CAA And Dare Hue Community
Adv Subhendu Kumar Thakur
A practicing Advocate at Original as well as Appellate Jurisdiction Talks / Writes on #Economics #Management #Finance #Law #Politics #Culture #Civilisation
The Supreme Court of Bharat has fixed March 19 to hear the pleas of illegal Citizens Amendment Act. Around 200 applications have been clubbed together to hear the matter. The arguments would be led by known Hindu baiter and rabid Anti Hindu Advocate Kapil Sibbal. The CAA is the outcome of the clandestine intentions of Nehru and Liaquat Ali in the name of Nehru Liaquat Pact to retain Muslims in Bharat as the vote bank for Congress and to facilitate staying back of the Muslim leaders who were responsible for creation of Pakistan and who espoused that Muslim is a distinct race and Muslim community cannot stay with Hindu Majority. After partition the Muslim leaders formed Indian Muslim League. The same Muslim League is the party to the case in Supreme Court.
United Nations, Aakar Patel of Amnesty International and Tirana Hassan of Human Rights Watch seem to be extremely worried and anxious that Bharat paves the way for granting citizenship to the religiously persecuted minorities returning back from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Mathew Miller, the spokesperson of Foreign Ministry of United States of America, has expressed 'Concern' over notification of CAA on March 11, 2024. Eric Garcetti, the American Ambassador to Bharat, has also spoken adversely on notification of CAA despite having good relationship with Bharat. It is obvious of left leaning administration of USA headed by the President Joe Biden and the Vice President Kamala Harris. Bharat knows how to deal with its own internal matters. We do not need sermons from the country which has abysmally poor history of human rights violations as far as black community is concerned. The same USA is responsible for violations of human rights in the guise of searching Chemical Weapons in Iraq, by nuclear bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing millions of Japanese to name a few. The involvement of USA in the Saudi Arabia led war against the Yamen under the grab of International Law has been criticized globally. ?The human rights violations by the USA have amply been chronicled by newspaper like the Nation and the Guardian. The country whose human right records and aiding and abatement of human rights violations is so abysmally dismal that forgetting its own behavior, it still remorselessly and unabashedly preaches human rights to Bharat under the cover of responsible nation. The treatment meted out to Muslims at American Airports is the testimony to the fact as to how the USA treats Muslims in its own country. Shedding crocodile tears in the name of Muslims, CAA and human rights violations, the humble suggestion is that the USA must welcome and open the doors to the Muslim immigrants like Rohingyas and Bangladeshis if it is so concerned about their human right violations in Myanmar and Bharat. In recent past nations like Myanmar, France, Sweden, Germany and London are witnesses to the large scale violence and destruction of public and private properties as well by the illegal Muslim migrants. Nobody dare take cognizance of the Chinese aggression and violations of human rights of Muslims there. The so called preachers of Human Rights consider Bharat to be of too liberal a democracy and a whipping nation. Temples, Gurudwara and Monastries are under attack throughout the liberal countries. Not a single champion of human rights utters a word against the vandalism taking place in liberal democracies and Islamic nations. Bharat has seen the choking and hostage of capital Delhi during Saheen Bagh protest by the “Dare Hue Community” sponsored by the “Aar Paar Ki Ladai Leader" and "Kattar Imandaar Leaders and Party". Bharat is a Hindu majority nation and it would always welcome religiously persecuted Hindus, Parsis, Jain, Christian, Sikhs and Buddhists communities from the three countries. The people of Bharat also request the Narendra Modi Government to bring an amendment to CAA Act to remove the cut off year 2014 and replace it with "Any Year" before and after CAA. The Anti Hindu leaders of Bharat also oppose the CAA on the pretext of limited resources and the sustenance of immigrants through CAA. A former Prime Minister of Anti Hindu psyche has explicitly delineated on the floor of Parliament that the Muslims have the first right on the resources of nation. The same leaders lay red carpet welcome to illegal trespassers Bangladeshi and Rohingyas in Bharat. People of Bharat choose leaders to run the country through welfare schemes and carry out growth and development for people and of country. In the name of elected leadership they cannot run the country in whimsical way. The resources of the country are meant for the people of Bharat and not for illegal trespassers like Bangladeshi and Rohingyas simply because they are the tools to sustain the anti Hindu leaders to the seat of power. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union was on account illegal immigrants entering there from neighboring countries claiming rights on the assets and resources of United Kingdom. People of Bharat must recognize such leaders and throw them into out of the territory of Bharat. It is suggestion to the stooges like UN, the United States of America, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International that they should recognize their own standing and size of its own stature in the comity of world before sermonizing Bharat.
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