The buzzer is an electronic buzzer with an integrated structure/‘’FM", "ZZG", "LB", "JD
Akia Au Yeung
Independent distributor of electronic components -- [email protected] -- Skype 15889697373 -- Applied to aerospace and defense, communications, enterprise,healthcare technology,new energy,industrial and capital equipment.
The buzzer is an electronic buzzer with an integrated structure. It is powered by DC voltage and is widely used as a sounding device in electronic products such as computers, printers, copiers, alarms, electronic toys, automotive electronic equipment, telephones, timers, etc. . Buzzers are mainly divided into two types: piezoelectric buzzer and electromagnetic buzzer. The buzzer is represented by the letter "H" or "HA" in the circuit (the old standard used "FM", "ZZG", "LB", "JD", etc.).