Byl? nagrin?jimas karantino laikotarpiu
Ramūnas Audzevi?ius
Arbitration & litigation expert in the CIS & CEE, Partner at Motieka & Audzevicius
Teis?j? taryba ?m?si laikin? priemoni? d?l COVID-19:
- ?odinio proceso tvarka nagrin?jamose bylose teismo pos?d?ius organizuoti naudojant nuotolinio vaizdo priemones, o negalint tokiu būdu organizuoti byl? nagrin?jimo – atid?ti visu keturiolikos dien? laikotarpiu (iki 2020 m. kovo 29 d.) ?odinio proceso tvarka nagrin?ti paskirtus teismo pos?d?ius. Tai apims i? esm?s visus komercinius gin?us.
- ?odinio proceso tvarka pos?d?iai organizuojami tik esant būtinybei (d?l su?mimo skyrimo ir (ar) prat?simo, vaiko pa?mimo i? nesaugios aplinkos ir pan.). Tokiu atveju pagal galimybes turi būto u?tikrinta, kad tarp proceso dalyvi? ir kit? byloje dalyvaujan?i? asmen? būt? ne ma?esnis nei 2 metr? atstumas, o pos?dyje dalyvaut? tik būtini asmenys.
Teismai, reaguodami ? nurodymus, pasiūl? bylas nagrin?ti arba ra?ytinio proceso tvarka, arba teismo pos?d?ius atid?ti.
Did?ioji dalis teism? – apygardos teismai ir didesnieji apylinki? teismai turi technines galimybes nagrin?ti bylas naudojant nuotolinio vaizdo priemones. Tad karantinui u?sit?sus byl? nagrin?jimas ?odinio proceso tvarka persikels ? el. erdv?.
Klausimai, kurie sprend?iami ra?ytinio proceso tvarka, bus toliau efektyviai nagrin?jami, j? sprendimas nenusikels.
Pastaruosius penkerius metus ?alys procesinius dokumentus gali pateikti per teism? el. sistem? Taip klausimai, susij? su byl? nagrin?jimu apeliacine ir kasacine tvarka, taip pat laikin?j? apsaugos priemoni? nagrin?jimu, bus sprend?iami ?prasta tvarka.
Nors Teis?j? taryba rekomendacijas d?l ribojim? nustat? iki 2020 m. kovo 29 d., ta?iau jau ?iuo metu karantinas nustatytas iki kovo 30 d. ir ?adama j? prat?sti. Tad teism? darbas veikiausiai liks apribotas ilgesniam laikotarpiui.
Greta pakeitim? teism? darbe teisingumo ministras nurodys antstoliams, kurie yra atsakingi u? teism? sprendim? vykdym?, paslaugas teikti tik nuotoliniu būdu. Taigi norint pateikti teismo sprendim? vykdyti, reik?s tur?ti teismo sprendimo skaitmenin? kopij?.
Informuosime jus apie tolimesnius poky?ius, susijusius su komercini? gin?? sprendimu.
Notable implications on litigation during the quarantine period in Lithuania
The Judicial Council has taken the following provisional measures in connection with COVID-19:
- oral hearings are to be held online or, where impossible – to postpone the oral hearings for fourteen days (until 29th March 2020). This will cover all commercial disputes.
- physical oral hearings are to be organised only where imminent (for the purpose of granting and / or extending detention periods, taking a child out of an unsafe environment, etc.). In this case, as far as possible, a distance of at least 2 meters between the participants to the proceedings must be ensured and with only the indispensable persons present.
Responding to the instructions, the courts have proposed that cases be adjudicated either by written procedure or adjourned. The vast majority of courts have technical capability to handle cases using online video tools. As a result of the quarantine, the oral proceedings should be also held online.
Issues addressed by the written procedure will continue to be dealt with effectively; the decision should not be delayed.
Parties are able to submit procedural documents via website As such, matters related to appeal and cassation proceedings, as well as interim measures, should not be affected by the new regime. The restrictions will apply until 29 March 2020. However, the quarantine, already set until 30 March 2020, is likely to be extended.
As a result, the litigation is likely to remain affected by the provisional measures above for a longer period.
In addition to the changes in the court’s work, the Ministry of Justice will ask Judicial Officers who are responsible for the enforcement of the court judgments, to provide only online services. Therefore, in order to be able to file a court judgment or order for enforcement, its digital copy will be needed.
We will keep you updated on the developments related to commercial litigation.