The Cage-Bed of Dreams
“Mercator: Distortions and Projections in Discovery”, an exhibition at Triangle Space Gallery - Chelsea College of Arts. The Cage-Bed of Dreams (2019), a collaborative research (Ellen Nunes with Andrea Rocha, Patricia Tavares, Marcia Thompson and Ana Tam) that entangles Helio Oiticica’s theories and our individual practices.
This show will bring together works by 2018/2019 first-year Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon PhD students that meditate on the legacy and metaphor of the Mercator projection world map. The show will consider how this familiar yet distorted image of the world has come to contextualise spatial awareness, perception and objectivity, as well as intellectual and tangible exploration.
The Cage-Bed of Dreams: processes and entanglements
The Cage-Bed of Dreams
Ellen Nunes in collaboration with Ana Tam, Andrea Rocha, Marcia Thompson and Patricia Tavares
"The space that I think in relation to a person, when you enter is as if you were entering a belly... The module, it is as if you were entering a whale's belly." Helio Oiticica, 1977