C++ Language: Input & Output
In this article, we will explore how to take input and how to ouput things in C++ language. Input and output are one of the core operations in programming as they allow users to interact with the system by providing data and receiving results. Learning about them is therefore essential, especially for anyone new to learning programming.
The standard I/O library is responsible for handling input and opreations in C++ lanuage. To use it the header file iostream needs to be included in the program. It is a good practice to bring namespace into scope, if you need to frequently use the contents of a namespace. For input and output operations, "std'' (abbreviation for the standard) namespace is brought into scope, it has the members cout, cin, endl, etc.
Handling Output In C++
C++ language relies on cout object for handling output. To ouput something, you need to write cout << <the thing you want to output>; The insertion operator << inserts the data that follows it into the stream that comes before it. cout << "This is a sentence.";This is the simplest example of output in C++ language.
You can also include the variables in the output. In the example shown in the image, the value of variable age is part of the ouput. The output of the example will be as follows: Your age is: 25 years. The endl object is used to insert newline, if there was any more output in the program, after endl it will be shown on the next line. Alternatively you can use: "\n" for the same purpose.
Taking Input In C++
Now, lets see how the input operation works in C++ language. Say you want the user to input an integer in your program. Below is the syntax for taking input, it is the cin object followed by the extraction operator >> which is followed by the variable name in which you want to store the input.
cin >> <variable_name>;
In the above example, an integer variable i is declared, then user is prompted with Please enter an integer value: to enter an integer as input. Finally, the value of i is output on the screen: The value you entered is 5
Handling Multiple Inputs
You can take multiple inputs in a single statement. In the following the two integer variables a and b are taken as input from the user in a single statement. The sum of the variables is then output on the screen
getline() Function
getline() is a standard library function that is used to read a string or a line from an input stream. It is a part of the <string> library. The getline() function extracts characters from the input stream and appends it to the string object until the delimiting character is encountered. The cin object also allows input from the user, but not multi-word or multi-line input. That’s where the getline() function comes in handy.?
Best Practices for C++ I/O
Input and output are one of the fundamental operations for interacting with users and handling data efficiently. It is important to understand and learn about them.
Stay Motivated, Keep Experimenting, and Keep Learning
Happy Coding! ????
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