Plus Up, Inc.µÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Plus Up, Inc.

Plus Up, Inc.


Crownsville��Maryland 34 λ��ע��

Plus Up delivers innovative positive parenting solutions that are easy, effective, and fun for the whole family.


Parents often get stuck when trying to find solutions to challenges with their children��s behavior, especially ones that work for their specific family needs. Plus Up is committed to helping parents achieve a more peaceful home and connected family by incorporating proven positive parenting methods into high-tech solutions that are easy, effective and fun for the whole family. In 2018 Plus Up launched Goodtimer, an electronic educational toy backed by neuroscience that encourages children to form healthy habits using positivity, tangible incentives, and family participation. This patented product ensures everyone is on the same page, and parents can rely on the consistency and confidence that Goodtimer brings.

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