There is a saying that if the nose of Cleopatra had it been shorter, the face of the entire world would have been different, sitting in the thought bar this week it’s about the butterfly effect concept where a small change is supposed to be the cause of larger consequences.
Mahatma Gandhi’s DANDI MARCH in 1930 found in salt a powerful symbol that could unite the nation against the British government in India. Gandhi started his famous salt march (Dandi March) from his ashram in Sabarmati to the Gujarati coastal town of Dandi. On 6 April he reached Dandi, and openly violated the law, manufacturing salt by boiling sea water. It was a smart political move which brought all the people together by a non-descript item like salt that we use daily.
In 1955 the state of Alabama in the USA had public buses with segregated seating for Blacks and Whites and a woman by name Rosa Parks was asked to give up her seat in a public bus at Montgomery which she refused, the black population united together and refused to alight the public busses and forced the bus company to go on loses and get liquidated. Rosa’s defiance changed the course of civil rights in American history Rosa had famously said “Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Today’s mighty oak is yesterday’s nut that held its ground.”
This photo (see below) has been deemed one of the most powerful images in Olympic history. After winning gold and bronze medals in the Men’s 200m Finals in 1968, Americans Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists during the national anthem as a political gesture for human rights, This simple act got world attention and further strengthen the human rights movement in the USA. Tommie Smith had famously said “If I win, I am American, not a black American. But if I did something bad, then they would say I am a Negro. We are black and we are proud of being black. Black America will understand what we did tonight.”
The most famous photo of democratic movement in China is the photo of one man standing in front of a tank No one knows the identity of this man, who stood in front of army tanks In this act of defiance, The unknown rebel was able to grind a column of tanks to a halt a reminder of how small actions can have epic impact (see pic below of the tank man)
They say that children are the future of a country, and education system is the key to that, a weak education system can slowly and surely ruin the country in exactly one generation. It is for this reason that USA and many European countries spend a staggering 7 % of their annual budget on education whereas India spends about 3.7 and Pakistan about 2.2%.
What if UN advised its nations to include a sign language as part of school curriculum? , that sign language would have been the universal language and people could have travelled across the world without any communication problem.
Airbnb founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia just moved from New York. Without employment, they were having trouble paying their rent and were looking for a way to earn some extra cash. They noticed that all hotel rooms in the city were booked, as the local Industrial Design conference attracted a lot of visitors. The youngsters saw an opportunity. They bought a few airbeds and quickly put up a site called “Air Bed and Breakfast.” The idea was to offer visitors a place to sleep and breakfast in the morning. They charged $80 each a night. The idea succeeded and the first Airbnb guests was a 30-year-old Indian man AMOL SURVE ( see pic below).
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago but it’s still not too late to do that small act and create a butterfly effect.