?Cómo evaluar el compromiso sostenible de tus proveedores?
Agencia de marketing experiencial ? Events/Exhibitions/Congresses? Producción in-house? Servicio 360o
?Sabías que evaluar a tus proveedores no es una cuestión de calidad y precio? Cada vez más, las empresas están integrando criterios de sostenibilidad en sus procesos de selección. Y tiene todo el sentido del mundo: el impacto ambiental, social y ético de la cadena de suministro puede hacer una gran diferencia, tanto en tu reputación como en el éxito de tu negocio.
?Y por dónde empezar?
Evaluar la sostenibilidad de tus proveedores no tiene por qué ser complicado. Piensa en ello como una forma de asegurarte de que compartís los mismos valores y objetivos. Aquí van algunos aspectos clave para ayudarte a construir relaciones más sólidas y una evaluación más completa y valiosa:
1. El compromiso ambiental
Debemos ir más allá del reciclaje. No basta con que un proveedor te diga que "recicla" o que "intenta ser verde". Busca se?ales reales de su compromiso:
Por ejemplo, imagina que uno de tus proveedores está trabajando para reducir su impacto ambiental usando energía renovable en sus instalaciones, como paneles solares. Este tipo de iniciativas no solo hablan muy bien de su compromiso, sino que también te pueden sumar puntos a ti en tus propios objetivos de sostenibilidad. Es un win-win, ?no crees?
2. Aspectos sociales y laborales
Cuando un proveedor se preocupa por el bienestar de su equipo, esa misma atención tiene un impacto real y directo en cómo gestionan sus relaciones comerciales.
?Al final, todo influye en la calidad del servicio que te ofrecen a ti. A la hora es escoger a tu proveedor, piensa en aspectos como:
3. ética y responsabilidad
Aquí hablamos de temas como la transparencia y la integridad. Algunas preguntas que puedes plantearle a tus proveedores son:
4. Un enfoque práctico: cuestionarios de evaluación
Si quieres hacerlo bien, pero no sabes por dónde empezar, un buen truco es dise?ar un cuestionario sencillo para evaluar a tus proveedores. Puedes incluir preguntas como:
Esto no solo te ayuda a recopilar información clave, sino que también deja claro a tus proveedores que la sostenibilidad no es opcional para ti.
Puedes adscribir un punto a cada respuesta si esta es positiva? asegurándote de que cuenta con una evidencia para demostrar su veracidad. Como medida de control puedes establecer una puntuación mínima exigible que consideres para tus proveedores. Si tus proveedores no la alcanzan puedes dise?arles un plan de acción para ello y? darles un plazo de cumplimiento.
Para fomentar el alineamiento con la sostenibilidad puedes establecer ciertos acuerdos ventajosos para aquellos proveedores que se comprometan con tus estándares, ofreciéndoles ventajas adicionales si consiguen llegar a tus mínimos exigibles.
La importancia de unos valores alineados con los tuyos:
Al final, el éxito de cualquier relación, ya sea personal o profesional, depende de que ambas partes compartan una misma visión. Si el proveedor trabaja con transparencia y respeta ciertos estándares éticos, tendrás una base sólida para construir algo más que un simple acuerdo comercial.
Elegir proveedores no es solo un trámite, es una inversión en el futuro de tu negocio (y del planeta). Tómate el tiempo de hacer preguntas, analizar respuestas y, sobre todo, construir relaciones que realmente aporten valor. Y recuerda, la única manera de avanzar es cuestionar lo establecido.
How do you assess your suppliers' commitment to sustainability?
Did you know that evaluating your suppliers is not just about quality and price? More and more companies are incorporating sustainability criteria into their selection processes. And it makes sense: the environmental, social and ethical impact of your supply chain can make a big difference to both your reputation and your business success.
So where do you start?
Assessing the sustainability of your suppliers doesn′t have to be complicated. Think of it as a way of making sure you share the same values and goals. Here are some key points to help you build stronger relationships and a more complete and valuable assessment:
1. Environmental Commitment
We need to go beyond recycling. It is not enough for a supplier to tell you that they 'recycle' or 'try to be green'. Look for real evidence of their commitment:
·?????? Do they have a certified environmental management system? An ISO 14001, for example, not only sounds good, it shows they are serious about managing their environmental impact.
·?????? Do they measure and work to reduce their carbon footprint? You must have clear targets, KPIs and concrete actions.
·?????? What percentage of your energy comes from renewable sources? This tells you a lot about your priorities.
For example, imagine that one of your suppliers is working to reduce its environmental impact by using renewable energy in its facilities, such as solar panels. Not only does this kind of initiative speak volumes about their commitment, but it can also earn you points towards your own sustainability goals. It's a win-win situation, don't you think?
2. Social and labour aspects
When a supplier cares about the well-being of its team, that same care has a real and direct impact on how it manages its business relationships.
Ultimately, this will affect the quality of service they provide. When choosing your supplier, consider issues such as
·?????? Fair working conditions: How do they treat their employees; do they respect reasonable working hours and provide a safe environment for their employees?
·?????? Equality policies: Do they have an equality plan or promote diversity?
·?????? Human rights: Do they respect and promote human rights by preventing any form of forced or child labour?
·?????? Community involvement: Do they work with local initiatives or have a positive impact on their environment, do they care about its safety and development?
3. Ethics and accountability
This is about issues such as transparency and integrity. Some questions to ask your suppliers are
·?????? Do they have a code of conduct? This may include anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies.
·?????? Do they train their employees in business ethics? It's not just a detail, it's an indicator of how they run their business.
·?????? Do you have certifications like IQNet SR10 or SGE21? These accreditations reflect a serious commitment to social responsibility.
·?????? Do they follow ethical business practices such as transparency in their operations?
4. A practical approach: assessment questionnaires
If you want to get it right but don't know where to start, a good trick is to prepare a simple questionnaire to assess your suppliers. You can include questions such as
·?????? What are they doing to reduce their environmental impact?
·?????? How do they promote the well-being of their employees?
·?????? What percentage of their purchases come from local suppliers?
Not only will this help you gather important information, but it will also make it clear to your suppliers that sustainability is not optional for you.
You can award a point to each answer if it is positive, making sure that you have evidence to prove it is true. As a control measure, you can set a minimum score that you believe your suppliers should achieve. If your suppliers do not achieve this, you can set them an action plan and a deadline for compliance.
To encourage alignment with sustainability, you can offer suppliers who commit to your standards certain preferential arrangements, providing them with additional benefits if they meet your minimum standards.
The importance of aligning values with your own:
Ultimately, the success of any relationship, whether personal or professional, depends on both parties sharing the same vision. If the supplier is transparent and respects certain ethical standards, you have a solid foundation on which to build more than just a business agreement.
?Choosing suppliers is not just a formality, it is an investment in the future of your business (and the planet). Take the time to ask questions, analyze answers and, above all, build relationships that add real value. And remember, the only way forward is to challenge the status quo.
Director de Calidad y Sostenibilidad at IFEMA
1 个月Un tema muy importante
Director de eventos en Gaia+eventos
1 个月Gracias por compartirlo, muy completo, estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Un saludo.