Butler County, Ohio Sheriff Jones Sounds the Alarm!

Sheriff Richard K, Jones Held a press conference in Butler County, Ohio, after attending the Sheriff’s conference in Washington D.C. and meeting with the Director Christoper Asher Wray. According to Sheriff Jones, the director express concerns that the United States is facing the most dangerous period, because the U.S. is on a Bombing campaign against Iran, and Yemen mercenaries conducting attacks on transport cargo ship and U.S. military installations. Attacking armed naval vessels protecting ships that are being attacked. That we have so many red flags and more than ever and beyond September 11, 2001.

The U.S. was already facing sub-station power facilities since 2020, in Florida, Oregon, Washington (state), North Carolina and South Carolina. Many of these power stations were vandalized and shot up, destroying the sub-stations, and leaving areas without power for weeks or months. Just Florida reported eighteen attacks on a power sub-station and one power plant. Because of these attacks some citizens were left with no power during the freezing weather.

At the conference Sheriff Jones stated that the President, nor the Vice President, nor any one else at the White House ever met with any Sheriff or Police Chiefs in the United States to discuss the border crises, to have the administration completely shut the border down, to prevent any more Illegal aliens from entering the country. The U.S. Boder Patrol have been doing little to no arrest.

The State of Texas has secured and protect the border, since the current administration, when they decide to keep the campaign promise of open borders since April 2021, now we have border crisis of the few illegal aliens ruin it for the rest of committing crimes in assaulting police officer, committing theft, store robberies and store takeover of bands of thefts running out of the store with stolen goods. The major of people coming in is good people. It is the single military age male and female who are committing these crimes.

American citizens are fed up as local officials in Chicago, New York, Detroit, and other cities. Local citizens are paying taxes and are not being allowed to attend school in school buildings and are being denied hot breakfast and hot lunches. Closing off parks to taxpayers to use for illegal aliens, even community centers to house undocumented class to take over city facilities and treating taxpayers as third-class citizens. Come elect time we will know who is right and is wrong on the border crisis.

Sheriff Jones stated it is no longer a Southern Border crisis, and now every state is a border state crisis. Like Sheriff Jones stated, we need to shut the border down and the current administration can do so if they want to. As Texas had secured the border, there has been a 40% drop of Fentanyl in his community. Arizona is now upset that the shift of more illegal aliens and drugs are coming over the Arizona and Mexico border. He asked for help from the federal government on cyber security and anti-drone detection, but there is nothing available from the federal government.

He brough up important facts that the August 7, 2023, attack in Israel, there was no military to give an immediate response to the attack. It was up to local law enforcement and citizens who had arms to fight the invasion. He also mentions that these cyber-attacks like in Butler County caused all their communications to go down for a month, and another city in Ohio experienced the same situation.

Citizens need to prepare in having personal communications such as the new Am/FM CB radios, FRS/GMRS, and at least the technician class amateur radio. These types of radios cannot be affected by any cyber-attack, for the most part are analog radios and there are some digital FRS/GMRS and amateur radio, but are not tied to any infrastructure systems, just need plenty of extra batteries and solar power panels, and generators to power up or recharge the batteries.

Americans need to go back to their mayors and county judges to ask for (CERT) Community Emergency Response Training, on how to respond until professional help arrives. Many communities have taken the CERT funds program money for the length of the 4-to-5-year grant. And did not continue the program. Like the City of San Antonio did away with the city CERT program and turned it to Bexar County, the CERT teams are no longer operational.

As Sheriff Jones stated this is not the cry wolf, like the FBI director stated it is not a matter of if, but when! Some it is up to county governments and cities to start preparing citizens in the area of disaster preparation of first aid, food, water and save shelters and radio communications. Citizens should consider working with their sheriff department to learn how to use firearms to protect their family, protect neighbors, or may have to come to the aid of a law enforcement officer.

Sheriff departments should keep a list of trained and armed citizens that can be counted on as special deputies to back up the sheriff of their county. ?Sheriff Jones is right, we need to prepare now, so the chaos and panic can be reduced. The border crises damage has been done and no new legislation can correct the problem, and sleepers’ cells have been here for years, and just waiting for the signal to attack.







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