Calcium formate, a new feed additive for piglets

Calcium formate, a new feed additive for piglets

After birth, piglets usually rely on breast milk to absorb nutrients and improve their immunity to the outside world. However, after weaning, the body of piglets is far from reaching physiological maturity stage, and all organ systems are in the process of gradual development, whether in the ability of feed digestion and utilization or in the ability of disease prevention and disease resistance are relatively weak. Therefore, the dysentery of weaned piglets is very common in each feedlot. This is mainly caused by insufficient secretion of various enzymes or low enzyme activity in the digestive system of piglets, especially the low pepsin activity leads to severe indigestion of various nutrients in the feed of piglets. Therefore, it is important to maintain proper acidity in the stomach of piglets to activate digestive enzyme activity, to force up the digestibility of feed, and to prevent the introduction of pathogenic bacteria into the small intestine by adding acid.


