CA: CDFA Alternative Manure Management Program - Due 10/18/24
Grant Management Associates - Grant Writing and other Services
Grant Writing Consultants
Opportunity Title:
2024 Alternative Manure Management Program
California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)
Opportunity Number:
The Budget Act of 2022 (SB 154, Chapter 43) appropriated $48 million from the California State Budget to CDFA for methane emissions reductions from dairy and livestock operations, which was split evenly for distribution through the Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP) and the Dairy Digester Research and Development Program (DDRDP). In addition, the Budget as amended by Assembly Bill 179 (Ting, Chapter 249) appropriated $20 million from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) to CDFA for AMMP. CDFA awarded half of these appropriations for the 2023 grant solicitation and expected remaining funds from the appropriations to be made available through AMMP and DDRDP in 2024.
However, the Budget Act of 2024 (AB 107, Chapter 22) transferred the remaining half of funds for livestock methane reduction ($24 million) to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, allocated as $17 million in FY 24-25, with an expected $7 million in FY 25-26. Given current budget circumstances, please be aware awards and final grant agreements for 2024 AMMP applicants are contingent upon funding being available. If the expected $7 million is appropriated in FY 25-26, it will be applied to the 2024 AMMP and DDRDP grant rounds as originally intended.
CDFA will fund up to 100% of the total project cost with a maximum grant award of $750,000 per project. Matching funds are strongly encouraged. The maximum project term is thirty (30) months. The grant agreement term for awarded projects is anticipated to begin June 1, 2025 and end November 30, 2027. Grant funds cannot be expended before the start of the grant agreement, or after the completion of the grant term. CDFA may offer an award different than the amount requested. Applicants may also be eligible for an additional funding opportunity through the Dairy Plus Program.
Award Details:
Total Amount Available:
Applications Due October 18, 2024
Grant Management Associates has years of experience with opportunities like this one. Contact us?today at [email protected] for a consultation.