C# As A Functional Programming Language
Najeeb Shaikh
Founder: Omarax INC LLC, (Sharjah Media City) | DBA LaundryClerk | DBA: Middelium
{{ This is a re-published article: it first appeared on my personal blog in 2010. }}
If you have watched any of the videos on SICP recorded in MIT during the 1980s, you may already have a good idea of the intuitive way in which Lisp allows one to express the notion of program flow in a functional way. Recently, while viewing the lectures myself, I decided to implement some of the ideas as explained by Professor Sussman in the aforementioned video series. However, my language of choice is C#. As it turns out, C# does provide some very good facilities for expressing functional programs, and those of us from the C world should find it easier to relate to it without having to understand the unfamiliar parenthesized syntax that many perceive as one of the many quirks of Lisp, et al.
Read full article here: https://najeeb.pro/news/csharp-as-a-functional-programming-language/