Buy Term Term Term !!! Avoid losing control !!!
Randy E. Hoffman
AMERICA'S Premier source for ALL forms of INNOVATIVE life insurance issued correctly! Over 3.5 million answer views on Quora.
I beg, plead, pray and constantly preach " BUY TERM " !!! DO NOT let the insurance company control the numbers, and then I see stuff like this. Unless there is no other choice, run from Whole, any type of Universal or so called "Permanent plans ". They are sold for the insurer's benefit, NEVER YOURS !!!
Transamerica Life Insurance Co. has been sued for raising the cost of insurance on some universal life insurance contracts, an action plaintiffs allege constitutes a breach of obligations under the policies and has led to damages against contract holders.
The class-action suit, Feller et al v. Transamerica Life Insurance Co., comes as insurance companies have struggled under the burden created by persistently low interest rates, which make it more difficult for insurers to pay out claims on contracts with generous provisions inked during times of higher rates.
Last year, AXA Equitable Life Insurance Co. and Voya Financial also upped costs on some in-force universal life insurance, which is a type of cash-value life insurance.
“There have been a steady number of these [cost of insurance] lawsuits over the past seven or eight years, with mixed results,” according to Phillip Stano, a partner at law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan and a defense attorney representing insurance companies. “There's no one-size-fits-all, but certainly the interest-rate environment is a factor, in many but not necessarily all cases.”