BxD Primer Series: Mean-Shift Clustering Models
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Welcome to BxD Primer Series where we are covering topics such as Machine learning models, Neural Nets, GPT, Ensemble models, Hyper-automation in ‘one-post-one-topic’ format. Today’s post is on?Mean-Shift Clustering Models. Let’s get started:
The What:
Mean-shift clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm that is used to cluster data points based on their similarity. The algorithm starts with an initial estimate of the cluster centers and iteratively updates the estimates until they converge to the true cluster centers.
At each iteration, the algorithm computes the mean shift vector for each data point, which points in the direction of the local mean of the data points within a specified bandwidth. The estimates of the cluster centers are then updated by shifting them towards the direction of the mean shift vector.
The algorithm repeats this process until the estimates of the cluster centers converge. Finally, each data point is assigned to the cluster with the nearest center.
The Why:
Reasons to choose Mean-Shift clustering models:
- Mean-shift clustering is capable of finding clusters with arbitrary shapes and sizes, unlike some other clustering algorithms that assume spherical or convex clusters.
- It does not require the number of clusters to be specified in advance.
- It is relatively simple and intuitive algorithmic, which makes it easy to understand and implement.
- It has been shown to perform well on a variety of datasets, including image segmentation, object tracking, and social network analysis.
The Why Not:
Reasons to not choose Mean-Shift clustering models:
- Performance of mean-shift clustering is highly sensitive to choice of kernel bandwidth. If the bandwidth is too small, algorithm may overfit the data and identify too many small clusters. If the bandwidth is too large, algorithm may merge distinct clusters into a single one.
- The algorithm can be computationally expensive for large datasets or high-dimensional data, as it requires computing the mean shift vector for each data point at each iteration. This can lead to scalability issues.
- Mean-shift clustering can be sensitive to noise and outliers in the data, as these points can distort the local density estimates and lead to spurious cluster centers.
- Mean-shift clustering can converge to suboptimal solutions, especially if the initial estimate of the cluster centers is poor or if the data contains multiple modes with similar densities.
The How:
A step-by-step walkthrough of the mean-shift clustering algorithm:
Step 1: Initialize the cluster centers: The algorithm starts by selecting an initial set of cluster centers, say k centers. These can be randomly selected or obtained from other clustering algorithms.
Step 2: Assign the data points to the cluster?with nearest estimate of the cluster center.
Step 3: Define a kernel function: A kernel function is used to determine the influence of each data point on the cluster centers. A common choice is the Gaussian kernel function. Other common choices are discussed in later section.
Step 4: Set the bandwidth: The bandwidth is a parameter that controls the size of the region around each cluster center. It can be set using a heuristic or using cross-validation.
Step 5: Compute the mean shift vector: For each data point, the algorithm computes the mean shift vector, which points in the direction of the local mean of the data points within the specified bandwidth. This is done by calculating the weighted average of the data points within the bandwidth, using the kernel function to assign weights to each data point.
Where, n is the total number of data points, h is the bandwidth, and K is the kernel function.
Step 6: Update the cluster centers: For all m points belonging to cluster C_j, compute the average of their mean shift vectors to obtain a single mean shift vector for the cluster C_j:
Update the estimate of the cluster center C_j using averaged mean-shift vector:
Step 7: Check for convergence: Compare the current estimate of each cluster center to the previous estimate. If the difference is less than a certain threshold, the algorithm is considered to have converged.
Step 8: Repeat steps 4-6?until the estimates of the cluster centers converge.
Step 9: Assign data points to clusters: Once the estimates of the cluster centers have converged, each data point is assigned to the cluster with the nearest center.
Parameters that affect Mean-Shift algorithm:
The parameters of an algorithm are not learned from data, but are set by the user before the algorithm is run. Below are parameters for Mean-Shift that affect performance of model:
- Bandwidth: It determines the size of the region around each cluster center. It controls the range of influence of each data point on the mean shift vector calculation. A smaller bandwidth results in more detailed and irregular clusters, while a larger bandwidth results in smoother clusters.
- Kernel function: It determines the weight or influence of each data point on the mean shift vector calculation. Discussed more in next section.
- Convergence threshold: It is the threshold for stopping mean shift iterations. Once the mean shift vector for each data point falls below the convergence threshold, the algorithm stops. A smaller threshold results in more precise clusters but requires more computation.
- Maximum number of iterations: If the algorithm does not converge before reaching the maximum number of iterations, it stops. A larger maximum number of iterations allows the algorithm to find more precise clusters but requires more computation.
- Seed point selection: The initial cluster centers can be randomly selected from the data points, or they can be determined using a separate algorithm such as k-means clustering.
Selecting Kernel Function:
The kernel function determines the weight or influence of each data point on the mean shift vector calculation. Most commonly used kernel functions are:
Gaussian Kernel: It is a good choice when data that is distributed normally. It assigns higher weights to data points that are closer to the cluster center and lower weights to data points that are farther away.
Where, x is the distance between the data point and the cluster center, and sigma is the bandwidth hyper-parameter.
Epanechnikov Kernel: It is a good choice when data that is distributed uniformly. It assigns higher weights to data points that are within a certain distance from the cluster center, which helps to identify regions of high density in the data.
Triangular Kernel: It is a good choice when data is distributed in a triangular distribution or is distributed uniformly but has a sharp cutoff in the density.
Cosine Kernel: It is a good choice when data is distributed uniformly or the density of the data?varies slowly?across the feature space.
Evaluating Clusters:
Eventually, you will need to accept/reject the clustering results. Certain methods can be used to judge quality of cluster. We have covered their formula and implications in another edition (check?here). Brief below:
- Silhouette Coefficient?measures the compactness and separation of clusters. It is useful when the data is well-separated and the clusters have similar sizes.
- Davies-Bouldin Index?measures the similarity between clusters and the distance between their centroids. It is useful when the clusters have different sizes and densities.
- Calinski-Harabasz Index?measures the ratio of the between-cluster variance to the within-cluster variance. It is useful when the clusters are well-separated and have similar sizes.
Sometimes, the best way to judge the quality of clusters is to simply visualize them and see if they make sense in the context of data and problem being solved. This can be done using scatter plots, heat maps, or other visualization techniques.
Time for you to support:
In next coming posts, we will be covering one more types of clustering model - Fuzzy C-Means.
Post that, we will start with pattern search models such as ECLAT, Apriori, FP-Growth.
Let us know your feedback!
Until then,
Have a great time! ??
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