The Buy / Sell Window
The Sell Window With an improving economic outlook, many small business owners are thinking of hanging out the For Sale sign. Having weathered the recession, you may want to get out while the getting is good! Professionals like Katie Milton Jordan can get a formal Business Valuation completed by a certified Business Analyst – easing concerns about getting a true financial picture for quality decision-making purposes. This report is useful even with internal partner buyouts, divorce buyouts or family-member buyouts.
The Buy Window With a 3-5 year review of the books of a business you may be considering buying, you will likely see a happy survival of the recessionary downtimes and the recovery of a positive financial outlook. Though our expansion is “long in the tooth” as we look to 2020, a sustainable business is a wealth builder like no other! Professionals like Merri Cronk can match you up with a suitable turn-key national franchise business.
The Coaching Window Are you thinking now is the right time to Buy or Sell a business? A coach can steer you in the right direction by asking the right questions! If your business is not quite “Ready for Primetime” a coach can get you and your business ready too. Consider our Partners in Profit program that brings a management team into your business to re-align it for a successful sale. Need to consider all your options? Well, there’s coaching for that!