Calcium Chloride
Sulaiman Mukhtar
Sales Manager at RAHA GROUP Bitumen and other Petrochemical products supplier
Description of Calcium Chloride
Calcium chloride is an inorganic compound a salt with the chemical formula CaCl2. This substance is also known as calcium chlorine. This substance is a composition of calcium and chloride and is mostly contains two water molecules.
This compound absorbs moisture intensively and is known as desalting substances. calcium chlorine must be stored in air and moisture proof packages. It is white flakes or pellets at room temperature and is highly soluble in water.
calcium chlorine desiccants work well over a temperature range from freezing point up to 80 °C or more. It is the active compound in all Arbortech products.
calcium chlorine without water contents (anhydrous) has 110.98 g/mol molecular mass. This water is water soluble and thus serves as a suitable calcium content source and is used in substitution reactions which easily takes the place of another cation.
The interesting characteristics of this molecule are releasing heat when it is solved in water which is due to the high enthalpy in solving this substance.
calcium chlorine is often used for de-icing or dust control on gravel roads, in food or as the absorbing agent in desiccants. In much of the world, calcium chloride is derived from limestone as a by-product of the Solvay process. calcium chlorine can also be obtained from brine purification.
It is not hazardous to the environment but classified as H319 according to GHS (causes serious eye irritation).
Calcium Chlorine 95% is using in two major fields, food and industrial grades.
Application of Calcium Chloride
Oil?and petrochemical industry
The moisture absorption property of Calcium Chlorine helps petrochemical industry to remove water from hydrocarbons.
It is also useful for drying materials such as Ethane, Butane, Propane, Diesel Fuels etc. The other common application for Calcium Chlorine is controlling pressure in industrial solutions. In addition to above usage, it can act as swelling agents in drilling mud.
Deicing and preventing road freezing
It is used to prevent water freezing, especially on road surfaces, due to its ability to reduce the freezing point.
During the dissolution of Calcium Chlorine, significant heat is released, and this heat helps to melt the ice on the road surface.
It works better at low temperatures than other deicing agents such as Potassium Chloride and Urea, Magnesium chloride.
Calcium Chlorine melts a larger volume of ice at lower temperatures than other deicing. It also increases the melting rate at low temperatures. This type of chloride is naturally liquid and retains its affinity for returning to the liquid state. The use of this inorganic material will be very effective in places with high humidity.
Calcium Chloride in Food industry
The importance of Calcium in the body has led to the widespread use of Calcium Chloride in the production of various foods. This inorganic chemical is used to increase the strength of fruits and vegetables during the cooking process.
Calcium Chloride is Widely used in production of cheeses, canned fruits and vegetables, energy drinks and etc. as a flavoring and additive. This chemical reacts with the pectin in fruits and prevents these products from becoming too soft during canning.
In the preparation and production of cheese, it causes the cheese to harden and form. This Calcium in milk affects coagulation and clotting time.
Calcium Chloride usage in Concrete industry
Calcium Chloride has an accelerating role in making concrete. Mixture of calcium chloride with concrete and water and then sand and cement can make quick-setting concretes.
In this method, instead of using quick-setting cement, ordinary cement with Calcium Chloride Can be replaced Concrete made with this method is more resistant to erosion.
But these concretes are more vulnerable to sulfate attack and concrete drop increases by about 10 to 15 percent. The worst disadvantage of this method is corrosion effect on steel structures.
The use of this material is allowed only in non-steel concretes and its consumption is limited to 2% by weight of cement.
Agriculture industry
Calcium Chloride fertilizer is one of the fertilizers that compensates for the lack of Calcium in the soil and is widely used in agriculture.
Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for plant growth. This fertilizer helps to absorb nutrients, increase plant resistance, create stronger cell walls and better transfer of phosphorus in the plant. It can also improve soil properties and regulate the amount of sodium in the soil.
Handling of Calcium Chloride
Anhydrous calcium chloride can be an irritant due to its strong desiccating properties. Otherwise, it is only minimally toxic.
If large amounts of it are ingested, it may lead to vomiting, as large amounts of saline solution are irritating to the digestive track.
Calcium chloride should be stored in sealed containers or bags, as it is extremely hygroscopic. Zipper bags are also good to store anhydrous CaCl2.
No special disposal is required. It is non-toxic to the environment, and it’s even used as anti-icing during the winter. Avoid dumping large amounts of it into fields, as most plants tend to be chloride sensitive.
Packing of Calcium Chloride
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