The Butchered Square Metre (‘$/M2’); “engineered rents will not result in Market Value” (2006) International Valuation Standards Council (‘IVSC’) 2006
A Dollar per Square Metre without being evaluated is a number

The Butchered Square Metre (‘$/M2’); “engineered rents will not result in Market Value” (2006) International Valuation Standards Council (‘IVSC’) 2006

? Copyright 2014, 2021, Donald Evan Gilbert


The Butchered Square Metre (‘$/M2’); “engineered rents will not result in Market Value” (2006) International Valuation Standards Council (‘IVSC’) (2006)


ALL Stakeholders, especially Finance and Investment Sector, Valuers and Property Professionals, plus Retail Tenants/Landlords, Franchisors/Franchisees. Applies to international market.


2021 update: ongoing bad behaviour by Retail Property Practitioners has prompted me to republish this article I wrote in 2014, and to remind us of our roles.

 I believe we are seeing widescale rorting (from Queensland, through the Eastern Seaboard, to S. Australia and Western Australia); not only of Tenant Business Capital; but Engineering up of Purported Market Value which is in no-bodies interests. It always ends in tears see my 2006 modelling which accurately predicted A-REIT correction).

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Photograph 1. How is the licensed area relevant; the rent free; the fitout incentive; is size of shop relevant to business productivity; what highly specific business model is it for, and how is it relevant to some other shop being evaluateds' lease? GEM Lease Analytics? s programming links and compares all these things.

 I believe this is not being adequately addressed by: Legislators; Regulators; Family and Small Businesses Ombudsman’s office, State Small Business Ombudsman and or Small Business Commissioners.

Built in its programming by me are methods, systems, processes to stamp out what is damaging and destructive rorting, that harms Stakeholder Capital.
No-one is a winner; there are “No Free Lunches” Frederick C Seibold International Treasurer Mobil Corporation circa 1970s to early 1990s.   

 All an incentive is, is deferring today's rent to some future point over a lease period, which when increased damages a businesses' future income stream, and sets some form of "precedent" at lease renewal. Notwithstanding that rents are always compared on a gross effective rental basis.

In the meantime, a solution lies with GEM Lease Analytics?. It is developed by me at my own cost, with my embedded Intellectual Property and brings to the Australian and International community, the only Web Based Software solution to examine and analyse a Reasonable Rent for ONE Retail Lease, as a (‘SaaS’).

Our invention and particular manner which expresses and describes in writing and graphs to explain complex mechanics, is thoroughly copyrighted including all professional papers, to examine and analyse reasonable rent for ONE Retail Lease.

Built in its programming by me are methods, systems, processes to stamp out what is damaging and destructive rorting, that harms Stakeholder Capital.

One can write a 150 page beautifully edited and presented paper, or make a crude form of a square metre cobbled together from bits and pieces of scrap wood and other stuff lying around to depict how “face rents” are used as “evidence” of a body of evidence using the Comparison Method.

 The “butchered” square metre (see photographs) is a visual prop which shows how both Industry Practitioners (Professional and General) either through ignorance or financial “engineering”, inflate the $/M2 and transfer it from one location to the other to inflate rents, inflate value(ations).

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Photograph 2. Each point crudely presented represents a distortion of the $ / sqm without being tested and secondly represents some of consequences. It shows the contempt that it deserves a solution lies at:

These Industry Practitioners proffer this is “evidence” (sic) when all it is is a “number”.

This visual prop has been to one International Conference and one Australian Conference. It has proven to be a hit. It is easy to understand and explain and the author has been photographed with it, which was emailed world-wide. 

The Butchered Square Metre (‘$/M2’)

How Industry Professionals are Inflating Property Values causing Billions of Dollars to Swing?


For years both Professional and Industry Practitioners in the Retail Property Industry have either innocently or deliberately been “engineering” leases through rental rates (‘$/M2’) and or floor areas.

The product of the rental rate and or the multiplier i.e. the floor area can be flawed if the rate say $100.00 /M2 is wrong and or the floor area was wrong eg. a basement area is not “costed” out, or a mezzanine is not costed out, and simply “pasted” or transferred into a large inefficient floor area. What if there is a large redundant storage area which forms part of the lease being “valued” or appraised?

Ultimately the property’s value is inflated. The “Industry” has a culture of leveraging up rents, the product of leveraged up leases and therefore the multiplier thereof (six to sixteen times plus) are asset value “bubbles”.

The “deleveraging” of this: investors; finance (bankers); business and property capital. Developers also unwittingly get caught up in falsified figures; they also get caught up in the mix. And what about shopfitters, franchisors, potential investors?

There is a Big Picture here, so how could one explain this logically and simply to the Man in the Street? The Butchered Square Metre of course.

To Compete against major supermarket groups smaller privately owned IGA/Foodland operators also need to compete. How can they when their occupancy costs for example are 4, 5 and 6.0% plus versus their major counterparts who pay 2.5% to 3.0% for example?

2021 Update extract from my 2018 and 2020 papers to IVSC: “A failure to properly evaluate and quantify the risk on an income stream would equate to “engineering” the market value, which the International Standards Council (‘IVSC’) in their white paper ‘The Valuation of Real Estate Serving As Collateral for Securitised, Instruments’ state “…. engineered rents will not result in Market Value” (2006). This is strongly discouraged by the IVSC and, more recently, is being actively monitored by valuation appraisal associations and institutes such as the Royal Intuition of Chartered Surveyors (‘RICS’) and the Australian equivalent, the Australian Property Institute (‘API’) have been advocating in efforts to improve valuation standards.

Indeed, here is a Member Alert sent out by the API to its members:

“Dear Valuer Members and their Clients,

As part of the tender process that precedes formal appointment to value a property, it has come to the attention of the API that some Valuer Members have been approached by clients such as Property Trusts, to supply them with a written response on the critical valuation drivers for specific properties such as the Valuer’s indicative capitalisation rate, market rents, growth rates etc.

In response to ‘opinion shopping’ for valuation metrics the Australian Valuation Standards Committee (AVSC) regards requests of these types as inappropriate and recommends that Members do not comply with provision of the requested information.

The AVSC reminds Members that the respective IVSC and API Codes of Ethics and Codes of Professional Conduct protect the interests of the public and the industry by the mandatory compliance with Valuer independence and conflict of interest provisions within the codes. Valuers must be independent and free from any undue influence that may lock them into a predetermined outcome. ‘Opinion shopping’ is not considered an appropriate method to use in order to select a Valuer.”

The “Front End Loading” of leases by developers and fund managers with lease incentives to bolster purported value may also bolster lease risk, but also increases business risk as rent expenses can also be increased exponentially towards the latter part of a lease. Of interest to tenants and the franchise industry, is the obvious squeeze on a businesses’ cash-flow as the lease term progresses. In response, this paper (and the one following) presents logical modelling, developed by The Author to help assess risk from an individual lease to the industry. It begs the question, is this a form of transference of “value” from the one party’s asset to the other? And what is the delineation between the two?

From a practical point of view, The Author has found that understanding, quantifying, and explaining market rent for retail property on individual leases is far more challenging than for the industry, as there is virtually no written material on this topic.

What the IVSC and professional bodies are trying to do is provide practitioners with clues about what they ought to do, but there are few practical tools available, other than practitioners’ opinions that can vary widely.

Without being able to quantify and “test” opinions, these provide significant loopholes for some practitioners to “engineer” outcomes or, worse, to blindly provide poor opinions, or to stumble across an “answer” which falls within acceptable tolerance levels (Crosby, Murdoch, and Webb, 2007; Duncan, and Christensen, 1999; Boydell, 1998 and 2001). Who is checking them and to what standards and tolerance levels?

In a 1992 decision Sir Frank Kitto of the Australian High Court provided valuers appraisers with some guidance regarding linking opinions of market value to narrative, which brings a reader along with a valuer appraisers’ line of thinking. And this is what he stated about “detailed reasons”:

He said that such a task involves more than: "... [recitation of] the facts in a degree of pedestrian detail that scorns to [indicate] those that really bear on the problem... and then, without carefully worked out steps of reasons but with a 'blinding flash of light’ ... produces the answer with all the assurance of a divine revelation." (1992) 66 ALJ 787 at 797

The Authors “how to” papers, seek to tease out practical steps to evaluate risk, from a single lease to a whole industry. This has been some twenty-four years in the making, and have been thoroughly documented and copyrighted along the way.

There are most certainly several PhD opportunities for at least five steps of this process, noting that the Intellectual Property is copyrighted to The Author and all software rights are owned by him.

“EVALUATING THE REASONABLE RENT FOR ONE RETAIL LEASE” International Valuation Standards Council & National Association of Authorized Romanian Valuers, International Valuation Conference, Bucharest, Romania,7th September 2018. Copyright ? 2017 Donald E Gilbert, and Gilbert Family Trust Pty Ltd All Rights Reserved      

What is the Butchered (sic) Buggered Square Metre – see photographs?

One could write a formal report to explain how billions of dollars of stakeholder capital gets caught up in the lies and deception of these plausible lies, and then the Butchered Square Metre became an idea; and following our Profession being referred to as “worse than second-hand car salesmen” twice in 24.0 hours, enough was enough.

The Butchered Square Metre $/M2 became a reality.

$19.97 later and bits and pieces of old gifts, glues, screws and pieces of scrap wood were cobbled together as a prop. None of the dimensions exact. And when a senior colleague said “Don it is not square”, I responded “Precisely.” I realised I had hit the Jackpot.

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Photographs 3 & 4. Even the luggage tags are worth more than the damage these practices cause in the linking of Business Capital to Property Capital via improperly evaluated leases and rents.

So how is the $/M2 being misrepresented?

We have attempted several articles to explain how using the incorrect rate per square metre $/M2 multiplied by a “floor area” in “average”, higher productive and extremely inefficient floor space can cause rents to be “current market rent” or above and below current market rent. Indeed it is and can be hit and miss.

The cost of business failure is enormous, but likewise other losses include finance capital and property capital when assets are over and undervalued.

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Figure 1. Alice in Wonderlands’ adventures and or valuation appraisal methodology:

“If you do not know where you are going any path (metric) will get you there”

To this end the relevant authority on this topic is Professor Alan Millington who in his 1996 paper wrote: of the Comparison Method, that Valuers have a “love affair” with “comparable” (using the dollar per square metre ‘$/M2’) and that the method holds many dangers. Comparisons “may be helpful” but only “if comparable transactions are sufficient in number and sufficiently comparable to be acceptable evidence and to give a reliable indication of either general levels of value or trends in value.” In other words Millington is suggesting the $/M2 is not an absolute measurement and can be extremely subjective.

On the formal side, in July 2006, the International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) White Paper entitled “The Valuation of Real Estate Serving as Collateral for Securitised Instruments” pointed us in the right direction when it said:

“The Valuer should investigate any information, provided by a portfolio manager about prospective contractual rent, to ensure that the data is indeed accurate. Estimates of contract s which are unrealisable, are engineered rents; valuations based on engineered rents will not result in Market Value.”

In other words, property assets based on rents that are engineered, it is not its true market value. And those multipliers as mentioned can be 6 to 16 times plus.

For the purpose of illustration, say for example we have three supermarkets all who trade at $8.0 million, but who occupy 600, 800 and 1,000 square metres. They pay $150,000, $200,000 and $375,000 per annum respectively. The equivalent rental rate is calculated out at $250.00 per square metre. This is summarised below:

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Assume each business operates to average standards. And each will grow in their catchment over the lease term. What if each was used as “evidence” to form a body of evidence for another determination without testing the evidence? 

Fast Forward to 2014

Purposefully deleted from 2014 version.


It is truly baffling why the Retail Property Industry in Australia, and the valuation profession and other professionals whom operate in its theatre, do not change their ways. Nicely worded “White Papers” and sweeping the problems under the carpet will only work for so long. Figures are figures and in the end, there is no escaping the facts. 

Indeed, there was an article in Business Spectator recently that noted that “smart money” was leaving the sector, i.e. divesting. Dr Marc Faber’s recent predictions in the Financial Review also foresee structural changes ahead.

It’s also interesting to note that many of the A-REIT’s assets and cash-flows have been “dumped” out of Australia’s control and are now in overseas hands.

Copyright ? Donald E Gilbert 2014, 2021


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