Cadcorp E-news - September 2023
Major updates to Cadcorp SIS 9.1
Cadcorp has made significant updates to its GIS software in the first service release of Cadcorp SIS 9.1. It brings a host of new features, optimisations, and enhancements to Cadcorp SIS Desktop, Cadcorp SIS WebMap and Cadcorp GeognoSIS?. Cadcorp is an Ordnance Survey? (OS) Premium Partner and continues to provide additional support for OS data products in this service release. More
WEBINAR: Resourcing to risk
Methodologies for an intelligence-led approach to risk management and response planning. With growing pressure on resources, alongside evolving statutory requirements, aligning resource to risk is essential. Learn how a collaborative approach to identifying and quantifying risk provides a repeatable and robust model that can be referenced when planning service improvement. More
USER GUIDE: OS MasterMap Highways Network?
OS MasterMap Highways Network is designed to be used as a single source of highway asset management by private and public sectors alike. The data is designed for use in a geographical information system (GIS) and is supported by Cadcorp SIS Desktop as standard. Learn how in the Ordnance Survey? user guide. More