As a buyer, How to distinguish your supplier is a real factory, a fake factory or a trading company?

As a buyer, How to distinguish your supplier is a real factory, a fake factory or a trading company?

Some friends told me they wanna purchase goods from factories but they always met trade companies. They feel that it is difficult for them to find a real factory to cooperate. I used to work in a trade company, but now I am working in a factory. I have some experience in distinguishing between a real and a fake factories. Now I summarize the following points:

First, products are specific and single-minded.

For example, if he sells computer bags, the products in his factory are computer bag backpacks, we can determine that it is a real factory. If his company products are a speaker, a charger, a keyboard, a lot of other products and its category is very complicated, then it must be a trade company.

Second, price comparison.

The prices of physical manufacturers must be lower than those of traders

Third, quotation speed.

Manufacturers quote very quickly because they are familiar with their products and well know their costs. The pseudo-factories are unfamiliar with that parts and they have to ask the source manufacturer for a quote, which will lengthen the quotation time.

Fourth, quality Assurance.

The after-sales service of the physical manufacturers is guaranteed, it can be promised to be replaced, refunded or a warranty of several years.

Fifth, field inspection.

Trading companies will prevent customers to visit the workshop for various reasons, and the physical factory will expect customers to visit their workshops for getting more chance to cooperate.

Sixth, the most important point is visiting factories. 

When you are visiting a factory, and the trade tell you it is his or her factory. Try to ask the contact number or wechat number of the workers in workshop and contact them, then you will find out whether your supplier is a real factory.

If you are looking forward to purchasing carton waste stripper, paper waste tool, please feel free to contact me or visit our website: , we have pneumatic waste strippers and electric waste strippers for your reference. By the way, we are the real factory.

Published by May Lin


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