LowVisionRehab.com is For Sale
Patrick (PJ) Fischer
28 years helping persons blind, low vision and visually impaired. | Francis Cache' Brand Builder | CEO - Accessibility dot Net, Inc. | Low Vision Rehab | Founder - Technology Airtime
June 3, 2021, Fischer Publishing has listed Low Vision Rehab for sale with all proceeds going to the Braille Mission which is dedicated to helping children who are blind. The Goal of the Braille Mission is to get more people certified as Braille transcribers in literacy, math and music, and to help purchase braille displays for blind children.
Fischer Publishing is part of Accesibility dot Net, Inc. which was founded in 1997 to help all people living in the United States that have low vision. The Accesibility dot Net, Inc. Team created the website and free service - Low Vision Rehab, which resides on the World Wide Web at https://lowvisionrehab.com/.
Here is the 3-Point List of what Low Vision Rehab provides today that can help every person with low vision, living in every county in the United States, find their local resources.
- Low Vision Rehab lists America’s Vision Rehab Medical Centers that can help every US citizen living in every county in the United States.
- Low Vision Rehab is the hub that allows every US Veteran to find their local Visually Impaired Support Team no matter what county they live in.
- Low Vision Rehab is America’s hub providing links to every State agency that serves the blind and visually impaired, which serves every US citizen living in every county in the United States.
For further information on purchasing LowVisionRehab.com, please contact Fischer Publishing at https://fischerpublishing.com/contact-us