Bye-Bye Burnout: Self-Care Strategies for Practitioners
'5 P's of Practitioner Self-Care' - see more on Instagram @positivepsychology_com

Bye-Bye Burnout: Self-Care Strategies for Practitioners

This week, we discuss creating effective self-care routines to prevent burnout and maintain emotional well-being.

  1. Food for Thought While deeply fulfilling, being a helping professional is also emotionally taxing. Helping people work through difficult issues can expose you to personal stressors and leave you vulnerable to lingering distress. To prevent burnout, create an intentional switch-off routine that signals the workday is over. This helps you avoid "taking your work home with you." The right routine for you could involve playing a certain song at the end of your work day, changing your shoes, meditating, or going to the gym. The most important thing is to make it easy to incorporate into your daily routine, so it becomes a habit that sticks. See this week's free tool (linked below) for more ideas on creating self-care routines.
  2. Inspiring Quote “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed
  3. Free Science-based Tool Therapist Self-Care. Need some inspiration for developing your self-care routine? This tool offers 20 strategies for helping professionals to build resilience and maintain their psychological wellness, many of which can be used in the workplace. [Link ]
  4. Book Recommendation Real Self-Care: A Transformative Program for Redefining Wellness — Pooja Lakshmin. Refreshingly absent of common superficial self-care tips, this book draws on clinical studies to focus on the internal process of effective long-term “real” self-care instead. Still, it's a practical book filled with actionable strategies that will appeal to practitioners and non-practitioners alike. [Link ]
  5. A Question For Your Clients “What is one small thing you can do today to get a need you've identified met, even just a little bit?”.?This question can help clients take immediate, proactive steps to deal with personal stressors and manage their emotional well-being. It's also a question you can reflect on as part of your own self-care practice.
  6. Free Infographic

'5 P's of Practitioner Self-Care' - see more on Instagram @positivepsychology_com

Thanks for reading. I'm curious, how do you prioritize self-care in your busy schedule?

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