Café coffee Day
Café coffee Day
1. We happen the parent company of the Coffee Day Group, which houses Café Coffee Day that pioneered the coffee refine in the chained café part in India.
This coffee goes all away the world to clients across, Europe and Japan, doing us one of the highpoint coffee exporters in the country. We opened our first Café Coffee Day outlet in Bangalore in 1996, ours was a neoteric vision one where coffee was more than just apotation. It was a cup that brought coffee aficionados, budding coffee drinkers, and well, friends altogether away a cup of freshly brewed coffee.nowdays, our ministerial Coffee Day Global Limited have established the broad footprint of café outlets in India-diffuse across more than 200 towns. Our forays within diverse dealings happen marked at the same love also which we started Coffee Day Global Limited. Our portfolio includes Technology Parks & SEZs, Logistics, Investments, Financial Services and Hospitality.
Popularly known as CCD, we emulate to supply the best feeling to our receptionist. Our coffees are sourced from thousands of minor coffee planters, who made us who we are latterly and we 're glad to occupy a portion of their lives. We opened our first Café Coffee Day, a part of Coffee Day Global Limited, is India’s favorite hangout for coffee and cafe in 1996 at Brigade Road in Bangalore – the youth and the young at heart immediately took to the cafe, and it continues to be one of the most happening places in the ville. CCD to the youth is a “hangout” place where those meet people, operate conversations, and has a indivisible lot of fun away steaming cups of greacoffee. It 's happen an excitative wander since then to becoming the broad organized retail cafe chain in the country.
2. Café Coffee Day claims to be the best coffee chain in the country by offering world class experience at affordable prices. CCD induces a sense of belonging in the minds of the consumer. Students and employed professionals perceive CCD as a hangout place, a place for meeting friends and conversation. Ambience and interiors appeal to their visual senses and smell of coffee to their olfactory senses. People feel young at heart and relaxed being at CCD. CCD serves as a promoter of social networking and going to CCD is also considered as a status symbol. This paper is an attempt to explain the marketing strategies adopted by Café Coffee Day along with focusing on their core competencies.
3. India is the sixth largest coffee producer in the world and contributes for 3.9 percent of global coffee production. Of the total coffee production, 70 per cent is exported and 30 percent is consumed. In 2014–15, India's coffee export volume was 286,545 metric tonnes (India Brand Equity Foundation, 2015). The per capita consumption of coffee in India is only about 90 grams, considerably low compared to other coffee exporting nations.
4. Café Coffee Day is a chain of coffee shops in India having it 's head quarters in Chikkamagaluru, Karnataka. A division of Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company Ltd. (ABCTCL), it is commonly known as Coffee Day or CCD. It opened its first cafe in 1996 on Brigade Road in Bangalore, and today has the largest cafe retail chain in India - with 650 cafes in 110 cities.
5. Headquartered in Bangalore, a majority of its cafes are also located in Bangalore. The cafe chain has had much success riding, and to some extent creating, the cafe culture wave that swept across metropolitan India following strong economic growth resulting in an increase in youth spending power.
6. Cafe Coffee day is the regular meeting place for 18 to 35 year olds, both male and female, who are waited on by friendly and informed staff, and are offered the best made, hot or cold , in an invigorating ambience.
They provide invigorating ambience and excellent customer service clubbed with excellent coffee to their customers. Each cafe depending upon its size attracts between 400 to 800 customers daily.
7. Exports - India 's largest coffee exporters. Currently export over 30000 tonnes of green coffee per annum, i.e 15% of India 's coffee exports. They have also ventured into specialty coffee exports.
Coffee Day Fresh and Ground- Maior player in the roast & ground filter coffee segment. It provides a unique assortment of blends at affordable prices. The coffee is freshly ground in front of the customer and sold to him.
8. Cafe Coffee Day - It is a place where customers come and rejuvenate themselves. It is a meeting place for the young and the young at heart. In the café Hot and Cold coffee as well as merchandise are sold to the customers.
Coffee Day Vending – To serve the man on the move who though hurry does not have to compromise on quality of coffe he drinks. Coffee Day has its vending machine placed in vendor outlets in major cities.
9. As a well?known national coffee brand in India, CCD was India’s leading coffee chain in 2013 with over 60% of the market. However in the same year, Starbucks ? the world’s largest coffee chain company, opened its first 11 stores in Mumbai and Delhi. CCD has been watching closely with this big competitor entering the market, and the management team was not surprised by Starbucks’ initial success in its first six months of operation. The few issues that
CCD is facing with Starbucks entering the Indian market are: shifting consuming patterns, lack of customer service, and direct competition.
The market might shift to the younger age side, which would be a disadvantage for Starbucks since its main customer base is working professionals. Analysis
Strengths and Weaknesses
Product and pricing is one of CCD’s strengths. CCD’s products are targeted locally with a wide range of options. Products are reasonably priced base on its segment of the market. In comparison Starbucks is weaker with its pricing, for its 50% more expensive. Starbucks has also adapted to the local tastes and developed new menus specifically targeting at the new
Indian market. Starbucks created a new blend of espresso roast for the Indian market and added locally inspired dishes and a unique food dishes from each city. Supply Chain