C2S Leadership Month Will Help Sharpen Your ‘Saw’
We are delighted to invite you, your colleagues, and connections to join us for C2S Leadership Month 2022

C2S Leadership Month Will Help Sharpen Your ‘Saw’

During the month of March, we will tackle business critical conversations with?outstanding speakers from across the globe that will inspire and motivate you and your people. These thought leadership events will provide insights, top tips, and stimulate innovative ideas and thinking.

Please share this opportunity to join our?FREE?online and in-person events?with your business community. Continued learning, knowledge transfer and personal development are key for any successful organisation, please join us and be part of the conversation!

Have you read Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? If yes you will know what we are talking about when we say that joining us during Leadership Month will help you to Sharpen Your Saw.

If you haven’t read the book or can’t remember, then we will give you a short refresher.

Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People aim to adjust your character, so you see the world in a positive paradigm. Having sold over 25million books worldwide they have stood the test of time and having lived through the last 24 months and current atrocities happening in the Ukraine we could all do with a dose of positivity!

Covey’s 7 Habits:

  • Be proactive
  • Begin with the end in mind
  • Put first things first
  • Think “win-win”
  • Seek first to understand, then to be understood
  • Synergise
  • Sharpen the saw if you want to keep sawing

These are all useful habits and can help us to achieve great results. We have summarised them below but to learn more head over to: https://www.franklincovey.com/the-7-habits/

1. Be proactive - in this chapter, Covey says that many people are reactive (they allow external circumstances to dictate their behaviour), instead of proactive (taking responsibility for their decisions and behaviour). Instead of blaming the world for your problems, or letting the actions of others, or even bad weather, dictate your mood, you can be a more effective person by focussing on the things that you can actually do something about (your Circle of Influence) and not concern yourself with things you can’t change or influence.

2. Begin with the end in mind - Covey says that when you take an action, you actually do it twice. The first time is when you imagine doing it, and then again when you actually do it in real life. The message here is that if you visualise an action and its desired consequences first, instead of just ploughing on, possibly in the wrong direction, the more likely you are to have success.

3. Put first things first - this habit is all about prioritisation. You need to figure out the things that are most important and always put them first. But how do you work out what’s most important? Covey categorises tasks into four quadrants. He says to focus on Quadrant Two first - these are things that will have long-term positive impacts and will help you towards your larger goals. The more you focus on these, the fewer tasks will eventually appear in Quadrant One, which most people mistakenly believe to be the most important. Of course, you should do the tasks in Quadrant One first, but Covey recommends always working on tasks in Quadrant Two on the side, a little each day.

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4. Think “win-win” - life is a negotiation. When going into a situation with others, many people seek a “win-lose” outcome - every interaction they have whether at work or in their personal lives is seen as a competition. Effective people on the other hand see the benefit in giving everyone a fair share of the pie and fostering positive long-term relationships. Try to approach every situation willing to negotiate until both parties are satisfied - you’ll see greater returns in the end. The most important payment you can make into the emotional bank account is trying to truly understand someone and discover what’s important to them.

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood - “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply,” says Covey. He explains that a lot of the time we don’t really listen to people, but instead project our own situation onto them and assume that what they’re thinking and feeling are the same. We then prescribe solutions to them that don’t really work. People rarely trust the advice of someone who they don’t feel really understands them or the situation.

6. Synergise - synergy basically means that if you put two things together, the outcome is greater than the combined total of the two separate components. 1+1 can actually equal 3 or more if you work together. When people work together to tackle a challenge, using everyone’s separate strengths, it’s always better than fighting each other and trying to go it alone. For this you need to understand, trust and respect each other.

7. Sharpen the saw if you want to keep sawing - the seventh habit is all about self-improvement. Your tools may be adequate for the job, but if you never stop to sharpen them, they will become less and less effective. Covey uses the analogy of a lumberjack sawing down trees - if he keeps sawing without stopping to sharpen his saw, eventually it will become blunt and he won’t be able to cut down trees anymore. Covey’s key message here is that you need to take care of yourself, stay physically fit, maintain your emotional wellbeing and your mental wellbeing through expanding your knowledge, as well as your social well-being by having good relationships with others.

C2S Leadership month will provide you and your team/s with impactful and inspiring experiences both on-line and in-person. They will not only sharpen your ‘saw’ but will help you to connect with others; be proactive, synergise and make the time to examine those things in Quadrant 2, that’s right the important ones that will help move your business forward. So, you’ve nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain by joining us during March and return to work with new ideas and approaches that will make you more effective, efficient, and enthusiastic.

All on-line events are FREE to attend, and everyone is welcome. Please share with colleagues and connections.


Week 1 – Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion

Date: 7th?March 2022 | ?Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (Online Event)

Gemma Evans, Head of Merchandising, Superdry

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Creating An Inclusive Culture at Superdry

Gemma is Head of Merchandising for both Menswear and Womenswear at Superdry, with a demonstrated history of working for the biggest retail groups from Value chain to Mid market to Brand. Driving all the key product areas from Womenswear to Accessories, Kidswear and Menswear.

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Date: 9th?March 2022 | Time: 10:00 – 11:30 (Online Event)

Nicola Bird and Natalie Bell Founders of AccXel, Ben Ramsey, MD Barnwood Group and Rachel Harper, Organised Consulting

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Smashing the glass ceiling and perceived barriers of Culture, Diversity, and Inclusion in construction.

Nicola and Natalie will be discussing how they have smashed all perceived barriers of culture, diversity, and inclusion within the typically male-dominated environment of construction. Nicola and Natalie have founded, built, and led the UK’s first industry-led construction school.?They?will share their journey so far and tell us how they will achieve their mammoth goals at AccXel.

Ben Ramsay from Barnwood Group also joins us to discuss what Barnwood Group has been doing to support diversity and inclusion. Ben will talk about their work with the MEPC on D&I Programme, ‘Changing the Game’, inclusive leadership, company Code of Conduct, and developing and integrating a D&I plan.

Rachel Harber, Organised Consulting will open an honest conversation about how to address difficult conversations around D & I, understand unconscious bias, the correct language to use and how to create an authentic, diverse, inclusive environment. Practical tips, tools, and a step-by-step guide. Your guide to making a difference.

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Date: 10th?March 2022 | Time: 10:30 – 12:00 (Online Event)

Rachel Geliamassi, Managing Director, Stagecoach West

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The Benefits of Creating a Healthy Workplace

We will hear from Rachel Geliamassi, Managing Director, Stagecoach West on the journey they have been on; the impact the scheme has had on staff, some top tips and their continued learning.

The Healthy Workplaces Award is a standard of good practice and a quality mark of health and wellbeing in the workplace. Organisations are assessed through a series of online standards and commitments in a range of health areas from healthy eating to personal safety.

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Date: 10th?March 2022 | Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (Online Event)

Sharon MacArthur, Founder, Miss Menopause

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The Menopause Impact on Mental Health and Well Being

Miss Menopause has been created to fill the void of educational services needed by working women as they reach the menopause.?It’s currently estimated less than 10% of companies across the UK are educating their workforce about the symptoms and impact that menopause may bring.

This session is open to everyone and yes that means men too.

Menopause will affect us all in some way. So come along and find out how learning about menopause could help you in the workplace and your life in general.

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Date: 11th?March 2022 | Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (Online Event)

Rupert Walters, 4orty2

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Why Does An inclusive & Diverse Workforce Matter?

Join Rupert Walters, Director of 4orty2, to hear how having an inclusive & diverse workforce won them a £70M contract against the all the odds and how their approach to ED&I has enabled them to deliver an outstanding service that clearly defined them from the competition.

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Week 2 – Sustainability

Date: 14th?March 2022 | Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (Online Event)

Gary Thomas, Head of Sustainability at Ecotricity

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Walking The Talk With Ecotricity & Forest Green Rovers FC

Ecotricity is a British energy company based in Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, specialising in selling green energy to consumers that it primarily generates from its 87.2 megawatt wind power portfolio – the company prefers the term windmill rather than wind turbine.

Gary will share with us the ‘How To’ in starting and implementing a sustainability strategy that works! ‘The Guide to Going Green’ . Top tips and practical advice from the best in sustainability.

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Date: 14th?March 2022 | Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (Online Event)

Janet Mui, CFA, is Investment Director at Brewin Dolphin

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ESG The Impact Of Your Investment Choices

The world has changed and has made many customers acutely aware of how employees are treated and how businesses affect their environment, and top talent cares about employers’ ESG reputation. Your people want to be part of something worthwhile, get behind something they believe in. It’s not enough to turn a profit your people and your customers want to know where your money is being invested and is it making a difference? Janet will give us an overview of the current markets and the growing trend toward ESG investments.

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Date: 15th?March 2022 | Time: 09:30 – 11:00 (Online Event)

Sarah Jordan, Owner, Y.O.U Underwear

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Y.O.U Underwea.r Becomes A B-Corp

Meet Sarah, who is trying to change the world one pair of pants at a time!

Y.O.U Underwear is the highest scoring B Corp in the UK, and the top fashion brand in the world! Y.O.U Underwear wanted to become a B Corp to show that purpose, people and planet mean more to us than profit. With giving back and sustainability at the heart of what we do, we’re so pleased to have our work backed up by something as respected as a B Corp Certification.

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Date: 17th?March 2022 | Time: 9:30 – 10:30 (Online Event)

Zoe Sear – Head of Marketing & Communications, Triodos Bank

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Aren’t We All Bankers?

We live in unprecedented times. The climate emergency, a global health pandemic and the call for greater social justice Banks shape the world we live in. What banks do with our money requires our full attention. Now is the time to consider our complicity in accepting the banking status quo and remember the power that is in our hands

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Week 3 – Leadership

Date: 21st March 2022 | Time: 16:00 – 17:00 (Online Event)

Justin Crump, CEO and Founder, Sibylline

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Global Perspectives & Leadership Challenges

Justin is a military veteran with 25 years experience, he was initially a corporate finance analyst at JP Morgan Chase & Co before being called up for military service after 9/11. His focus areas are global jihadism, the evolution of cyber and technical threats, and the creation of innovative and effective risk models. He is an acknowledged authority on business intelligence, global risk analysis and governance.

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Date: 22nd?March 2022 | Time: 09:30 – 13:00 (In-Person)

Location: DRPG. Ikon Estate, Droitwich Road DY10 4EU

Dale Parmenter, CEO at DRPG?

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Making Sustainability Work

Sustainability covers a range of issues which every business should be involved with. The session will look at the Triple Bottom Line and how we combine People, Profit and Planet in equal measures to play our part in creating a sustainable future and ethical leadership.

Dale will share many of DRPG’s actions and initiatives, and how we have developed a CSR Charter which links and supports the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals.

The session will look at practical, tangible actions which can be implemented immediately and, in many cases, is simply common sense.

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Date: 23rd?March 2022 | Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (Online Event)

Mark Porch, Omega/Staffline

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Recruitment Trends & Recommendations for 2022

Mark joined Staffline in 2013 and was responsible for heading the Group's Branch Network across the UK and latterly the South West Region. Towards the end of 2019 he was asked to lead Omega and drive its growth Strategy and next phase growth plans. Through his 21 year recruitment career he has worked across multi disciplines and sectors from Executive Search and Selection to contingent permanent, contract and temporary roles with a host of SME and household named brands.?

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Date: 23rd?March 2022 | Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (Online Event)

John Eades, CEO, LearnLoft

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Successful Leadership Through Elevating Others

John is based in North Carolina, USA and has spent the last 10 years studying and interviewing the best leaders on the planet. He now shares those lessons, strategies, to help elevate leaders to be their best. An award-winning speaker, writer and leadership development thought leader.

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Date: 24th?March 2022 | Time: 13:00 – 15:30 (In-Person)

Location: Lygon Arms, Broadway. WR12 7DU

Campbell McPherson, International Business Advisor, Best Selling Author

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Extraordinary Leadership – what it is and how to become one.

Where are you on the Chequerboard of Leadership? Where does your team lie on the Spectrum of Leadership Teams? In this in-person?session for C2S Leadership Month, Campbell Macpherson, leadership development and change expert, will be running a highly interactive session using brand new models developed with The Police College and Henley Business School.

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Date: 25th?March 2022 | Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (Online Event)

Dr Scott Andrews, Principal Lecturer in Leadership, Chartered Manager of the CMI, and Deputy Head of Worcester Business School

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Re-Imagining Leadership with University of Worcester

This session invites you to reflect on the key challenges that have faced organisations over the past two years and to consider what leadership needs to looks like in the forthcoming years as we emerge from the Covid pandemic.?Issues of sustainability, advancing AI, hybrid and home-based working, and new digital communications have changed us and changed the way we think. This session explores some of these emerging themes that will undoubtedly challenge our thinking about leadership.

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Date: 25th?March 2022 | Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (Online Event)

Paul Hargreaves, Founder, Cotswold Fayre

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Creating A Business That Is A Force For Good

Businesses that are simply in existence to make money for their share-holders and owners are failing. Those businesses that have a purpose beyond making money are now the successful ones.

If you want your business to grow and prosper in the 21st century, it needs to be more than about simply profit. Today’s consumers and buyers want to engage with businesses that are making the world a better place and putting people and the planet at an equal level as profit. If you want to move your business or organisation in this direction then I would love to come and speak as one of the leading voices in the UK encouraging and inspiring businesses to be a Force for Good.

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Week 4 – Brand and Marketing

Date: 28th?March 2022 | Time: 14:00 – 15:00 (Online Event)

James Morrison, Head of Brand, Laithwaites Wine

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Laithwaites Goes Bold With Rebrand

James take us through the journey the team went through to make themselves fit for purpose and able to engage with a wider demographic. Laithwaites are wine lovers not wine snobs so it was important to them to feel connected, accessible and inclusive. James has been Head of Brand at Laithwaites since August 2021 and before that he spent 11 years at Waitrose & Partners as Head of Brand Marketing.

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Date: 31st?March 2022 | Time: 10:00 – 11:00 (Online Event)


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DRPG On Marketing Communications & Brand Futures

DRPG will look at the new realities businesses face in communication and audience engagement in a post pandemic world.

The session will explore:

  • How trends emerging before the crisis were supercharged by restrictions and lockdown
  • How audience expectation around marketing and brand content has changed
  • How newly familiar technologies will evolve into indispensable tools
  • The role of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality in our new strategies
  • The impact of Generation Z on brand, marketing & communication expectations and preferences

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Suzanne Hall-Gibbins

Director and co-founder of Circle2success - inspiring closer, more productive & mutually beneficial relationships, that are good for business, employees and the planet

3 年

We are so excited about #Leadership Month.

