, however for demonstration purposes this is fine).
From here things are pretty simple:
And from that we've modelled movements in and out of a carpark. Using the PDs above, here's one for 50 cars (just for fun I randomised results and processed results to 5-minute resolution):
Nothing unexpected. If we zoom in on a week we can see it's reasonably detailed, and pretty much as expected with the (deliberately inserted) weekend and weekday disparities visible:
It really doesn't matter how you come to this conclusion; you could use PDs or traffic data or whether else. It's only important that you come to a place where you have this data and that it comes from defensible perspectives. A carpark for an apartment block is going to look different to a workplace or a shopping centre, and so tune the PDs to suit.
What happened when they were out and about
Easy - they drove their cars. Which involves another PD for daily driven distances; we can pull that from the ABS or similar. Here's one we found earlier:
(Yes, it's be more realistic if arrival/departure times weren't modelled independently of arrival/departure times, though it's relatively easy to capture upper/lower bounds for skew in easier ways.) So at this point we have when they were parked, how long, and distance travelled when not in the car park.
Realising consumption
Obviously not all EVs consume the same amount of energy when they're out and about - there are other considerations too, e.g.,:
A simple approach is proposed:
Obviously there's some further realism for those wanting or needing as much; if your're modelling a workplace that only runs electrified Landcruisers with drivers carrying significant loads at all times it's possible to create a more representative distribution with ease. It's also possible to add complexity and relations between e.g., efficiency impact and vehicle classes - to shortcut that I've added a bit more penalty against homologated numbers than is statistically average (i.e., a conservative approach).
From this and considering all previous we have when the EVs arrive at a carpark, how long they stay there and (per occasion) how much energy they need when parked based on their last simulated trip.
Modelling charging
So now we've the stage set for a simple spill 'n' fill problem: when constrained by vehicle, trip, garage movement and EVSE characteristics, what power would a variable number of EVs tend to use when parked at a given location.
I'm going to simplify this one too:
Outputs are to be power required over time from which any statistical measures can be realised (e.g., average, mean, etc).
Now because we want to understand and contrast the impact of managed charging, we're also going to model a reasonable lower bound in an easy way:
We get the same output structure this way. In either case we're also able to capture the number of charging sessions that did not completely fill an EV's battery - call that a proxy for needing charging at other locations (e.g., public, workplace relative to home, home relative to workplace, etc).
For the above hypothetical scenario
The comparison of power demand looks as follows:
Zoomed in per the same time period explored earlier with respect to parking movements:
So what if the carpark size changed?
At this point many will observe that even with coincident charging, the odds of all charging at the same time is very, very low. It stands to reason; vehicles don't return to plug in at the same time, and most trips in our simulation are under 30km in duration - even if an EV were relatively inefficient at 250W/km, that's 7.5kWh total - a bit over an hour at ~7kW charging. So to work out how 'what you need' might scale with 'how many cars have you got' in the present scenario, let's do the following:
We should reasonably expect that a single carpark with a 7kW charging station and a car able to utilise that fully will top out at 7kW. We should reasonably expect that two cars are pretty close to twice that (assuming the EVs are good for it), but as more and more cars come into it that the probability of needing maximum power for every charging space all the time starts to diminish.
It indeed plays out as such (five runs at each carpark size are averaged here):
(Whilst the above needs to have all the practical things added - line losses, etc) this does scale down quite nicely; from 7kW per car for one of them to just under 1.5kW per car at 100 cars - dropping to 0.8kW if 'perfectly managed'. Whilst 'perfect' management isn't possible in practice, it does have value: the 250-car-space case modelled above requires 287kW for coincident charging and less than 175kW for perfectly managed - if you've ever dealt with building facilities or a DNSP, you'll know these are numbers that do make a difference to project cost and timing: you'd likely value (and pay for) management.
Maximum demand in volume is hardly ever 'maximum charging station power times the number of stations.'
"What you really need are 22kW charging stations"
In the examples above a portion of vehicles will need charging away from the hypothetical parking garage they're based at - part of it is simply a function of travelling a greater distance than their batteries have range for (some 1.8% of over 17,850 trips modelled). On some occasions, however, there's not enough time to charge vehicles to full SoC either - this could conceivably be improved by faster charging.
To these ends quite a number of fleet charging sales efforts tend to focus consumer needs on 22kW charging infrastructure; let's examine what happens if we (for simplification's sake):
We get this:
1.7% of charging sessions in this theoretical scenario don't make full SoC at 7kW. That drops to 0.5% with 22kW charging infrastructure - assuming every car that turns up can use it, which is realistically a very small portion of the EV market.
Other things worth discussing
There are some topical adjacencies worth unpicking.
What data builds a workplace charging facility differs, right?
It certainly does. Let's quickly repeat the above with a mythical workplace:
So the parking movements look as expected:
All good; the trip distribution is considerably skewed relative to the last simulation:
And the site power consumption reflects the above:
We can see that:
Accordingly we can expect that at this power transfer limit (7kW) there will be little marginal difference in capacity requirements for coincident charging across a range of carpark sizes, and that whilst management is valuable the site reticulation requirements (as a function of vehicle numbers) should remain high relative to the previous example - both prove true:
Coincident charging needs the full 7kW per car from 1-50 parking spaces; by 50 parking spaces there's a 40% reduction from perfect management; still, compared to the previous case (per 20-space car park) with approximately 60kW needed to support coincident charging, this application needs nearly 140kW (with management able to reduce this peak by a maximum of ~35%).
As for what increasing charging capacity might do for fleet uptime:
In this instance the increase from 7kW to 11kW reduces incomplete charging sessions from nearly 7% to 0.25% - a 28-fold reduction. Beyond this power level there are no charging sessions that don't run to full.
x% of missed charging events isn't a problem... right?
This really depends on the nature of the mission a given vehicle undertakes. The marginal cost of imperfect capacity will differ significantly between e.g., a vehicle used in a residential setting that is unlikely to run out of energy if not charged to 100% SoC (and which would not materially suffer from using public charging infrasructure if it needed to) and a fleet of electrified ambulances with very strict criticality requirements.
It is thereore incumbent on fleet operators to be objective and realistic to these ends and for policymakers to understand, at least in a local context, the marginal value of incentivising e.g., fleet vs public charging infrastructure: the end goal is not to e.g., build more DC-fast charging infrastructure, it is to have vehicles charged affording appropriate and appropriately reliable utility.
V2G is certainly Flavour of the Month with consultants, policymakers and Internet People Attempting Relevance - does it make a difference? I'm a V2G solution developer for ~7 years now and would love to tell you/sell you that it does, though in all honestly the effects on a relevant simulation are straightforward and limited:
Capacity augmentation is unlikely to get less expensive and, on a long enough timescale, Primary Frequency Response (PFR) service delivery (what we call fast/very fast FCAS) is likely to be the most lucrative of all opportunities - increasing in market size with power system volatility and decreasing in opportunity value with more players, the latter of which will grow in magnitude quicker at any rate. So unless talking to first-mover projects, investment efficiency is likely to be optimised in design for primary use (charging).
There's also the possibility of exporting from one or more vehicles to charge another within the same circuit (or otherwise distribution) as a way of dynamically increasing demand capacity though this is an extreme case (the marginal cost of simply deferring other charging in a fleet is likely lower and in most cases effects the same end).
Dynamic cost optimisation
This one's arguably more important - today we have ToU tariffs with (in some cases) demand charges, but increasingly we have consumer outcomes directly availed to merchant energy opportunities (e.g., wholesale spot pricing or financial derivatives thereof, DR, Amber Electric etc).
This is particularly important because we've actually got a strategy for this; AEMO and CSIRO have some robust and detailed predictions from the 2022 ISP (haven't had time to run 2024 yet) which, when rearranged into a nice spreadsheet allowing scenarios, years effective and vehicle classes to be flicked on and off: it looks a bit like this for the predicted national EV load per time of day, year averaged, end of decade, residential-classed vehicles only in the favoured 'step change' scenario:
Which is about what we expect - coincident charging dominating the shape with most consumers plugging in when they get home (since 2022 most would suggest the market's to get more optimistic than the above). What of the 2050 scenario then - strong electrification - otherwise same vehicles:
To these ends there's a broad expectation that charging should align with VRE (particularly solar PV), with the implication that consumers will do so as net price signals, charging infrastructure availability and charging session management should align accordingly. Note also the expectation that V2G should contribute strongly to the load sector's behaviours.
The point is that our market - like most others - is in the early stages of a long transition wherein what defines value in charging will change and evolve in time: if future-planning site capacity in detail, should consider value to these ends - though I'd argue that most local sales efforts presently trail as much. We've the makings of a government-endorsed strategic direction that the line capacity required to charge during the day will exceed that required to support networks and the power system at night. Yes, today's charging infrastructure is unlikely to be around in 30 years, but today's reticulation can last as much (and then some) without issue.
PFR service delivery (what we call FCAS)
Some regard this as an extreme, out-there, experimental thing; in truth Primary Frequency Response (PFR) service delivery is one of the first, oldest uses of modern V2G - demonstrations in modern V2G history are now more than 25 years old. Presently it is a particularly topical thing in Europe particularly, and later CCS standards (e.g., ISO 15118-20) incorporate functionality to better optimise service delivery from EVs (at least from communications perspectives).
That a group of 100 vehicles may have 11kW power interfaces does not mean that the available capacity from such a carpark is necessarily 11*100 = 1.1MW; asides from site capacity limits gating what's ultimately possible, maximum power requires all vehicles needing to be present/all parking spaces with charging infrastructure needing to be occupied and all participating vehicles needing to have sufficient SoC to effect the PFR response sought, not least because:
Other considerations exist, however simulations of this nature can go some ways towards characterising available capacity from parking locations towards aggregate bids and value contribution from (prospective) participating assets.
Caveat emptor: design of reliable, competitive and strategically-relevant charging facilities requires competitive advisory and can be made more relevant with elementary characterisation of fleet characteristics and vehicle movements.
Simulations of this nature are expected to grow in number and relevance, whether able to simulate power and movements, or detailed OCPP behaviours to test backends or components thereof that can be integrated into bespoke software stacks. Whatever your choice, approaches do not need to be high-touch or expensive, they simply need to be relevant to contribute meaningfully towards operational and strategic considerations.
In many physical solution sales engagements charging infrastructure may be oversold from a capacity perspective which limits investment efficiency, which can in turn slow the proliferation of solutions essential for vehicle electrification.
In moderate-to-larger facilities, competitive load management solutions are demonstrably effective and can offer (given the cost of fixed capacity) exceptionally short payback.
Get in touch
Happy to talk V2G, EVs, DER and anything else relevant, and always happy to meet new people or to reconvene otherwise.
Reach out on LinkedIn for a chat - I develop solutions with Steve Oh at Greenergenic Inc. and occasionally collaborate with Jon Sibley at enX consulting .
Marketing Manager at Australian Metals P/L
10 个月Thank you for a most informative article and discussion . Am a retired and inquisitive engineer sucking up this information and relishes the current thinking , education , development and innovation in the EV field . Well done Riccardo and others , Felix Goodyear
Group CEO - LiFe Younger
10 个月iDrawer,?a?secure?and?stable,?portable?EV?charging?system?designed?to?ensure?your?vehicle?is?always?powered?up?for?joyful?journeys?with?your?family.? It?supports?a?maximum?storage?capacity?of?20?kWh?and?a?rated?charging?power?of?7?kW.?For?special?scenarios,?it?can?be?upgraded?to?a?power?output?of?20?kW. Beyond?charging,?it?doubles?as?a?backup?power?source?for?your?home,?offering?peace?of?mind?both?at?home?and?on?the?road. Mobile energy storage charging solutions — powering your every journey.?
Group CEO - LiFe Younger
10 个月yes , A) each car space to have a 7kW charger B) to be able to deliver 12kWh of energy between 11pm to 7am C) to fit a load management system for EV charging. this can 100kwh with 80kw charger gun , it is great !
Consultant Director | Energy Markets | ERM Energetics
10 个月This was an excellent and informative read. Thanks Riccardo.
Advisor - Renewables and Sustainability
10 个月Great article Riccardo Pagliarella, PhD. I agree that accounting for demand management, and the way in which the charging load profile will change over time as solar, V2G, autonomous vehicles, wireless charging etc potentially become mainstream is critical to enabling the transition to EVs without over capitalising on charging and electrical infrastructure