Buy One Get One For a Friend in Need for FREE

Buy One Get One For a Friend in Need for FREE

Our mission is to help connect people through meaningful giftware, and to make people feel special.

We know there is a lot of suffering in our communities right now, not only for you but also for many of your loved ones. First we take care of ourselves, then we have the strength to help others. This is why we have decided to make this offer: Every time you buy a Minikin Lantern for yourself, we will offer you a FREE MINIKIN lantern for a friend in need.

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Gratitude is the expression of thankfulness for all that life brings. It is represented in the symbolic pose of the lotus flower when it spreads its petals in a show of appreciation for the gift of life. Gratitude enables one to slow down in a busy world and feel a real connection with others and one's inner being. It engenders positive emotions and a sense that life's challenges are surmountable and opportunities are infinite.

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Our Mindfulness Minikin? Lanterns are a true gift with meaning. Practicing mindfulness is the perfect way to develop empathy and connectedness with the world that surrounds us. By observing, in a non-judgemental way, the thoughts that come and go during meditation, a sense of purpose, clarity and contentment will grow. Light a Mindfulness Minikin? Lantern and learn how living in the present moment can enhance your understanding of life's enigmas.

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The Hamsa is a palm-shaped amulet symbolising the hand of God. It’s used to ward off the evil eye or as a good luck charm to bring good health and happiness to its owner.

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In many cultures, elephants are revered for their wisdom. During seasonal migrations, elephants are guided by their wisdom and connection to the earth. From wisdom comes an understanding of the delicate balance between the needs of humanity and the sustainability of the environment.

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The energies of love and compassion touch all of life and the universe creating a connectedness that enables one to feel part of the whole. Rooted in the heart Chakra, the expression of loving kindness and compassion will inspire others to reciprocate the same feelings. The power of unconditional love has, since ancient times, been considered the supreme healer, restoring the energies of self-love, kindness and generosity.

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The Flower of Life is the ancient symbol of Sacred Geometry that represents the pattern of creation. Revered in most ancient cultures and spiritual practices, it depicts the inner-connectedness of all forms of life. It is believed to be a way of achieving peace, balance and enlightenment.

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