BxD Primer Series: ECLAT Pattern Search Algorithm
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Welcome to BxD Primer Series where we are covering topics such as Machine learning models, Neural Nets, GPT, Ensemble models, Hyper-automation in ‘one-post-one-topic’ format. Today’s post is on?ECLAT Pattern Search Models. Let’s get started:
Introduction to Pattern Search:
Pattern search or recognition is the process of identifying recurring patterns or regularities in data. Pattern search is particularly valuable in fields where data is abundant but difficult to analyze manually, such as in image, video, text, speech and transactions data.
It is a broad field that encompasses a range of techniques and applications, and can be applied to both structured and unstructured data using both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. But in a stricter sense, it refers to?pattern mining in transactional databases.
In our series on pattern search, we will cover three models: ECLAT, Apriori, and FP-Growth which all are unsupervised learning techniques used in pattern mining in transactional databases, like:
- Banking: Managing customer accounts, processing transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, and transfers, and tracking credit card transactions.
- E-commerce: Managing product catalogues, processing orders, and tracking shipping and delivery information.
- Healthcare: Managing patient records, tracking medical procedures, and processing insurance claims.
- Inventory management: Tracking inventory levels, managing purchase orders, and processing sales orders.
- Supply chain management: Tracking orders, managing inventory levels, and processing shipping and delivery information.
- Telecommunications: Managing customer accounts, tracking call details and billing information, and processing payments.
- Online booking systems: Managing reservations, processing payments, and tracking availability of resources such as hotel rooms, flights, and rental cars.
- Government: Managing citizen records, processing tax payments, and tracking public services such as transportation and utilities.
- Transportation: Managing scheduling and routing information, processing payments and fares, and tracking maintenance and repairs.
Starting with ECLAT Today.
The What:
ECLAT is a powerful data mining algorithm that can help uncover hidden patterns and relationships in large transactional datasets. It is specifically designed for mining?frequent itemsets and identifying association rules between them.
ECLAT can efficiently handle large datasets. It can handle various types of data, such as binary, nominal, and numeric, which can be useful in different domains. It can also handle missing values and noisy data, which are common in real-world datasets.
In transactions database, it identifies groups of items that frequently occurs together, called ‘frequent itemsets’. Once it has identified these frequent itemsets, ECLAT looks for relationships between them, called ‘association rules’.
ECLAT uses a systematic process to identify these frequent itemsets and association rules, by counting the occurrences of items in transactions and looking for patterns in the data.
The Where:
The ECLAT algorithm is commonly used in example cases as below:
- Recommendation Systems: An online store may use ECLAT to identify frequently co-occurring items in transactional data. For example, customers who purchase bread also frequently purchase peanut butter and jelly, which could lead them to place these items together to encourage customers to purchase all three items together.
- Fraud Detection: A bank may use ECLAT to identify patterns of fraudulent behavior in financial transaction data. For example, a large number of fraudulent transactions occur when customers make transactions from multiple geographies within a short time period.
- Infrastructure Usage: ECLAT can be used to analyze data related to public transportation to optimize routes and schedules. For example, a city government can use ECLAT to identify patterns in the frequency and timing of bus or train usage, which can help them to optimize schedules and routes.
The How:
ECLAT(Equivalence Class Clustering and Bottom-Up Lattice Traversal) is a depth-first, branch-and-bound search algorithm that uses a vertical data layout to find frequent itemsets in a transactional database.
Lots of terminology! Let’s dig deep:
Item: A word that occurs in transaction data.
Itemset: Co-occurrence of items.
Lattice: A tree like structure where each node represents an itemset, and each edge represents a relationship between itemsets. The lattice structure in ECLAT represents all possible itemsets.
Bottom-Up: The lattice is constructed using a bottom-up approach, starting with frequent?individual items?and gradually building up to frequent and?larger itemsets.
Equivalence Class Clustering: Used to efficiently group together itemsets that have the?same prefix.
Depth-first: A search strategy to traverse the lattice structure in order to discover frequent itemsets. In contrast to breadth-first strategy, which explores all the nodes at the same level before moving on to the next level, the depth-first strategy?explores as far as possible along each branch?before backtracking.
By focusing on one frequent item at a time and exploring all possible extensions of that item before moving on to the next item, the algorithm can quickly identify all frequent itemsets without generating unnecessary candidate itemsets.
Branch-and-Bound:?Refers to the use of a?minimum support threshold?to prune the search space. If an itemset does not meet the minimum support threshold, the algorithm "bounds" the search and eliminates the itemset and all its descendants/branches from consideration.
Vertical Data Layout: Refers to the representation, where each row corresponds to an item and each column corresponds to a transaction. This is in contrast to the horizontal data layout, where each row corresponds to a transaction and each column corresponds to an item in the itemset.
Vertical layout is more memory-efficient than the horizontal layout, which can become very large when dealing with sparse datasets. Additionally, the vertical layout allows for efficient?counting of the support?of each itemset, since all the transactions containing a given item can be easily located in the same row of the database.
Now, here is how ECLAT Algorithm finds “frequent itemsets†and “association rulesâ€:
- Convert the input dataset to a vertical format: ECLAT algorithm uses a vertical format for the dataset, which means that in a list of items each transaction that contains that item is stored, instead of transaction list storing items. This can be done by scanning the dataset once and creating a dictionary of items and the transactions in which they appear.
- Sort the items by descending frequency: This helps in pruning the search space by focusing on the most frequent items first.
- Create an initial prefix tree: The root node of the tree represents an empty set, and each child node represents a single item. Each node also stores a list of transactions that contain the item represented by the node.
- Find frequent itemsets using depth-first search: Starting from the most frequent item, the algorithm uses depth-first search to recursively explore the prefix tree and generate frequent itemsets. At each node, the algorithm checks the support of the itemset represented by the current path (prefix + child item), and if it meets the minimum support threshold, the itemset is added to the frequent itemsets list.
- Generate association rules from frequent itemsets: For each frequent itemset, the algorithm generates all possible subsets and calculates their confidence. If the confidence of an association rule is greater than or equal to the minimum confidence threshold, the rule is added to the list of association rules.
- Return the frequent itemsets and association rules: The algorithm returns the list of frequent itemsets and the list of association rules.
The eventual output of the ECLAT algorithm is a list of frequent itemsets and their corresponding support values, as well as a list of association rules and their corresponding confidence values.
Selecting Minimum Support and Confidence Thresholds:
Minimum Support and Confidence Thresholds are numbers between 0 and 1, usually expressed as percentage. They are decided using both visual and qualitative approaches.
Qualitative Considerations:
- Coverage vs relevance: A higher support threshold will capture fewer itemsets, but they are likely to be more relevant and useful, while a lower support threshold will capture more itemsets and provide broader coverage, but may also result in many irrelevant or uninteresting itemsets.
- Data sparsity: If dataset is very sparse, a lower support threshold will be required, while a higher threshold may be appropriate for dense datasets.
- Computation time: Lower thresholds will generate more frequent itemsets and association rules, leading to longer computation times. Reverse for higher thresholds.
- Noise and outliers: Lower support and confidence thresholds may lead to the discovery of patterns that are not relevant or meaningful, but instead reflect noise or outliers in the dataset. Higher thresholds may be used to?avoid such false discoveries.
- Risk tolerance: A higher threshold will be chosen to reduce the risk of generating false positives or missing important patterns.
Visual Approach (Support-confidence plot):
Support-confidence plot shows the distribution of associations based on their support and confidence values, and can be used to identify a threshold that balances coverage and relevance.
- For each association rule generated by the ECLAT algorithm, plot the support values on the x-axis and the confidence values on the y-axis.
- Identify the regions of plot that contains the most interesting or relevant associations, based on the specific requirements.
A large number of associations in “high support and high confidence†may indicate that the minimum confidence threshold is too high, and that some of the potentially interesting patterns are being missed. Similarly, based on relative volumes, threshold decisions can be made.
Additionally, before accepting associations, run a significance test to establish that the associations are not merely a coincidence.
The Why:
Here are some reasons to consider using ECLAT algorithm:
- Fast and scalable: It can handle large datasets with millions of transactions and thousands of items.
- Memory efficient: It uses a vertical data layout, which is more memory efficient than horizontal layouts used by other algorithms.
- Flexible and extensible: It is designed to be easily modified and extended to support various data types, item constraints, and interestingness measures.
- Efficiently computes support counts: It can efficiently compute support counts of candidate itemsets, leading to faster processing times.
- Can be parallelized and distributed: It can be parallelized and distributed to run on multiple processors, which can significantly reduce processing times.
The Why Not:
Here is a reason to not consider using ECLAT algorithm:
- Only discovers positive association rules: Positive association rules only indicate the co-occurrence of items in transactions. It does not discover negative association rules, which indicate the absence or exclusion of items in transactions. Negative association rules can be useful for detecting anomalies, conflicts, or complementary patterns in the data.
Time for you to support:
In next coming posts, we will cover two more pattern search models: Apriori, FP-Growth.
Post that, we will start with dimensionality reduction models such as PCA, LSA, SVD, LDA, t-SNE.
Let us know your feedback!
Until then,
Have a great time! ??