Buy-Down Strategies in Real Estate: A Detailed Look at Costs and Savings
Luiz Cordolino, P.G.
Realtor Investment Advisor, CMA analysis, financial modeling, feasibility studies, and as Professional Geoscientist carries on Seismic Data Processing QC.
One way to combat high mortgage interest rates is through a Buy-Down program, which can better align with your short and long-term real estate goals. Discussing this option with a Realtor and Loan Officer several months before beginning your property search is a strategic move that can lead to significant savings.
Buy-Down in Real Estate
In real estate, a buy-down refers to a financing strategy where the interest rate on a mortgage is reduced for either a temporary or permanent period. This is achieved by paying an upfront fee known as discount points. Buy-downs can make home ownership more affordable by lowering monthly mortgage payments, especially in the early years of the loan.
Types of Buy-Downs
1. Temporary Buy-Down
A temporary buy-down lowers the interest rate for a short period at the beginning of the loan. Common examples include the 3-2-1 and 2-1 buy-downs:
2. Permanent Buy-Down
A permanent buy-down reduces the interest rate for the entire term of the loan. This involves paying more upfront in discount points to secure a lower interest rate over the life of the mortgage.
Costs Associated with Buy-Downs
Discount Points
Temporary Buy-Down Costs
Example Calculation for a 2-1 Buy-Down
Permanent Buy-Down Costs
Other Considerations
Benefits and Drawbacks
A buy-down can be a valuable tool for managing mortgage payments, particularly in the early years of a loan. However, it's essential to carefully evaluate the upfront costs against the potential savings in monthly payments to determine if it is a financially sound decision. Consulting with a mortgage professional can provide additional insights tailored to individual financial situations.
Luiz Cordolino, PG.
Residential&Commercial Real Estate Advisor
Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (TBPG)