The Butterfly Effect In Copywriting
Muddassir Abdur Rub
Reviving Dead Email Lists | I’ll create 6-figure campaigns from your dead list | Copywriter for $20M SaaS
Hi there,
Welcome to The Stealth Letters, where I search and share with you the secrets of writing copy that sells without being SPOTTED as salsey.
Today I'm going to show you how to write copy that sells without shoving your product down your audience's throats.
“But first, let me ask you a question:”
Did you see what just happened?
That’s a blunder 99% copywriters make without even knowing it.
That’s the ONLY difference between an average writer and an A-list copywriter.
Can you spot what’s wrong with the first part of this newsletter?
I changed the idea. 3 lines into the newsletter and I made the biggest mistake a writer can ever make.
The first few sentences was supposed to be a LEAD. It should have hammered in one idea.
The moment I said, “but first let me ask you a question” I already lost my readers.
Now go and read that part again. Come back and we will apply Stealth Writing on that…
Back yet?
Here’s how I should have lead you…
Welcome to The Stealth Letters, where I search and share with you the secrets of writing copy that sells without being SPOTTED as salsey.
Today I'm going to show you how to write copy that sells without shoving your product down your audience's throats.
I will send you one short email daily… a deep dive into Stealth Writing Method that will allow you to create strong copy with argument instead of fake hype or empty promises….
Every every 6 pm PST, you’ll be surprise to know how small adjustments in your copy can bring in bing bucks.
Let’s dive into today’s copy adjustment…
Everything above this is a lead focusing on ONE IDEA. You can go back again and read the first few lines to spot the difference.
Now, let’s dive into today’s copy adjustment (for real this time).
The idea is to give you 4 simple but surprisingly unique steps to create high converting copy without bombarding your audience with dozens of ideas.
Step 1: Pick one idea and go deep
Don't try to cram too many ideas into your copy. That will only confuse and overwhelm your readers.
Instead, pick one idea and go deep into it.
For example, if your idea is "Get X with Y feature in Z days", focus on that idea throughout your copy.
Don't distract your readers with other benefits or features that are not related to your main idea.
Go deep into why your idea is valuable, how it works, and what results it can deliver.
Step 2: Tie your idea to one big emotion
Don't use a random mix of emotions in your copy. That will only dilute your message and weaken your impact.
Instead, tie your idea to one big emotion that resonates with your audience.
For example, if your idea is "Get X with Y feature in Z days", think about what emotion that idea evokes in your audience.
Is it excitement? Relief? Curiosity? Fear? Anger?
Whatever it is, use that emotion as the driving force behind your copy.
Use words, stories, and images that trigger that emotion in your readers.
Make them feel what you want them to feel.
Step 3: Use PROOF (not just social proof) to prove your idea (not claim).
Don't just rely on hype and exaggeration to persuade your readers. That will only make them skeptical and doubtful.
For example, if your idea is "Get X with Y feature in Z days", show them how you can deliver on that promise..
Use PROOF, not just social proof to back your idea.
Proof includes stories, facts, testimonials, research, quotes, your years of experience in the industry, logic, common sense, and more.
Show them evidence that proves your product delivers on that idea.
Step 4: Complete the thought before moving on to the next one
The question is how do you know when a thought is complete?
Short answer…
You never really know…
But what you can do is use this framework for the one idea you pick:
Once you’ve created a clear picture of your idea, made a promise that it delivers, showed a piece of proof and asked for an action, your idea is complete.
Let me know if you like this method.
BONUS STEP: Stealth Editing
Remove every paragraph, sentence, phrase and word that:
The first takeaway for you is to know is that bombarding your readers with too many benefits, features, and exploiting too many emotions will only confuse them.
And the first rule of Direct Response is that a confused mind never buys.
Let me know if my methods interest you.
I'll go into more details on how to write stealth copy in my next newsletter issue. Stay tuned!
Unit next time…