C++ STL Containers: Choose your containers wisely
The Standard Template Library (STL) is a collection of C++ container classes and template algorithms that work together to produce a variety of useful functionalities. The STL was designed to combine different data structures with different algorithms while achieving the best performance; this guarantees the interoperability between all built-in and user-built components. To benefit from the powerful framework and great performance of the STL, you must know the concepts and apply them carefully.
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Time Complexity and Big-O Notation
There are various solutions to a problem, but not all of them are the best. Generally, we tend to use the most efficient solution. In programming, we can't leave the mechanism of finding the best solution; we need a clear standard to evaluate their efficiency. This is where the notion of time complexity enter the equation.
The Big-O notation describes the runtime of an algorithm and defines the upper bound of any algorithm (i.e, algorithm should not take more than this time). Big-O notation is the most used notation for the time complexity of an algorithm for a given input of size?n. For example, if the runtime grows linearly with the number of elements?n, then the complexity is?O(n)?and if the runtime is independent of the input, the complexity is?O(1).
There are different types of time complexities used; the below table lists the typical values of complexity and their Big-O notation.
In the graph, the x axis represents the size of?n?(or algorithm input) and y represents the amount of time it would take to execute that algorithm.
Let’s run through an example to understand better: Finding the sum of the first n numbers.
int findSum(int n) // input "n"
? ? return n * (n+1) / 2; // this will take some constant time c1
There is only one statement in the preceding code, and we know that a statement takes a constant amount of time to execute. The basic idea is that if the statement takes constant time, it will take the same amount of time regardless of input size, which we denote as?O(1).
In this solution, we will run a loop from?1?to?n?and we will add these values to a variable named?sum.
int findSum(int n) // input "n"
? ? int sum = 0; // -----------------> it takes some constant time "c1"
? ? for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) // --> here the comparison and increment will take place n times(c2*n)?
? ? ? ? sum = sum + i; // -----------> this statement will be executed n times i.e. c3*n
? ? return sum; // ------------------> it takes some constant time "c4"
* Total time taken = time taken by all the statements to execute
*? i.e, total time taken = c2*n + c3*n + c1 + c4, if the expression c2*n + c3*n constitute to c0*n and another expression c1 + c4 constitute to c then
*? total time taken = c0*n + c, which constitute to O(n) complexity
The big O notation of the above code is?O(c0*n) + O(c), where?c?and?c0?are constants. So, the overall time complexity can be written as?O(n)
In this solution, we will increment the value of?sum?variable?i?times i.e. for?i = 1, the sum variable will be incremented once i.e.?sum = 1. For?i = 2, the sum variable will be incremented twice. So, let's see the solution.
int findSum(int n)? // input "n"
? ? int sum = 0; // ---------------------> constant time c1
? ? for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)?
? ? ? ? for(int j = 1; j <= i; ++j)
? ? ? ? ? ? sum++; // -------------------> this will run [(n * (n + 1) / 2)] times
? ? return sum; // ----------------------> constant time c3
* Total time taken = time taken by all the statements to execute
* total time taken = c1 + c2*n2 + c2*n + c3
* which constitutes to c2*n2 + c2*n + c3
The big O notation of the above algorithm is?O(c1*n2) + O(c2*n) + O(c3). Since we take the higher order of growth in big O. So, our expression will be reduced to?O(n2).
A container is an object that stores a collection of elements (i.e. other objects). Each of these containers manages the storage space for their elements and provides access to each element through iterators or member functions. The container library provides standardized interface for member functions; these standardized interface allow containers to be used with STL algorithms.
The C++ containers library categorized as
Sequence Containers
In sequence containers, the position of an element depends on the time and place of the insertion, but it is independent of the value of the element. For example, if you put 5 elements into the a container by appending each element at the end of the actual collection, these elements are in the exact order in which you put them (Hence the name Sequence Containers). The STL contains three predefined sequence container classes:?vector,?deque, and?list.
The?std::vector?comes into play when array-like storage is needed, but with varying sizes. It uses memory from the heap to store objects and hence is a dynamic array. It enables random access, which means you can access each element directly with the corresponding index. Sequence containers are usually implemented as arrays or linked lists
Some Important pointers on?std::vector
Size and capacity of the container
size?is a the number of elements up to the highest-indexed one you have used; whereas?capacity?is the number of elements the vector can hold before reallocating.
The following example defines a vector for integer values, inserts six elements, and prints the elements of the vector:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>? // header for vector
int main()
? ? std::vector<int> vec; //vector container for integer elements
? ? // append elements with values 1 to 6
? ? for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i)
? ? {
? ? ? ? vec.push_back(i);
? ? }
? ? //print all elements followed by a space
? ? for (const auto &ele : vec)
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << ele << ' ';
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
NOTE:?STL containers provide only those special member functions that in general have good performance, where "good" normally means constant or logarithmic complexity. This prevents a programmer from calling a function that might cause bad performance.
Deque is an abbreviation for double ended queue. it is a dynamic array that is implemented so that it can grow in both directions.
Some Important pointers on?std::deque
It is important to note that,?deque?allocator allocates block of memory in a single allocation and hence frequent?push_back()?or?push_front()?has less memory allocation overhead compared to vector. In vector the memory is allocated in smaller chunks, hence frequent insertion of elements leads to frequent allocation of memory, slowing down the container.
The following general?deque?example declares a?deque?for floating-point values:
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
int main()
? ? std::deque<float> dq; //deque container for floating-point elements
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
? ? for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i)
? ? {
? ? ? ? dq.push_front(i * 2.2); //insert at the front
? ? }
? ? //print all elements followed by a space
? ? for (const auto &ele : dq)
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << ele << ' ';
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
A?list?is implemented as a doubly linked list of elements. This means each element in a list has its own segment of memory and refers to its predecessor and its successor.
Some Important pointers on?std::list
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
int main()
? ? // Create a list containing integers
? ? std::list<int> l = {17, 55, 16, 3};
? ? // Insert an integer before 16 by searching
? ? auto it = std::find(l.begin(), l.end(), 16);
? ? if (it != l.end())
? ? {
? ? ? ? l.insert(it, 77);
? ? }
? ? //print all elements followed by a space
? ? for (const auto &ele : l)
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << ele << ' ';
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
17 55 77 16 3
Associative containers
Associative container can be considered a special kind of sequence container because sorted collections are ordered according to a sorting criterion. The automatic sorting of elements in associative containers does not mean that those containers are especially designed for sorting elements. The key advantage of automatic sorting is better performance when you search elements. In particular, you can always use a binary search, which results in logarithmic complexity rather than linear complexity.
An associative container is a variable-sized container that supports efficient retrieval of elements (values) based on keys. It supports insertion and removal of elements, but differs from a sequence in that it does not provide a mechanism for inserting an element at a specific position. The STL contains four predefined associative container classes:?set,?multiset,?map,?multimap.
A set is a collection in which elements are sorted according to their own values. Each element may occur only once, thus duplicates are not allowed.
Some pointers on?std::set
NOTE:?lower_bound(st.begin(), st.end(), x)?will compile but is?O(n)?for?std::set
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
int main()
? ? std::set<int> st; //set container for int values
? ? /** insert elements in arbitrary order?
? ? ? ? *? value 1 gets inserted twice?
? ? ? ? */
? ? st.insert(8);
? ? st.insert(1);
? ? st.insert(5);
? ? st.insert(7);
? ? st.insert(1);
? ? st.insert(6);
? ? st.insert(11);
? ? // print all elements
? ? for (const auto &ele : st)
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << ele << ' ';
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
1 5 6 7 8 11
A multiset is the same as a set except that duplicates are allowed. Thus, a multiset may contain multiple elements that have the same value.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
int main()
? ? std::multiset<int> st; //multiset container for int values
? ? /** insert elements in arbitrary order?
? ? ? ? *? value 1 gets inserted twice?
? ? ? ? */
? ? st.insert(8);
? ? st.insert(1);
? ? st.insert(5);
? ? st.insert(7);
? ? st.insert(1);
? ? st.insert(6);
? ? st.insert(11);
? ? // print all elements
? ? for (const auto &ele : st)
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << ele << ' ';
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
// A multiset allows duplicates, so it would contain two elements that have value 1
1 1 5 6 7 8 11
A map contains elements that are key/value pairs. Each element has a key that is the basis for the sorting criterion and a value. Each key may occur only once, thus duplicate keys are not allowed. A map can also be used as an associative array, which is an array that has an arbitrary index type.
Some important pointers on?std::map
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
int main()
? ? std::map<int, std::string> mp; //set container for int/string values
? ? //insert some elements in arbitrary order
? ? // a value with key 1 gets inserted twice
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(5, "map"));?
? ? /**?
? ? ?*? The? elements are key/value pairs, so you must create such a pair to insert it into the
? ? ?*? collection. The auxiliary function make_pair() is provided for this purpose.
? ? ?*/
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(2, "is a"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(1, "sorted"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(4, "associative"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(6, "container"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(1, "key"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(3, "value"));
? ? // print key value pairs
? ? for (const auto &ele : mp)
? ? {
? ? ? ? /**
? ? ? ? ?* you must access the members of the pair structure, which are called first and second
? ? ? ? ?*/
? ? ? ? std::cout << ele.first << " : " << ele.second << std::endl;??
? ? }
1 : sorted
2 : is a
3 : value
4 : associative
5 : map
6 : container
multimap?differs from?map?in the same way as?multiset?differs from?set: multiple entries of elements with identical keys are possible.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
int main()
? ? std::multimap<int, std::string> mp; //set container for int/string values
? ? //insert some elements in arbitrary order
? ? // a value with key 1 gets inserted twice
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(5, "map"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(2, "is a"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(1, "sorted"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(4, "associative"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(6, "container"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(1, "key"));
? ? mp.insert(std::make_pair(3, "value"));
? ? // print key value pairs
? ? for (const auto &ele : mp)
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << ele.first << " : " << ele.second << std::endl;
? ? }
1 : sorted
1 : key
2 : is a
3 : value
4 : associative
5 : map
6 : container
Custom compare for associative containers
Container have a predefined comparison function, Sometimes we may want to supply alternative comparison function. The complete declaration for?std::set?is
template <class T, class Compare = less<T>, class Alloc = allocator<T> >?
class set;
we can provide our desired comparison function object for the template parameter.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
template <typename T>
int printContainer(T con)
? ? for (const auto &ele : con)
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << ele << ' ';
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
int main()
? ? auto comp = [](int a, int b)
? ? { return a > b; };
? ? std::initializer_list<int> lst{34, 45, 1, 77, 98, 15};
? ? std::set<int> st(lst);? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // default std::less<int>
? ? std::set<int, std::greater<int>> st1(lst);? ? // changed compare to std::greater<int>
? ? std::set<int, decltype(comp)> st2(lst, comp); // custom compare same as std::greater<int>
? ? std::cout << "With default std::less<int>: ";
? ? printContainer(st);
? ? std::cout << "With std::greater<int>: ";
? ? printContainer(st1);
? ? std::cout << "With custom compare comp: ";
? ? printContainer(st2);
? ? return EXIT_SUCCESS;
With default std::less<int>: 1 15 34 45 77 98?
With std::greater<int>: 98 77 45 34 15 1?
With custom compare comp: 98 77 45 34 15 1
Unordered associative containers
Binary search tree is not the only way of implementing associative containers. With hash tables, items can be found in?O(1)?time. The?size?of the hash table can be manipulated by the user, and the hash function can also be chosen individually, which is important, because the performance versus space consumption characteristics depend on that.
Some important pointers
struct hasher
? ? size_t operator()(std::pair<int, int> x) const
? ? {
? ? ? ? return x.first ^ x.second;
? ? }
int main()
? ? std::unordered_set<std::pair<int, int>, hasher> us;
? ? us.insert({5, 2});
? ? us.insert({6, 1});
? ? us.insert({1, 7});
? ? us.insert({4, 9});
? ? us.insert({0, 6});
? ? std::cout << us.bucket_size(6) << std::endl; // prints 2 becz there are 2 containers with hash code 6
? ? return EXIT_SUCCESS;??
Alternatively, you can implement a stronger hash function that produces different, unpredictable hashes for the same number across runs.
Adapter Containers
Container adapters are a special type of container class. They are not full container classes on their own, but wrappers around other container types (such as a vector, deque, or list). These container adapters encapsulate the underlying container type and limit the user interfaces accordingly.
A?stack?is a container which allows insertion, retrieving, and deletion only at one end (LIFO data structure). Objects inserted first are removed last. Any one of the sequence container could be used as a?stack, if those containers supports the following operation.
The?std::stack<T>?is a?stack?of?T?with a default implementation using a?deque.
int main()
? ? std::stack<int> s;
? ? s.push(10);
? ? s.push(20);
? ? s.push(30);
? ? s.push(40);
? ? s.push(50);
? ? std::cout << "Size: " << s.size() << std::endl;?
? ? std::cout << "Top: " << s.top() << std::endl;?
? ? std::cout << "Elements of stack: ";
? ? while(!s.empty())
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << s.top() << ' ';
? ? ? ? s.pop();
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
? ? return EXIT_SUCCESS;? ?
Size: 5
Top: 50
Elements of stack: 50 40 30 20 10
A queue allows you to insert objects at one end and to remove them from the opposite end (FIFO data structure). The objects at both ends of the queue can be read without being removed.
int main()
? ? std::queue<int> q;
? ? q.push(10);
? ? q.push(20);
? ? q.push(30);
? ? q.push(40);
? ? q.push(50);
? ? std::cout << "Size: " << q.size() << std::endl;?
? ? std::cout << "Front: " << q.front() << std::endl;?
? ? std::cout << "Back: " << q.back() << std::endl;?
? ? std::cout << "Elements of queue: ";
? ? while(!q.empty())
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << q.front() << ' ';
? ? ? ? q.pop();
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
? ? return EXIT_SUCCESS;? ?
Size: 5
Front: 10
Back: 50
Elements of queue: 10 20 30 40 50
A priority queue always returns the element with the highest priority. The priority criterion must be specified when creating the queue. In the simplest case, it is the greatest (or smallest) number in the queue. We can also write our own custom compare to describe the priority of an element in the queue (default compare is?std::less<int>).
int main()
? ? std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, std::greater<int>> pq;
? ? pq.push(10);
? ? pq.push(20);
? ? pq.push(30);
? ? pq.push(40);
? ? pq.push(50);
? ? std::cout << "Size: " << pq.size() << std::endl;
? ? std::cout << "Top: " << pq.top() << std::endl;
? ? std::cout << "Elements of queue: ";
? ? while (!pq.empty())
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << pq.top() << ' ';
? ? ? ? pq.pop();
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
? ? // using lambda to compare elements.
? ? auto compare = [](int a, int b)
? ? {
? ? ? ? return a < b;
? ? };
? ? std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, decltype(compare)> q(compare);
? ? for (int n : {1, 8, 5, 6, 3, 4, 0, 9, 7, 2})
? ? ? ? q.push(n);
? ? std::cout << "Elements of queue for custom compare: ";
? ? while (!q.empty())
? ? {
? ? ? ? std::cout << q.top() << ' ';
? ? ? ? q.pop();
? ? }
? ? std::cout << std::endl;
? ? return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Size: 5
Top: 10
Elements of queue: 10 20 30 40 50?
Elements of queue for custom compare: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Choose your containers wisely.
In some use cases the containers in STL are not a great fit, in that case we can write our own containers. With the implementation of some basic core interfaces we can use adaptor interface efficiently.