Please use 916-895-3672 we no long have the 877 number since technology made all calls free!

Hand & Hand Foundation or HHF, We are a children’s and environmental 501 C 3 non-profit and Licenced Calif. communty recyclers. At Hand & Hand Foundation we have a recycling program called “Cans 4 Kids” or C4K, this program is designed to do 3 major things:

  1. To help our children become better citizens by helping to affording them the rights they have as American citizens: Education, Safe shelter, Food, Water, Medical. and Protection.
  2. To help the environment and show the benefits of recycling, we do this by collecting recycle and training staff through repetition. The money from the recycle is used to keep our program going and donated to help schools and other programs, non-profit or not in Sacramento County. This also has two benefits, we reduce the amount of recycle in landfills, and we help reduce the greenhouse effect in the world.
  3. We will create JOBS! Through recycling we can create nine (9) jobs, where by throwing recycle in garbage, going into land fills we create only one (1).

How it benefits your business:

  1. Your business will be in compliance with all local and federal recycle laws.
  2. Your business will show it’s a company that cares about children and the environment. A majority of funds go to children’s and environmental programs in sacramento county, plus our donors are listed on our website and in most C4K advertising
  3. You will be able to reduce your recycling cost. In most cases you will be able to reduce the cost of recycle & Garbage pickup, by having us reduce your recycle load because even most of your garbage is recyclable.
  4. The program is FREE of charge. We provide cans, and scheduled pickup up to 3 times a week, (based upon your fill rate) rinse, deodorize, and disinfect your cans at pick up if needed.

So now your can really do SOMETHING for NOTHING!

If you are paying for doing the right thing, then join us! Your business can help even if you THINK, you have no recycle, we take all plastics including laundry & motor oil containers, all glass (except auto), metal, cardboard & white paper, and more by allowing us to place our recycle can in your break rooms or cafeteria.

I’m quite sure that you feel like we do, that this program can benefit everybody in someway.

Currently through our startup program in Sacramento County, we have collected over 375,000 TONS of recycle that would have ended up in landfills. With the funds we have fed over 2400 needy families , and bought toys for Christmas for over 3000 needy children in that county, plus donated to various programs like: Loaves & Fishes food bank, and more. We are working on expanding this program. I’m not asking you for a cash donation, even though that would be greatly appreciated too, all that I’m asking you for is your participation in this program and see how it can benefit your business and bottom line.

Thank you in advance for you consideration and participation in making this a successful program.

Join us in our mission donate your recycle to Hand & Hand Foundation C4K Program!

For further information please contact me:

Harris Walker CEO,

Phone: 916-895-3672


Email: [email protected]


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