?? C++ vs Java: Key Differences You Should Know
Ankit Dubey
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Introduction to C++ language
C is a general-purpose programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT & T Bell Laboratories in 1979.
It is built on C language with an object-oriented extension. That is C++ is a superset of C with additional features. It added the concept of class and objects.
C++ language encapsulates both high and low-level language features. Hence, it is perceived as an intermediate-level language.
C++ is platform-dependent and is mainly used for system programming. It supports many features like virtual functions, templates, go to statement, multiple inheritance, operator overloading, pointers, structures, unions, etc.
It uses the only compiler to compile and run c++ program.
Introduction to Java language
Java is a high-level, object-oriented, interpreted, and general-purpose programming language developed by Sun Microsystems of USA in 1991.
Java was originally named OAK and is developed by James Gosling in 1995. It is mainly designed for the development of application programming or software for electronic devices and electronic machines.
The most striking feature of Java language is that it is a platform-independent language. Java does not support the features of C++ like goto statement, pointers, operator overloading, etc. Java platform uses both compiler and interpreter.
Hope that you will have understood the basic introduction of Java and C++. Now, we will understand the key similarities and differences between Java and C++.
Similarities between C++ vs Java
There are many similarities between Java and C++ that are as follows:
a) Both C++ and Java are Object-Oriented Programming languages. Object-oriented programming language is that language that supports features like encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism.
b) Both are case-sensitive.
c) Both have similar syntax.
d) Many keywords are the same in Java and C++ such as while, for, if-else, switch, break, case, try-catch, throw, continue, public, private, etc.
e) Both C++ and Java support method overloading.
f) Both have the same arithmetic and relational operators.
g) Execution of both C++ and Java programs begins from the “main” entry point.
An entry point is a starting point where the program starts for execution. However, the declaration of function is not same, but the name is the same. [adinserter block=”5″] h) Primitive data types like int, float, char, double are similar in both Java and C++. But one difference is that Boolean data type is called boolean in Java but it is called bool in C++.
i) Both support multi-threading to achieve multitasking.
Key Difference between C++ and Java
C++ and Java are syntactically similar. Apart from this similarity, there are also many differences between C++ and Java programming languages.
A list of high-level key difference between C++ and Java are as follows:
3. Compiler and Interpreter:
Memory Management:
Goto statement:
. Multiple inheritance:
Operator Overloading:
Call by Value and Call by reference:
. Structure and Union:
Garbage collection:
Thread Support:
Global variables:
Template classes:
Documentation comment:
Virtual Keyword:
unsigned right shift >>>:
Inheritance Tree:
Root hierarchy:
Scope resolution operator:
Runtime error detection:
Main Key Difference between C++ vs Java :
a) C++ uses compiler only whereas Java uses both compiler and interpreter.
b) C++ supports both operator overloading and method overloading whereas Java only supports method overloading, not operator overloading.
c) C++ has manual object management with the help of new and delete keywords while Java has automatic built-in garbage collection.
d) C++ supports structures and unions whereas Java doesn’t support structures and unions.
e) C++ supports pointers while Java doesn’t support pointers.
FAQ: C++ vs Java
Q1) Which one is better C++ or Java?
Ans: Perhaps, it is difficult to say which is better. Both C++ and Java have their own features, merits, and demerits.
C++ is a highly evolved language and is mostly good for system programming with advanced features like templates and containers. In fact, C++ can do anything in systems development from enterprise to gaming. We cannot do it with Java.
Java is the most widely used to develop desktop applications, gaming, web servers, and client-side web applications. It is also known as a native language of the Android operating system that operates on Android phones and tablets.
It’s also easier to find a Java developer than a “harder” language such as C++. Thus, the choice between C++ vs Java totally depends on which kind of application we are developing.
So, before going to choose between better: C++ and Java, First, evaluate beforehand the pros and cons of both the languages and then decide which is the best programming language to develop your application should be.
Q2) Is C++ harder than Java?
Ans: If you learned the basics of C language then C++ will not be difficult for you because it is just an extension of C with some advanced features.
But Java is easier to perceive without knowing C++. Frankly speaking, learning of any programming language depends on your practice.
Q3) Can we learn Java without knowing C or C++?
Answer: Yes, surely! No need to learn C or C++ to learn Java. In fact, the syntax of Java is easier than C++ or C.
Q4) Is C++ similar to Java?
Answer: In some ways, Yes but in some ways, No because both C++ and Java are object-oriented programming languages. They can be used for application development. They have similar syntax.
But when we move on to other topics like memory management, inheritance, polymorphism, etc., C++ and Java are totally different. Similarly, when we come to primitive data types, object handling, pointers, etc. both languages are different.
Thanks for reading!
If you have any further questions or need more insights, feel free to reach out. Happy coding!
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