BxD Primer Series: Support Vector Machine (SVM) Models
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Welcome to BxD Primer Series where we are covering topics such as Machine learning models, Neural Nets, GPT, Ensemble models, Hyper-automation in ‘one-post-one-topic’ format. Today’s post is on?Support Vector Machines. Let’s get started:
The What:
Support vector machines (SVMs) are supervised machine learning algorithms used for classification and regression problems. SVMs are widely used in various fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing due to their ability to handle high-dimensional data and achieve high accuracy.
SVMs separates data into two or more classes using a hyperplane. The goal of SVM is to find the hyperplane that?maximizes the margin between the data points of different classes. The margin is defined as the distance between the hyperplane and the closest data points of each class.
The Why:
There are several benefits of using SVMs as compared to other ML models:
- Effective for high-dimensional data: SVMs can handle high-dimensional data with ease, making them an effective choice for problems involving large numbers of features.
- Nonlinear classification: SVMs can handle nonlinear classification problems through the use of kernel functions, which map the data to a higher-dimensional space where it is easier to separate.
- Robust to outliers: SVMs are robust to outliers since they focus on the data points closest to the decision boundary, known as the support vectors.
- Efficient training: SVMs can be trained efficiently on large datasets, and the kernel trick allows for faster training without having to explicitly compute the higher-dimensional feature space.
- Flexibility in choosing different kernel functions: SVMs allow the user to choose from a variety of kernel functions, including linear, polynomial, radial basis function (RBF), and sigmoid kernels. This flexibility allows for the model to be adapted to different types of data and problem domains.
- Effective for imbalanced data: SVMs can be effective for imbalanced datasets, where the number of instances in each class is not equal. This is because SVMs focus on the data points closest to the decision boundary.
The Basics:
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)?is an important step in any machine learning project, but SVM models can be very wrong without EDA. Useful EDA techniques for SVM are:
- Visualize your data: Plot your data using scatter plots, histograms, or density plots to get a sense of data distribution. It will help you select kernel function while building model.
- Check for missing values: Identify any missing values in your data and decide how to handle them. SVMs can't handle missing data, so you'll need to either impute the missing values or remove them from your dataset.
- Scale your data: SVMs are sensitive to the scale of your data, so you'll need to normalize or standardize your features. Use methods such as z-score normalization, min-max scaling, or log scaling to scale your data appropriately.
- Check for multicollinearity: Identify any correlations between your features, as?SVMs perform better with independent features. You can use techniques like correlation matrices or VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) analysis to identify any multicollinearity issues.
- Align data assumptions: Check whether your data satisfies the assumptions of SVMs, such as linearity, separability, and convexity. If not, you may need to transform your data or try a different approach.
- Feature selection: Use techniques like feature importance scores or PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to identify which features are most important for your SVM model.
Choice of Kernel Function:
If you have already reduced the features and visualized the relationships, selecting a kernel function will be a easy. Otherwise, it is recommended to try different kernel functions and compare their performance on a validation set to select the best one.
- Linear kernel?generates a straight line to separate the classes. It is used with linearly separable and high-dimensional data.
- Polynomial kernel?generates a curved decision boundary. It is used with nonlinearly separable data with moderate complexity.
- RBF kernel?generates a more complex, nonlinear decision boundary, It is used for complex nonlinear decision boundaries, in models used for image classification, natural language processing, and bioinformatics.
- Sigmoid kernel?generates an S-shaped decision boundary. It is used when the input data has a moderate level of nonlinearity and a S-shaped decision boundary is appropriate, in applications such as face recognition and handwritten digit recognition.
- Laplacian kernel?generates a smoother decision boundary. It is used when the input data has a specific structure, such as time series or graphs. The Laplacian kernel can capture the local structure of the data and is often used in applications such as sensor networks, social networks, and web mining.
- ANOVA kernel?generates a highly complex decision boundary that may overfit the data. It is used when the input data has a high number of features and interactions between features are important.
- Inverse multiquadratic kernel?generates a smooth decision boundary that is less sensitive to outliers. The inverse multiquadratic kernel can smooth out the effect of outliers and is often used in regression and image processing applications.
Cost Function and Hyper-Parameters of SVMs:
SVM tries to optimize a margin-based cost function (called hinge-loss) that penalizes predictions that are incorrect or too close to the decision boundary.
Generic Cost Function in SVMs:
- n?is the number of data points
- y_i is the true label of the i’th training example. It can be +1 or -1.
- x_i is the feature vector of the i’th training example.
- w?is the weight vector that defines the decision boundary
- b?is the bias term that shifts the decision boundary
- alpha_i?&?alpha_j?are the Lagrange multipliers that control the contribution of each training example to the decision boundary
- K(xi, xj)?is the kernel function that measures the similarity between the feature vectors xi and xj,
- C and λ are hyper-parameters that control the trade-off between the slack penalty term and regularization term
? Hinge Loss term represents the degree to which a given training example is misclassified. If the product of the true class label and the predicted value is greater than or equal to 1, then the hinge loss is zero. Otherwise, it is the difference between 1 and the product of the true label and predicted value.
? Regularization term encourages the SVM to find a solution that maximizes the margin between the decision boundary and the closest data points. This term penalizes large weight values and encourages the SVM to find a solution with small weights that still correctly classifies the data.
? Kernel function computes the inner product between the feature vectors in the higher-dimensional feature space. This term allows us to work with non-linearly separable data by projecting the data into a higher-dimensional feature space where it is linearly separable.
As we can notice, cost function and Hyper-parameters used in SVMs depends on the kernel function of choice:
Linear Kernel?is defined as:
Polynomial Kernel?is defined as:
Where three new hyper-parameters are added,
- gamma?controls the width of the kernel
- r?is an optional kernel parameter that can be used to shift the decision boundary away from the origin
- d?is the degree of the polynomial.
RBF Kernel?is defined as:
Where one new hyper-parameter is added,
- gamma?controls the width of the kernel
Sigmoid Kernel?is defined as:
Where two new hyper-parameters are added,
- alpha?controls the width of the kernel
- c?is an optional kernel parameter that can be used to shift the decision boundary away from the origin
Laplacian Kernel?is defined as:
Where one new hyper-parameter is added,
- gamma?controls the width of the kernel
ANOVA Kernel?is defined as:
Where two new hyper-parameters are added,
- Q?is the degree of the polynomial expansion
- d?is the number of dimensions in the input data
Inverse Multiquadratic Kernel?is defined as:
Where two new hyper-parameters are added,
- gamma?controls the width of the kernel
- c?is an optional kernel parameter that can be used to shift the decision boundary away from the origin
Model parameters (weights and bias) optimization:
As we can notice, SVM cost function is a quadratic equation with multiple constraints. Such equations are called quadratic programming (QP) problems. Below are some most effective methods to minimize such cost functions:
- Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO): This is a popular algorithm for training SVMs. The SMO algorithm breaks the large QP problem into a series of smaller sub-problems, each of which can be solved analytically. This allows the algorithm to converge quickly and efficiently, even for large datasets. It can handle datasets with complex boundaries.
- Interior Point Method (IPM): This involves transforming the original problem into an unconstrained optimization problem using an interior-point method. The IPM approach can be more efficient than the standard QP algorithm for large-scale SVM problems.
- Active Set Method (ASM): This is an iterative algorithm that solves the QP problem by selecting a subset of the training examples that are most likely to be support vectors, and then solving the QP problem only for those examples. This can significantly reduce the computational cost of training SVMs, especially for datasets with a large number of training examples.
Model hyper-parameters tuning:
Hyper-parameter tuning is an important step in training a support vector machine (SVM) model, as it can significantly affect the performance of the model. Sometimes you might need to treat that kernel function also as hyper-parameter that need to be tuned/selected as per data. Here are steps to tuning the hyper-parameters of SVM:
- Define the search space: Start by defining a search space for the hyper-parameters that you need to tune.
- Choose a search strategy: There are three main strategies for searching the hyper-parameter space: grid search, random search, and Bayesian optimization. If your permutations of hyper-parameters are less, you can choose grid search.
- Evaluate the performance: After defining the search space and the search strategy, the next step is to evaluate the performance of the model for each set of hyperparameter values. This can be done using cross-validation, which involves splitting the data into several subsets and training the model on each subset while evaluating its performance on the remaining subset.
- Select the best hyper-parameters: Finally, select the set of hyper-parameters that result in the best performance on the validation set. This set of hyper-parameters can then be used to train the final model on the entire dataset.
The Why Not:
Some reasons why you might not want to use SVMs as a model of choice:
- Sensitivity to kernel function and hyper-parameter tuning: The performance of SVMs is highly dependent on the choice of kernel function and the hyper-parameters used for regularization and kernel parameterization. Choosing the wrong kernel function or hyper-parameters can lead to poor performance, and hyper-parameter tuning can be time-consuming and computationally expensive.
- High memory requirements during prediction: While SVMs are memory efficient during training, they can be memory-intensive during prediction. The size of the model grows significantly with the number of support vectors, which is a concern when deploying the model in resource-constrained environments.
- Inability to handle missing values: SVMs require complete datasets with no missing values. In cases where the dataset has missing values, imputation techniques or other algorithms like decision trees or random forests can be used instead.
- Limited interpretability: While SVMs provide a clear geometric interpretation of the decision boundary, they may not be as interpretable as other algorithms like decision trees, which provide a more intuitive representation of the decision-making process.
- Lack of probabilistic outputs: SVMs do not provide direct probabilistic outputs, unlike some other models such as logistic regression or decision trees. Instead, SVMs produce a binary decision boundary that separates the data into different classes.
Time for you to help in return:
In next coming posts, we will be covering two more supervised classification models - Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbours. Then we will move to unsupervised learning models used for clustering.
Let us know your feedback!
Until then,
Enjoy life in full ??