But… But… But…
How often do you hear people say they want to do something and then sell their own self short with the word?but???
I hear it to often, people wanting more, wanting better, wanting to accomplish thing’s in life?but…
I once had a conversation with a friend who had a strong desire to attend college,?but?in his words, “Yea I want to go to school for a degree?but…?I’m to old.” By the way this person was only in their mid 30’s which I considered to be fairly young!!! Now I know the body goes through changes as you get older and you can’t do certain things you once could do. (I’m not expecting some 60 year old guy to go try out for the New England Patriots).?But?saying you’re too old to do something is ridiculous to me and is common amongst a lot of people in the world today. It shouldn’t matter if your 18 or 50, if you want to accomplish something, do it!!!
Or how about this one “I want a better job?but…?I don’t think anyone will hire me.” Well how would you know? Did you update your resume? Are you actually looking for better opportunities? Are you out networking? You can never be sure until you actually try. I can go on forever with the countless conversations that were interrupted with the word?but?that opened up the gateway for excuses.
Now don’t get me wrong here, I do understand that everyone’s situation is different due to different circumstances and events going on in one’s life.
Example:?It may be easier for someone to return to school that doesn’t have a family with young kids opposed to someone who does. Or it may be easier for someone with a stronger financial backing to get a business up and running like a storefront than someone who doesn’t.
But?that doesn’t mean you sit back and make excuses. If you have to attend class once a week instead of five, sure it will take you longer than the person going five days a week,?but?eventually you’ll get there. It might take you a few years longer to get that storefront up and running as opposed to the person with a stronger financial advantage,?but?eventually you’ll get there.
So before you decide to?but?your way to an excuse, take a moment to reflect on what have you really done to achieve what it is you desire.
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