C# Keywords Tutorial Part 93: using

C# Keywords Tutorial Part 93: using

It is simpler for developers to build effective and efficient code thanks to the rich capabilities of the programming language C#. One such feature is the “using” keyword, which offers a convenient way to handle namespace declarations and object disposal in your code.

In this blog article, we’ll look more closely at how to construct code blocks and make namespace declarations simpler in C# by utilizing the “using” keyword.

Using the “using” keyword for code blocks

In C#, a code block can be defined via the “using” keyword. When you use the “using” keyword to define a code block, you are instructing the compiler to automatically get rid of the object or variable when the block is through running. To manage system resources and stop memory leaks, this might be helpful.

The “using” keyword with a code block has the following syntax:

using (var variable = new Object())
? ? // Code block

In the above example, we create a new object and assign it to a variable. We then use the “using” keyword to define the scope of the variable, and we put our code block inside the curly braces. When the code block finishes executing, the “using” keyword automatically disposes of the object, freeing up any resources that it was using.

Using the “using” keyword for namespaces

The “using” keyword can also be used to simplify namespace declarations in your code. When you use the “using” keyword to declare a namespace, you are telling the compiler that you want to use the types and members from that namespace without having to fully qualify them with their namespace name.

The syntax of the “using” keyword with a namespace is:

using System;        

In the above example, we use the “using” keyword to declare the System namespace. This allows us to use types and members from the System namespace without having to fully qualify them with their namespace name. For example, instead of writing “System.Console.WriteLine()”, we can simply write “Console.WriteLine()”.

You can also use the “using” keyword to declare multiple namespaces at once:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;        

In the above example, we use the “using” keyword to declare both the System and System.Collections.Generic namespaces. This allows us to use types and members from both namespaces without having to fully qualify them with their namespace name.


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