C++ little scam
Hi everyone,
This is my first article on this site, I hope you will enjoy it and don't blame me for lack of experience in posting. Everything has a beggining that why I was thinking about start posting...and what else can I post the first time then a basic thing in the security area.
I will show you a simple C++ virus, or scam (whatever you want to call it), that is very annoing once opened and requires a system reboot in order to stop it.
What is his scope is actually very simple to understand:
It basically create an infinite loop by running just one command that makes the computer to continuously produce a very annoying sound, and due to that infinite loop, the program cannot be closed.
Without further introduction, here is the code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for(long long i=1;i<=100;i--)
// very important when saving this program save it with extension .cpp and after getting its executable, you can troll whoever you want XD
Thank you for reading my article. I hope you enjoyed it!