Buying ‘eco’ welfare? Here’s 9 important questions you should ask any potential supplier…
Boss Cabins Ltd
Design and manufacture of mobile and static welfare cabins, portable toilets, secure storage, charging units.
The welfare industry is undergoing a massive change with end users and hire companies increasingly demanding ‘green’ welfare solutions that reduce emissions, minimise fuel use and cut service visits to site. With a wide range of products claiming to be ‘eco’, it can be hard to work out which ones really produce verifiable significant results that will make a real difference to your carbon footprint and cost base.?
For the past two years, Boss Cabins has been leading the way in sustainable welfare with its patented solar-powered rain-harvesting Deep Green range of mobile, static welfare and portable toilets, and now has launched an industry-first completely generator-free towable welfare range – the patent-pending Deep Green GenFree.
With over 500 cabins in the field, we have a wealth of data backing up all our Deep Green claims, giving our customers the confidence that the products they buy from us will do exactly what they say on the tin.
To ensure your ‘eco’ welfare lives up to the claims made for it, we would suggest asking your potential welfare provider the following questions before signing on the dotted line…
1.????Does the supplier have a significant sized proven fleet of their supposed ‘eco’ offering?
Boss Cabins has over 500 Deep Green cabins out in the field. Their performance is being constantly monitored and we have many months of historical data showing their energy consumption, energy production sources, fuel consumption and other key performance indicators.
2.????Is long term data available to support the cost saving claims made by your intended supplier?
As mentioned above, Boss Cabins has full sets of data to prove how much fuel Deep Green cabins are using and have used on site. For any given cabin, we can show how many litres of fuel and associated CO2 emissions were saved by replacing a typical ‘eco’ or standard cabin with one of our Deep Green models.
3.????Can the seller confirm that their offering does not infringe 3rd party patents?
Boss Cabins has worked hard to protect the research and development investment made into this new generation of sustainable welfare products with both granted and pending patents. Meaning it is impossible for our competitors to replicate our Deep Green products and our results.
4.????Has the supplier perfected their systems to a point whereby they can do away with a diesel generator?
After witnessing the impressive and consistent solar performance of our standard Deep Green range, we knew we had the winning formula to take our cabins’ solar capabilities even further. We are now the first manufacturer in the industry to launch a totally generator-free range of towable welfare cabins – Deep Green GenFree.
5.????Has robust independent third-party testing been undertaken to verify the ‘eco’ claims being made by the seller?
We are aware how hard it is to believe the claims made by some manufacturers about their ‘eco’ products so we went to independent industry experts Carbon Footprint Ltd. whose In-Use Energy Assessment verified the carbon and fuel savings achieved by our flagship Deep Green 2030 welfare unit.
6.????Is the seller confident enough with their technology to offer extended free Warranties on the cabin’s major components?
So confident are we in our product, that Boss Cabins is happy to offer extended warranties on multiple elements of the Deep Green welfare range: the SOLARTrack?? electrical system is covered by an unprecedented 5 Year Warranty; RedBox Infinity?? generator engine and alternator are covered by a 5 Year Warranty; lithium ion batteries covered by a 3 Year Warranty; stainless steel build covered by a 25 Year Anti-Corrosion Warranty.
7.????Has your manufacturer thought about how to avoid emission and cost generating visits to welfare cabins on site to service toilets and supply water?
Toilet service visits to Deep Green cabins are kept to a bare minimum by using patented rainwater capture and grey water recycling technology, micro-flush toilets and waterless urinals, combined with the largest waste collection tanks available in welfare units.
8.????How often does the generator on your manufacturer’s welfare cabin need servicing?
Deep Green cabins are fitted with our patented Infinity generator which only needs servicing once every 2000 operating hours as opposed to the industry standard of 200-250 hours. Combined with the ultra-low generator runtime on a Deep Green, this can mean the generator on a 12ft cabin might not need servicing for 35 years!
9.????In short, can your supplier guarantee they are supplying a future proof unit that minimises operational costs and diesel consumption and provides users with the maximum achievable carbon saving?
We at Boss Cabins can confidently answer ‘Yes’ to all the above questions … Can your welfare supplier honestly say the same?
If you would like a downloadable checklist of these questions, just click here. Or for more information or to arrange and demo or trial of any of our Deep Green range of welfare, please give us a call on 01778 300475, email [email protected] or visit our website