[cajobportal Insights] Rx Laughter Yoga
Anurag Singal
Valuation | CAJobPortal.com | IIM Ahmedabad MBA, CA (AIR-22) | Independent Director l Visiting Faculty - IIMs, XLRI, MU l 3 x TEDx l YouTuber l Career Mentor
I often compare Dhwani, my 6 year old daughter with Khanak, my 4 month old. Comparisons are so naturally ingrained in the human psyche. Even a mother cant resist one.
One of the striking observations I have is that, nowadays, elder one does not laugh as intensely as the younger one
Dhwani has now got stuck in a never ending loop of school, Home teacher, dance class, drawing class, swimming session and the associated homework deadlines :) And she is just in Class 1 now. Its a long journey ahead
Khanak is in a state of perpetual bliss - cries only she does not get her milk on time but is otherwise bursting with laughter
So, what happens as we grow up.? From being happy unless there is a specific reason to be sad, we become sad unless there is a specific reason to be happy
And even if we laugh, its often so fake ; the smile never reaches the eyes.
We fake laughter when bosses crack a joke, we fake laughter when we are on sales call, we fake when we pose for social media uploads.
This Sunday, we celebrate World Laughter Day, first initiated in the year 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement.
Mark Twain had stated that the human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.
I think its an opportune moment for us to reflect on this
They say that laughter is "the best medicine," and as it turns out, there is some scientific truth to this assertion.Laughing leads to release of endorphins, creates anti-depressants , lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety, burns calories and is an immune booster
Women typically rate a sense of humor as a top-three trait for a potential mate. Men tend to rate women who laugh a lot (i.e. laugh at their jokes) higher than those who don't. It's no surprise, then, that couples who laugh together
Laughter is an instant vacation, even in this appraisal season, where the bell curve might be causing heartburn and VP level rotations around the monetary axis are getting disrupted by pink slips
Maybe you could decide, this World Laughter Day, to consciously experiment with laughter
And if have been on that elusive search for that dream finance professional (CA/CMA/MBA) and recruitment troubles are keeping your laughter away, we, at CAJobPortal.com are just a call away to take away all your troubles
P.S. If financial planning woes are what bother you, you can look at this one
5 common financial planning mistakes that you must avoid
Thanks & Regards!!
Sonia Singal : CA Job Portal