The Cabin Fever Syndrome: Managing the Coronavirus

Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Karl Jaspers, the German psychiatrist and philosopher, once wrote that “humans become aware of themselves in boundary situations.” Given the present pandemic, the spatial and temporal restrictions placed on us will have an enormous effect on our psyche. Being restricted in the freedom of movement, plus having the perception that our limited time on earth is just ticking away, will have a massive psychological impact. The coronavirus has impacted many people, given rise to the “cabin fever syndrome.” When stuck indoors, some people become, what has been called “stir crazy.”

Generally speaking, the “cabin fever syndrome” can be described as a claustrophobic irritability or restlessness which we may experience when stuck in a confined indoor space for long periods of time. Of course, the informal name of cabin fever may have originated in the olden days in North America when settlers would be confined to their log cabins during the long winters.

Although it is not an official syndrome—it is not being listed among the list of psychiatric disorders—the social distancing and isolation designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus can pose a serious threat to our general state of wellbeing.[1] After all, taking an evolutionary point of view, we can list as one of Homo sapiens’ major existential needs: the need to belong. All of us, are foremost social animals. From paleolithic times onwards, we require regular contact and cooperation with other individuals for the purpose of survival. If that’s not the case, isolation will negatively affect our mind and body, as many astronauts and polar station explorers can testify. For example, numerous studies have shown that polar research crews due to the extreme conditions they work under, can suffer from reductions in their immune system.[2] Social isolation contributes to a sense of loneliness, a fear of others, concerns that can have a negative  impact on our self-esteem, creating problems in living. 

Of course, personality factors, cultural factors, and economic conditions will affect how social isolation will be managed. In particular, how restrictions in movement will be experienced varies depending very much on our personality. Certain types of people will find self-isolating more difficult than others. As is to be expected, extroverts will have a more difficult time adjusting to social isolation. They may not be used to being at home. In contrast, introverts may have a much easier time. 

Typically, the “cabin fever syndrome” symptoms (showing similarities to Seasonal Affective Disorder and claustrophobia) involve a range of distress signals such as restlessness, irritability, impatience, feelings of lethargy, difficulties concentrating, low motivation, food cravings (gaining weight), and sleep disorders (difficulties to fall asleep or sleeping too much). In particular, the corresponding sense of helplessness and hopelessness correlates with a high risk for depression and other mental health conditions, possibly even suicide. In some instances, when being subjected to forced isolation—exacerbated by anger and confusion—can also contribute to greater alcohol/ drug consumption and domestic violence. Furthermore, financial concerns about our ability to make a living in the future, combined with the deadly nature of the coronavirus—a pandemic of which there seems yet to be no end in sight—creates a very volatile, deadly mix. Naturally, all these factors will greatly affect our state of wellbeing.

If this list of apparent symptoms isn’t sufficiently worrisome, the impact on what’s happening to us below the surface is also considerable. To be forced to say at home, may also change the way we sleep and dream. Generally speaking, as we have more time available, we tend to sleep more, which will give us more time to dream—and which also will give us more time to reflect on our dreams. Interestingly enough, from what I have heard, quite a few of these dreams pertain to people we have lost contact with for a long time. Presently, however, most likely due to our concerns about their health—given the fear of the coronavirus—thoughts about them have become top of mind. The question that may linger in our mind is whether they are still alive, adding to our feelings of being under a lot of stress. The question is, how to cope?

Ways of coping

You’re certainly not alone if you’re beginning to feel the pressure of being cooped up at home. If you think the present situation is affecting your general state of wellbeing—feeling that the “cabin fever syndrome” is setting in—the obvious question is what can you do to cope? How can you deal with the mental anguish that you may be experiencing? Here, I have a few suggestions:

·      Maintain social contacts. Make a great effort to maintain, develop and grow your connections. Try to energize your social life. Now more than ever—given your social isolation—stay in contact with your social network. Even though you may be physically distanced from most others at present, given the technology available, there are still so many virtual ways to nurture a sense of connection. Pick up the phone, get on Skype, Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp, or connect with people through Facebook, Instagram or twitter. Also, to maintain your connections at work, schedule regular video chats with colleagues during working hours. 

·      Avoid conflict. In some instances, you will be self-isolating with a small group of people, whether family or friends. Although, being in this kind of situation appears to prevent loneliness, it could present other challenges, namely the possibility of conflict. Even the people you feel very close to, may get on your nerves when you’re stuck together for a long period of time. For the sake of your mental health, it is important to find the proper balance between spending time together and taking some “alone time” in your own space. In other words, you should make an effort to balance togetherness and apartness. Thus, while engaging in this balancing act, respect each other’s routine, needs and boundaries. What is helpful (if at all possible) is to have separate work areas, so that you don’t interfere with each other’s activities. Generally, however, however, being around other people, even interacting with animals, like pets, will lessen your feelings of isolation.

·      Spend time outside. When possible, make each day an effort to leave the place you are living in. Being in natural light is good for you. It helps regulate your body’s biorhythm. 

·      Exercise. While outside (and if that’s not possible, try to do so inside) exercise. It is one of the most powerful anti-depressants. Exercise helps release endorphins, making you feel better. Furthermore, regular physical activity can help burn off any extra energy you have from being cooped up indoors.

·      Structure your day. Maintain a set schedule for mealtimes and a set bedtime. Routines can have a great comforting value. Planning out activities and setting goals can also help to keep you motivated and not feeling down

·      Maintain your normal eating patterns. As far as your eating habits are concerned, do not “regress” in either overindulging in junk food or to forget to eat at all. Monitor you’re eating habits to ensure that you maintain the proper balance of nutrition. Eating in a healthy way can increase our energy levels and motivation.

·      Goal setting. Set achievable goals of what you like to get done while coopted up. Just doing nothing is not good for your mental health. And with respect to goal setting, create a timeline. Also, try to focus on the things that gives you a sense of mastery—activities that make you feel good—that give you energy. The goals you set can be work related ones, but also more tangential ones such as gardening, cleaning the house, or doing household repairs. And don’t forget to reward yourself when a goal is met.

·      Be creative. If you have a talent for music, art and writing, you can use the time available to take on some of these activities in the creative domain. Doing so, will have a strong stress reducing effect. Also, take this opportunity of having time available to find new books to read. Reading can be a great mind-enhancing activity. Stimulating your mind can help keep you moving forward and reduce feelings of isolation and helplessness. 

·      Altruistic activities. Do something that’s helpful for others. Engage in activities that spread joy and give you something meaningful to do with your time. Altruism is good for you. As has repeatedly shown, it has a mind uplifting effect.

·      Practice gratitude. Express your appreciation to people for things they have done to you. It makes them feel better—and makes you feel better.

·      Start a diary. Journaling allows you to express overwhelming emotions and observe your thought patterns, rather than simply reacting to them. Also, it helps you to prioritize problems, fears, and concerns. Furthermore, it will give you an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors. And not to forget, it builds self-awareness, creating links with your inner and outer world.  

·      Engage in self-reflection. Like with keeping a journal, see the social isolation as an opportunity to learn more about yourself—to engage in an inner journey. Also, to obtain greater self-insight, try to have meaningful conversations with others, in particular family members and friends. Also, practice meditation and mindfulness. These activities are great ways of focusing inward to increase calmness, concentration, and emotional balance. 

·      Visualize future activities. The forced social distancing is a great opportunity to do some preparatory work on your bucket list—to make some plans, both for trips and other pleasurable activities

Generally speaking, if these activities don’t give you sufficiently peace of mind—if the “cabin fever syndrome” continues to haunt you; if it has a very negative impact on your mental health—it is advisable to seek professional help—even, presently, if it is only virtually. Mental resilience will be important to navigate these difficult times. Although while being in the middle of this perfect storm, it may seem difficult to find mental serenity, we need to find the strength to do so. Our challenge will be to mindful of the pressures that we are experiencing—to find ways to work it through. And remember, like has happened with previous pandemics, this chaos will also pass.

[1] House, James S. (2001). Social Isolation Kills, But How and Why? Psychosomatic Medicine63 (2): 273–4.

[2] Muller H. K., Lugg D. J., Ursin H., Quinn D. and Donovan K. (1995). Immune responses during an Antarctic summer. Pathology, 27, 186-190. 

Wonderful, Prof. Thank you.


Thank you for your thoughts, reflections, advice and for sharing. What a blessing to learn from reading each of your paragraphs. Thank you and stay safe and healthy, mindful, dear Manfred Kets de Vries

Dr. Wilma Slenders, CDI.D, MSM, PCC

Perform better. Grow faster. Achieve more. | Board director | exec coach | strategic consultant | respectful disruptor| intn'l speaker

4 å¹´

Manfred Kets de Vries, great article and tips on how to be thoughtful about managing ourselves during this #covid19 crisis.

Yip Thy Diep Ta

Founder & CEO @ J3D.AI (Jedi) | McK | Building the Decentralized Global Brain | TedX Speaker | IDG & SDG | Hydrogen | Longevity | Meditation ??

4 å¹´

Thanks for sharing. I find it utmost important to have a safe space to share in a group about emotional difficulties I may consciously or unconsciously experience. Sharing is caring... sharing time, sharing worries, sharing presence is caring for myself, for others, for the world. And by sharing and listening to the struggle / sufferings of those other humans all the sudden I see that I am not alone in my drama, but that it’s quite human. And through this simple contextualization - big surprise - the elephant becomes a fly and can fly away.

Rick Botelho

Unite Equity Muses | Ask ethical questions about co-designing a fair-free-flourishing future

4 å¹´

And how can we best amplify reciprocity and create network power to build our individual and collective resilience in the digital age to master covid stress and achieve the WHO MDGs??Learn from the upside of the downside.


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